Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 1997
You should know the sacredness of the name, "True Parents." All creation was made for True Parents substantial realm. True Parents' ideal realm must be realized even if it is at the cost of all that was created. The creation exists to achieve this realm. God created all things [Gen. 1–25] with this concept, which he had before the Creation. The name "True Parents," which God had sought for thousands of years, will cut off all tumultuous things happening in the world and will achieve an ideal world, which is nothing less than the globalization of blessed families.
Proclaiming a Liberated Realm
How do we globalize blessed families? True Parents will come and completely reverse the consequences of Adam's corruption, which occurred at the age of sixteen, resulting in false love and the collapse of the family. Centered on True Parents, the path through which all people on earth can enter the kingdom of heaven has been opened -- a path through which a perfected Adam's family, which befits the original ideal envisaged at the Creation, is from God's lineage, receives the blessing, serves God and leaves behind God's lineage.
The kingdom of heaven has been empty until now. Adam's family did not enter that kingdom, nor did any other ancestor until now. Thanks to True Parents, we will be organized into a first generation and a second generation and completely fill the kingdom of heaven. Today is the day through which we proclaim this liberated realm. What day is it today? It is the day of the Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth.
Throughout history, the only field that God could take possession of was the realm of the Sabbath. Everything else, however, belonged to Satan. The sons and daughters were not God's nor was all of creation or even the nation. Nothing belonged to God. In order to return everything to God, True Parents had to come.
Our ideal family is the home where God rests. We, therefore, need to understand in what kind of home God can rest. God lost the home where he could rest. Hence, finding the ideal family for God meant finding that home where he could rest. Can everyone reach that level of home where God can rest? What level is it? There is a home of rest on the individual level, on a couple's level and on a family level. A family level home includes sons and daughters. Next, the home in which God can rest at the family level needs a tribe, a tribal home of rest. Transcending the tribal-level home is one at the national level.
Following this is a home at the global level, one at the cosmic level and finally God's home of rest. How many levels of homes are there? There are eight levels.
What has the formation of this home of rest centered on? True Parents and the True Children. An entire line should form centered on this family. That is why Unification Church members must become tribal messiahs. You should become familial messiahs and tribal messiahs. After forming a nation, you become a national messiah and then a global messiah. The global messiah is the king of kings. When this happens, the kingdom of heaven forms on earth.
We are promoting purity and absolute sex. Absolute sex is sex based on true love, which is why we are leading a purity and true family movement. True love is the center of this purity and true family movement. A family becomes a pure, true family centered on true love. Without true love, neither purity nor a true family emerges.
Sun Myung Moon's calligraphy with this speech title from Chil (7) Pal (8) Jeol (roughly, "holiday" declared at 7 seconds, 7 minutes after 7:00 on the 7th day of the 7th lunar-calendar month in 1977 when Father was 77 years old. The day of 8 7's
Salvation through Re-Creation
The providence of salvation is the history of restoration, which must pass through process of re-creation based on the principle of indemnity. Otherwise, perfection is unattainable. How shocking is a history based on this standard! That is why you must forget all of Satan's sons and daughters. How great would God's pain be being in a position where he cannot forget those whom he would rather forget? How much did God invest from an unfathomable position for those whom he cannot forget? What, then, is God trying to achieve by investing in this manner? He is looking for an object partner of love.
Who can understand God's lonesome circumstances in loving those whom he cannot love? God is in a position in which he cannot interfere even if we follow a path that may lead to the destruction of the entire cosmos nor can he forget those whom he would prefer to forget. Even though he should break off from them, he continued investing in them. That is not the end. He has to love them more than he did the original Adam and Eve.
Given that he is unable to forget what he would rather forget, who can understand God's heart and how lonely it is? Who can truly understand God's circumstances as he repeatedly invested, forgot that he had invested and invested again in people that could not be re-created, for thousands of years? Who can truly understand God's heart as he loved those people who has left behind the worst and had many bruises, people whom he would rather not love?
Because I was aware of that tradition, I am investing even my life to save the enemies' children, people that deserve to be beaten and thrown into hell. You should be aware that the circumstances True Parents are in require that they love such children more than their own sons and daughters, even if it means sacrificing their own children. That is why, no matter the amount, the existing seawater is insufficient to fill the valley formed by the tears that have been shed. Only true love can fill this valley.
We must follow the path of not forgetting even what we would rather forget, investing in those we cannot invest in and loving those we cannot love. Even if one is to die once, twice, thrice, one should follow that path even after resurrection. The Old Testament Age failed. The New Testament Age failed. The Completed Testament Age failed. That I had to go through a forty-year wilderness course within one generation is grievous. The failure of one generation of Adam's family is not a problem. This is sadness greater than that experienced when Jesus could not rule over all nations.
From that position, I have pioneered the way that can open the door of liberation to all nations, based on families worldwide, and guide all people in one direction.
Just as the people of Israel set off to establish a nation when they were suffering in Egypt, families that Satan had imprisoned have become families in the ideal kingdom of heaven that can enter the liberated kingdom of heaven. This is that very moment and the fact that we can partake in it is indeed something we should feel great gratitude for and respond by rendering due glory. This moment constitutes nothing less than the declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth.