Sun Myung Moon
February 11, 1992
Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 1: True God, Chapter 1, Section 3.1, A personal God with intellect, emotion, and will
Photo date and location unknown
How did God, the First Cause, shape human beings? He made us like Himself. He made us in His image. This means that the Father resembles us as we resemble the Father. This leads us to the answer. In seeking to know about God, what might we find about His nature? If we conclude, "He is someone like me," we will be right on the mark. (127-233, 1983.5.15)
If God exists, what kind of relationship does He have with human beings? To have a relationship with human beings, He must be a personal God. And to be a personal God, He must resemble human beings. People have the attributes of mind and body. Then God, as their Creator, has to have similar attributes if he is to share with them a common purpose. This point marks the origin of the concept of dual characteristics. (167-243, 1987.7.21)
Do you think God laughs? Have you seen God smiling? Do you think God has eyes? Do you think He has a nose? How about a mouth or ears? Does He have a body? If you examine Christianity carefully you can see that Christians do not have a sense of this. They do not know if God has eyes. If you ask them, "Have you really seen His eyes?," they do not know. If you ask them, "Whom does God resemble?," they will answer, "What do you mean? God resembles Himself." What kind of answer is that? Whom does God resemble? His children. This is why God has to be a personal God. As a personal God, He demands of us the highest standard of character. What forms the base for the highest standard of character? It is measured neither by money nor by power, but by love. (182-59, 1988.10.14)
God knows everything. He is the supreme King of knowledge and power; He is all-knowing and almighty. Furthermore, He is omnipresent; no place is void of His presence. What is it that He needs? Diamonds? He can make them any time. Gold or jewels? No. What God needs is love. If God were alone, would he say "Oh, I have love and it's great"? What is it that God needs? If God is a personal God then He must have a mouth; must He not? Then, He also must have a nose, eyes, ears, hands, feet, and a mind and heart. If God is like a person then He should have these attributes. (142-30,1986.3.3)
If God exists and comes to our world today, He must be a God of intellect, emotion, and will. Why? Because this is how human beings are. His intellect, emotion, and will, however, are not based on the human way but on the heavenly way. (9-291, 1960.6.12)
Can the absolute God be sad? Can the all-knowing and almighty God avoid sadness? Can He relate to sorrow? These are serious questions that I cannot take lightly. We cannot maintain the view that the absolute God can be the father of humanity and yet never experience sorrow. There is a logical contradiction here, for it fundamentally distances God the Father from His children who have intellect, emotion, and will, and who experience the feelings of joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure. Therefore, God has to be the Subject who can feel joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure - even more than we can. (203-288, 1990.6.27)
There is no religious organization that correctly witnesses about God. If you talk about God, Buddhism and Confucianism are the same; they become dumbfounded. They do not know the personal God, with intellect, emotion, and will. The Unification Church asserts the oneness of God and man. This is a magnificent concept. (227-112, 1992.2.11)
Members of the Unification Church can be proud of the fact that we know God very well. We know God clearly. God is both a personal God with intellect, emotion, and will, and the Subject of love at the same time. We know this clearly. We know that the God of love is the center of heavenly heart and we know that the center of heavenly heart cannot vacillate. (210-314, 1990.12.27)