Sun Myung Moon
February 13, 2000
Little Angels Performing Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
Fourth World Culture and Sports Festival Opening Banquet
Photo date and location unknown
Distinguished guests from home and abroad:
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for coming in spite of your busy schedules to take part in the Fourth World Culture and Sports Festival.
One world under the One God
I have promoted various kinds of peace movements as part of the work to realize God's Will on earth. Throughout my life I have advocated for a world of true peace through ideal families. The century of division and discord has come to an end. As we hope for peace and unity in the new millennium, we must understand that they cannot be realized if we search for them in a vague manner. The entire world needs to have a detailed blueprint of how we can aspire toward the realization of "One World under the One God", centering on God's ideal of creation. We need to implement a concrete, global movement to put it into practice in all areas of life.
At the early age of sixteen, I came to know of Heaven's Will. Since then, I have communicated freely with sages of the past, including Jesus in paradise. I have overcome various hardships throughout my lifetime as I devoted all my heart and strength with the single thought of achieving God's Will. I came to know that God's Will is to construct the kingdom of heaven of freedom, peace and liberation on earth and in heaven. I also came to understand that the original relationship between God and human beings is the eternal relationship between the Parent and His children. The human Fall was the severing of this tie, and restoration refers to recovering this connection between our Heavenly Parent and us as His children.
The various peace organizations and international associations I have founded are also part of the work to achieve the Will of God. They are part of continuing work to prepare for one world under God. In particular, the International Blessing Ceremony that you witnessed is God's strategy to resolve, on a fundamental level, the conflicts between races, religions, and nations, conflicts that arose due to the Fall. The coming together of people of all the races as true husbands and wives is the realization of the sacred ideal that pursues one world under the One God.
Now, at the close of the celebrations of my eightieth birthday and the historic event of the Fourth World Culture and Sports Festival, the title of the speech I would like to share with you is, "Everything Wants True Love."
Love absolutely requires counterparts
Ladies and gentlemen, what is the most important thing of all, which we need more than anything else? It is not money, power or knowledge. It is true love. True love is more precious than life itself and as important to us as air or water.
Why is true love so precious and important? It is because it is the means by which we can meet God. Just as human beings desire to meet God, God wants to meet true human beings, all because of love. The love by which God can see, touch and share with men and women is the very love by which men and women love each other. If anything other than love were to be recognized as the most valuable thing in the universe, men and women would fight each other to claim it for themselves. However, once we realize that it is love that has the highest value, we can strive to live for each other and become one with each other, sharing the happiness of possessing love together.
Everyone desires love. Love is the only thing that can satisfy the highest human desires. And it is humankind's and God's undying attraction to love that makes God's providence of salvation possible.
Fundamentally, love belongs to God. Yet even God cannot fulfill love all by Himself. Love requires a mutual relationship. A man by himself or a woman by herself cannot experience love. Each woman exists for the sake of a man's love, and each man exists for the sake of a woman's love. Regardless of external appearance, each of us desires in our heart a mate with whom we can give and receive the highest degree of love.
When we examine the universe, we see that all beings exist in pairs relating to one another as subject partner and object partner. In the mineral world, we observe the relationship between particles with plus and minus charges. In the plant world, the animal world and the world of human beings, we see the relationship between masculine and feminine aspects. This is because God created the universe in order to fulfill the expression of love. All beings desire the experience of true love through a mutual relationship. Love is the one power in the universe that absolutely no one can fulfill alone. Once we have a partner, however, love gives us the power to share the entire universe. By the same principle, a husband and wife need children in order to experience the profound joy of parental love.
Thus, we can say that God created human beings and the universe as His reciprocal partners in order to realize true love. All types of love including children's love, siblings' love, conjugal love and parental love, come about through the unity of subject and object partners. When two partners become one in true love, it is impossible to separate them. If for any reason separation does occur, true love is destroyed. Therefore, in true love there is no concept of divorce.
The essence of true love
When a man feels love, the feeling is not generated by itself. It awakens in his heart because of a particular woman. Likewise, the fire of love is kindled in the heart of a woman not by herself alone but by the man she loves. In other words, our love belongs to our partner. Thus, we must honor our partner's love as being even more precious than our own. Each person needs to be grateful to his or her spouse and live life for the sake of the other. This basic reasoning will make it possible for each couple of the 360 million blessed couples to remain together eternally.
When husbands and wives live for each other, respect each other, and become completely one through true love, it will be possible for the fallen lineage of Satan to be rooted out completely. True love grows through both horizontal and vertical relationships of giving and receiving. A horizontal relationship of true love is gradually elevated in a vertical direction until it eventually reaches the pinnacle of unity with God. This pinnacle is the position of the "king and queen of true love." In this position, the entire world becomes remade, embraced and crystallized by love, and everything blooms. This is why all beings in the universe want to be transformed through love and live in the midst of love. We are born for the sake of love, we are designed to live for the sake of love, and finally we are destined to die in the bosom of love.
All people and all entities desire true love. This is why humans, as the highest beings in creation, need to embrace and love God's masterpieces of creation and teach creation how to love. All created things are longing to receive and experience God's love through men and women who have become one with God at the pinnacle of true love. It is a shame we have not yet realized this degree of love.
All entities exist at a certain level in mutual attraction with each other. At the same time, all entities want to be absorbed into higher levels of love. Thus, minerals want to be absorbed into plants, plants want to be absorbed into animals, and finally all created things want to be absorbed into humans. Through this process, they ultimately reach the position where they can experience the essence of true love, which is the love that is nearest to God, the origin of love. God created everything with an intrinsic nature to provide value to a higher level. For example, creatures such as eels and worms, which fish like to eat, also provide ingredients for natural medicines for humans. Creatures on a higher level are meant to consume entities on a lower level. Without this process, the universe could not exist.
Darwin's theory regarding the survival of the fittest needs to be reexamined in the context of this logic of love. Even ants and microorganisms want true love so much that they will die to become part of an entity of greater love. Because of this principle, human beings, created as the highest partners of God's love, can consume all creatures. We can enjoy everything we desire, on one condition, that we do so with a heart that represents the love of God, the Creator.
The order of love between man and woman is the cornerstone of the universe
God's ideal was for one couple, Adam and Eve, centering on true love, to become the seed from which all the world's families, clans, nations and finally the vast citizenry of the kingdom of heaven would descend. However, citizens of the kingdom of heaven can be created only in accordance with God's tradition of true love.
The view I'm sharing is very different from the theories of Charles Darwin. Yet, it is through this perspective, and not Darwin's theories, that we will achieve a world of peace. This is because my words witness to the fundamental principles of creation.
In his theory of evolution, Darwin proposed that species evolve through a process of natural selection based on random mutations. Such a theory implies there is no fundamental meaning, order or goal in the development of the natural world. Today scientists and others debate between the theory of evolution and the theory of creation. The word "creation" acknowledges the existence of God the Creator and that there is purpose embodied in His act of creation. Each subject partner and object partner unites with its counterpart to achieve a higher purpose.
As with Darwinism, materialism-based communist theory lacks the understanding of purpose. God's creation embodies the purpose of true love, whereas communism posits only struggle and destruction. Thus, it is destined to disappear.
In all creation, the most precious entities are human beings, men and women. Furthermore, the most precious part of the human body is not the nose, the eyes, the hands or even the brain. It is the reproductive organs, the organs of love. These parts have the marvelous power of procreation. Most living things multiply through sexual reproduction. The most precious and outstanding family begins with a husband and wife who are spiritually and physically united with each other. Our love organs are the main sanctuary of life, occupying a position of incredible value that connects us to lineage and history.
God's fundamental principle is to create through male and female. For a man and woman to share absolute love, however, they must have only one partner. We must not have two or more partners, only one, eternally. There is absolutely only one man for each woman and one woman for each man. This is why God did not create two Adams or two Eves. Tragically, in the world today we see children who have had as many as ten stepfathers. How false and degraded love has become!
When men and women uphold and preserve chastity, they are protecting the universe. The discipline of love between men and women is the foundation of the universe. We must not abuse our love. Human beings, God's sons and daughters, must never descend to being ruled by our physical instincts. Our love can have only one owner. The word "true" in true love does not allow for the possibility of more than one partner. There can be only one. This is an absolute law.
Having a connection with true love
Not just anyone can say they have true love. Only God can really love with true love, and only God absolutely owns true love. God's true life, God's true lineage and God's true conscience emerge from true love. In this way, the most fundamental essence of God is true love.
Therefore to connect with true love, we must first relate with God. A child might say, "My mother and father don't fight, and we live well," but this does not necessarily mean this is a family of true love. A young man and woman may say, "We are so much in love we could die." This doesn't mean their love is true love. If God is not present, it is not true love. True love always centers on God. To have it, we first need to connect with God's love, life and lineage. Then we can truly become God's sons and daughters.
Personal influence, knowledge, money or military power cannot ensure a person will be welcome in the world of true love. Everyone wants true love, yet such love is possible only when we live for others. We need to sacrifice for and serve our partner. Everyone avoids a person who relates to others with the mindset that says, "You have to live for me." This kind of selfish individualism is Satan's strategy, purpose and tool. The result is always hell. We need to live for the public purpose. If a person lives for others, sacrificing him or herself and serving the public purpose, everyone and everything will come to love that individual.
Living together with God eternally
We are created as God's children. As we grow in love, relating to brothers and sisters, becoming husbands and wives, giving birth to children and raising them, God is present each step of the way, harvesting true love. God observes and guides us as we develop, and He becomes the owner of love at each stage. In this sense, it can be said that human beings, through whom God comes to own all love, are more precious to God than God is to Himself. In the same way, we attach a thousand times more value to the person we love than to ourselves.
God invests Himself into those He loves, forgets He has invested, and invests again. He invests Himself one hundred percent and then dismisses one hundred percent of any thought of repayment. This is why He can continue to invest.
In the same way, a wife who wants her husband to be a success invests herself in her husband and then forgets this investment. By investing herself and forgetting, she enables him to achieve his full potential in life. When we as partners continue to invest in each other, with no thought of repayment, the level of our love is elevated, and we will ultimately find ourselves connected to God. This is how we can fulfill our Parent-child relationship with God and have eternal life.
Everyone wants to go to heaven. However, those who have the attitude that "everyone must live for me" will not succeed. True love begins with embracing and living for the sake of all God's masterpieces of creation. The way we can reach heaven is to live for all humanity and ultimately for God.
During our lives, each of us needs to have at least three experiences in which we dedicate our lives to someone or to some higher purpose. This is how we can indemnify the selfish acts involved in the Fall of Adam's family, the crucifixion of Jesus and the persecution of the family of the Lord of the Second Advent.
Even after we figuratively pass through death and resurrection three times, we would not ask for God's praise but instead pledge our lives to Him even more. This is how we can meet God. When such people populate the world, this will be the kingdom of heaven on earth. This is the path I am teaching, and this is the kind of world I am building.
All beings existing in love are in spherical relationships
Children are the fruit of the love between their mother and father. We need to understand that children embody their parents' love, life and lineage. Little children often say, "This is mine," yet their parents are the origin of everything the children refer to as being their own. Parents are the root and the trunk Without parents, we would all be orphans. We cannot live if we break the ladder of love that connects us to our parents. We are the sons and daughters of God, the Parent who is the origin of true love. Parents are the greatest teachers of love for their children.
The parent-child relationship is vertical, and the husband-wife relationship is horizontal. The fines of these two relationships need to cross at right angles. The relationship among siblings forms a third dimension, a front-to-back axis. When all are equidistant from the center and are freely circulating in love, their relationships form a sphere. That is why all beings existing in love, and the universe as a whole, are, in a sense, in spherical relationships. The entire universe achieves balance centering on these relationships.
All love is united and achieves a peaceful, dynamic harmony at the central point of this sphere of love relationships. This center, where all these relationships intersect, is where God resides. If we picture this three-dimensionally, we see that God is the ultimate origin of love, life, lineage and conscience.
In the God-centered family, vertical and horizontal loves are united as one. Such a family will multiply to become a clan, society, nation, world and cosmos of love. The fundamental center, though, is always the One God.
At the turning point of good and evil, good and evil people are blessed together
If Adam and Eve had not fallen, they would have formed a model of true conjugal love, and others would have received the education of love from them, that is to say, others would have learned how to love from them. If Adam and Eve had children, then who would have officiated at their wedding? As their parents, Adam and Eve themselves would have done this. We need to look seriously at the deficiency of parental involvement in their children's marriages in today's society.
The Unification movement, founded by True Parents, is standing in the parental position to give the marriage Blessing to all the peoples of the world. These marriages transcend racial, religious and ethnic differences. By knowing True Parents and being engrafted to them, saints and even evil people are being blessed in marriage. True Parents reject evil love, evil life and evil lineage, yet they do not cast out Cain, who murdered Abel. Everyone, including Cain, receives the same Blessing.
In the ocean, there is a point during the changing of the tides when the forces of the outgoing and incoming tides are at equilibrium. There is a similar turning point in the providence of salvation in the balance between the forces of good and evil. Blessing good and evil people at this turning point can expel Satan completely.
The Fall occurred when there was an error in the Garden of Eden that involved marriage. The True Parents have now corrected that error, have restored the original foundation, and are blessing marriages. By clearing up the problems caused by Adam and Eve as fallen parents, the True Parents are eradicating hell and giving the Blessing to tens of billions of ancestors in the spirit world. In other words, by centering on true love and restoring the original true love, true life and true lineage, we are creating the true parent-child relationship.
In this way, we come to fulfill the master plan of love, the model of true love in the eight stages of God's ideal of creation. That is, we establish the eternal, unchanging true love tradition by going through life in the womb, during infancy, as brothers and sisters, as adolescents which is the engagement period, as newlyweds enjoying conjugal love, as parents, as true parents and, finally, as the kings and queens of love. Upon this foundation, we stand as the full realization of true love, culminating in the parent-child relationship.
Leading the new family revolution and moral revolution
In God, love, life and lineage are absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Humanity is to inherit this model of true love. This model will not change for tens of thousands of generations. Centering on true love, we can reach oneness between parent and child, between husband and wife, and between brothers and sisters.
A father becomes the owner or master of love through his son. A husband becomes the owner of love through his wife, and vice versa. An elder brother becomes the owner of love through his younger brother. On the other hand, a child without parents, an individual without a spouse, and an elder brother without a younger brother cannot find the central position, the position of the owner of love.
In order to become the owner of true love, the starting-point is to serve and honor our parents. By doing so, we will attain mind-body unity as individuals, conjugal unity as husband and wife, fraternal unity as brother and sister, and world peace as nations. In this way, we can fulfill all the realms of love defined in the eight-stage ideal model.
Again, the ideal family and ideal nation are where all of us as parents, children, couples, brothers and sisters, and nations want to adopt and master the eight-stage model, centering on true love. From there, eternal world peace will emerge, the kingdom of God on earth will dawn, and the kingdom of God in heaven will blossom.
Beginning from the year 2000, in every corner of the globe, countless blessed families united with the True Parents of Heaven and Earth will initiate a new family revolution and a worldwide moral revolution, centering on true love. God is longing to see the eternal ideal kingdom of God built on earth and in heaven. Let us join in this holy task. I pray that all of you will become the owners of God's true love.
May God's abundant blessings be upon you and your families.
Thank you very much.