Sumiko Davis, “I never forgot his kind heart”

I was sent to MFT to take care of American brothers and sisters as a team mother and traveled all over America. It was God's blessing, because I saw many beautiful places as we traveled. One of the teams I was sent to assist was in a small center outside of the city of Philadelphia. On the first day of my arrival, a tall, bright, smiling young brother came to me and said, simply, "Hi my name is Greg, I have a Japanese spiritual mother." I was very moved by his kind heart. He was one of the team captains in the center. One day, his parents came to visit him, and I served them some melon and a drink. They were very loving and kind to me. After that, Greg was sent to another region. I never forgot his kind heart.

In 1979, I was invited to participate in the matching at the New Yorker Hotel along with hundreds of other brothers and sisters - many of whom I had worked with, since coming to America. At one point I was standing in front of Father with several other Japanese sisters, and he said to me, "You should brush your hair off your forehead; you will attract strong fortune through your ancestors." As he said that, I instinctively did just that. Soon, I was standing in from of my suggested match, to my amazement; it was Greg, the friendly brother whose parents I had served many months earlier in Philadelphia. I was comforted, because I thought, "I know this brother." It was a very powerful experience, as I felt God had selected this brother "just for me." We were blessed in the 2075-Couple Marriage Blessing in Madison Square Garden in 1982, attended by Greg's parents and aunt. A few months later, we began family life. My husband and I felt a lot of love for each other, and our family life was very happy and smooth.

From Tribute, pp. 70-71.