Sun Myung Moon
September 15, 1996
Olympic Fencing Gymnasium, Seoul, Korea
Establishing the Family Federation for World Peace
Speaking tour in 185 Nations
(Given on True Father’s behalf)
Photo date and location unknown
With the end of the Cold War, new hope for peace and justice has spread rapidly across the globe. Leaders unable or unwilling to acknowledge the new international realities are being swept away by the tidal wave of change.
As we stand at the threshold of the new millennium, I believe it is time to review our traditional patterns of thinking and boldly seize these new opportunities. Thus it is my great honor to share with you my lifelong advocacy for world peace and true family values.
God is the origin of the universe and love
In this world there are two kinds of human beings: men and women. Can they decide to exchange positions? Was your birth as male or female based on your personal desire? Or were you born that way irrespective of your personal preference? The sex that we are born with is an absolute and is not a matter of choice. We did not plan it or choose it, yet we were born of a specific gender without knowing the cause or process.
Thus it is undeniable that no matter how great a person may be, he or she is not a causal being but a resultant being. Therefore, the first causal being must exist. Who is that causal being? Is it male? Is it female? You can call that first causal being God or by any other name. However that causal being has to exist. Some of the most famous people in the world are gathered here today. You might say, “Where is God? Show me, and then I will believe.” However I counsel you not to deny the existence of that causal being.
The topic of today’s speech is, “In Search of the Origin of the Universe.”
If we go deeper and deeper in our search for the origin of the universe, we arrive at God. We come to know that God possesses the dual characteristics of masculinity and femininity. How did the universe begin?
Let us set aside our discussion of God for the moment and consider humankind. It is clear that humankind is composed of men and women, who relate as subject and object partners. In the mineral kingdom, atoms and molecules are composed of positively charged atomic nuclei and negatively charged electrons. Flowering plants reproduce through the union of male and female reproductive cells produced in the stamen and pistil. Animals exist as male and female, and human beings, as men and women. When we examine created beings, whether in the mineral kingdom, plant kingdom, or animal kingdom, we observe that beings with plus and minus characteristics on the higher level exist and develop by incorporating beings with plus and minus characteristics from lower levels. Why does this phenomenon take place? It is because the existing world is responsible for perfecting human beings, who are meant to be rulers of all creation.
In the mineral kingdom, plus and minus characteristics, functioning as subject and object partners, unite guided by the ideal of love, thereby enabling inanimate matter to exist. Likewise, in the plant kingdom, stamen and pistil generate reproductive cells that function as subject and object partners. When they unite guided by the ideal of love, a seed for a new plant comes into existence. Current research in microbiology shows that even bacteria exist with plus and minus traits.
How do beings with plus and minus characteristics unite as subject and object partners? By kissing? Love is not a concept. It is a substantial reality. Where can love actually settle? Gathered here today are famous presidents and distinguished guests, but there is something that all of you need to bear in mind. You need to be aware of what characterizes a man as a man and a woman as a woman. The answer is, the sexual organs. Does anyone here dislike their sexual organs? If you like them, to what extent do you like them? Until now you may have thought that it is not virtuous to appreciate the sexual organs, but from now on you need to appreciate their value.
The unchanging laws of the universe
What will the world be like in the future? If it is a world that absolutely respects the value of the sexual organs, will that world be good or bad? Will it prosper or perish? This is not a joke. When God was creating human beings, into which part of the body did He invest the greatest creative effort? Was it the eyes, the nose, the heart, the brain? All these organs eventually perish, do they not?
What is the purpose of the Family Federation for World Peace? If all people were to look beyond the traditional categories of what is virtuous, religious or normative by human standards, and absolutely respected the value of the sexual organs, they would earn God’s warm applause. Then, what kind of world would it be? When we are born as male or female, who is the owner of our sexual organ? Actually, the owner of a husband’s sexual organ is his wife, and the owner of a wife’s sexual organ is her husband. We did not know that each person’s sexual organ is owned by a person of the opposite sex. This is a simple truth that we cannot deny. Even after history has progressed for thousands of years, this truth will not change.
Every man thinks his sexual organ belongs to himself, and every woman thinks her sexual organ is her own. That is why the world is perishing. Everyone is mistaken concerning the ownership of their sexual organ. We all think that love is absolute, eternal, and dreamlike, but when we come to understand clearly that the ownership of eternal love lies with the opposite sex, the world will not remain in its present condition. There are numerous scholars and people with Ph.D. degrees, yet not one of them has thought about this.
Can any of you deny this point? If you ask your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, the first ancestors, and even God, who is the origin of the universe, they will all agree with this. It is a universal law. This truth will remain no matter how many billions of years the universe exists. The natural conclusion is that when you stand before God, He will judge you as righteous or unrighteous according to this immutable law.
Even the Fall of Adam and Eve originated with the violation of this law. Both Adam and Eve erred by thinking that their sexual organ was their own possession. Think about it. Would God chase Adam and Eve away because they ate a literal fruit? God is not such an irrational being. God chased them out because they did not meet the most basic criterion by which the universe operates. Owing to their mistake regarding the original point of love, they could not be acknowledged anywhere in the universe. In the mineral kingdom, plant kingdom and animal kingdom, the positive and negative traits, or the male and female sexual organs, are reserved for the sake of the complementary partner of love. Adam and Eve were unaware of this. Then why do the sexual organs exist? They exist for the sake of love. Male and female exist in order to find love.
God and humankind are in a parent-child relationship
What are the characteristics of God? God is absolute, unique, eternal and unchanging. Then who is the owner of love? The owner of love is not man or woman. The owner of love is God. On the foundation of love and through love, God and human beings can unite. This is because both God and human beings absolutely need love.
Then, what kind of love does God need? God needs absolute love. What about you? It is the same for you and me. Just as God needs absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal love, we too need absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal love. Apparently, we all resemble God.
God Himself has masculine and feminine characteristics, or positive and negative traits. Human beings, who were meant to be the substantial object partners of God, were created as men and women. When a man and a woman get married, they become substantial plus and minus partners, and together they represent God. God’s Will is that when we get married, we need to unite completely on the horizontal plane, with God’s vertical love as the center.
The human body, representing the earth, operates in the horizontal dimension. On the other hand, the conscience always operates in the vertical dimension, as it seeks the higher perspective. Thus human beings irresistibly seek the point at which they become one with the vertical standard of God. That point needs to be the center, and man and woman have to meet each other at that point.
Thus when a person, born from that center, grows up experiencing the love of a child, the love between brothers and sisters, and conjugal love, that person’s mature body represents the earth, and that person’s mature mind centers on God. At this ultimate point, mind and body become one vertically and horizontally, thereby establishing a base for happiness. God, the Absolute Being, will rejoice only in that place, with absolute love at the center. In that place, husband and wife, who are love partners, will rejoice as well.
When the relationships of parent and child, husband and wife, and brother and sister, representing north and south, east and west, and front and back respectively, achieve perfect unity with that single point as their center, an ideal, spherical shape is generated.
Thus, people in the East have an adage that parents and children form one body. Furthermore, they consider husband and wife, as well as brother and sister, as forming one body. What is the basis for that traditional wisdom? All of that is made possible when the three types of relationships form a sphere, extending in all directions, with true love as their center. Those relationships need to form a sphere with a single center. There must be only one center. Unification is possible because those relationships share the same center. The relationship between God and us is a parent-child relationship. Thus, we need to become one with God, with true love as the center.
God and human beings in unity
Ladies and gentlemen, how lofty is human desire? Your mind wants to reach higher than God. No matter how lowly a person is, he or she can desire a world even greater than that of God’s desire. As a beloved son or daughter of God, if you say to God, “Father, please come,” will He not come? No matter how plain a man’s wife may be, if he really loves her, he will naturally go to her when she calls. With unity founded on true love, the husband will respond to his wife’s beckoning, the elder will follow the younger’s call, and the younger will follow the elder s call. None of them will ever want to separate from the other.
If God were alone, would He feel lonely or not? How can we know that He would feel lonely? Ladies and gentlemen, do you have love? Do you have life? Do you have lineage that comes from sperm and ova? Do you have a conscience? You affirm all these things, yet have you seen love? Have you seen life? Have you seen lineage? Have you seen the conscience? Have you ever touched these things? You are aware of their existence, although you cannot see or touch them. You know them only through your intuition. By the same token, even though you have not seen or touched God, you cannot say that He does not exist.
What is more important, that which is visible or that which is invisible? I am sure you realize that the invisible is more important than the visible.
You can see and touch money, however you cannot see or touch love, life, lineage and conscience. We all have them, so why can we not see them? It is because they are one with us. When your mind and body are in perfect balance, you do not feel them.
Do you feel your eyes blinking? Try counting the number of times you blink over a period of three hours. Do you count the number of breaths you take every day? Touch the left side of your chest with your right hand. Do you feel something beating? You can feel your heart beating. How many times each day do you hear the sound of your heart beating? Through a stethoscope, your heartbeat may sound like the booming of a bomb going off. Yet, when we are busy, we can go for weeks and months without feeling it. Think about it! We immediately feel a small fly sitting on our head, yet we cannot feel our heart beating, although its movement is a hundred times greater than that of the alighting of a fly. It is because we are one with our own body.
You may consider it rude if I share this with you, however I would like to give you some unusual examples. You use the bathroom each morning. When you defecate, do you wear a gas mask? This is not a laughing matter, but a serious one. If you are near someone else defecating, you will quickly move a good distance away. However, when you smell your own feces, you barely notice it. This is because the fecal matter was one with your body. Therefore, you do not experience it as offensive.
When you were young, did you ever taste the dried mucus from your nose? Does it taste sweet or salty? It’s salty, right? Since you can answer that, you must have tasted it! Why did you not feel that it was dirty? That is because it was part of your body. Reverend Moon has figured out something that no one else in the world has known. When you cough up phlegm, you sometimes swallow it, right? What about you who have gathered here today? Have you ever had that experience? Be honest. Why do you not feel it is dirty? It is because the phlegm was one with your body.
We all eat three meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you go about twelve inches down from your mouth, there is a fertilizer factory. By eating three meals a day, we provide raw materials for that fertilizer factory. After knowing that, can you still put food into your mouth? We know that there is a fertilizer factory in our stomach, yet we live on without feeling its presence. Why do we not feel it? It is because it is part of us.
God’s purpose of creation
In the same way, we have love, life, lineage and conscience, and because they are one with us and in balance, we do not feel them. Likewise, we do not feel the pressure of the atmosphere that surrounds us. God too has love, life, lineage and conscience, and like us He cannot feel them by Himself. Because they are completely in balance, God cannot feel them. That is why God also needs an object partner. We can appreciate the necessity of an object partner from this perspective. When one is alone, one cannot feel oneself. However when a man appears to a woman or a woman appears to a man, the stimulation of love and lineage will erupt like lightning and thunder. You have to be fully awakened to this. We have been living without knowing this truth. We have not understood that God absolutely needs a partner of love.
Then who is God’s love partner? Is it a monkey? We are resultant beings, but can monkeys be the beings that caused us? Can monkeys be our progenitors? Don’t even utter such nonsense. For life to begin from an amoeba and reach the human form, it would have to pass through the gates of love on thousands of levels. Does life progress automatically? Absolutely not. It is the same with all animals. The division of species is very strict. No one can infringe on the separation of species.
If materialists who believe that monkeys are our ancestors try to crossbreed a human with a monkey, do you think they can create a new life form? They will fail, no matter how many thousands of years they attempt it. Why will it not work? You need to think about that.
Then what would God need? What part of your body would God need the most: your eyes, your hands, or all five of your senses? Within Himself, God has both masculine and feminine natures, although to exist as Father, His being is that of a male subject partner. With this in mind, would we say that God needs a love partner?
Then who or what within God’s creation could be His love partner? Would it be a man by himself? Or can a woman by herself become God’s love partner? What kind of partner does God want? Does He need a partner with great wealth, or knowledge, or authority? No, none of these things matter. God wants a love partner. Thus, God wants to appear and meet us at the place where husband and wife unite through their sexual organs.
Why is that the place where man and woman unite, with God at the center? It is because love is absolute, and that is the place where man and woman have the absolute desire to unite. From a horizontal perspective, a man, who is in the plus position, approaches that center, and a woman, who is in the minus position, also approaches that center. In God as well, the masculine and feminine characteristics, or plus and minus aspects, are united as one. That union in God, as a bigger plus, becomes one with a bigger minus, namely, the union of man and woman. The question turns to the conditions by which that larger union can come about.
What is marriage? Why is marriage important? Marriage is important because it is the road to finding love. It is the road to creating life. It is the road on which the lives of a man and a woman unite into one. It is the place where a man’s lineage combines with a women’s lineage. Through marriage, history emerges, nations appear and an ideal world begins. Without marriage, the existence of individuals, nations, and an ideal world has no meaning.
This is the formula. Man and woman need to become absolutely one. Parents and children need to become absolutely one with God, loving God and living and dying with God. When they die and go to the spirit world, the place to which they go is called heaven. However, no individual, family or nation has fulfilled that ideal. The world and humankind have not established that ideal, and for that reason the kingdom of heaven that God desires is empty. All people who died until now fell into lower realms, even into hell. No one entered the kingdom of heaven.
From this perspective, we can see that even Jesus, who came as the Savior of humankind, could not enter the kingdom of heaven. Instead, as the Bible says, he went to paradise. (Luke 23:43) To enter the kingdom of heaven, he would have needed to form a family. That is why Jesus said he would come again. Jesus needed to marry, form a family, serve and live with God in that family, and then enter the kingdom of heaven with that family. He could not enter the kingdom of heaven by himself. Thus it says in the Bible, “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matt. 18:18) We have to solve our problems on earth. Since the disease was contracted on earth, it has to be cured on earth.
The truth that can overcome the fallen world
Human beings descended from the Fall. Therefore we dwell in the realm of the Fall and cannot enter the kingdom of heaven without making a foundation to rise above that realm. No matter how difficult the task, human beings in the realm of the Fall have to overcome that realm. Thus Jesus said, “Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.” (Matt. 10:39) In order to traverse this road of death, we have to penetrate it and rise above death at the risk of our entire lives.
Your families are in the realm of the Fall. Your tribes and nations are in the same realm. Therefore, you have to engage in the struggle and win. The Fall occurred in Adam’s family. Did Adam and Eve have children before or after they were chased out of the Garden of Eden? They had children after they were chased out; they created their family without any relationship to God. How can you go to the kingdom of heaven without knowing that? It is inconceivable. You cannot achieve the ideal through ignorance. This is my warning to you.
Pray to find out whether Reverend Moon’s words are true. No one knows how much hardship I endured to find this path. Although I committed no crime, I suffered through imprisonment on six different occasions to find this path. Through this truth, I am able to educate precious young adults and transform them in the matter of an hour. Some say that I am brainwashing people, but in fact I am enlightening them with logical truth. Before my explanation of the existence of God in scientific and logical terms, atheists are silent. On the other hand, Christians try to entrap and destroy us, crying “heresy” because our doctrines differ. Nonetheless, this so-called heretical cult is on the side of truth.
Satan hates whatever is on God’s side, and God hates whatever is on Satan’s side. Has anyone in the world liked Reverend Moon? You came here only because you know about what I am doing. You did not come without knowing that.
Youth in the former Soviet Union also saw and learned of what I am doing. Living in an ideological vacuum, they are now equipping themselves intellectually with a Unification perspective, using comprehensive ethics texts in middle schools, high schools, universities and even prisons. Three thousand six hundred schools in the former Soviet Union are using these texts. They believe that my teachings provide the only way to overcome the corrupting influence of the decadent Western culture of homosexuality and free sex. They are proclaiming, “We have to surpass America, which opposes Reverend Moon!” They want to move ahead of America in supporting the work of Reverend Moon.
Illicit sexual relationship is the root of sin
Ladies and gentlemen, do you love God? Would God enjoy watching Reverend Moon engage^ in these activities? Can the teachings of the Vatican harmonize with the teachings of Reverend Robert Schuler, who also attended the inaugural convention of the Family Federation for World Peace? Their teachings differ. Then ask God whose teachings are true.
What does it benefit me to tell you that your understanding of Jesus and Mother Mary is wrong? However you need to understand one fact very clearly: without being loosed on earth, it will not be loosed in heaven. Reverend Moon, who knew this at an early age, has devoted his entire life to walking this path for liberation. Was Jesus supposed to have married? Yes, Jesus was supposed to have married. Is Jesus a woman or a man? Would Jesus not have wished to marry a daughter of God?
During the creation of Adam and Eve, God granted them their personal sexual organs. Why did He do that? Would not God have blessed them in marriage when they reached maturity? The problem lies in their Fall. Due to the Fall, their blood lineage was transferred from God to Satan. Therefore, God chased them out of the Garden of Eden.
Originally, Adam and Eve were to have become God’s body, in the position of God’s bride. The Fall, in a sense, introduced a disease into God’s body and ideal, as Adam and Eve behaved as God’s enemies. Can you imagine how much God’s heart suffered as He watched this taking place? The human Fall opened the grave in which people buried themselves. It was an act of expropriation. It was the root of free sex and the origin of individualism.
What kind of nation is America today? It has become a nation of extreme individualism, a nation whose people are excessively pursuing their private interests, over-indulging themselves, being gluttonous, and practicing free sex. Does God favor these things? What is the outcome of the lives of such extreme individualists? They abandon heaven and earth, the world, their nation, their society, their extended family and even their grandparents. Beyond that, they lose their parents, and brothers and sisters. Therefore they live as gypsies and wander around like vagrants, with no place to go when it rains and snows. So they are driven to end their lives by suicide. That is the result of extreme individualism.
The original mind does not want to protect this extreme individualism and exaltation of privacy. The original mind wants to live receiving love from the universe, the nation, our village and our parents. However, because people walk the opposite path, their conscience becomes dysfunctional and they feel a contradiction with their own original mind. Thus more and more people would rather die than live, and they commit virtual suicide by taking drugs. We are witnessing the truth of the proverb, “You will reap what you have sown.”
What seed did Adam and Eve plant in the Garden of Eden? It was the seed of free sex. Can we deny that? It is the reason they covered their lower parts after the Fall. Do not even children know what they need to cover up, for example, after they have eaten some cookies hidden by their parents? This is how human nature functions. If the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil were a literal fruit, then Adam and Eve would have covered their mouths or hands. So, why did they hide their lower parts?
I am an intelligent man. I am not doing what I am doing because I am inferior to you. We cannot deny that the Fall was an act of fornication. To restore the Fall of Adam and Eve, it is logical to say that we have to take a path one hundred eighty degrees different from that of the Fall. Owing to the Fall, we inherited a lineage that leads us on the path to hell. That is why the Messiah has to come.
The returning Lord has the mission to raise up true families
The Messiah comes as the owner who forms a family in the Garden of Eden as originally intended by God. We need to understand this clearly, based upon logic. The Messiah needs to first create a family that serves God. Through this family, he has to establish a nation. Therefore, the family is the key. On the foundation of the Messiah’s family, there needs to be an engrafting process. The problem can be stated as, “Who can save me from this world of death?” That is why we need to take a path in a direction opposite to that of the Fall.
Consider the Old Testament era. To indemnify a wrongdoing, the principle applied at that time was, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” (Exod. 21:24) Now think about Rebekah, the wife of Isaac, who had two sons, Esau and Jacob. Did she not help Jacob steal the blessing by cheating her elder son, Esau, and her own husband, Isaac? Why would God love such a woman? How can we have faith in such a God? Until now, no one has been able to answer these questions. I am the first person to provide the answers, because I am the only one who knows all of God’s secrets.
Now, let us discover the dividing line between heaven and hell. Is it up in the air? Where is it? It is your sexual organ. This is a serious matter. The sexual organs turned heaven and earth upside down. Who can deny it? The Divine Principle, the teaching of Reverend Moon, explains this issue in the chapter on the human Fall.
If you doubt this explanation, ask God. You cannot reject the Divine Principle, which includes content beyond your wildest dreams systematically presented and logically explained. If you are wondering whether Reverend Moon will go to heaven or hell, you will find out after you die and go to the spirit world. And if you feel upset by my talk tonight, just go there to find out. You have to realize that I overcame death hundreds of times in order to find this path. I brought God to tears hundreds of times. No one in history has loved God more than I have. That is why, even if the world tries to destroy me, I will not perish because God protects me. If you step into the realm of the truth I teach, you too will gain God’s protection.
If you use your sexual organ as if you are wandering aimlessly and without direction, it will undoubtedly lead you, as its owner, to hell. By the same token, if you use your sexual organ according to the standard of God’s absolute love, you will be led high up into heaven. That is a clear conclusion.
Today, we face a serious youth problem because Adam and Eve, during their youth, planted the seed of free sex in the shade, through their Fall in the Garden of Eden. In the Last Days, which is the time of harvest, we see the worldwide phenomenon of rampant free sex among youth.
Satan knew that the Lord of the Second Advent would come in the Last Days with the strategy to save all people, who are in the realm of the Fall, by lifting them up to the realm of absolute love with God’s true love as the center. Satan, who is an archangel, cannot present any standard of love other than free sex, which he introduced in the Garden of Eden. Therefore, we see that through free sex the entire world is being stripped naked and shoved in the direction of death. All people, as the archangel’s descendants, are being forced to walk this path in the Last Days.
Because all men and women are descended from Adam and Eve, who fell under Satan’s dominion in the Garden of Eden, Satan can boldly claim in front of God the right to do whatever he pleases with them in this world. God knows what Satan wants. Through free sex, Satan wants to stop every last person from returning to God. In other words, Satan wants to destroy all human beings and solidify hell on earth. Is not the world in which we live today hell on earth?
Therefore, we will find the road to heaven by going in a direction that is exactly opposite the direction leading to hell on earth. When the Lord of the Second Advent comes, he will lead us to heaven by showing us this reverse path as the way to save the world. Then what is the road that is the exact reverse of the way of free sex? The path of free sex was laid because of the false parents. Therefore, True Parents have to come to lead us on the right path. God cannot intervene. No authority or any military, economic or political power can do it. False parents caused it. Therefore, it requires the scalpel of True Parents to cut it open. True Parents have to operate with their scalpel; that is the only way humanity can be saved.
The one who sinned has to indemnify the sin. It was in the family that a false marriage took place, which corrupted the lineage at an angle one hundred eighty degrees opposite to the true lineage. Therefore, in order to open the path to heaven, True Parents have to come and bestow marriage that is in exactly the opposite direction.
Realizing a peaceful world through pure love and the true family movement
Then, what did God expect from Adam and Eve? God expected them to unite through “absolute sex.” You world leaders gathered here tonight, please learn this truth and take it back to your home countries. If you start a campaign to secure absolute sex in your country, your families and nation will go directly to heaven. Where there is absolute sex, absolute couples will emerge naturally. Words such as free sex, homosexual and lesbian will simply disappear.
Reverend Moon has lived his entire life overcoming a suffering path to initiate this global movement. Now is the time when I should sound a fanfare of victory and move the entire world. Therefore, I am grateful to God.
The family builds the road to world peace. The family can also destroy that road. Adam’s family destroyed the foundation of human hope and happiness. Therefore, when we establish the Family Federation for World Peace, the road going in a direction that is one hundred eighty degrees opposite to that of Satan’s world will be opened, and for this we can only give thanks to God. Without following this road, there is no freedom, happiness or ideal.
I wish that you would appreciate the central value of the sexual organ. When it is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, you can use it as your foundation to know God. You need to realize that this organ has to become the foundation of love, life, lineage and conscience. You also need to realize that the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven will begin on this foundation.
If all men and women acknowledge that their sexual organ belongs to their spouse, we will all bow our heads and be humble when receiving our spouse’s love. You should receive love only from your partner. There is no real love other than love for the sake of others. Remember that we can find absolute love when we absolutely live for the sake of others.
When you return home, please plan to wage a war against Satan’s world. Wherever you may go, try to spread Reverend Moon’s message through television or other media; it won’t harm you to do that. What force can turn around this world of hell? It is impossible to achieve this change unless human beings use their sexual organ in accordance with an absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal standard centering on God’s true love, which is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. God is the original owner of our sexual organs.
Let us all go forward together for this common cause. Let us become the vanguard that will actualize God’s true love. This is the very mission of the Family Federation for World Peace. Now, please return home and affirm with your spouse that your sexual organ is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Proclaim that your sexual organ truly belongs to your spouse, and the organ that your spouse has protected so well until now is truly yours. Also, please pledge that you will live your life with gratitude and in eternal service to your spouse. God will dwell eternally in such families and, with them at the center, will multiply a world-level family.
I sincerely hope that each of you will participate in the upcoming marriage Blessing ceremony of 3.6 million couples. By doing so, you will form a true family that can register in the kingdom of God on earth.
Thank you very much. Amen.