Sun Myung Moon
December 25, 1970
A mobilized woman member of blessed family
During the period between December 20th, 1970 and January 30th, 1971, all other family members, than blessed family members already mobilized for propagation till the end of 1970 started for propagation into the country, at all hazards.
Provisional Completion of 16th Sunghwa Students
16th Sunghwa Student members
At 6:30 p.m. On December 25th, 1970 there was a ceremony of provisional completion of 16th Sunghwa Student members at Seoul church with the presence of over 100 high school students and Master encouraged the students giving prizes.
They had all night recreation after the ceremony.
Master Called at Wonju Church
Early in the morning of December 24th, 1970, True Parents accompanied by Mrs. Choi visited Wonju District Headquarters, Kang Won-do Province, southeast of Seoul and made delivery of congratulatory address in the dedication ceremony of the newly built church and returned Seoul late at night.
Printing Shop Gets a Large Sized Machine
In preparation for the publishing a weekly magazine, our printing shop in Soo Taek Ri got a large sized cylinder press, and the weekly will be published pretty soon.
Master Visited Hyun Choong Sa Shrine
At 10:00 a.m. of December 25th, True Parents accompanied by 70 family members getting the sealed tickets of Master visited Hyun Choong Sa Shrine worshipping Admiral Lee Soon-Shin who fought against Japanese naval force about 400 years ago in the Lee Dynasty and returned to the capital.