7) Training on Earth for Life in the Spirit World

7) Training on Earth for Life in the Spirit World

When a person does a good deed, he will be welcomed in America as well as in the Soviet Union. True love receives a welcome in Washington, DC, as well as in Moscow.

A person who sacrifices for others will be welcomed as a great person wherever he goes in the world. And a person who is welcomed on earth will also be welcomed in the spirit world. This is the truth, and can be applied everywhere.

Father, who knows this Principle, is telling you to offer sacrifice and service to your neighbors, to your home country, and to all humankind. This is the only way God and the spirit world can welcome us. Thus I have walked this road from the time of the birth of the Unification Church until now. Moreover, I know that only by going this road will you reach salvation; therefore, I have urged you to go this road.

Only by training yourself to live for others while on earth will you be able to continue the life of living for others automatically, even when you go to the spirit world after death. That is why I am repeating this training for you.

If the American diet is bread and cheese, how will you like it in the spirit world if there is only rice, kimchi and hot pepper paste? Because you will have a diet to which you never became accustomed on earth, when you go to the spirit world you will lose your health. Thus, the Unification Church is sending you out to a life of hardship, so that you may learn to stay healthy no matter what environment you encounter. I am giving you training to adapt to any environment. I am giving you the education to make you confident to overcome any difficulty, knowing that you have been prepared for that kind of situation.

Your witnessing, home church and economic activities are so that you form the habits necessary to overcome any difficulties you encounter.

Father has walked the road of suffering ahead of us, standing on the frontline. Father has walked the road soaked with blood, sweat and tears. In addition to working as a stevedore and ditch-digger, sometimes I was accused of being a criminal and had to walk the way of the cross. Especially in those times I tried to feel God's heart, and spent sleepless nights praying with tears. This is why we are able now to do anything that can be done in this world. It is because I experienced all situations. No matter what kind of circumstance I found myself in, I was able to adapt.

No matter what kind of circumstance a person faces, if he or she maintains subjectivity and finds an object with whom to have give and take, there is nothing that person cannot do. Even when you go to a bar, if you can find a person to witness to, that bar is already a place without danger. You can probably drink Coke and continue conversation with the people in the bar. Thinking that you have to drink alcohol when you go to a bar is a dangerous concept. It's wrong to think that you will feel good only by drinking alcohol.

When we are put in a situation, we must think of the best method to deal with it. If a person gives up because the surroundings are difficult, he will be a failure. A laborer can feel the joy of working and the value of money through labor.

6) The Meaning of Witnessing to One Person a Month

6) The Meaning of Witnessing to One Person a Month

When you look centering on Moses, who was the leader of the Israelite nation, there were 12 tribal leaders and 72 elders. In the Bible it is sometimes depicted as 72 or 70, but it has to be 72. Why? Because 72 is 6 times 12. Seventy is two less than 72.

The 72 couples have to be completed. Jesus did not establish the Kingdom of Heaven because his 12 disciples did not unite and the 72 disciples did not become one. Thus Jesus was chased by 72 people and pursued by 12 disciples. In the end he was ignored by three disciples and nailed to the cross alone. Being chased by his parents and his family, and being pursued by the Israelite people and nation, he fought for three years. Because of their disbelief, he could not build the Kingdom of Heaven.

If we do not form that situation again and restore through indemnity Jesus' substantial standard, the Kingdom of Heaven will never come. This is the core of the Principle.

Without 12 disciples and 72 disciples, they could not mobilize Israel's 600,000. The problem is 12 disciples and 72 disciples.

Last year Father told you to witness to one person per month. This is a supreme command. Please follow. Father did not tell you this without any preparation. Jesus tried to establish a standard of mind and body within three to three and a half years. But that failed because of the Israelite people's disbelief.

For us to restore through indemnity the same situation as Jesus, we must spend at least three years in spiritual restoration and at least three years in physical restoration. Without doing that, we cannot build a foundation of both spirit and body. Thus we need seven years. In this seven-year period everybody has to make effort to do God's will and to build the Kingdom of Heaven. What do you want to do for seven years? Without finding and establishing the 12 disciples and 72 disciples that Jesus lost, centering on the family, we cannot build the Kingdom of Heaven.

When you add 12 people and 72 people, it totals 84 people, and when you multiply seven years by 12, it becomes 84. Without each of us gathering 12 disciples and 72 disciples, we cannot make the bridge to the Kingdom of Heaven which Jesus needed to establish worldwide. We must realize that if we do not make this bridge by dedicating our lives, we will not be connected to the Kingdom of Heaven, and so we should be burning with a sense of mission. If you witness to one person per month, it finally totals 84 people after seven years. Therefore it is an essential part of the worldwide standard that we should witness to at least one person per month.

If the Unification Church members all over the world arm themselves with this conviction and advance towards that goal by uniting completely, without a doubt the authority of Satan will crumble.

On the foundation of each person's witnessing to one person per month, the gate of the Kingdom of Heaven will open up in society. This is the fundamental law of the Principle, and I give this as the highest command. If you do not resolve this even at the cost of your life, there is no place for you to go. Even Jesus was caught in this problem. Father settled this problem by dedicating his whole life. Without resolving this, we cannot dissolve the resentment in God's heart.

From now on Father gives the order. Write to your parents and brothers and sisters once every 10 days. Tribal restoration is possible even with one third the effort that you make in activities of society. Finding and establishing 12 disciples and 72 disciples centering on your tribal foundation becomes the foundation to build the Kingdom of Heaven. Without that you cannot take leadership over society. In order to establish a worldwide foundation, establish 120 people. Father already has done that.

Think about it. If the death rate is one percent, in one year one person per hundred will die. And among 3.6 billion people, 36 million people die in a year and go to hell. For God this is a big loss. For Satan it a great victory. If the transmission of God's will is one year faster, 36 million people will be saved. If it is 10 years sooner, 360 million people will be saved.

When you think in this way, you naturally will know how desperate it is that we transmit the Principle to the world more quickly than before. By deeply experiencing every day how much God wants that, you should give all your effort.

From now on you just have to restore through indemnity the situation of Adam's growing up free in the Garden of Eden without receiving Satan's accusation. In other words, you have to mend the diseased human condition of being cracked and broken.

In order to do that, you must establish three spiritual children.

Then you can stand in front of God as a family. After that, by gaining 12 disciples, you can connect the spiritual and physical worlds. You can liberate the many ancestors who are entangled in the spiritual world. Without liberating the spiritual and physical worlds, you cannot complete the responsibility of restoring these two worlds.

Thus you absolutely must complete the number 12. That is why on earth all directions center on east, west, north and south, and centering on the number 12, there are twelve months. The organization of the universe is the same way. Heaven is also like that and it moves in that way. There are four gates symbolizing east, west, north, and south; 12 apostles representing the 12 pearly gates; and 12 elders substituting for 12 seasons. In this way, heavenly law says that the fate of heaven and the fate of earth have to coincide. If you go to the Kingdom of Heaven with only three children and if they are eastern, you will only be able to go east; you can only go in one direction. It is the same as staying only in the spring season among the four seasons. You can only go in and out of that gate. What does this mean? It means that all of the Kingdom of Heaven is not yours, because you have the characteristic of only one direction.

The reason for Jesus' selecting 12 disciples was that he had to go in all directions and have dominion over everything. Thus Jesus tried to destroy the obstructing wall of 12 people for three years. He did the work of completely uniting them by fitting and conforming to all of their minds.

Until the Kingdom of Heaven is completed, a period of three and a half years and a period of seven years continues to be the formula course. Thus, you must go the formula course of three and a half years before marriage and seven years after marriage. Jesus tried first to find a family through his three-year course and second to go a seven-year course. According to this formula, he was to restore and bless three spiritual children and 12 disciples in a three-year period. Then he was to walk the seven-year course. This is the Principle view. We must finally restore through indemnity the fact that Jesus could not, in a seven-year period, prepare a foundation in Israel through Judaism from which to reach out to the world. That responsibility is bestowed upon us now.

For seven years we must witness to one person a month, making a total of 84 people. Centering on 12 disciples and 72 disciples, we must form a tribal realm. Seventy-two elders are national leaders. If that happens, you can set up three disciples in the family realm and 12 disciples in the tribal realm.

Even if, in the place of Jesus, we shed blood, sweat and tears, and bear a cross of substance in terms of the family in order to establish a foundation of substance in spirit and body, we still have remaining with us the mission to fulfill the family responsibility. Thus the Unification Church is going the way of the family-level cross after marriage. After dying on the cross, Jesus resurrected and, centering on 12 disciples and 72 disciples, started the course of spiritual restoration. If we do not do that mission before we are nailed to a cross, the bridge which is our connection to the Kingdom of Heaven will disappear. Fighting to complete that is the seven-year course. Within these seven years we must witness to one person a month for a total of 84 people. This is the way of Principle and not something that is invented out of pragmatic considerations.

We members of the Unification Church are attending True Parents. We must become brothers and sisters who are closer than those born of the same blood. By going beyond our own nation, we must equip ourselves with a heartistic standard that transcends nationality. The Kingdom of Heaven is accomplished by transcending national boundaries. Therefore, a person without a heartistic standard transcending nationality cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Father walked that road. You must from now on find and establish 12 disciples. And then you establish 72 disciples. If you do not do that, the Kingdom of Heaven will not be realized. That is the mission given to you.

At first you must set up three children. Since you have to restore Adam's family, 8 people have to form a family. In order to protect that family you need 12 brothers. It is the same with Jacob's 12 children. That becomes the tribal foundation, and by magnifying that tribe, it must become a national foundation. The people who can lead that national foundation are 72 elders. If centering on Jesus this had been achieved, Jesus would never have died as he did. That remains as an indemnity course. Father also walked that formula. I established three families, then 36 couples who represent three ages, with 12 families per age. Then 72 couples, 124 couples, 430 couples, 777 couples and 1800 couples were established. Six times three is 18, and this blessing is a blessing with the condition that we have arrived at a standard that Satan's realm cannot reach. You must go this road absolutely.

From now on there will be no more persecution where you are witnessing. Whoever persecutes you will perish. From now on, what you sow will be harvested as yours.

You see that all humankind are brothers and sisters when you think of God's love and of His being the Parent. Thus, having received the command from our Parent, we go out to find our lost brothers and sisters through witnessing. That is the way of faith.

In this way, when you are witnessing and meet someone, by welcoming the person as if you had found a lost brother and by sacrificially loving him, he will be able to return to the bosom of his parents. Because he does not know the parents that he has lost, you should teach him so that he feels joy and likes them. They might be our brothers, but they do not know what they are. Only in the place where we teach, hold each other and weep together, can brothers be found. You must witness with that heart. You must witness without sleeping at night.

By connecting through these love relationships, the Kingdom of Heaven will be established. You must witness with the same anxious heart which God has as He seeks to find His children.

The person who wants to find those lost people by loving them more than he wants to be with his spouse is a person who has inherited his parents' heart. And even if you don't live together after the Blessing, it is more valuable to save even one more person. That is the way to receive more blessing from God. The reason is that you will meet your spouse in the Kingdom of Heaven after death, but if you do not save these lost people, you will not meet them there. If your brother accuses you, you will be caught. You should know that when the realm of love which universalizes both conjugal love and parental love is realized on earth, that is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

5) A Subject which Makes God Weep Bitterly

5) A Subject which Makes God Weep Bitterly

While you are fundraising, you should experience being slapped on the face or kicked. You should also meet a person who spits in your face. It is because that is what all the saints and sages in past history experienced.

I will tell you one story. Even if the people of the world spit, curse and hit, Father does not feel pain. In fact, I can forgive them all. But it is absurd that people who were once members and then left, spit at and kick us. When I see this, I can feel the heart of Jesus who forgave Judas Iscariot and all his enemies from the cross and then dealt lovingly with the disciples who betrayed him. In the old days, one of the people following me plotted to injure me while I was imprisoned in the Sohdaemun jail. I still cannot forget that. It is not just once or twice that I have experienced that kind of thing.

When I pray, I am full of tears. It is because I know that God has been suffering in the same way I have. God knows that I have suffered and what I have been afflicted with. Even my parents, brother and wife do not know this road. If you say that I am weak, I am extremely weak, and if you say that I am humble, I am extremely so. But when I see that God is trying to believe in me greatly, more than in the world or universe, I am deeply ashamed of myself and do not know where to hide. I have this kind of experience.

How could God, who has created the universe and can do anything with it, become like this through the fault of Adam and Eve? When you pray and get to know Reverend Moon through people who are spiritually sensitive, you will be able to cry, thinking of him. If spiritually attuned people pray and God teaches, you will cry abundant, bitter tears. And again if you pray for Father, there will be nothing but bitter crying.

You should think about how to solve the vast content of the Principle. Where would you start? The task of condensing all the content of the providence, making an order and organization, and making a standard so that others can understand, is not simple.

Many times I did not see the sun because I cried too much. In that fashion I have traveled this road. I cannot teach you all the facts of living under that degree of difficulty. I will take responsibility for that. You do not have to go through some things if Father has not taught you about them. I teach you with the desire that you may be able to go an easier way.

Korean members who have been in the Unification Church for a long time have experienced that degree of difficulty and know these circumstances. Since I feel that you should know and feel these things at least to a certain extent, and dedicate yourselves with similar effort, I am telling these things to you. Now if you experience these things through similar effort, it will help you tremendously when you go to the spirit world. If you have such experiences here, it will be of help to you for thousands and tens of thousands of years.

When you do the work of restoring the cosmos and saving humankind, making a few dollars is not important. God's circumstances are piteous and absurd. It becomes significant when you say that you are offering this money to God. One reason is that this money is not simply a penny but has God's heart infused into it. Second, it is like an offering which could be a substitute for all things. You must be able in this way to say that I am offering my heart and my mind a thousand-fold, ten-thousand-fold, a billion-fold. Even if it is only a penny, my heart should be filled with billions of hearts when offering it. In that way you should be able to say, "When You, God, receive my offering, please give Your blessing." Do you know the nobility and holiness of the place on which you will stand if you offer with this kind of thinking?

In your life there must be have been times when you met someone who cried bitterly, as if they had just met Christ or their long-lost mother or father. There are many instances like that in Father's life, also. I remember keeping a young woman from becoming a prostitute. It seems like yesterday that I wept bitterly after I heard her circumstances.

That kind of experience is more valuable than praying. The experience of eating a sandwich because you were hungry while you were fundraising can be the content of a prayer that can make God weep bitterly. While you sell newspapers, you are going to meet all kinds of people. But you should not use bad language about it. You are blocking a person on the sidewalk and asking him to do something he may not want to do, but you will sell newspapers by overcoming that.

There is nothing more difficult than personal relationships. Therefore, though you may not know it, I am training you in personal relationships in the most difficult places. I have already walked that path.

Who is my enemy? It is not the world, Cain, the New York Times or the Washington Post. You must see their opposition to me as Satan accusing in order to remove that nature from me.

If you are perfect, you can claim compensation for injury caused by false accusations. That is why you will not perish. Have you ever thought whether the hand you use in fundraising is for God or for Satan? When you can say that it is God's hand, they will believe you to be a representative of the world. You can say, "I came to work for the whole world! You also can receive the benefit of participating in a worldwide effort; please support this fundraising!" You must fundraise thinking in this way. When you are like that, even if you are rejected by ten people, tears will fall without your realizing. God Himself will cry.

Even when you are happy, if people sympathize with you, happiness rises from within. That is God rejoicing. If you work in that mood, even if you come in after midnight, at one or two o'clock in the morning, your legs will feel light. You must know that. Reverend Moon also has passed through that reality.

You know by now that your enemy is your body. You need at least three years of thinking, "I must control this body." Only in this way can your mind control your body as a habit.

Father labored at night to pay for a friend's tuition. To pay that tuition, I needed to collect one penny at a time. Why did I do this? Because I knew God. If I did not go that road, I would have lived splendidly as a worldly person today. I would have been recognized as a smart person, and I could have advanced to a position of leading one nation. Father is a person with that level of ability.

Even now when I consider for whom I have wept tears all my life, I cannot deny that I came to know and cry for God. I received persecution not because I am stupid. I could endure because I knew that God had gone through even worse suffering. Don't you think even Father had personal desires and dreams? In the prime of my youth I had a beautiful dream. But I cut everything off mercilessly so that I would not have personal dreams.

In this way I became the Reverend Moon of today. I have the ability to control even ten million dollars, but I am in the same position as a company president who does not have a penny. Even when I use money I think of you. I do not think of using money for myself. No matter where I go, I do not want to go to restaurants or eat lunch outside. I don't think of buying clothes for myself.

If I have money, I do not use it for myself but for America and the world. Even if you suffer, you cannot complain about Father because of this.

4) The Reason for Doing Business Activities

4) The Reason for Doing Business Activities

Do you know why Reverend Moon made money? In the original world of creation, all created things belonged to God and Adam. But Satan took everything away; thus we must take it back. For that reason, I invested myself completely, more than any economist or company president. I worked hard with the mind of loving God and loving humankind. I did not make money for myself.

I have raised up members of the Unification Church by giving the utmost effort. I raised them up as if they were my own children. Because Christians, who could have been God's children, and all the religious people, were falling into Satan's trap, I have bound them together again by giving the utmost effort.

I am a Korean and an Asian. This is America. This nation is a rich nation. I did not use American money for American people but used money that I raised in Korea and Japan for them. Since America is a world-level representative nation, the fundamental rule was that I should love Americans more than my own children, more than my own people, and more than Asians. Therefore, I did. Because I did that, I made a foundation to be able to save the world.

That meant connecting God's love. I have done this work. Even if I was vexed and felt mistreated because people directed abusive words at me and treated me as a bad person, I was patient and worked hard in order to make this foundation. While American people and American youths were leading carefree lives, I was living with tears. While American people were playing, I did not rest, but created all kinds of activities. I lived the opposite way. I am willing even to go to jail in order to liberate America. In this sense I am the most pitiable person.

You must know that if America stones and spits at this most pitiable person, God will not just sit quietly. But because you are not only Americans but also Unification Church members, you must know that I pray, "Heavenly Father, since these are Americans also, please forgive this nation on the basis of looking at these people." You must know that America has this debt. That is why America must someday pay back that debt, and it should pay it back to the Unification Church members.

The Unification Church is not fundraising in order to make money, but to restore and love all things. Thus, the money you make before marriage is used for saving the world and for missionaries. We are saying that we use the money we make before marriage for the world. We should scatter it like seeds. Thus if I don't have money after marriage, I can harvest it from where I sowed my seeds.

I tell you clearly today that I could not give to the Unification Church members whom I love. Because I knew that I should not take care of them, I sent them out to places of death and sacrificed them. Because I know that God has woven the providence of salvation by sacrificing those whom He loved, I love the Unification Church members but I cannot give that love to them. You should know this.

If America, with its enormous economic foundation, had helped Reverend Moon, I would not have involved you in business activities, and if all the youth of the world, transcending national boundaries, had supported Reverend Moon, I would not have let you do witnessing activities.

Father treated any person you brought as an American who welcomes Father. And Father tried to establish the money that you raised as money that America and American citizens were giving. In this way you should know that Reverend Moon's tears and blood have been added to even one penny that you raised or to one member that you brought.

3) Training to Inherit the Right of the Love of True Parents

3) Training to Inherit the Right of the Love of True Parents

The reason for your fundraising is to form a heartistic bond for getting closer to your Parents through all things. Therefore, no matter how difficult a place is, you must go in. The money that is gathered in that way gets used like thousands or ten thousand pieces of gold, even if it is a single penny. When you took at the money, you should be able to say, "Through how many people's hands have you passed? How much have you desired to go back to God through True Parents." Even if you hear abusive language and curses, you still have to do this work. This is training. Whether that money is a little or a lot, you have to offer it all to God through True Parents.

And also you must go out and do pioneer witnessing. From there you learn how to love people. You should witness with the heart of asking, "How much have you desired to go back to God through True Parents? I will make a bridge for you." In that way you should move from one village to another without time to rest. Through this kind of training, we come to love them more than we love our parents. This is the way of true filial piety towards your parents. When you come back after completing this training, you will be able to love your parents and brothers and sisters more than anybody else. Heaven and earth will welcome you absolutely. After having the best accomplishment through love training for three years, you should find your nest or home. When you can love your family by representing to your parents who have begotten you the Parents of the cosmos and of humankind, there is no reason for your parents to hate what you do or for your brothers to oppose you.

Next, in order for you to go back to God, you must be trained about the spirit world. You must go through training that tests how much you have loved and united with the spirit world, and how much you can love God. This training will be completed by True Parents who are on this earth. Because the Messiah came with the responsibility of connecting the spirit world and God absolutely, the Messiah trains people about the spirit world. That Messiah comes as the True Parents of humankind and will truly love humankind more than any other person in human history. And he will do the work of uniting the world which has been torn apart by the fall as well as uniting the spirit world. True Parents have come not to die but to live and substantially accomplish this work.

True Parents are doing this work for God, in His place. Thus, by attending True Parents and truly loving them, we can learn what would take a person millions of years to learn after death, and we will pave the road that leads to God in the spirit world. If a person absolutely obeys True Parents, a condition that he has obeyed God's command absolutely can be established. In this way he can establish a tradition that allows him to become one with the parents, citizens and brothers of heaven. By doing that he will pass the training of the spirit world.

We attend True Parents in order to make a heartistic bond with the first parent, second parent and third parent who represent the spirit world and God, and to obtain the qualification to participate in the realm of heartistic victory which can represent all of them.

Because of the fall, you did not become a parent who could love all things, a filial son toward the parents who gave birth to you, or a filial son toward the spirit world and God. But you can be endowed with the qualification of a filial son by attending True Parents; therefore, you should follow with unyielding faith. Just as if the president of a nation signs a certain pass saying a person can go anywhere in that nation, in order to go everywhere in the Kingdom of Heaven, True Parents are absolutely needed.

I am sending you out to fundraise and witness so that you can inherit the True Parents' right of love. All the training for the spirit world is so that you can inherit the whole. It is truly an amazing fact that I could completely solve this problem of the whole in a theoretical way.

2) Our Activities for Re-Creation

2) Our Activities for Re-Creation

When God was making this world, He first created all things. In the age of restoration, we are going the road of re-creation; thus we are developing economic activities for the creation and restoration of all things. After that, we are re-creating people by doing witnessing. By rallying these two activities, we are taking the leading role in taking back the world for God. When you stand in a subjective position by doing this, you can truly become God's sons and daughters.

The providence of salvation is the providence of restoration and also the providence of re-creation. Because man fell, all the things that God created became fallen. For man to be restored, he must recreate all the things that God created. And again, we must find the son that God lost, and then we must subjugate Satan of the archangelic realm. This is the principled method.

That is why everybody has to be involved in economic activities. That is the formula. No one should complain. You must do it for one to one and a half years. Depending on the situation, it could be prolonged to two years. In that way you must become a professional in economic activities. If not, you can only become a beggar in the satanic world. You should be trained so that even one man or one woman could live alone.

The Bible says that you cannot worship both all things and God. But the gift of material blessing to America, a Christian nation, occurred because the law of re-creation has to be perfected. America is in the position of the archangel who possesses material. Now we must be able to move America's material.

Today, the world has become a world of materialism that moves by following material. It became a world of "money makes everything possible." If we have this money, we can move people worldwide as we like. This came about so that we can move the world more easily than Jacob moved Esau, if we have the material.

For this reason, American members are investing all of themselves in order to make money. They are contributing to the activities for re-creation while making an eternal tradition. With the same energy as the young people who are doing this work, the older people should also participate.

No matter where you go, you must be diplomatic in order to witness. If you do not have diplomatic abilities, you cannot witness. In order to become a leader of society you must be persuasive, and in order to melt down the satanic world, you need to be a good diplomat. You must have ability, persuasiveness, and also a good theoretical system. In other words, to become a leader, you must be able to solve economic problems. Then you must be able to solve the problem of diplomacy, and you need persuasiveness and the ability to lead a multitude of people.

The object of diplomacy is first to connect with the highest leader of that nation. If it is America, it means to meet the president or representatives in the Congress and persuade them.

Among Unification Church members there are some for whom witnessing does not come easily. Do you know why that is? In this world, how many women are there who make all kinds of preparation with a devoted heart to have a son? There are also so many people who pray so much to meet Jesus. Thus in order for you to witness, you need to prepare with greater devotion than they. If you do more than they do, God is bound to help you.

It may seem as if God has no relation to you, but if you stand in a place and say, "Father!" you will be able to discover the Father who does not answer from far away but from just behind you. If you fall down because of exhaustion, you'll discover that God is holding you and putting you to sleep. If you raise your hand, your hand will shine. You must know that these kind of astonishing things will happen.

Until 1970, we had to restore the angelic world, so we did not focus on making money. Because the time wasn't ripe, we concentrated on making an environment for all people in this nation to come into contact with God's will spiritually.

After that we made effort to solve economic problems. Thus, we did a lot of restoration of all things for five years starting from 1970. After that we needed to establish people. First we needed churches to contain these people, so we made churches. After that I brought an international task force for witnessing activities. Centering on them, we stirred up the nation with even the president of the church going out and giving speeches. We did a lot of activities, including holding revivals and the Day of Hope meetings. Moreover, I am supporting an inter-religious movement by allotting a lot of money. This inter-religious movement will become successful if I push forward with guts. In order to fulfill the task of re-creating, you are supposed to invest material and then invest in the archangel in this way,

By myself I should create (restore) all things; with my own hands I should create children, and through my own responsibility I should advance toward the position of parent. Can you do these things with your own hands? Thus you should equip yourselves with the heart, conviction and qualification of having created everything with your own hands. This is the way of the Unification Church.

Since it is a road of re-creation with the help of God and the angel, I must earn the money of the world. You must gather white people's money, black people's money, yellow people's money, laborer's money, merchants' money. . . By gathering it this way, you should earn the money of the world.

The money that was earned in this way is not my money. It is God's money. There is none that is mine. The Unification Church members want to offer all the money that was earned this way to God. Because they want to offer it all to God, they want to give it all to Reverend Moon, who is closest to God. You do that, right? Why do you do that? Do you not want to look at money? You must know that you are doing that in order to walk the road of the Principle of re-creation. You are doing that for seven years, and that means you are restoring through indemnity 7,000 years of history. Do you understand?

In this way, anyone, no matter who it is, who comes into the Unification Church, must be involved in economic activities. This is the conclusion. Even if people oppose you, you still have to do it. Why do you have to do that? Because Judaism, representing the Old Testament Age, and Christianity, representing the New Testament Age, are opposing us. They represent a lot of money and a lot of people. Because they are opposing us in every way possible, it is needed. They are doing everything at once. This is worldwide. All over the world people are opposing the Unification Church's fundraising.

Everybody also is opposing our witnessing, claiming that we are taking away their children. They should be doing that. Let them oppose us as much as they like. They say, "How could they call Reverend Moon 'True Parents' while we are their father and mother?" This is the situation. Do you understand? Should you fundraise or not? Wouldn't it be nice to make a factory and work there? No; receiving wages has no value. That cannot become a condition of restoration. When all others do not want to give, you have to persevere with devotion, shedding blood, sweat and tears, to take material back to God. That is restoration. Since you are trying to take what many people have and don't want to give, it is restoration.

When your offering is received, you must know that the people and the nation receive the benefit of the offering. That is why the money we make should be soaked with tears, soaked with sweat, and invested with heart. That money is different from the money of the world. In the satanic world, when they see money they want to make it theirs, but we want to give it all to God. It should be that way. Do you understand?

After that, what do we have to do for the course of restoration? We have to restore Adam's lost family. The eight members of Noah's family are also a reappearance of Adam's eight family members. Thus even Jesus had three disciples as his main disciples. If Jesus and the disciples had gotten married, there would have been eight people. There is this fundamental law. Do you understand? You must do that, too. You must restore three archangels. You must witness to and restore three sons from the satanic world. Since Adam lost that, you have to take it back as a substitute for Adam, and in this way you can receive a blessing greater than Adam's. You must know that is why we need a witnessing period. After finding material and children and offering them completely to God, you should advance to the position of a parent who has the qualification to bless his children by receiving that again. Do you understand? That is restoration history.

1) The Conditions Necessary at the Time of Re-Creation

1) The Conditions Necessary at the Time of Re-Creation

What you need is an original state where God, the archangel, Adam, Eve, and all things, are connected by love.

What is needed in order to possess true love centering on oneself? You need three angels. Man needs woman, and woman needs man. But because Satan interfered, this world is connected not by God's love, but by Satan's love.

Since we have to go the opposite way to indemnify this, we need three spiritual children, who represent the three angels. Moreover, since in Adam's family eight members of the family fell, we have to stand in a position to restore three sons and three daughters. For that reason, we say in the Unification Church that we need three spiritual children.

After that we need to reclaim all things. The fundraising that the Unification Church does is establishing the condition of God's side reclaiming all things that belong to the satanic world. Because God made all things before creating Adam and Eve, for the re-creation of Adam and Eve you need all things. Thus you must reclaim all things from the satanic world. Moreover, you must repossess the core of them.

We have reclaimed all things from the position where the whole world was persecuting and opposing us. Originally, we were to possess all things on the grounds of true love. When you can say that because you embodied true love you inherited all things, even Satan cannot accuse. Therefore, you must love all things more than Satan loves them.

The tithe is for establishing that condition. As a condition to take back everything for God, tithing came to exist. Nine is three times three; it is nine stages, that is, it represents God's side. Ten means returning to God's side, i.e., taking back from the satanic world.

We must establish the condition that by loving humankind, loving the world, and loving God, we are better than Satan. When we re-create, we need all things.

Without fundraising, you cannot establish the condition that you loved all things, and without having three spiritual children, you can never establish the condition that you have loved the archangel. You must make the condition that you have reached the original position without the fall. We are trying to go to the position at which we can see God on the foundation that we have loved all things and loved the archangel. In this way, we are reestablishing the eight family members who were lost in Adam's family. By realizing this condition, we can finally resurrect centering on God.

The fall was the result of the archangel's loving Eve and Eve's loving Adam-a reversed order. According to the Principle, Adam was supposed to love Eve, and Eve, the angel. But as a result of a reversed order of love, the archangel became Satan and Adam and Eve became his descendants. Thus, in the age of restoration, we must find and establish the archangel on God's side.

The period to find and establish this condition is the seven-year course of which the Unification Church talks. Actually, you are not supposed to get married without walking the seven-year course. You must witness for three years and have three spiritual children blessed. The original way is to love all things first, then the archangel, and after that, God. Because man fell below the place of all things, man has to first stand in the position of having taken back all things, finding the archangel and loving him, and then after that he can love God. Today the Unification Church is going forward according to this formula.

9) Women Who Have to Stand on the Frontline of God's Providence

9) Women Who Have to Stand on the Frontline of God's Providence

In the Israelite nation of the past, the men were the high priests. Then in our age, why have I put the women in the forefront? For the first Israel, Judaism was an archangelic nation-type religion; therefore, they had the responsibility of high priest, centering on men. But today in the Age Of Restoration, we have entered the age where Eve has the responsibility of high priest in place of men. Therefore, you must know that in the Unification Church we have placed a woman, representing all women, in a position to fulfill the responsibility of a worldwide high priest which nobody else could do. This is unprecedented in history.

In order to indemnify the fact that Eve's fall drove humankind into a whirlpool of destruction, I have placed Eve with Adam and am asking the people who can become Adams to unite with the women. You must know that this couple has to stand in the position to fulfill all the responsibility of high priest in place of the entire historical humankind. And not only that couple but even their children who are growing up, since they stand in a position to worry because of their mother or father, have to form a four-position foundation that can fulfill the responsibility of high priest before heaven and carry out the family responsibility of high priest that has never been done before in history. We must know that today, by doing this, the way for a national family restoration can be paved.

You should know that today the women have gone to the frontline in order to carry out this important task. Therefore, all Unification Church members should pray for this. If there is a person who eats better and is more comfortable than the women, then internally he should feel more pain and suffering and be praying for them. If there is a person who does not do that and instead is living more comfortably than they are, this person cannot be called a Unification Church member.

From this viewpoint, the husband should be more prayerful than his wife, and even the children who are just starting to speak should pray, "Father, please fulfill what our father and mother hope for." This kind of family should exist among the blessed families of the Unification Church. The more families who are like this, the greater becomes the four position foundation that can resurrect a new history.

Who has gone to the forefront first in terms of the age of restoration? Eve stood in the forefront first.

Through women, men could finally enter the realm of blood relative of God.

In this time, who in the family has to do their responsibility? Since Eve initiated the fall, women have to do this and not the men of the families.When a family is placed on the frontline, the wife should be put forward instead of the husband.

The blessed wives have to take the lead.

When we look at the restoration providence, women have to pioneer the road ahead individually; after that, the women of families representing the church have go out to the frontline and fight with Satan, and after that there comes a time when women representing the nation have to stand on the frontline and fight.

In the age of unmarried women, the '60s, the unmarried women did the pioneering. In the '70s, women with families have to do the pioneering. In the '70s and '80s all the women of Korea have to become one. The women of the Unification Church have to be the ones who subjugate the communists. When the nation becomes united, if 15 million women can be mobilized, they can dominate and subjugate the communists with the wind their skirts make. Only through the ideology of the Unification Church can they do that task. Thus, for the unification of South and North, there is formation (the age of unmarried women), growth (the age of women with families) and perfection (the age of national women). Eve should contribute toward establishing a national and a worldwide tradition (since Eve ruined everything). Until now man has been working out the vertical history. Therefore, by women pioneering the horizontal history, woman can finally stand as an object to man who has been working out the vertical responsibility.

If that is not done, how can woman stand in front of heaven, with what achievement? Thus this ideology that mobilized the Unification Church women can remain as a tradition-forming ideology that the wives of Korea have to fulfill. Accordingly, it has to be implanted the right way, or else it will be a disaster. If we can mobilize the wives of this nation, from the wife of the nation's president to all the wives of governors and Cabinet ministers, and if we can train this dedicated family that can overthrow the 38th parallel in order to save this nation, the communists of North Korea will be no problem.

Women have to liberate the Christians who have fallen into selfishness as well as the communists. If we look at the history of Korea, there are many instances where women fought by leading.

In the beginning of history, Eve fell because she did not become one with God. If she had obeyed God's commandment, even at the cost of her life, and walked the road of death gladly, the fall would not have occurred. Accordingly, today Unification Church women should pledge their lives, hold on to God, and march forward.

8) The Age that Requests the Perfection of the Family

8) The Age that Requests the Perfection of the Family

Until now you have passed through the age of personal indemnification. And while you were passing through the age of individual indemnity, Father has already gone through the age of family level indemnity. Since I have passed the age of family-level indemnity, God's Day, the Day of All Things, Children's Day, and Parents' Day came about. But you still have not prepared that standard yourself. Do you have a welcoming home centering on your family? Do you have Parents' Day, Children's Day, the Day of All Things and God's Day? You do not. Thus, you have only walked the individual course of indemnity until now.

Now is the age to perfect the family. In the realm of perfection of the Unification Church, there is a most holy place which no one in history ever attended or participated in. You could participate in that most holy place because you are families which have received the grace of the Blessing. Without being a blessed family, one cannot participate.

When you enter the standard of perfection, you become an unfallen parent. Since the human ancestors fell at the perfection level of the growth stage and went down as a family, humankind must go up and be restored as a family. The individual cannot enter. Only as a restored family can you reach the perfection stage. You cannot enter that place alone.

Since we have been given the privilege of knowing the Principle, even if we lack arms, legs, or have wounded eyes or noses, we are advancing by upholding a worldwide, historical victory that can indemnify the original family's failure.

Today people who believe in Christ say that they will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. But the place that they are talking about is Paradise, not the Kingdom of Heaven. Until now, Jesus has been in Paradise. Since there remains a standard that longs for a bride, he cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven. He has kept going until now by observing the road that enters the Kingdom of Heaven.

Originally, you enter the Kingdom of Heaven based on the fundamental law of creation, centering on the family. By having parents, children, and all the relatives entering, there will be happiness. How can it be the Kingdom of Heaven if the parents go to hell and the children go to the Kingdom of Heaven?

Therefore, in order for the Unification Church to pave the road to the Kingdom of Heaven, it has to model the standard of the true family. Without doing that, we cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven. We must get out of the family standard which Satan can accuse, and we must get out of the historical (inherited) standard of accusation as well as the standard of accusation for this age (collective). In order to do that, you must know that we must pass through this formula course for restoration. You must know clearly that the second seven-year course is the period when you can solve that in an environment of freedom and without persecution.

When you were passing through the individual course of the cross, who pioneered first? Women did, right? The standard of perfection went wrong because of Eve. Thus Eve also has to bear the cross centering on the family. So for the course that you are going with tears in your eyes, your children will rejoice. In this course of shedding tears and blood, which we must go as the way of restoration, you must be able to unite by joining forces with your young children who are in the rear so that they can support this cross of heart. In this way the family can progress and go over to the perfection stage.

In this way you must establish the condition in heaven of making the bridge to the perfection stage. By fulfilling this law of heaven you can finally enter the domain of intimate acquaintance by receiving love from the coming Christ. This kind of responsibility remains with women. It is not fulfilled through this marriage. You are in the perfection level of the growth stage; you have not gone across the perfection stage. All this is content that women have to indemnify.

Then how do you indemnify? As in restoration history until now, mother and son have to do this through the process of helping each other. Thus you must go the road of hardship, even if you have to carry your child. In order to go over this boundary, Father plans to send you out on the road of suffering from the year 1970.

Because you have to equip yourselves with internal and external relationships for a national responsibility, you are going out by risking the name of the Blessing. The seven-year course is a period of suffering; therefore, I have spread the blessed families all over the nation.

7) The individual Seven-Year Course and the Family-Level Seven-Year Course

7) The individual Seven-Year Course and the Family-Level Seven-Year Course

You must be blessed by Father. This is the formation-stage Blessing. It is not a Blessing at the perfection stage. It is for going over the perfection level of the growth stage while you are in the domain of the fall. If you get blessed and have three spiritual children, it means you have gone over the perfection level of the growth stage. After that there is the seven-year course. There is a seven-year course before the Blessing and another seven-year course after the Blessing. Father also has passed through that course.

Before the family-level seven-year course, you must accomplish your own individual seven-year course. In the process of history, there was the process of growth until the perfection level of the growth stage for establishing a family. In the same way, there needs to be a preparation period. History has been woven centering on that kind of period.

The 6,000 years of history until now corresponds to God's restoration providence to prepare to fulfill 7,000 years of history. Through these 7,000 years of history, God is seeking a perfect man. That is why we have to go the seven-year course.

But for fallen man, this cannot be done just in seven years. There has to be a seven-year period of indemnity and a seven-year period of fulfillment. Do you understand what I am saying?

In other words, there is a seven-year period to go up to the standard before the fall, and then there needs to be a seven-year period to go to the position of perfection. There remains seven years of indemnification and seven years for fulfillment.

You who are gathered here have gone through a seven-year period, but you have another seven years to go. This is the course that the blessed couples are going now. If you do not take this road, even if you are blessed you cannot be registered in the Kingdom of Heaven. The gates of the Kingdom of Heaven are all open, but you cannot enter if you do not go through this seven-year course. Without preparing a ceremonial gown you cannot enter. Despite the fact that Father has taught you this Principle content, if you do not act upon it, Father cannot take responsibility for you. When you stand in the position of taking fundamental responsibility from a Principled viewpoint, Father then will take responsibility for you. Do you understand?

You must be separated at least once after receiving the Blessing. For that reason, after Father gives the Blessing this time, I will separate all of the couples for at least six months. You must all be separated south and north and find the road of your own salvation and go over. If you do not do this, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven even if you get blessed. This is the Principle. Do you understand?

6) The Seven-Year Course of Parents and the Seven-Year Course of Children

6) The Seven-Year Course of Parents and the Seven-Year Course of Children

Centering on yourselves, when was your seven-year course? The period from when I established the seven-year course until I finished the family seven-year course was 21 years. Since Adam and Eve fell at the perfection level of the growth stage, the course to the perfection level of the growth stage is not one that the family has to go but is an individual course. As for Father, I have already gone across the first and second individual seven-year courses. Therefore, centering on the family, I have to go the third seven-year course towards perfection. The Unification Church members should not forget that the seven-year course was established in this way. The first seven-year course that the Unification Church began in 1960 was the third seven-year course for Father himself.

When we look at this fact, we see that everyone, without exception, has to go this seven-year course. This is an absolute formula. Who does this seven-year course? The family does. You must pass through this seven-year course, go over the perfection level of the growth stage, and rise up all the way to God's direct dominion. This cannot be done alone. Because man fell at the perfection level of the growth stage, God and man separated. Therefore, they have to be pulled together centering on God. Because Father has that foundation, even if your families perish, Father's family will not perish. In other words, Father's family, which is inside the domain of perfection, is completely inside the standard that can attend God. Now that Father has entered the domain of perfection, we have Parents' Day, which anyone can receive in plain terms, Children's Day, which anyone can celebrate, Day of All Things, which any person can welcome, and God's Day, which anyone can celebrate. Thus, it is the day that all people can receive. You must know this clearly.

The Blessing now is the Blessing from the standard of perfection. Centering on Father, God's Day, Parents' Day, Children's Day and the Day of All Things were established worldwide and cosmically. Since you are within this domain you may be able to attend the Blessing, but you still have not gone that road yourself. Actually, there has to come about a Parents' Day centering on you. You must be able to celebrate a sincere Parents' Day as the new ancestor of a tribe. For Mr. Kimura, there has to come about a Parents' Day from his effort. And centering on him, Children's Day and the Day of All Things have to be established, and by establishing God's Day on that foundation, he can put up a flag of victory that can shine forever. We started the second seven-year course holding up this flag.

We are standing in the position of a person who was victorious at the perfection level of the growth stage, that is, a person who did not fall. With the authority of God, we are to defeat Satan and subjugate him. This is what we are shouting as "a full-scale attack." This is not a course which is limited only to Father. This is a course which man and woman, old and young, all have to go. Through the second seven-year course we must enact a full-scale attack.

Do you know what the second seven-year course is? We must go through a seven-year course by establishing a restored family. This is the second seven-year course.

Then why do we have to go the second seven-year course? It is because the Unification Church has to establish a family. This is not a religion for the individual. Religions until now have been religions for the individual, but the Unification Church is a religion for the family. In this way we can establish a new nation. The religions of the past centered on the individual, that is, the self; this is why they could not find a nation. Since they could not form families, they could not build a nation. They only had a spiritual nation. Religion could not build a national foundation on this earth. That is why Father went over the second seven-year course.

Now in order to establish God's Day, Father has to go over the third seven-year course. With the standard of the perfection stage, Father must be able to give proof of God's love. By going over that stage, we can establish God's Day.

By confronting Satan, Father paved a foundation to jump over to the family stage. This is a worldwide, historical victory. Finally, I have entered an age of freedom in which I can move towards God with the whole cosmos under me. But for you who have to go the second seven-year course, you still have to bear the family-level cross. Thus, you must become one with Father. You must believe in Father and follow him. Let's see what happens if you absolutely obey for seven years. But if you do not obey and follow, you must know that many complicated problems will occur.

Because you have entered the road of family-level suffering, Father told you to go through hardships. Is it not your good fortune to have gone over the individual road of suffering and to meet the road of family-level suffering? You must know that.

5) The Seven-Year Course To Restore Through Indemnity The Spiritual World And The Physical World

5) The Seven-Year Course To Restore Through Indemnity The Spiritual World And The Physical World

You like just to follow Father, whether it is witnessing or whatever, right? But Father does not want that. If such a person tries to follow, I have to hate him, mistreat him, kick him, and tell him to get out. Why is it that way? Indemnity has not been accomplished yet. I cannot get Satan to recognize you by saying, "This is God's child; he has the qualification to go from the Kingdom of Heaven on earth to the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven."

All of you, will you just follow Father or will you go out to the satanic world? And again, if you go, are you going to the satanic world in order to live well, or are you going there to endure even if there are critical moments of death? If you love Satan's children just as you love God or Reverend Moon, God or Reverend Moon will not accuse you. Why is it that way? Your spiritual children are in the satanic world.

Without finding spiritual children, you cannot liberate the spiritual world, and without having your own children, you cannot escape from the realm of the fall in the physical world. For this reason, even if you stand in a position of loving Satan's children more than God or Reverend Moon, God and Reverend Moon will not oppose you but welcome you. Thus, for three and a half years you are to find spiritual children, and then have your own children by getting blessed. You must do this in seven years.

Since man lost the spiritual world and the physical world by not perfecting the number seven, you must know that within a seven-year period you must restore through indemnity the spiritual world as well as the physical world. Without doing that you cannot follow Father. You absolutely cannot follow Father into the Kingdom of Heaven without following this formula course. Because even Father has to follow this formula course, he is going this way of suffering.

Satan's world is the world of angels, the world of fallen Adam, and the world of the children of fallen Adam. But by three children becoming one and bowing to God, there is a way to take back something from that world. Only by doing that can your descendants and humankind follow you. Moreover, your tribe, race, nation and world can follow the road that you have paved. Even after Father's death, for hundreds and thousands of years until this is restored, this formula will repeat itself and create unity.

Reverend Moon has walked this road and has lived this life. Father has walked that road individually and for the family, tribe, nation and world. He is betting heaven and earth in order to walk this road. Thus we can talk about liberation from here. We can complete individual liberation, family liberation, tribal liberation, national liberation, world liberation, and cosmic liberation, and later we can proclaim that we will even liberate God. We can conclude this. Can you believe these words?

Because there was that kind of content, I could pave the foundation to liberate the realm of angels. Centering on this kind of spiritual foundation, we also have to establish the realm of angels, realm of parents, and realm of children in the substantial world.

You must find parents and children from the substantial world. In the spiritual world there is no world of Adam. Only the angelic world is restored there. Thus when a physical parent and physical son come to earth and establish the physical world of angels, parents, and children, this is the new Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Because man lost everything through the fall, it will be like that when the archangel, parents, and children become one.

Thus you should know clearly by now that Unification Church members cannot be blessed without establishing three spiritual children within three years. The Messiah has to come back because he has to make this foundation on earth. If the Messiah were to come on the clouds as the Christians say, the world would perish.

The fall did not happen in the spiritual world. Disease did not come about in the spiritual world but in the physical world, in the physical body. Without first establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven will never exist. You cannot live in the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven without accomplishing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

That is why Jesus gave the keys to the gate of the Kingdom of Heaven to Peter who was on earth. Thus in Matthew 18:18, it is recorded, ". . . whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Without knowing this fundamental rule, there is no way to decipher the Bible. With the dignity and confidence that God gave us, the Unification Church has to expel Satan from this world and liberate humankind from the satanic world.

You should know that if a person has a disease, to cure it he must take medicine even if the medicine is bitter.

There is this formula for God's providence of salvation based on a theoretical authority. But today Christians want to go to the Kingdom of Heaven just by believing. This is the wrong thinking. The Unification Church is not heretical, but that mistaken faith is heretical. Therefore, it is the phenomenon of the Last Days that what is real seems fake and what is fake seems real. Father studied science. Father studied mathematics. I do not believe blindly.

4) The Seven-Year Course to Restore the Position of Parent

4) The Seven-Year Course to Restore the Position of Parent

Because there remains for fallen humankind the process of restoration, the person who can become the parent has to pave the road for that entire process. After that, if some central family does not come, representing the whole world, and pave this road of restoration, you have no way to go back to God. Accordingly, you must go through the formula course. If you know the formula and act upon it, everything will be solved.

If you got blessed, why do you need children? You cannot climb the seven-year period from the perfection level of the growth stage to the perfection level of the perfection stage without establishing your children. Originally, if Adam had not fallen, he could have gone up to the perfection level of the perfection stage within God's dominion. For that reason, you cannot go up without establishing children, who stand in a position of Adam and Eve before the fall. At the same time, that parent has to pass through and go up a three-year course by loving three substantial children who are like angels, that is, spiritual children, more than anybody in the fallen world; then the three children can become one centering on the parent. In this way, the child and parent have to become one, and also the angel has to become one with them. Only in this way can you go up. By standing in the position of unfallen parent, you are to have unfallen children and go up to the perfection level of the perfection stage.

This perfection means that not only son and parent are restored but also the angel is restored. Thus, the positions of angel, parent, and son-these three standards-have to become one horizontally. By paving that road horizontally, restoration is accomplished.

Originally, when Adam and Eve were being created, they were created with the help of God and the archangel. In the same way, in the process of restoration, God, the archangel, and Adam have to become one in order finally to restore God's children. And as a result of that, the parent is to be restored.

This parent-what kind of a parent is he? He had a child, but he has become a parent who stands on the boundary line where he can deal either with Satan or with God. From there he has to go as Adam would have if he had not fallen, for seven years. Among the formation, growth, and perfection stages, each seven years, this corresponds to the seven years of the perfection stage; therefore, it has to be gone over in seven years. In this way we are to restore the archangel and then the fallen Adam.

Adam and Eve's going over the perfection level of the growth stage is the restoration of parents. They fell towards Satan's dominion, but now those representing Adam and Eve are standing in the situation before the fall. Since they fell as husband and wife, now they are like restored husband and wife.

They have to reach the position of parent over the bridge of their children. By themselves they cannot go over. They have to climb with their child as a bridge. Why is that? It is because today you have a relationship with two worlds. Thus, you must find a son and daughter in order to advance to the place of Blessing. This is the process of restoration.

Adam and Eve, who were children of direct descent, lost love. Since Adam and Eve, two persons, lost it, two persons have to restore it while having children and while centering themselves on love. The Blessing of the Unification Church means going up to the realm of perfection while multiplying children. This is the Blessing.

In order to go up there, you must go the seven-year course. Then should you go the seven-year course or should you not? Those people who do not want to go can quit now.

Without becoming the body of True Parents and going over the realm of the fall (the realm of Satan's dominion), you cannot be restored. You who have gathered here are like true parents to your tribe. Centering on your clan and tribe, you are in the position of true parents to them. This is not only so in theory; it is also true in substance.

3) The Place of Receiving the Blessing Is Not a Complete One

3) The Place of Receiving the Blessing Is Not a Complete One

The Blessing is not blessing the person but blessing that position.

When I give the Blessing, I first ask, "If you make a mistake, will you take responsibility for it?" Thus it is a conditional Blessing. Why is it a conditional Blessing? When somebody tells you to have dominion over all things, Satan will still accuse you. The Blessing is not supposed to be given to people who can be accused by Satan. The Blessing is supposed to be given to persons who have subjugated Satan. That is the fundamental rule. But since you have not advanced to that standard, a conditional Blessing is given. Thus you have to receive the Blessing once again in the future.

The Blessing is receiving the ticket to the victorious right of dominion. The couples whom Father has blessed have to pass through not only a three-year course, but also a four-year course; this means that they still have not received a complete Blessing. You should not fail in this 4-year course. But still, that is not enough. After that, you must go over the worldwide course completely. You can receive the third Blessing after having gone through that process.

The Blessing I have given you is on a tribal standard. You have received the Blessing representing a nation from the tribal standard. You must receive the Blessing three times. Even if you take a wrong step, that should not affect your children; so Father has to bless your children. Father can feel safe after going over the second stage.

One thing you have to know is that the place of your Blessing is not a complete one. If there is a cross to be borne across the bridge of a parent, you must walk across that bridge as it is. You cannot fly over it. If in order to reach the top of a mountain one has to cross a bridge, one may be able to prepare an iron girder to reinforce the bridge in order to pass safely through the dangerous passage, but there is no way to escape having to cross the bridge. That is why the seven-year course that Father has walked will remain for, ever. There is the individual seven-year course as well as the family level seven-year course. This road exists for eternity. Man fell at the perfection level of the growth stage; thus, he cannot rise to the perfection stage without having done something. Since our ancestors fell at the top of the growth stage, we can only remove the original sin after having gone above that line. It is not removed at the perfection level of the growth stage. Isn't that right?

Accordingly, you must know the fact that this stage at which you have gathered together in order to be blessed is not the perfection level of the perfection stage, but rather is the perfection level of the growth stage. Since, centering on fallen Adam and Eve, all eight members of Adam's family, including Cain, Abel, Seth and their spouses, have fallen, this is the place where we establish the indemnity condition in front of God and finally enter the perfection stage.

In that place, you must feel the parents' love. The origin of life is born through the love of parents. You must pass through the place where you can respect this value of life more than anything in the world, in order to be able to walk a new road. The Principle works this way.

We say that everybody, no matter who, has to go through the seven-year course of the Unification Church. Why is it that way? It is because the perfection stage that man has to pass through still remains. In the period of Principle dominion, there are three stages of growth, and that period is 21 years until the perfection stage; that is, it is a period corresponding to the number 20. Accordingly, in order for Adam to perfect himself, he has to rise to the perfection stage corresponding to the number 20, the number at which he reaches the perfection stage. But since he fell at the perfection level of the growth stage, he needs seven more years to rise to the perfection level of the perfection stage.

The growth period has three stages, and each stage corresponds to seven years. In other words, in order for Adam and Eve to climb from the growth stage (two stages times seven years = 14 years) to the perfection stage, they still have seven years to go; thus, the seven-year course still remains. Jacob walked the 21-year course by going through seven years three times because the period representing the starting point for a family-level victory for the will of God was 21 years. In this way it is evident that the period to perfection is the 21-year course.

Then from now on, what is still left in the course which man must go? It is not having a great victory by welcoming True Parents. Since True Parents have to appear not in the perfection stage, but in the perfection level of the growth stage, they cannot bring the result of total victory without passing through the process of seven years. This is Principle. That is why there comes to exist what the Christians insist on, the so-called seven-year tribulation. From this what should the Unification Church members know? They should know that, whether they like it or not, they have to go through the seven-year course.

If you sit around saying, "Now it's all over! I've gotten blessed! If I just sit quiet, I will enter the Kingdom of Heaven!" you will be utterly destroyed. Receiving the Blessing is not the perfection stage. You have learned about the seven-year course, right? There is no one who knows this kind of complicated content and tries to fit the timetable exactly; that is why even the omnipotent God has to be reluctantly pulled by Father.

When you were getting blessed, some of you thought, "We have been blessed according to the principled rule of God. We are one from today." But are you one? Again the couple has to re-create. Each has to re-create each other. If the blessed couples of the Unification Church forget that they have to clean up the puddle of resentment of husbands and wives up till now, they will perish. No matter how much I say that they will not perish, they will perish. The couples are supposed to go through the re-creation process by going toward the goal of the ideal, completely restored husband and wife. Thus in the Unification Church we talk about the perfection of individual restoration and then about the perfection of family restoration.

Within a person's life is the cross of the individual, of the spouse, and of the children. Even Jesus died when he could not fulfill these. Going the road of faith might seem easy, but it is actually harder than dying. Hence, the road of faith is not a part-time occupation. The life of faith is not a part-time job. Today, there are a lot of people who make their faith secondary. They all work for a wage. They will be sold to other places when the market changes. You shouldn't be such a worker. Even if you do business, you should first establish yourself. You must occupy a solid place which no one can invade and occupy. When someone says to you, "Can you die in the Unification Church?" you shouldn't cower away, saying, "Now, I have to live; I'll die later." Without dying to your old self, you cannot have new life.

2) The Great Seven-Year Misfortune and the Seven-Year Course

2) The Great Seven-Year Misfortune and the Seven-Year Course

Since man fell at the perfection level of the growth stage, the perfection stage still remains. The period of that perfection stage is seven years. When we add the three periods of seven years in formation, growth, and perfection, we have 21 years, or 20 full years. When you look at it in terms of Korean age, it is 21 years; in Western terms, 20 years. This is the time when man enters the age of maturity. When a person enters the maturity period, God intended to automatically marry that person to another.

Adam and Eve were supposed to receive the public promise as parents of humankind by receiving the Blessing centering on God, but they failed and fell into a domain where there was no approval at all. They left behind the perfection stage. Because of this, the seven years of resentment came to exist. There came to exist the resentment of 7,000 years of history from the 6,000 years of human history plus the 1,000-year kingdom, the millennium. One year was prolonged to 1,000 years, and seven years were prolonged to 7,000 years.

We are indemnifying this with seven years centering on seven days. This is the seven-year course. When we look at the Bible, we can see an instance where one day was indemnified by one year. The seven-year course is the great judgment that Christians talk about; it is the seven-year great misfortune. The great tribulation is when a family, which is in the domain of the fall, receives persecution in order to be restored and rise up to become a family that has nothing to do with the dominion of the fall. This is the first time in human history in which a family that God could be with is being persecuted. That is why this is the great misfortune. This family that came to exist for the first time in human history is experiencing the hardship of being persecuted. This is the great tribulation. The families that do not fulfill their responsibility in this seven-year period will perish. They are not families who will rise up.

When the blessed families do not fulfill their responsibility, the seven-year course will be prolonged. When Adam and Eve fell in the period of indirect dominion, Satan invaded the domain that man was supposed to go to. Therefore, Satan came to dominate the entire indirect dominion. The seven-year great misfortune does not mean that people who should receive persecution are persecuted, but that people who are not supposed to receive persecution are persecuted. This is the seven-year great misfortune, and it is a misfortune occurring for the first time in history. This is the seven-year course that the Unification Church is talking about.

By parents' making mistakes, a standard of hardship was imposed upon humankind. But because Father has completed his responsibility in the position of parent, you who are standing in the position of children can surpass all the standards of persecution and accusation. This is the purpose of the seven-year course.

Everyone, no matter who, has to go this seven-year course. Proud and distinguished people or ugly and unfortunate people, no matter who they are, have to go this course. Anyone of fallen descent has to go this course no matter who he or she is, or else they will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is not recorded in history, but even Jesus departed to do his mission during the seven years from when he was 27 to when he was 33. From then to the time when he turned 40 would have been his second seven-year course, or if Jesus had started from his 20s, that would be his third seven-year course. By doing this, Jesus was supposed to have prepared a worldwide foundation by the time he reached 40, but he died because the nation did not support him. Thus, that remains in the Bible as the seven-year great misfortune.

But today Christians do not even know what the seven-year tribulation in the Bible is all about; all they can say is that a seven-year misfortune will occur and clamor about it. Jesus comes in place of David. Thus, he was supposed to work out his mission centering on King David's 40 years, King Solomon's 40 years and King Saul's 40 years, that is, centering on the four position foundation. Thus, he had to complete the number 40.

Father also, centering on the Unification Church and centering on 1960 when he was 40, prepared a foundation that turned the heavenly program. Thus, centering on 1960, the world entered a new age of history. Historians only see the external results, but they do not know the internal causes. Thus, in these seven years the whole world will enter a state of chaos and will arrive at the fateful time when the communist world will perish. The time when the democratic world and the communist world lose their authority to lead the whole world correlates with the seven-year course. Therefore, it might take some time, but from now on the age has come when only God can develop worldwide. From now on when you are doing your mission, you are put in an environment of freedom where you do not have to fight with enemies, and what you do can be your own fruit.

1) The Seven-Year Course Which Indemnifies Three Ages at One Time

1) The Seven-Year Course Which Indemnifies Three Ages at One Time

The road of restoration is not a road which you can go alone. You must necessarily go beyond the standard of the perfection level of the growth stage-the position of Adam and Eve before the fall -- by going through the gateway called the Blessing. If that happens, you can go up to the perfection stage. From there, a blessed family needs a course of seven years.

When you look at formation, growth and perfection each as taking seven years, it becomes 21 years. Therefore, in order to establish a standard of perfection you need a period of seven years. Thus when someone comes into the Unification Church, he inevitably has to go through a seven-year course. We must, through this seven-year course, inherit True Parents' heart and at the same time establish a condition to restore everything that was lost. Adam and Eve lost all things as a result of the fall; their substance was tainted because of Satan, and they were robbed of heart. Alt this has to be restored through indemnity. That is, we need to bind together completely the problem of all things, the problem of substance, and the problem of heart, centering on God, and in this way pass through the perfection stage.

After receiving the Blessing, we must restore all things, restore substance, and restore heart, in a period of seven years. When we look at this horizontally, all things are the formation stage, substance is the growth stage, and heart is the perfection stage. This is the content that indemnifies horizontally the entire historical, vertical providence. The standard of all things corresponds to the Old Testament Age, the standard of substance corresponds to the New Testament Age, and the standard of heart corresponds to the Completed Testament Age. These three have to become completely one. In the Old Testament Age indemnity was paid centering on all things; the New Testament age indemnified substance through God's only begotten son. By that becoming the victorious result, a heartistic standard was to appear. That standard on the family level is becoming established for the first time on this earth through the Blessing.

Since it is said that after the 6,000 years of the history of humankind a 1,000 year kingdom -- the millennium -- will come, the seven-year period leading to the standard of perfection has the value of indemnifying 7,000 years of history, including the 1,000 years or millennium.

God has been going the way of providence by being patient and enduring through 6,000 years of humankind's resentful and sinful history. And now on that foundation, He plans to establish the millennium. Therefore, we do not have the right to stand before God without indemnifying this through the seven-year course. How do we reduce the 6,000-year history into seven years, indemnify it, and inherit it heartistically? This is not an easy task.

I do not even know how much I had to pay in order to come this far and how serious each moment was. Jail was not a problem. Torture was not a problem. My head being chopped off was not a problem. Among these situations, for the sake of that coming moment, I walked the road silently for decades, for my whole life. That seriousness was more than enough to move God. Therefore, God has to sympathize with Father. Now even if Father does not do anything, all the spiritually-open people all over the world are already doing something for Father. Everywhere in the world, the spirit world is being fully mobilized for Father's success.

This period is a period of re-creation. Because of the fact that God could not perfect His creation in a seven-day period, in order to restore that fact, at least seven years are needed. Therefore, everyone has to go the seven-year course. Father passed through a 21-year period.

Do you know what will happen if you do not go the seven-year course? You have to go through the 21-year course. Do you know why it takes 21 years? The fact of failing to go through a seven-year course means the same as going down seven years. Thus, would it not take seven years to come back up again? And after that, you still have to go another seven years. Thus it has to take 21 years. Do you understand what I am saying? That is why the next seven years is a period that decides life and death.

If you go to the battlefront after being married, there will be many problems. Thus it is better to get married after finishing the seven-year course. All the people who are married already will not end up well. Then since there are so many people who have already been married, what will happen to them? They will become historical offerings of indemnity. Thus you sisters must complete the seven-year course. At some time according to God's will, Korea will welcome us. When that time comes, you will be able to meet the best husbands.

In worldly life, even if you fall you might be able to stand up again and go on, but on the road we travel, once we fall, we cannot stand up again and go on. No matter how you might say that you are faithful and devout, you must go over the hill of perfection. Without doing that, you cannot settle down and live in the land of the original hometown. In order to enter that hometown, by having the heart of parents as a foundation, your life form must be resurrected. In order for that to happen, the heart of parents has to be the center, not oneself.

You must find and go the way of Principle. You must find and go the way of restoration. But after you find everything, since it is the way of Principle, you do not have to find it any more. The 6,000 years of restoration history which has failed until now will be indemnified by the seven-year course. Therefore, you should get into action and go the seven-year course which Father has proposed.

You are going the way of suffering just as Jesus did when he was standing on the road to Golgotha bearing the cross, but you will not die. When you can finally take off the burden of the individual, family, tribe, race, nation and world after bearing them for seven years, the hope of being able to shout the cheer of liberation will await you. In seven years you are to advance to the position of messiah after having passed the position of servant, adopted son, and son. By having this heart, when you go to the spiritual world, you will be praised by all the spirit men and will be able to sit in a precious place.

I cannot explain all the details of how important this time is. While Father is going through a 40-year course, it would be a shame if you cannot even go through a seven-year course.

We must begin by being a servant of servants. There is nothing that Father has not tried. You must go this way in God's name and for the sake of restoration. If you do not do that, who will bless you when you go from being a servant to being an adopted son?

The road from the position of servant to that of adopted son cannot be trod easily. It is not easy to become a son after being an adopted son. If even Jesus, who came centering on God and as His son, could not become a bridegroom, could it be easy for us to go over that hill? No matter how much you pledge your life and go the road, it is still very hard.

Moreover, in the spirit world, without believing in any religion can you become a good ancestor and a good parent so that you can bear children who can enter the Kingdom of Heaven? This is not easy.

And again, can you go to the spirit world and be able to rule like a king over all the spirit men who are in a national-level spirit realm, and stand in the position of a new ancestor of goodness?

You have come to this place in order to receive that qualification. Reverend Moon has been a servant of servants, servant, adopted son. . . . I have passed through everything to walk this road. I have paved the road for 40 years; then can you not even go through a seven-year course?

This year I am 57. I have known this Will since the age of 15 and have walked this road for 40 years.

Father has not had one day of comfort in order to pioneer this road. But on the road that you travel, the obstacles have all been removed by Father's hard work.

The car is made in a factory, but you have to do the driving. You must learn the technique of driving. Father provides the car, but you must put in the gasoline and do the driving. If you hate that, there is no place to go. No one will feel compassion for you.


Part I

Chapter 1 - The Ideal of Creation and the Love Between Man and Woman

1. The Ideal Of Creation And The Human Fall ⮟

  1) God's Will and the Completion of the Four Position Foundation
  2) The Realization of the Ideal of Creation through Love
  3) God's Purpose for Creating Adam and Eve
  4) Adam and Eve's Growing Period
  5) The Perfection of the individual and the Starting Point of Love
  6) The Ideal World to Be Created through Adam and Eve
  7) The Fall of Adam and Eve
  8) The Consequences of the Fall
  9) If Adam and Eve Had Not Fallen

2. Love Of True Man And Woman ⮟

  1) The Original Love of Man and Woman
  2) The Reason Man and Woman Are Born
  3) The Being that Is Absolutely Necessary for the Other
  4) Love Comes from One's Counterpart
  5) The True Perspective on the Opposite Sex
  6) Man: Integrity; Woman: Chastity
  7) Love Is Not About Progress or Revolution
  8) Love is Something Very Natural

3. True Marriage And True Love ⮟

  1) The Significance of Marriage
  2) Why We Marry
  3) The True Perspective of Marriage
  4) The Changes of Adolescence and the Right Time of Marriage
  5) Education and Marriage
  6) Adolescence and First Love
  7) Mind and Body Must Unite
  8) The Perfection of True Love
  9) The Privilege of True Love

4. The Phenomena Of The Last Days Centered On Love ⮟

  1) When are the Last Days?
  2) The Phenomena of the Last Days: The Fall of the Younger Generation
  3) The Reality of Satan in the Last Days
  4) The Worldwide Phenomena of Division and the Unification Movement
  5) Juvenile Delinquency and the Unification Church
  6) The True Love Movement and the Unification Church
  7) The Center of Hope in the Last Days

Chapter 2 - True Parents and God's Family

1. Jesus And The Blessing ⮟

  1) Who is the Messiah?
  2) Jesus and the Blessing
  3) The Original Jesus
  4) Jesus' Resentment
  5) The Blessing of Jesus and Christian Thought

2. The Feast Of The Lamb And The First Resurrection ⮟

  1) The Realization of God's Ideal through the Feast of the Lamb
  2) The Significance of the Feast of the Lamb
  3) The Feast of the Lamb is Held on Earth
  4) Why Has Religion Emphasized Single Life?
  5) Those Who Will Be Included in the First Resurrection

3. True Parents And True Children ⮟

  1) What Kind of People Are the True Parents?
  2) True Parents: The Hope of the Whole
  3) True Parents are the Center of Historical Hope
  4) The Purpose of Human History is for Mankind to Receive the True Parents
  5) False Parents and True Parents
  6) The Mission of the Unification Church
  7) Try to Become Sons and Daughters of True Parents
  8) We Who Are to Restore the Lost Heart (Shimjung)
  9) The Historical Day of Hope

4. The Providence Of Restoration Centering On Families ⮟

  1) The Hope of Fallen Humankind
  2) The Final Goal of the Providence of Restoration
  3) The Providence of Restoration Centering on Families
  4) Restored Families
  5) In Order to Become a Restored Family
  6) The Principle of the True Family and Religion of the True Parents

Chapter 3 - The Meaning and Value of the Blessing

1. The Fundamental Principle Of Rebirth ⮟

  1) The Reason the Messiah is Necessary
  2) The True Meaning of Rebirth
  3) The Meaning of Changing the Blood Lineage
  4) In Order To Be Born Again

2. Rebirth And The Origin Of The Blessing ⮟

  1) Changing of the Blood Lineage through the Israelites
  2) Rebirth Through Jesus and the Holy Spirit
  3) The Work of Rebirth Through the True Parents and the True Children
  4) Establishment of the Blessing Based on the Historical Sacrifice
  5) The Day of Blessing Is the Day of Fulfilling the Historical Hope

3. The Meaning And Value Of The Blessing ⮟

  1) The Meaning of the Blessing
  2) The Value of the Blessing
  3) The Reason for Receiving the Blessing
  4) Who Is Giving the Blessing?
  5) The Blessing is for the Entire Cosmos
  6) The Reason for Holding the Mass Wedding

4. The Indemnity Condition For Receiving The Blessing ⮟

  1) Resurrection and the Indemnity Condition
  2) The Indemnity Condition Has To Be Established By Myself
  3) In Order To Eliminate the Satanic Sovereignty
  4) The Foundation to Receive the Blessing
  5) The Indemnity Condition Necessary to Receive the Blessing
  6) The Indemnity Period in Order to Receive the Blessing
  7) The Course of Training and the Seven Days Fast
  8) Three Spiritual Children
  9) The Original Standard of the Blessing
  10) The Qualification to Receive the Blessing
  11) The One Qualification to Receive the Blessing
  12) The Faith and Determination We Must Have

Chapter 4 - The Process of the Blessing

1. The Selection Of The Spouse ⮟

  1) Who Determines the Spouse?
  2) Do Not Decide Your Partner by Yourself
  3) How Do You Meet Your Ideal Partner?
  4) It Is Inevitable That Your Partner Is Somewhere
  5) Man and Woman Are Created in Relation to Each Other
  6) The Beauty of Woman and the Charm of Man
  7) Women and Make-up
  8) Love Affairs are Absolutely Not Allowed

2. The Standard For Matching And Our Attitude ⮟

  1) Fathers Eye for Matching
  2) There Should be the Harmony of Extremes
  3) The Four Types of Man and Ideal Balance
  4) You Must Be Able to Go Over "The Hill of the Eye"
  5) The One Who Wants to Go Down Will Rise Up
  6) The Prerequisites That Are More Important Than Education
  7) Marriage Should Be for the Sake of the Descendants
  8) The Labor of True Parents to Recommend Engagements

3. Cases At The Engagement ⮟

  Case 1) The Person Who Prays for Himself
  Case 2) Picture Marriage
  Case 3) The Story of a Couple
   Case 4) One Crippled Woman
  Case 5) Three Elites of America
  Case 6) The Faith of One Missionary in the Netherlands
  Case 7) A Blessing for Restoration Through Indemnity
  Case 8) An Incident at the 6000 Couple Blessing

4. The Process Of The Blessing And Its Meaning ⮟

  1) The Meaning of the Engagement Ceremony
  2) The Process of Being Reborn Through the Holy Wine Ceremony
  3) The Meaning of Receiving the Holy Wine
  4) The Position of Man and Woman in Restoration
  5) The Meaning of the Blessing Ceremony
  6) The 40-Day Indemnity Period
  7) The Indemnity Stick Ceremony and the Three-Day Ceremony
  8) Three-Year Mobilization After the Blessing
  9) The Blessing is the Last Road

Part 2

Chapter 5 - The Formula Course For Perfection

1. The Formula Course Of The Seven-Year Perfection Stage ⮟

  1) The Seven-Year Course Which Indemnifies Three Ages at One Time
  2) The Great Seven-Year Misfortune and the Seven-Year Course
  3) The Place of Receiving the Blessing Is Not a Complete One
  4) The Seven-Year Course to Restore the Position of Parent
  5) The Seven-Year Course To Restore Through Indemnity The Spiritual World         And The Physical World
  6) The Seven-Year Course of Parents and the Seven-Year Course of Children
  7) The individual Seven-Year Course and the Family-Level Seven-Year Course
  8) The Age that Requests the Perfection of the Family
  9) Women Who Have to Stand on the Frontline of God's Providence

2. The Responsibility Of Children For Re-Creation ⮟

  1) The Conditions Necessary at the Time of Re-Creation
  2) Our Activities for Re-Creation
  3) Training to Inherit the Right of the Love of True Parents
  4) The Reason for Doing Business Activities
  5) A Subject which Makes God Weep Bitterly
  6) The Meaning of Witnessing to One Person a Month
  7) Training on Earth for Life in the Spirit World

Restoration Of The Family Through Three Spiritual Children ⮟

  1) Three Spiritual Children
  2) Without Eight Family Members Restoration Is Not Possible
  3) The Formation of the Family Through Three Spiritual Children
  4) The Formula Course for the Restoration of the Family
  5) The Relationship Between Spiritual Children and Physical Children
  6) How to Stand in the Position of Restored Parent
  7) The Mission of the Spiritual Parent and the Formula of Love

Chapter 6 - The Holy Wedding Of True Parents And The Blessed Family

1. The Holy Wedding And Seven-Year Course Of The True Parents ⮟

  1) The Holy Wedding Ceremony, The Peak of Hardship and Persecution
  2) The Establishment of Three Disciples Prior to the Holy Wedding Ceremony of the True Parents
  3) The Age in which Parents Pioneer with the Responsibility
  4) The Course of the Family-Level Cross of True Parents, or the Way of the Cross in the True Family
  5) Mother's Seven-Year Course
  6) The Providential Motto for the 1960s
  7) The Blessing Of 36, 72 And 124 Couples
  8) The Period in which Father Selected and Established the Lost Days

2. The Providential Meaning Of The Blessed Families ⮟

  1) The Meaning of the Third Israel
  2) The Organization Of The Third Israel Through Blessed Families
  3) The Dispensational Meaning of the 36 Couples' Blessing
  4) The Dispensational Meaning of the 72 Couples' Blessing
  5) The Dispensational Meaning of the 124 Couples' Blessing
  6) The Dispensational Meaning of the 430 Couples' Blessing
  7) The Dispensational Meaning of the 777 Couples' Blessing
  8) The Dispensational Meaning of the 1800 Couples' Blessing
  9) The Dispensational Meaning of the 6,000 Couples' Blessing

3. The Value And The Mission Of The Blessed Families ⮟

  1) The Value of Blessed Families
  2) Blessed Families Should Receive the True Parents' Guidance
  3) The Reason for the Blessing
  4) The Mission and Responsibility of the Blessed Families
  5) The Blessed Families Have the Mission of the Chief Priests
  6) Blessed Families Who Are to be Responsible for the Mission of the Three Time Periods
  7) Be A Tribal Messiah
  8) The Mission of the Previously Married Blessed Couples
  9) The Inevitable Destiny of the Blessed Families
  10) The Way the Blessed Couples Should Go
  11) The Restoration Of The Family-Level Canaan On The World Level
  12) The Ones Who Will Be the Owners of the New Age

4. The Mission Of The International Blessed Families ⮟

  1) Internationalism Centering Upon God
  2) All Humankind Are One Brotherhood and One Family
  3) The Meaning of the International Mass Wedding Ceremony
  4) The Difference between Eastern and Western Culture, and International Marriage
  5) Opening the Age of International Marriage
  6) The Mission of the International Blessed Families

Chapter 7 - The True Husband And Wife And The Ideal Family

1. True Husband And Wife ⮟

  1) The Original Relationship of Husband and Wife
  2) The Ideal of the True Husband and Wife, which Must Be Restored
  3) The Position of the Blessed Couples
  4) Ideal Husband and Wife
  5) Conjugal Love
  6) The Destiny of a Couple
  7) Why Are We Sad When Our Loved One Dies?
  8) The Cooperation of True Husband and Wife

2. Ideal Family ⮟

  1) The Ideal Family
  2) In The Family Three Time Periods Are Connected
  3) The Family is the School of Discipline for True Love
  4) The Family Is the Ultimate Standard
  5) Why Do We Have to Give Birth to Children?
  6) The Value of Blessed Children Blessed Children Surpass Their Parents
  7) The Kingdom of Heaven of the Family
  8) The Key to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

3. The Life of the Blessed Family ⮟

  1) The Blessed Family Should be a Good Example
  2) The Family Life of Blessed Families
  3) The Life of Husband and Wife in a Blessed Family
  4) The Providential Life of Blessed Families
  5) Life of Faith of Blessed Families
  6) Life Centering Upon the Trinity
  7) The Collective Life of the Blessed Families
  8) The Way for the Descendants to Receive Blessing

4. True Parents And Children ⮟

  1) True Parents and True Children
  2) The Obligation of True Children
  3) Let's Be Parents Who Bequeath Good Tradition
  4) Parental Love Toward Children
  5) Children Should Receive Parental Love
  6) The Tough Discipline of Love
  7) Let's Sincerely Contribute to our Descendants

5. The Education Of Children ⮟

  1) Family Education
  2) The Education of Children
  3) True Education of Patriotism
  4) Education To Live For The World
  5) Faith and Study
  6) Love Is Not Learned by Education
  7) The Path of Life Centering Upon Love



Humankind has been following a suffering path of spiritual indemnity in order to restore the ideal of peace and realize the original world. The agony of sin and conflict originating from the Fall has expanded throughout history from the individual to the family, nation and world. Humankind has been awaiting a message of hope that will empower us to cast off this inheritance.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon is a messenger of Heaven sent with a revelation for all humankind in the present age. God commanded Reverend Moon to work for the salvation of humanity. He is the True Parent of humankind, who has revealed the heavenly way and who has realized the ideal of true love as the incarnation of God's word.

Reverend Moon has spoken extensively throughout his life. Even if only one or two people were present, he would speak for the whole night. He would passionately speak the truth in front of a few as if he were addressing thousands. Reverend Moon has put his whole heart into teaching. Besides speaking to his followers, Reverend Moon has spoken a great deal to the public and to leaders of religion, science, politics, education, media and culture. In speaking directly with groups transcending the boundaries of nation, race and religion, Reverend Moon has established an incomparable record as a prolific speaker.

The words of Reverend Moon, which address all aspects of God's will and providence, offer the solution to the problems of life and history; they are, moreover, the words of the Completed Testament for the fulfillment of the promises which were made in the providence of salvation.

Virtually all of Reverend Moon's speeches are given extemporaneously, not from prepared texts. He speaks truth which he sought and found through profound spiritual dialogue with God. His words are love itself, pouring out from a heart of true love. They embody the original energy of life, yet express the truth from myriad perspectives. God's special messages which have appeared throughout salvation history, and have revealed His will to all humanity, always come through one central person. The events of history at times allow one person to awaken spiritually.

For all these reasons, we are attempting to convey his words in their original, unedited form. This is in order not to impede the will and truth of God, who is working through Reverend Moon. His words convey the urgent feeling of God's providence and Heaven's sincere heart. In order not to lose this, we have preserved the style of speech and some of the informal dialogue.

Reverend Moon's sermons, continuing to be transcribed from recordings, have been published thus far in 233 volumes. We are translating his speeches into many languages and are making them accessible on CD-ROM. People throughout the world are now studying and learning Reverend Moon's teachings. In this fifteen-book series we have selected and arranged excerpts from the 233 volumes, according to subject, so that people from all walks of life can understand and appreciate them.

The fifteen books in this series are:

Blessing and Ideal Family Part I
Blessing and Ideal Family Part II
Way of Unification Part I
Way of Unification Part II
Way of the Spiritual Leader Part I 
Way of the Spiritual Leader Part II
Unification Family Life 
Raising Children in God's Will 
The Way for Students 
The Way for Young People 
The Way for a True Child 
The Tribal Messiah 
True Parents 
Earthly Life and Spirit World I 
Earthly Life and Spirit World II

The words recorded in these volumes provide us the ability to reflect on ourselves and to be reborn through deep inspiration. They are precious words that clearly reveal the way to go in life. They speak about the destiny of humankind and contain prophecy. These are the original principles of life, with concrete practical directions for the realization of a world of peace, which Reverend Moon is himself pioneering and establishing. You who read these books will assimilate these words spiritually and be transformed. You will be able to experience God's grace and guidance. Thus these words are expanding the way of Heaven.

Following the guidance of Heaven, Reverend Moon has not only spoken, but has also substantially demonstrated the value and truthfulness of his words as applied to the individual, the family, society, nation, world and universe. Reverend Moon teaches about the will of God to all walks of society, and has been presenting his vision for peace through his work for the sake of the unity and harmony of religions, the initiation of a new culture, the building of a world of peace, the encouragement of value-oriented education and a moral media, the equalization of wealth, and international holy marriage blessings. In coming to hear or read the words of Reverend Moon, leaders discover the proper way to guide their society and nation, and educators realize the true path of a teacher. When parents and children read these words together they will discover the true way for their family and find happiness.

I want to salute and express my thanks to those who worked in the translation and editing of these volumes. We pray that in studying and practicing the words in these books, you will experience the grace and blessings of the God who has been living, breathing and working with us throughout history.

Chung Hwan Kwak
International President
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International
March 1998

1) God's Will and the Completion of the Four Position Foundation

1) God's Will and the Completion of the Four Position Foundation

Many people talk about God's will. Although the term "God's will" sounds straightforward, when one is actually asked about the meaning, it is very difficult to answer. Moreover, devout people have been praying, "Dear God! may Your will be done." We are now walking the religious path to fulfill God's will. However, it is illogical to pray and live a life of faith for the fulfillment of God's will when we don't really know the meaning of God's will.

Therefore, I would like to define the term "God's will." I define God's will as "to fulfill the ideal of creation." What does "to fulfill the ideal of creation," mean? It means to fulfill the ideal of humanity. Specifically, it was to be realized when the whole creation would become one in God's will centering on Adam and Eve. God's will is to fulfill the ideal of Adam and Eve. According to Unification terminology, God's will is to complete the Four Position Foundation.

What is the Unification Church or Reverend Moon's understanding of God's will? God's will is the ideal for which God created the universe, that is, the completion of the purpose of creation. When God created all things, He created them with a definite purpose. Completing this purpose of creation is God's will. Who was the center of this purpose? It was Adam and Eve. That is why I see God's purpose as the realization of the ideal of creation centering on Adam and Eve.

What, then, is the realization of the ideal of creation? It is the establishment of the Four Position Foundation. The Four Position Foundation is the family foundation of God's ideal in which Adam and Eve, centering on God, become completely one in ideal conjugal relations and multiply children. When this Four Position Foundation is established, Adam and Eve, who are one in conjugal love centering on God, would never be able to leave the realm of God's love.

What was God's purpose of creation? God did not create Adam and Eve merely to watch them. Nor did God create man and woman that they may merely grow old and die separately. God's purpose of creation was for Adam and Eve to grow and, when they recognize their feelings towards the opposite sex, make a love nest centering on God. Thus, they would establish humankind's true Kingdom of heaven on earth. Here, Adam as a male would represent heaven and Eve as a female would represent earth. Had Adam and Eve as two separate individuals become one horizontally, heaven and earth would have unified as one. By their becoming one centering on God's love, the spiritual and the physical worlds would automatically have united into one.

More important to God than the moment of creating Adam and Eve was the precious future they were to realize by completing the Four Position Foundation centering on love. That would be the completion of the purpose of creation.

God created His son Adam as the representative of all entities with plus character and loved this son the most. God loved him with a love that included a feminine quality. Likewise, when God loved His daughter Eve, He loved her with a love that included a masculine quality.

When two separate individuals become one, they produce a third starting-point. In other words, had Adam and Eve formed a complementary union based on their relationship with their first partner (God), then centering on the unity of these three loves, there would have arisen the impulse for a new beginning of love. This was to have been their children. This is why children are the objects of love whom we regard as the starting-point of new hope.

Adam and Eve were born as substantial beings, the incarnations of God's love and parents' love. Therefore, their children were to be loved by God, Adam and Eve. You all know about the Three Object Purpose. The Three Object Purpose is formed this way.

God's will for human beings is to fulfill the purpose of creation in order to realize the ideal of creation. The realization of the ideal of creation does not end when a man and a woman marry and become one through love. Afterwards, they should experience having sons and daughters. This is because the principle of heaven and earth is that everything is linked through relationships of high and low, front and back, etc. If there was a yesterday, there is a today; if there is a today, there will be a tomorrow. Everything must be connected. If there were no tomorrow, everything would end. If husband and wife are the higher position, then there must be children at the lower position. If there were no lower position, [the family] would end. Thus, the principle of heaven and earth unites high and low and left and right; husband and wife become the left and the right.

Therefore, parents understand that they have fulfilled their responsibility when all their sons and daughters have married. When their children have married, the parents-the husband and wife as a couple-and their children can completely realize the relationship of high and low. Only when they establish such a relationship of high and low do they realize the ideal. Though husband and wife have united in a left and right relationship, only when parents and children have vertically united in a high and low relationship can they realize an ideal spherical world. Furthermore, when brothers and sisters connect to this relationship, the sphere fills out in the third dimension. Thus, in order to complete the realization of the ideal, both the horizontal and vertical axes of the sphere must be established. When a man and a woman experience this realized two-fold realm, they can finally say that they are living in the ideal.

What does this mean? That is what the Unification Church calls the Four Position Foundation. Therefore, to complete the ideal of creation means to complete the Four Position Foundation.

A person should not remain alone. Starting from "myself," a person must pass through three stages. These three stages are: myself, my spouse and my child. The relationships between myself, my spouse, and my children, centering on God, constitute the Four Position Foundation. Completing this Four Position Foundation is God's purpose of creation.

According to the Divine Principle of the Unification Church, the completion of the purpose of creation is, for human beings, the completion of the Four Position Foundation. The Four Position Foundation cannot be established unless the parents, who have become one in love, have God's love dwelling in them. At the same time, they must transmit God's love to their children through their absolute love. God's Four Position Foundation is completed only when, according to the original order Of heaven, love is substantially transmitted to the children through the family as intermediary, forming a lineage. Therefore, parents must teach their children that God is a God of goodness and teach them how to love. As a wife, one should become exemplary in loving one's husband and thus teach the children to love. As a husband, one should teach the children about God's love, and through loving one's wife and educating the children, teach them to love. In the Unification Church, this is called completing the loves of the Three Object Purpose.

What was God's ideal for the first human ancestors? God's ideal was to unite an ideal man and an ideal woman to establish an ideal family. Then, what was to be the center of this ideal family? The center was to be neither man nor woman. A family is, after all, a group consisting of parents and children, husband and wife. The center of the group is God's love. Therefore, we can conclude that God's will is for a husband and wife to become one centering on God's love, and to establish a family centering on God's love.

If Adam and Eve had become perfectly one centering on God's love, their love would have been an absolute love, because, in a position of object, they would have become one with the absolute Being. The children born in that realm of absolute love would have received love through absolute love and would have dwelt in the realm of absolute love.

In the realm of absolute love, there is no contradiction or opposition. When we enter this realm, absolute love dwells in us and rules us.

In this ideal, children would grow up in a peaceful realm secured by a fence made with love. In this place, the atmosphere allows them to compromise with their parents and with their brothers and sisters. This is the place where everyone together can praise God's love. Such a family meets the standard of what in the Unification Church is termed the Four Position Foundation.

When the Four Position Foundation is established, that is, when mother, father, sons and daughters become one, the absolute realm of love is formed. Heaven is the realm where people express love's absolute value unlimitedly in three dimensions.

To form the Four Position Foundation, one must first experience the heart of husband and wife. Only then will one be able to have the heart of children and then the heart of parents.

God's ideal of creation was for Adam and Eve, the ancestors of humankind, to multiply good children and to establish one world centering on God.

God's will is the ideal of a family centering on one love, that is, to establish the family that Satan cannot accuse, and to build a tribe, a race, a nation, and a world of God.

2) The Realization of the Ideal of Creation through Love

2) The Realization of the Ideal of Creation through Love

If we ask God why He created the world, He will surely answer, "because it was good." It was good and joyous. God created the world because He wanted to obtain joy.

How, then, does one attain a state of well being? How does one obtain joy? It is only possible through the way of love. Therefore, we can conclude that God created the world to obtain joy through the realization of love.

God created the world in order to realize love. God wants to feel joy by watching human beings and all things unite centering on God's love and establish a world of love. God wants to feet joy by watching human beings unite as true husband and wife in a relationship centering on God's love and establish true families, tribes, nations, and a world. God wants to experience the joy of love by becoming one with human beings in love. This is why God created the world, and this, indeed, is God's ideal of creation.

God's only dream was to realize the ideal of love. However, God cannot realize the ideal of love by Himself alone. No individual can attain love, happiness, and joy living by him or herself. One can never attain these things without a counterpart.

Although God is the absolute Being, He needs a partner who can be His counterpart of love. God's love partners are human beings. When human beings, as God's love partners, stand before God with perfected love, God becomes a happy God who has found the ideal of joy.

The cosmos operates by the principle of give and take. If one is in a high place, then he will eventually go down; if one receives, then he will eventually need to give. Therefore, to experience absolute love or to become an absolute subject, one needs to stand in the position of the counterpart.

Thus, an absolute person as the subject cannot help but seek an ideal counterpart of love. No matter how great a person is-a scholar, an artist, a politician or a saint, even one with worldwide authority-he cannot feet joy by himself alone. One can attain joy only where there is a reciprocal relationship.

Let us imagine where God's joy first emerged. God is the absolute Being. If He is the end, He must be the very end. Because God stands above the highest height, He cannot help but seek His counterpart below.

Where there is sunlight, every object casts a shadow. Similarly, God as the absolute subject wants to give to His counterparts, all things situated in a lower position.

Therefore, the reason God created all things in heaven and earth was to realize His ideal. God's objects for the realization of this ideal are interconnected, from minerals to plants to animals to human beings. Of course, nature is included, since God started His creation from the smallest entities and advanced to larger entities. Even the smallest particle is in itself a counterpart to an aspect of God.

For the absolute God, therefore, the initial point of love was when He took the smallest things as His counterparts. From that point onward, God must have felt increasing degrees of stimulation as He related to things of ever larger dimension.

The natural character of the original mind, which expresses God's infinite love centering on His purpose, is the heart. The value of heart never changes. If one wishes to discuss the value of God's existence, one has to discuss and grasp the meaning of God's love. Something's value can only be determined when it fulfills its role as a partner in a reciprocal relationship.

Joy originates from God's heart. Where, then, is the purpose of God's heart realized? It is realized through human beings. The invisible heart of God is manifest in the heart of visible human beings. Moreover, when a man and a woman with such a heart expand horizontally and establish a family, that family will expand to the world and become the center of the world. To establish such a family, God gave Adam and Eve the blessings to be fruitful and multiply. The Cosmic Teaching is established on the foundation of human beings' being fruitful, multiplying, and having dominion over all things.

Why did God create the world? God wanted to experience joy through the created world. Although God is an absolute being, He cannot feel joy by Himself. This is because one can feel joy only when there is a counterpart.

God does not need knowledge, money or power. God, who is absolute and omnipotent, does not need such things. No matter how much science advances, it can never catch up to, much less surpass, what God has made. The universe revolves according to its lawful order. When we think about the fact that God created and has been operating this vast universe, which is far beyond our scientific understanding, we can say that God also is the ultimate scientist. Furthermore, nothing in the world can stand against the power of God, who is omnipotent and whose power is absolute. God is also eternal and self-existing. If God wants something, what would that be? If not money, knowledge, or power, what could it possibly be? The one and only thing that God absolutely needs is true love. Both God and human beings absolutely need true love.

God does not need knowledge because He is the One who created knowledge. God does not need power because He is omnipotent. God does not need money because He can make diamonds and gold as He wishes.

Oh, God, what do you need? God would say, "The one and only thing I need is love." Can God feel love by Himself? One might think that God could love as He wishes. Not at all! Above all, God needs a counterpart with whom to share His true love. We have not understood this point.

Since God is the absolute Being, what was the reason that He created human beings? It was not to gain money, knowledge or power. Rather, this was the only way by which God could feel love.

Seen from this point of view, God the Father and human beings as His sons and daughters establish an axis. Connected by this axis, God and human beings forge an unbreakable bond of oneness in love. Do you think that a person who has tied a rope to God's original love and tasted that love would ever separate himself from God ~ In spring, bees come to taste the sweet nectar. Even if you pull off the bee's rear end, it will not stop its sucking. What would do if you taste God's love? Even if you were on a journey to somewhere, you would turn around and come back to immerse yourself in it.

Thus, the whole of creation forms a common base and begins interaction connected to this axis of love. The family becomes manifest as individually perfected man and woman become one centering on love. Tribes become manifest, then races, nations, and a world centering on this love axis.

However, what passes for love has become self-centered in America. Men and women date as casualty as they greet each other on the street.

The reason God created human beings was that God cannot experience any stimulation by Himself. joy springs from the relationship with a counterpart. By oneself, one cannot obtain the stimulation of joy. When we stand in the position of God's counterpart, we for the first time can receive the highest love. Then God's internal nature becomes embodied in us. If God feels sad, we, too, cannot but feel sad. Thus, we become inseparably linked with God. No matter how much we research, we will come to this conclusion.

Why does God need human beings? If someone asks you why God needs us for the realization of His ideal, you can reply that God needs us in order to complete God's love. What is God's love? God's love is the love by which human beings love each other eternally and the love with which God loves human beings eternally. Human beings are God's eternal partners of love.

From the very time God created Adam and Eve, God wanted to love them as His object partners. He wanted to see them again and again and again, to be with them again and again and again, and to live with them again and again and again. God's ideal of creation is to have such object partners.

How does God's love arise? The Divine Principle taught in the Unification Church explains that God's love arises through completing the Four Position Foundation. What does it mean to complete the Four Position Foundation? Parents' love should flow to the children and be felt by the children. In the Four Position Foundation, one can distinguish the three stages of parents' love, husband and wife's love and children's love. However, when we look at the Four Position Foundation from above, the loves of the parents, husband and wife, and children are all interconnected and united. The parents' love at the center of the Four Position Foundation embraces the children, unites the husband and wife, and finally brings all into oneness with God's love. This completes the Four Position Foundation.

Adam was supposed to become one with God, linked by love. A human being represents the existing world on the earth plane, and God represents the three dimensional world. Love is the cord eternally linking human beings and God.

When human beings with physical bodies become one with God, God's heart and emotion partake of the physical experience of infinite ecstasy. Finally, God and human beings become one in love. Human beings and the world become one in love. This is the starting point for the realization of the ideal world, which is God's purpose of creation.

The original human beings were meant to become one with God, feeling love substantially. Satan aimed at the center of this love, making Adam and Eve fall. After that, the cosmos drifted away from God, becoming chaotic with no relationship to His love.

God's ideal begins for the first time from new, God-centered love, from the position where love is manifest in accordance with the law of creation.