Sun Myung Moon
February 4, 1990
Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 5, Chapter Four: Section 1.2
Photo date and location unknown
Even if people attend church for one hundred years, if they still have a self-centered mind they will never get to heaven. They cannot receive salvation.
We need to know what kind of religion is a true religion, what kind of person is a true person, and what kind of nation is a true nation. (78-117, 1975.5.6)
In the spirit world, you will see that martyrs who died for the purpose of entering heaven did not actually get there. On the other hand, there were martyrs who were able to think, "Heavenly Father walked the path of suffering and shed blood to find me. I will follow any path in order to return His grace," and then died saying, "I am grateful for this moment of glory enabling me to participate in returning this grace;" only they could enter heaven. Such people did not die for their own sakes but for heaven and earth. If you think, "I will die like this in order to enter heaven," it is dying for your own sake. Fallen people can never enter heaven through self-assertion. (41-353, 1971.2.18)
It is stated in the Bible, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first commandment." Those who do not abide by this commandment cannot enter heaven. What is the second commandment? It is, "Love your neighbor as yourself." Those who love God first and their neighbor second are pious children. (198- 258, 1990.2.4)
Can one go to heaven, by simply believing in a doctrine about Jesus, as many Christians say? If Jesus himself were unable to fulfill the ideal of a loving partnership, even he would not go to Heaven. Can Jesus realize true love on his own? Even God could not do so. Therefore, Jesus must come again. Will he do it by coming on the clouds? (176-209, 1988.5.9)
Many Christians today think they are saved and will go to heaven through a certain belief about Jesus. They say that each person goes to heaven by himself. Only a few say they want to take their father and mother with them to heaven. From now, religion should not just be for the salvation of individuals.
A true religion founded by God must be able to remain universal until the end. The ultimate religion all humankind desires would state that God does not want to have just individuals enter heaven. (41-341, 1971.2.18)