In Jin Moon
July 1, 2009
NHQ20090701 No. 18
To: FFWPU District, State and Church Leaders, all Blessed Central Families|
From: Rev. In Jin Moon and Rev. Ki Hoon Kim
Re: Friday, July 3rd – (7.1 Jeol) 19th Declaration Day of God’s Eternal Blessing Saturday, July 4th – Independence Day Celebrations
Date: July 1st, 2009
May God’s blessings and True Parents’ love be with all you all.
Rev. In Jin Moon, FFWPU USA President and Rev. Ki Hoon Kim our Continental Director would like to cordially invite you to celebrate two special events with our True Parents on Friday July 3rd and Saturday July 4th.
1.Friday, July 3rd – (7.1 Jeol) 19th Declaration Day of God’s Eternal Blessing
All church leaders and members, including 2nd Gen over 15 years old, are invited to celebrate the 19th anniversary of the Declaration Day of God’s Eternal Blessing. ACLC clergy, Ambassadors for Peace, international leaders and leaders of ethnic groups in the US, will also be invited.
The celebration will be held at East Garden beginning at 7:00 AM. Doors open at 5:30 AM. Additional details for parking, etc. will follow.
Please bring your FM radios.
2.Saturday, July 4th – Independence Day Celebration in the 7th floor ballroom of the Manhattan Center (Please enter through the NYer Hotel - 11th Floor)
All church leaders and members, including 2nd Gen over 15 years old, are invited to celebrate the Fourth of July (Independence Day.) UN representatives, Ambassadors for Peace, ACLC clergy, international leaders and leaders of ethnic groups in the US, will also be invited.
The celebration begins at 5:00 AM at “The Grand” on the 7th Floor of the Manhattan Center. The Crystal Room in the NY Hotel will be the overflow room.
Please bring your FM radios.
Let us welcome our beloved True Parents in celebrating this special Holy Day and the July 4th Independence Day, together with our families in God’s love and peace.
Rev. In Jin Moon
President FFWPU - USA
Rev. Ki Hoon Kim
Continental Director FFWPU - USA