4th Original DP Workshop in Las Vegas

In Jin Moon
January 10, 2010

NHQ20100110 No. 29

To: HSA-UWC District, State and Church Leaders, all Blessed Central Families
From: Reverend In Jin Moon, Reverend Ki Hoon Kim, Reverend Joshua Cotter
Re: Fourth Special Original Divine Principle Workshop in Las Vegas, Feb. 4-8
Date: Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May God's blessings and True Parents' love be with all of you.

We would like to cordially invite you to attend the fourth in a series of the special workshops entitled "Education Session Proclaiming the Completion of the Liberated Realm of the Portion of Responsibility in God's Providential History.

At the request of our True Parents, the 4th Special Original Divine Principle Workshop is scheduled to take place in Las Vegas from February 4 - 8 at the Riviera Hotel. We understand that True Parents will be in Las Vegas at that time and will visit the workshop. Thus far, the ODP workshops held in America have been greatly successful and highly inspirational, giving new life to our brothers and sisters across the nation. Now even members of the clergy and Ambassadors for Peace are coming to hear this wonderful content.

True Parents have requested that all members attend this most meaningful workshop as soon as they can. In the four nights and five days of the program schedule, participants will receive thorough presentations on the "Original Divine Principle", with rich internal guidance that provides deep insights into the culmination of God's providence today. This teaching is a new expression of the Principle revealed for the Age After the Coming of Heaven, essential to understanding True Parents' main focus of establishing the era of God's Sabbath based on absolute sexual ethics.

Through attending this workshop our families are setting a fundamental condition to receive God's Word and to fulfill our portion of responsibility in supporting True Parents in their course of liberating and comforting God. The practice of this teaching as an absolute sexual ethic is the fundamental internal condition that protects heaven's blood lineage, secures the blessed family and allows God to be at peace, taking His Sabbath.

We have entered a new year together with our Heavenly Parent and our True Parents, and the final three years of Cheon Il Guk. By attending this workshop, we can have the opportunity to meet True Parents and to connect deeply to their heart. Now more than ever it is important to be rooted in God's Word. Thus True Father is calling us to make the condition of inheriting the Original Divine Principle through participation in the "Education Session Proclaiming the Completion of the Liberated Realm of the Portion of Responsibility in God's Providential History" and through making a special condition of offering.

It is our great blessing that True Parents are making this precious educational experience available to us in the US. We have also been informed that True Parents intend to celebrate their birthday with the brothers and sisters that come to this 4th ODP workshop in Las Vegas, so please make every effort to attend. Father has also requested that many young people can attend and receive the benefit of being with True Parents and receiving the Word.

1. Education Session Details · Date: February 4 - 8, 2010

Arrive in Las Vegas on February 4th no later than 6 PM; the opening ceremony is scheduled for 7:30 PM.

The workshop concludes with lunch on February 8th; please schedule your departures for the late afternoon or evening.

Venue: Riviera Hotel & Casino, 2901 Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89109.

Presenters: Rev. In Jin Moon, Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Bishop Ki Hoon Kim, Rev. Michael Jenkins.

Participants: We are expecting Blessed Central Family Members from the USA, Europe and Japan.

2. Registration and Participation Fee

Registration fee of $500 covers 4 nights in the Riviera Hotel (double occupancy), all meals during conference session, and ground transportation for scheduled tours.

Deadline for registration: 12 noon (EST), Sunday, January 31, 2009

Registration will be done online. Information on how to access and use the Online Data Base to follow.

3. Transportation

Travel costs to Las Vegas are the responsibility of each participant

Please use the public shuttle or take a taxi to the Riviera Hotel. A ride of about 20 minutes.

4. Special Offering Condition

Participants from USA - $700

Participants from other countries - $700

Thank you and may God bless your family.
