True Father’s Watergate Statement as it appeared in a full-page ad in the New York Times
True Father’s Watergate Statement as it appeared in a full-page ad in the Washington Post
True Father’s Watergate Statement as it appeared in other U.S. newspapers in all 50 states
True Father signing personal letters to every U.S. Congressman and Senator. In the letter, he asked them to consider deeply his Watergate Statement and support the National Prayer and Fast.
Members of the National Prayer and Fast for the Watergate Crisis (NPFWC)
Members of the National Prayer and Fast for the Watergate Crisis hold their first rally in Washington, D.C. in front of The White House, December 7, 1973
David Kim prays with members of the National Prayer and Fast for the Watergate Crisis
Members demonstrating in front of the White House
U.S. Church President Neil Salonen speaks at the Washington, D.C. rally
Text of a letter of thanks written by U.S. President Richard Nixon to True Father, December 11, 1973
Advertisement inviting Washington, D.C. church goers to unite in prayer
Text of True Father’s Watergate Statement reprinted in the U.S. Congressional Record
Pennant waved by members at the 1973 Christmas tree lighting
Members at the 1973 Christmas tree lighting in Washington, D.C.
A member at the 1973 national Christmas tree lighting
Banners supporting President Nixon wave beneath the National Christmas Tree
Members gather with candles in Lafayette Park across from the White House after the national Christmas tree lighting, 1973
President Nixon appears at the Lafayette Park rally and personally shakes hands with President Salonen, receives a Christmas card and candle
President Nixon greets Dan Fefferman, coordinator of the NPFWC (bottom), and other Family members
A member portraying Abraham Lincoln speaks at a NPFWC rally
Colonial-themed members braved an incy storm to demonstrate at Philadelphia's Contitution Hall
200 church members demonstrated on Wall Street, New York
Members rally at the U.S. Capitol building
Members sent off True Father from Los Angeles after he had completed his 21-City tour on January 29, 1974
Some 2000 members and well-wishers welcome True Father and are greeted by Him at Dulles Airport. Washington. D.C. in the afternoon of January 30, 1974
Members demonstrating on the U.S. Capitol grounds, the morning of the annual Presidential Pyayer Breakfast, January 31, 1974
A close-up of members demonstrating
Tricia Nixon Cox, President Nixon’s daughter, greets members on the morning of the 1974 Presidential Prayer breakfast; UC President Neil Salonen stands beside
Tricia Nixon Cox greeting members
President Nixon invited True Father to the White House to thank him for his support, February 1, 1974
True Father shaking hands with Richard Nixon
Cuff links and tie bar presented to True Father by President Nixon to commemorate their meeting
Members prayed and fasted for three days on the U.S. Capitoal steps, beginning July 22, 1974, as the Watergate crisis reached its climax
True Father, Ye Jin and Hyo Jin look over album of Senators and Congressmen prepared by the Public Relations team
Michael Beard models a signboard members wore for each U.S. congress member as Dr. Joseph Sheftick explains
Members selecting their signboards
High-spirited NPFWC members on the steps of the Capitol building, Washington, D.C.
More enthusiastic fast participants
Dan Fefferman with sandwich board indicating he was praying for U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
Prayer and Fast participants march from the Capitol Building to the Lincoln Memorial
NPFC President and Mrs. Neil Salonen fast and pray for President and Mrs. Richard Nixon
Another view of prayer and fast participants
NPFWC participants fill the Capitol steps
David S.C. Kim wears placard for attorney James St. Clair
Prayer and fast participants sit on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial
Prayer and fast participants slept on the Capitol steps
Members sleeping
Participants up and ready to go the next day
A number of congress members came out to sign their signboards
Laurie Carlson from church headquarters won the heart of Congressman n Earl Landgrebe of Indiana, who later sent her this photo
Among the Senators and Congressmen to address the group was Illinois Senator Charles Percy
True Father encourages fast participants on the Capitol steps
Neil Salonen and Susan Hughes appear with Barbara Walters on the nationally syndicated Today Show
Prayer and fast participants marching
Dan Fefferman holds a flashlight for Neil Salonen as he reads a passage from the Bible to assembled fasters and guests at a candlelight service
Prayer and fast participants by the reflecting pool near prior to the candlelight service
Candlelight service in front of the Lincoln Memorial
A tearful prayer
Prayer and fast participants still inspired on the last day
True Father greets Rabbi Baruch Korff before the ceremony to conclude the fast
True Father embraces White House Aide Bruce Herschensohn, who had just delivered President Nixon's telegram to participants
Rabbi Korff, Mr. Salonen, Mr. Herschensohn and True Father listen as Mr. David S.C. Kim reads President Nixon's telegram
Text of President Nixon’s telegram
True Father at the closing of the fast. He told fasters thay had completely accomplished their mission