Sun Myung Moon
December 31, 1975
Belvedere International Training Center
Translator: Bo Hi Pak
Photo date and location unknown
Good morning, family.
Father left America on Christmas morning, December 25th, traveled all the way to the Far East, visiting Japan and Korea, and returned to the United States December 31st. During this period he had a fresh feeling that we are living in a lightning-fast world, in which we can travel like lightning. If Unification members and families work all together utilizing such advantages we can improve a great deal in a short time.
In the last six days Father felt the preciousness of every moment of time. Further, he spent every precious moment well, and in this way God's restoration work is hastening. There will be a separate report about Father's trip to the Far East, but that will not be the main subject for this morning's speech. Father would like to give you another message first.
The Purpose of the Unification Church is to Make a Man Who Receives the Love of God and Humankind
As you know, today is the final day of 1975. This is the last meeting of this kind which we will hold this year. When we look back upon 1975, we see that the Unification Church has certainly accomplished a great deal. This is the year that the Unification Church solidified the foundation on the national level in the Far East, primarily in Japan and Korea. At the same time, the central point of the Church, the central stage of our activities, has shifted from Asia to the United States, which is the fruit of the Western cultural sphere. We now have the urgent mission of solidifying the same foundation in the United States.
From the standpoint of God's will, there is no concept of East and West. I mean, in the sight of God, all of us are one and the same kind of children. Today, the fact that there is fighting between East and West, that there is division between the Orient and the Occident, is due to various injustices, which are not the result of Cod's plan. It is the result of the human fall. Looking at this reality, God cannot but feel increasing sadness. We must feel this.
Then who is going to unite the world, making one people, and how can it be done? This is not done by God Himself. He has called upon men on earth, and has tried to have them fulfill it through religion. However, no religion in history has accomplished that mission. The well-known passage from the Bible, John 3:16, states that "God so loved the world", not that He so loved the United States. Rather, God said, "I so loved the world, therefore I have given to this world my only begotten son, and whosoever believes in him will not perish but will gain eternal life." He sent His Son to the world, not to Christianity alone, not to Judaism alone.
Then what would we say about the Unification Church? God does not so love the Unification Church alone either. To receive God's love, we must be able to love humankind in the place of God, who loves humankind. Only such a religion can receive God's love. A religion which does not do this is not needed. It is important that God's will prevails. Therefore we are assuming the responsibility to fulfill God's desires. That's why we are here in the Unification Church.
No one knew how God viewed mankind. People still do not know about the will and desire of God. Therefore we must free ourselves from the shackles of any one church or one form of religion; we must go beyond these to embrace all humankind and God. In this way we can fulfill God's age-old desires.
I know that each one of you loves me, your Teacher, very much, and I love each one of you as well. I love you, but this is not my personal love. My love is a love which is in the context of the ideal of God. Thus I am conveying God's love to you. That love will not be contained within the container of the Unification Church. The love of God will endure forever in the container of the entire world, the container of all humankind. In order to plant such love throughout the world, I have to work through you, by placing you on the frontline.
In order to enable you to contribute this love, you must be able to sacrifice and to endure suffering. Thus, the purpose of the Unification Church is to educate you to become people who embody the love of God, who can receive the love Of God, and who also deserve the love of all humankind. So we must become master of the love of God and the love of humanity. The purpose of the Unification Church is to transform you into people who love humanity and God, who are the fruit of love representing the world. You must become the recipients of such love from humanity and God. You are not to be people who just receive love and long for love within the Unification Church. The focal point of our activities is loving humanity and loving God. So, instead of loving you within the' Unification Church, I would like to love you within God's love and the love of humanity. I mean that I would like to be that kind of a Teacher. This is the path we are walking. You have to know me clearly. Religion historically has never proclaimed this viewpoint.
Our Viewpoint and Goal Should Be the Same as God's
I, looking at myself trying to guide you by establishing such a direction, maintain the philosophy of life that I myself must set the example. I expect that at least those who believe in the Unification Church, such as you, realize this. For this reason, I do not want to be indebted to others. I want to become a creditor. If I incur a debt to you, then I am exploiting you. By doing so, I think that I cannot become the man in charge, who educates by setting up the standard of public righteousness before God.
If we were to consider who has endured the most suffering in the Unification Church, I am the person who had suffered the most. If we discuss who has received the most persecution worldwide, I have received the most. If we considered who has suffered within his heart and mind, I have done the most of that as well. I have suffered not just for a short time, but for one year, two years, three years, ten years, twenty years. You must know that because I think that by my doing Uris, as the time goes by, you who join the Unification Church can become people of character, who understand and have the same conviction -- that of enduring quietly and not fighting back despite the constantly increasing persecution.
When you and I come to be surrounded by persecution, we should be able to bind together God's heart by unifying internally. If such persecution brings the unity of God, True Father and you, then that persecution is even a valuable thing. I believe that the thoughts of God, me and you must be the same. If God avenges against the people who are persecuting, cursing them for interfering with His will, then this world will perish. Because I know such a God, I have the same thoughts as that God. Our work and our goal must be the same. If you join with me in this point, then the situation will change. We will create a unity so strong that anyone who strikes it will have to retreat. This will happen by God's doing.
It is very difficult to create this triangular unity between the teacher, the followers, and God. But once we establish such a trinity, in complete unity, we can receive the will of God which has passed through the ages. If we advance at that point, with this knowledge and oneness, then we will not miss the mark. Ladies and gentlemen, at the time of Jesus, God's thinking and Jesus' thinking were the same, centering on God, but the disciples' thinking was different. Here was the problem. If the 70 disciples had united with the 12 apostles, then objections even from the nation could have been resolved. When the opposite side hit, it would have had the result as if they were hitting God. In that case, to strike the apostles would have been to strike Jesus, which was like hitting God, because the three were united.
Over the past several months in the United States, we have been in turmoil over the controversy created by Ted Patrick, but Father is paying more attention to you, to see how you respond to this challenge. I feel that he can go ahead and do his worst against us. We will not change, we will bounce back, and God will never change. God cannot punish the enemy until the truth reaches them. They are committing crimes without knowing what they are doing, but God cannot punish them until the truth reaches them.
Do the Things that the Opposition Cannot Do
Then, why do so many parents come against us? It is because of their ignorance. They are ignorant because we have not yet completely taught them about the will of God. But if you have communicated this completely to your parents, and they know what you are doing, and the truth behind it, if they still come against us, they will naturally be judged. Those who would do so are not worthy parents. I therefore feel the responsibility to let them know who we are. That mission has not been fulfilled yet, and I feel responsible for that, before the American people and before your parents
Fundamentally, no parents oppose their children's well-being and good development. In fact, they get agitated when their children go the wrong way, and go to a harmful place. But you know that we have nothing to hide, our consciences are clear about what we are doing. You and I both know we are here for a righteous cause.
Why has Reverend Moon been persecuted, not just now but through his entire life? It is because people have not known his thought and his way of life. When people know this, and are exposed to me, they will not attack me. You feel anger and chagrin when you receive opposition; I am the same. But I look at it from a different angle. The worse the situation becomes, the more I feel the responsibility to quickly teach the world. If they oppose even after we teach them, then I have no more responsibility for them. However, if they keep striking Reverend Moon after this teaching is over, then there will be many_ people who will rise up on our side. These people will not let the persecutors alone. This will come to pass.
God's history has been this way. Because religious people have known this principled path, they have continued to walk forward. That is why, even if we have to shed our tears once, twice and even three time, we must teach the people who oppose us. That was the purpose of our doing Madison Square Garden, and our preparing to do Yankee Stadium and the Washington DC rally. We will let the world know, publicly, at least three times.
I assume that there is no American who has not heard about Reverend Moon. But there are many cases in which they know about me in a negative light. They think that Reverend Moon is a man with whom one cannot relate, someone more frightening than the Mafia. [Laughter.] That is why there is a commotion out there. How long will it last? Well, you have just shrugged off the commotion, because you know that it will not last long. Since you know the truth, you will feel stronger. You will defend Father, and stand up for him. Even if I try to stop you, you will explain about Father at the risk of your life.
While feeling all of this, we are also doing better and greater things than the American people, including our opponents, can ever do. For example, Rabbi Davis has come against the Unification Church, but we are doing fifty times better things for the nation and world than he is. This will solve the problem. He has been ahead of us, but as we increase, he will be accusing us from farther and farther behind, crying, "Oh, my goodness,"' in despair. Is his strategy going to work? "Oh, my goodness!" [Laughter and applause.]
I'll give an illustration. Although the whole nation of Korea mobilized with the established churches to reject me thirty years ago, they now receive me with open arms. It is the same in Japan. Here in America we are just beginning, so Reverend Moon is getting hit, but before long they will welcome me. Even among the Unification Church members today, I think there are those who sinned against me by feigning ignorance while people of the world accused me. How many times did you do that? Isn't it true that you've done that? [No! Laughter.] You say you didn't do that, but in your mind you agree with me that you did that wrong thing. You admit it in your thoughts. Your two eyes each see things in two different ways. [Laughter.]
Your Teacher is a person who has no pangs of conscience at all, before God or man. This man is very weak before the ideal of justice and righteousness. I am helpless before the ideal of righteousness. But I am extremely strong against injustice and unrighteousness, stronger than anyone. I know myself very well, and you know yourself very well.
Many Western people are grumbling and complaining about this teacher who is Oriental. My being Oriental becomes an issue. They think, "How nice it would be if we all could follow a wonderful religious leader like Billy Graham, rather than Reverend Moon." There is something significant here. [Laughter.] If you worked for Billy Graham 24-hours a day, your parents would be so happy, and would boast that their daughter is doing so well. [Laughter.] The parents think that Billy Graham is greater than your Teacher, you consider your Teacher to be greater than Billy Graham; your view is different. [Laughter. Applause.] Your thoughts are different. But someday this will all pass away, and we will return and meet again, reconciling in mutual understanding.
So, what is the determining factor? It is the matter of how quickly you young people of the Unification Church will become greater than the youth working for Billy Graham. When that happens, everything will be solved. Can you do that? [Yes.] If you can, even America will break open in view of the entire world. Even the spirit world will move. So the question is one of ability and results. This will clear up everything. You will stand in the position, won't you? You speak better English than me. In that sense, I wonder what is going to happen if you become young men and women who resemble me. For the past three years, we have caused an uproar around the entire United States. Think about yourself: you speak well and you are familiar with American lifestyle. People like you can enter into various districts and stir up the people. How will this affect America: for the better or worse? [Applause.] When you become brave soldiers, who offer these activities out of good motivation, then the United States will not perish, and because this country represents the Democratic world, then the world will not perish. Then the Communist bloc will not be of any concern.
Do we do bad things when we gather together? [No.] Do I let you fundraise in order to make myself rich? [No.] I play this game to save America and the world. It's different, then. It's not for me to make money for myself. These things are what history desires and humanity wishes for. Even if we all fade away and die off, this thought will remain and conquer the world.
The Victory of History and the Universe Depends upon the Placement of the Cornerstone
Therefore, you should not be concerned if your influence is not felt immediately by the world. If the situation thirty centuries from now, or at any other, requires this doctrine and thought, then this small Unification Church group will eventually lead the world. Even if the world is not ideal now, the ideal world will definitely come into being, don't you agree? [Yes!] There must be a nation, as well as a religion, with this doctrine and thought, but these do not exist in the present world. They are possessed only by the Unification Church. We conclude that, when you look at this world, the Unification Church is the place of hope, and in view of God's providence, this is the place you can trust. Don't you agree? [Yes!]
In such a place we must establish the cornerstone. We should decide the standard of measurement correctly. When the cornerstone is right, the whole will be oriented correctly. When we consider that the victory of history and the universe depends upon the placement of the cornerstone, the role we unworthy people play in placing this cornerstone is fearful. Because we are not that capable, we must devote ourselves completely to make sure the cornerstone is well-laid, in line with the will of God. One hundred years later, it will be chaotic if the cornerstone is out of line. But as long as its placement is correct, even if the pillars are a little off, centering on the cornerstone they can be re-aligned. This Teacher always thinks of it that way. So our concern is how to place the one cornerstone perfectly as an individual, a family, a tribe, a "people" and a nation.
Money is not of concern. We don't think about money. Power is not our goal, nor is honor or fame. Nothing else compares with the importance of this task. The question is the placement of this cornerstone. From this viewpoint, unless we leave the tradition of sacrificing myself for the sake of greater things, a new world will not come about. If we cannot leave this, then everything will be in vain. You, and all Americans, are indebted to me, a Korean. You are being supported by me, right? Father did not spend money made in America, but money was donated from overseas for our work in America. When I first came here to work in 1972, the members here did not want it. There is a difference between the way you think and the way Teacher thinks. But after three years you began to appreciate what I am doing. Now you work with me without complaint.
The Unification Church Progresses with God's Help, even under Rejection and Persecution
People know that our small association can exert influence on national and world levels. Everyone looking at this small group doing things on the worldwide level consider us to be worthy of historical study. The Communist Party, which occupied one third of the world, is saying with open eyes, "We must crush Reverend Moon." They know that their primary obstacle is us, not the United States. So do you think my presence matters? [Yes!] From God's viewpoint, is the Communist Party good? [No.] Then how would God feel about Reverend Moon, who is disliked the most by the Communist Party? [He would like him!] This makes sense even logically. Therefore, God tries to support me, cheering me on. Even if I say to God, "I don't like you!", God still would come and help me. [Applause.]
Even if the world disappears, and the Communist Party disappears, God wishes this Unification Church to remain. Even if the Democratic world disappears, God wants this organization to remain. If this is true, would God like the established churches to oppose Reverend Moon? [No.] Do we oppose the established churches? We've never, not even one time, opposed them. We have been trying to make unity with Christian churches. They have been opposing us for no reason; they demonstrate and raise a ruckus over us selling ginseng tea. They are so smallminded; they are of such low dimension that we cannot even relate with them. Isn't that ridiculous? [Laughter.] Those who do so are meaningless. People who oppose us should do so with a little more dignity, addressing our doctrine at least. This way we can discuss theoretical issues, instead of raising opposition with no content. That type of opposition therefore cannot last long.
I am a person who knows of the established Christian theology, and I am the one who established the theology of the Unification Church. So I know the enemy, but the enemy doesn't know me. Thus, the enemy has already lost the war. If you listen carefully, you hear such childish and ridiculous statements from the established churches' theology.
In conclusion, we young, smart people all used to believe in Jesus in the traditional way. We all used to attend the established churches. Since the established churches cannot hold onto such bright young people, and they all come to the Unification Church, they are jealous of us and they raise opposition. So, it is a natural conclusion that America is moving because its young people are joining us, and this is happening throughout the world, and the world is moving. So when you look at the established churches, they have so many elderly people. They remind me of retirement homes. Before long, many of them will have to close up. Since they are like retirement homes, when these members die, that will be the end of them. This is a matter of grave concern. They will not last long. It's a pitiful situation.
Why is the Communist Party the way it is? It is because they fear us; that's why they oppose us. As history progresses, the number of people who oppose us will decrease, while the number who receive opposition will grow. If God exists, between those who are going down motivated by fear, and those Unificationists who are proud and strong, which will God assist? Because He wishes to assist us, the Unification Church will develop, even under the conditions of rejection and persecution. This is the right view, held by God, me and you. This is the view which all three parties agree about, so when we move, no one will be able to touch us. Therefore, it is natural to conclude that under persecution, we will progress with God's assistance. During persecution, has the size of the Unification Church fallen or risen? [Risen.]
When I first came here, this room seemed too big, but now this room is cramped. How much we have grown! Next year, the number will multiply ten fold. [Applause.] If there is something of which we can be proud, it would be that the people of the world disliked us but God likes us, all the spirit men assist us, in the future all the righteous, conscientious people will support us, and posterity will welcome all of us. Because we can have a greater sphere in terms of numbers, we can come to the conclusion that we will be victorious eternally. Let people oppose us as much as they want; if they oppose, we shrug it off. Let them keep trying, doing as much as they want. Later, they will not be able to sneer at us. For that reason, you should not wrestle with them. As we become bigger and greater than them, they will naturally disappear.
Is it better to quicken the process, or to sit quietly and wait? [Quicken!] American people say that since the work day is normally 8 hours, it is enough to work 8 hours. But to me, even 24 hours is not enough for the sake of God and humanity. God does not distinguish between day and night. Does He go to bed because it is nighttime? [Laughter.] God's son determines to be like God. When the sun sets, we should become people who can turn the sundown into sunrise. Think like that. Have you ever thought like that? Is it bad to live that way of life for the sake of God, humanity and yourself? [No!] Those who criticize that have to know better.
Our Teacher here has done everything, including fundraising. It is because I have done it that I let you do it. I have studied and have done many things, including learning how to gather and move many people united with one purpose.
The Problem is with Oneself
Now, with that knowledge, ladies and gentlemen, is it good that you joined the Unification Church, or not? [It was good!] What do your parents say -- that it was a good thing, or not? [They say it was a good thing. Laughter.] Those people whose parents oppose, raise your hands. Are you better than the hippies? [Laughter.) Our assertion is the right assertion, in the presence of God, humanity and any historical position. Teacher has cultivated the worldwide foundation, even under persecution for thirty years. We have progressed while under accusations.
What will happen, then, on the day we pass over this stage and the world recognizes we are good? Think about what will happen to the world. [Laughter.] Do you want to see such a time come, or not? [We want it to come.] Do you expect it to come without any effort, or do you want me to make it happen? [We want you to make it happen.] Who is going to make it happen? Do you want me to make it? Do you want to make it yourselves? [We want to make it ourselves.] Then I will go back to my homeland tomorrow! [NO!] No? If you make it happen, you won't need me, and then I don't need to be here, because you are going to do it all yourselves. There are countries which need me more than you do, so I must go to those countries. The sooner you send me and enable me to do this work in other. countries, the better.
Even the U.S. State Department tried to push me out. They should not do that. Without their interference, I am planning to leave. I'm getting tired of seeing you anyway. [Laughter.] I'm not a person who came to this country looking for money, or hoping to enjoy the American culture, or because I want to have a big house and car. I already can generate more money than people who are well off in the United States. I'm a person with such capability, who can progress even while enduring rejection. But wouldn't it be good if you made the American people support our work? [Yes.] Then what do you think God would want? Wouldn't God also say, "Since Reverend Moon is suffering that much, I'd like to bring salvation all at once."? [Yes!] Then, it must be possible. What do you think is my view: do I want this, or not? I want it, don't you think so? [Yes.]
Do you think the Teacher feels good when you are kidnapped and subjected to a deprogramming, while we have been suffering together? The Teacher does not want that to happen. I also want salvation to come all at once. Where is the problem? God is not the problem; the Teacher is not the problem; the problem is with you. Only if you do more than God wishes and the Teacher wishes, will everything be accomplished all at once. If you wanted this more ardently than I do and God does, then the situation would be different.
Why is that so? Even if the parents had said, "We will not go," if their beloved son says, "Mom, Dad, let's go!", they will go with him. They'll do it reluctantly; that's how it goes. And besides, if they end up going even in that situation, then it's even easier when they realize what's going on and want to go enthusiastically. So, where is the problem? It is with us. With you? [Yes.] That's right. The day you work harder than God and the Teacher, a miracle will happen. Shall we do it? [Yes!]
Therefore, I want to draw the conclusion that our conviction, our way of life, and our claim is righteous. Not only God, but all humanity can support it. If we assert this at the risk of our lives, it will come back with millions of times its original value. To be born at this time and to have one's life fulfilled by participating in an event which one wishes for as one life's ultimate desire, it is a glorious moment. If you think so, raise your hands! Okay, chapter one has come to a close.
Has one hour passed? It has been an hour and ten minutes. I guess this is good enough. Do you want me to go on? [Yes!] But my throat hurts. I've been speaking continuously for six days. Don't you have any sympathy? It's too much for me to speak continuously like this. I'm wearing the same clothes I put on yesterday; I didn't have time to change. Knowing that I have come here in spite of being so busy, do you still want me to go on? [Yes!] What was that again? Is it courteous or discourteous to ask me to go on? [It is courteous. Laughter.) So, deciding democratically, I am trapped. [Cheering and applause.]
God Who Toiled for 6,000 Years in order to Build His Nation
Let's move on to chapter two. Let's discuss the title of this speech, which is "Let's Go Over the Mountain with Hope."
How wonderful it is to think that we can turn things around all at once. By upending thirty years of persecution, with God, our Teacher and you excitedly witnessing to the masses who are ready to support us, we can use television and radio to turn around the world at one time. It's going to be great, really don't you think? [Yes!] If I say, don't doze off, will you doze more deeply, or wake up? [Wake up!) How exciting that will be! It will be indescribable. Don't you think God also feels this way? [Yes!] If God also is happy, shouting for the first time, saying, "Wow! Look at that! Hooray!" with His mouth wide open and His eyes closed, spraying saliva all over that will be so exciting! God will melt with joy. Would He not come running down to the earth? In that same rush of wind. God would like to take hold of you with one hand, not letting go, and take you up with Him. [Laughter and applause.) Is it possible that such a time will come? [Yes!) Yes, it is possible. But you have to know when it will come.
Human cultural history has passed 6,000 years. Until now, God's activity has been to make one perfected Adam. After creating Adam, didn't God create Eve through him? That's why Jesus came as the bridegroom, and naturally a bridegroom needs a bride. Because God lost Adam, through whom He created all things, by restoring Adam, He can restore all things through Adam. That's why Adam must be restored. Only then can the True Parents appear. We, the fallen humankind, were born through false parents. This is why the human race is out of order and must be fixed. This means we have to repent. Through repenting and washing, we have to recreate ourselves as sons and daughters. Religion plays this role.
What does the Messiah have to do after he comes? He has to save the entire world. He has to bring about the engrafting of the children to good parents, a good tribe, a good nation and good world. They all must be washed and made new. What has God been doing until now? God, humanity and religion, after being mobilized together, have done the work of establishing the Messiah. This Messiah will be the completed Adam, who can inherit God's work.
Then, what is the hope of the Messiah? It is to save the world. In order to save the world, he has to start with the individual. If Jesus is a man who represents men, he has to save women as a man, and here, these two are supposed to unite... Because these two fell in the Garden of Eden, only when they can unite after having accomplished restoration through indemnity, they can go on to save humanity.
Having done that, what will they do next? The next thing they must seek is the family; they must have sons and daughters. Ladies and gentlemen, if Jesus sees his son calling out, "Father!", do you think he would feel good or bad? [Good.] Do you think he would want to marry or not? [He would.] Of course. And when Jesus' grandchild calls Jesus, "Grandfather," would God feel bad? [No!] Would Jesus feel bad? [No!]
It is the same even in this world. If sons and daughters do not get married when they are old enough, their parents cannot fall asleep. Having sent His son as the Messiah to this earth, and seeing him come back not being able to marry and have sons and daughters, and not being able to experience falling in love, even by the age of 33, do you think God was happy? Do you think that God loves bachelors only? What does He like? God liking only bachelors is contrary to the concept of creation. Because God is the Parent, He wanted to have His son, His own family, with True Parents here on earth representing Him, and to see that first family grow into the first society, first nation and first world with God as the center. Because God is our Parent, they cannot but have the thought of wishing to form the world. Since God is like that, Jesus is the same. Even humanity today hopes to become God's sons and daughters, and to return to God.
But is this God's world? [No.] Does God's nation exist? [No.] Is American God's nation? [No.] Does God's association exist? [No.] Are the established churches today representing God's ideal? [No.] Then, can we find God's family? [No.] When asked whether God's individual exists, we don't know which person this is. We don't know what family or tribe God truly wants, or what people and nation God really wants. Do you think God wishes to see such a person? [Yes.] You must know that the figure who comes representing the individual whom God wants to see, also represents the family, the tribe, the nation and the world. The person representing this collective body is the Messiah. Only if there are a people and a nation whom Jesus can influence freely, can he save the family, society, nation and world within seven years. To indemnify what was created during seven days will take seven years; everything will be done within seven years.
The True Religion is the One that Can Mobilize 100% for the Sake of Saving the World
Thus in the Last Days, the seven years great tribulation will remain. That is how such a meaning of" seven" came into being. We have to prepare such things so that Jesus can freely develop his work. The Israelites were prepared for this. That's correct, isn't it? [Yes.] That's why Judaism and the Israelites had to be ready to do anything for Jesus. When he came, Jesus was to say, "Jewish people, come out with your wives
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If Jesus said, "Since we are responsible for the world, even if we are poor, let us help the world together," then what would you have answered?" Oh my goodness, what is he asking?" Is it acceptable to reject the Messiah because you like your husband? "Oh my goodness, our couple is just fine; please let us stay together." Would you have said that? Then what would have happened? Can you do that? [No.] Since women fell and became servants, and men also fell and became servants, they all have to be engrafted. But they cannot all be engrafted at once; they must separate and been grafted; there is no other way. Until they become recreated, they cannot but go through such a process.
While Jesus is trying to save the world, if you say, "I don't want to do the work of saving the world," that is not good. Do you want to save the world, or stick to your own position? [Save the world.] In the Last Days, this is included in the meaning of Jesus' statement that your family will be your enemy. And Jesus pronounced woe upon women who are breast feeding. That means that the Messiah is the one who is for the world, not just for the nation of Israel. The women who are breast feeding will remain on the national level, but will not be able to go to the world level.
How long will it take to save the world, if men work but women do not cooperate? The conclusion is that men and women should work together. In order for Jesus to save the world, would he not think that way? [Yes.] Therefore, is the command to step forth to save the world, forsaking your own family, husband and baby a good or bad command? [Good command!] After saving the world all together, the people of the world will minister to your sons and daughters, bringing them into a glorious position.
Therefore, the people who have been loyal to the nation should go the next step and be loyal to God beyond the nation. The fact that they invested everything after abandoning their houses, wives, children and everything, becomes the most important material in establishing the tradition in the future world. Do you think that God and Jesus would like to save this world by doing so? [Yes.]
Looking at this world, let's consider whether it is good to do such a thing. Men die after living 100 years. If one person out of one hundred dies every year, that means 1 % is dying away. If there are 220 million American people, then 22 million will die every year. These 22 million people are going to hell. Then what of the 4 billion people? 40 million die every year. That is as many people as the population of Korea; so each year a nation the size of Korea is going to hell. Looking at it from God's point of view, don't you think He would like to stop that as soon as possible, no matter what the sacrifice? [He would like to.] What is my wife? These problems occur because of this one person, the wife, or because of sons and daughters. When we have to save the whole as soon as possible, what is the meaning of sons and daughters? When God looks at this, wouldn't He want to mobilize even women and grandmothers in order to save even one more person? Of course He would want to mobilize the whole.
Because of this, we conclude that the religion that can mobilize us 100% is the true religion. I mean 100% have to be mobilized, having abandoned everything, the whole, regardless of it being one's house or whatever. We must remember that God's providence has been situated in a state of urgency and time of urgency.
And yet, while believing in God and loving God, can we say, "I don't care"? While God has such a concern, the religious leaders of the world say we can forget about the whole and seek our own comfort. These are the enemies. These hypocrites! If the emergency period comes, and I order the Unification Church to mobilize everything, I wonder whether I can mobilize 100%. Can you be mobilized? [Yes!] That is why we have been in training. The Blessed families in Korea had to go out for the sake of the will, abandoning children, spouses and everything, for three years starting in 1970. They all were mobilized. At that time, the people of the world fussed and fumed, saying that Reverend Moon is destroying families. In the sight of God, would God say, "Yes, Reverend Moon, you should feel pangs in your conscience"? Or would He say, "'Reverend Moon, you did well"? Which one? Answer! [You did well.] Isn't that strange? But you can understand, right?
God will Definitely Pay Back with Interest what was Sacrificed for His Sake
That is why Jesus said, "He who seeks to save his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it." This principle applies to the individual, to the family, and to even higher levels. Those individuals who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the Messiah will live; those who commit their families for sake of the Messiah will live, and so on.
Why, two thousand years ago, was the nation of Israel destroyed? Why did the people of Israel suffer such a miserable destiny and lose their nation? It was because they did not know this simple fact: If Israel had become a people who were truly determined to die for the sake of the Messiah, Jesus, they would have prospered for eternity. But because they only wanted to save themselves, they lost everything. They perished and their nation crumbled. This is the lesson of history; do you understand?
Today, at this emergency for God, do you want Father to raise you up to become a person who is concerned for his own life, or one who is ready to die for the cause of God? Which one? Do you believe, and are your really willing to die for His cause? Then I tell you and you have my pledge: if you have such a commitment you will never perish. You will live, prosper, and remain for eternity.
There is only one God and only one Divine Principle. There is no compromising the principle. The same principle which operated two thousand years ago operates now, today. Father lives this way of life. He is a living example of the philosophy of God. Surely therefore, when God declares an emergency, Father will spare nothing and hold nothing in reserve. Not his family, not his parents -- everything became a sacrifice. His own family underwent untold suffering and tragedies for his sake. What if I had been unwilling to make this 'sacrifice and had instead rejected this cause? Think about it. Again put yourself in the position of God. Would God have wanted me to take pity on the situation of my family, my parents and my brothers, and stay back even though I knew that my mission lay before me? Or should I march towards the mission even though my relationship with my family would be sacrificed? Which way would God have preferred? He would prefer that I sacrifice the relationship. Therefore, that is the way that I have lived.
In Father's personal life there was a first marriage which unfortunately ended in divorce. It broke simply because it became an obstacle to his mission. His wife complained that she wanted only to cling to him and that he should disregard his mission to the world, but Father could not do that. Which would you choose: to reach to the world for the sake of God or to grab onto your own wife? Actually, Father never even contemplated a divorce. But the family of his first wife plotted one thing after another attempting to destroy Father and his mission. They conspired with the established Christian churches, who used her family in ploys to destroy him. Meanwhile, Father did everything humanly possible to be a good husband. He did whatever he could for his wife, leaving no stone unturned. Finally, however, he was instructed by God, "You must pursue the mission and reach to the world." Father did as he was instructed. He knew that this was the way God was leading him. This is the way God is leading all mankind.
Recall in the Bible when God instructed Abraham to offer his son Isaac for a burnt offering. What did Abraham do? Did he say, "No, God, I cannot do that. Are you crazy?" He did not say that. He brought Isaac to the altar and readied himself to offer his son to God. That is the faith that can save everyone.
By the same token, the wife of a prophet of God should be ready to say, "You, go and offer me any time on the altar of God. I am willing to be the sacrifice for His cause." That should be her attitude. If a wife has such an attitude, such loyalty and devotion, why should there ever be a separation?
Father has foremost in his mind only one goal -- to serve God and fulfill his mission. For this goal there is nothing he can spare: his own family, his own wife and children, even his own life.
Father has learned another principle from God: before you love your own wife and children, the members of your own family, you should love your spiritual family, your brothers and sisters and spiritual children in the faith. Father has certainly lived this way of life. He has loved the members of the Unification Church more than any member of his own family. Why? Because it is God's way of life. God in His love sacrificed His own son, Jesus Christ, for the sake of fallen humankind who are strangers living in the bosom of Satan.
Father understood that when you practice God's way of life unconditionally, time and again God will provide you with aid in miraculous ways. Many mysterious events have occurred around Father. For example, God worked to isolate him so that he would have no personal attachments to his own friends and relations. At one time he had many good friends, but one by one God called them to the spirit world. That truly happened. Also Father had many brothers and sisters. There were among them an older brother and sister who cherished and loved him most, but God quickly called them to the spirit world. In hindsight,. Father can interpret these events and understand why they took place. God did not want him to cling to his personal attachments and personal sentiments, because there should be nothing to sway him from the most grave mission he must fulfill.
Hence, Father felt lonely in the early days of his divine mission. In this loneliness he found God. He deeply communicated with God, with nothing to distract him. Later when the Unification Church sprang up, he began to attract people who were just like those former friends and his older brother and sister. God sent him those types of people to be his first fruits and followers. Sometimes Father would meet a member and be so surprised, thinking that here was his older brother or that old friend who died many years ago walking back to him. Then he realized that the great God was sending those people back to him. God sometimes requires a sacrifice, but by doing that God is not taking anything away. It will return to you many-fold.
So now you know this principle. If you sacrifice a certain amount, God will reward you with a much greater amount. If you sacrifice your own family for the sake of God, God will return to you more than the value of your family. If you sacrifice your country, God will return to you more than your country, and if you sacrifice your life, God will add to your life many times over. Why is there such a phenomenon that young men and women from all over the world are willing to sacrifice their lives in this cause? It is because many years ago, I gave up everything. Now God is rewarding me with followers world-wide. I did not create this phenomenon. I cannot control or hypnotize you. It is God who is sending each one of you to me.
The Reason God Assists Us
From the distant mountains of far away Korea, Rev. Moon came to America with nothing. But he brought with him hope which can solve the problems that plague this great nation. Do you think Father is doing this, based on his own thinking? Not at all. The power of God is thrusting him forward and making this result possible.
Sometimes when I am riding in a car and our young members are dashing and trying to get a glance of me, waving at me and saying, "Father, come back soon," and so forth, I am amazed myself. Why do black brothers and white brothers run after this yellow man saying "Father"? Oftentimes you might not know why you are running after me, but there you are, you find yourselves running and waving to Rev. Moon. Why? What power makes you do that? It is an act of God, not any human power. The President of the United States has ample worldly power, and many ministers and clergymen are powerful. Why don't people run after them the way you run after me? Why can't those powerful people of the world do the things that we can do? It is because they have nothing to do with God's emergency.
Rev. Moon is unique among religious leaders because he knows the time of God's emergency. Therefore, he is desperate to fulfill God s Will. For him it is a matter of life and death; that's the difference. Others may have world-wide fame and authority, but they spend their days rather comfortably and relaxed. But there is not one relaxed moment for Rev. Moon. Every day is an anxious and desperate struggle. He prays to God in tears, determined that even though he is the only one, he will take this responsibility. The defining characteristic of Father's life is that he agonizes and suffers over God's dispensation. If an American president, or any other American religious leaders, would agonize over God's will and struggle desperately to fulfill it, America today would not be in such a condition. With such leadership, a clergyman would not face revolt and opposition from the pews, nor would a president face complaints from the people.
Indeed, the Unification Church is different: different in its way of life and different in its commitment. Our commitment is total. We invest our lives totally to fulfill the will of God. This is Rev. Moon's way of life, and it should be the way of life for his followers.
Are we ready to mobilize one hundred percent? [Yes!] Ask yourself in your heart:" Are you ready?" Rev. Moon does not realize when night is falling or day is dawning. There is no day and night for me. There is no breakfast time; I completely forget about eating. The moment when I am most careful is when I am alone and extremely tired. Then I think, "Whether or not I am ready for God's command right now will decide my destiny. Am I ready?" I am always ready, always prepared to receive God's instructions. God can give me an order at any moment and I am ready to go. "Nothing else matters besides the mission that You command me to fulfill. I am ready. Go ahead and issue Your orders at any time." Once an order is issued, Rev. Moon will march forward regardless of what other people might say. While he is single mindedly working to fulfill God's order, he has no time to deal with his opponents. Perhaps after the mission is accomplished he may return and have a talk with them. But until the task is done, he has no time for that. Do you follow?
God is one hundred percent with Father, for if God were to neglect Father's well-being, then God's own will would be delayed. God certainly does not want that to happen.
When I sleep very comfortably at night, my conscience hurts; I would rather my body hurt than my conscience hurt. If I have a good meal, my conscience hurts. I would rather my conscience be clear and happy than my body be satiated. This is how I live.
Let Us Be Responsible for God's Emergency and Create One World
When God declares an emergency, and the order for mobilization is issued, will you be ready? [Yes!] If each one of /OU live with that attitude, and have that commitment, then this United States is only a small target and the world is but a small stage for us. During World War II, the United States government called young men out of their families, out of the factories, and sent them to the front line. If the people had opposed the call and refused to go, the United States would have been unable to fulfill the national goal. When the nation summoned them to become soldiers and fulfill their patriotic duty, did they not have to leave their families behind? Or did they stay at home and reject their nation's call? What's more, our call is much greater. It is the call of God. The existence of God's kingdom is at stake. When God summons you, will you hesitate or go directly to the mission?
If your mother says, "Stay with me, don't go," would you listen to her? [No!] My own sister, my loving sister, was like that. In my younger days in North Korea I was in one prison after another, sometimes in jail or under police investigation, because of my testimony to the Bible and my loving God. My younger sister said, "Brother, why don't you stay with me? Let us live happily from now on. You don't have to bother with preaching; let someone else do that." If I had heeded her blandishments, would the Unification Church exist today? Sung Jin-nim' smother truly loved me and respected me. She knew that she could not find any better husband than Rev. Moon. Yet she kept saying to me, "Don't trouble yourself so much about these crazy ideas. Who cares? Come with me and live happily. Let's make a happy, sweet home together." Her attitude was understandable, but if I had heeded her requests, would there be a Unification Church today? Sometimes Father has had to make a cruel decision because he knew the significance of the divine call. He knew the emergency of God.
Rev. Moon's mother was a loving mother. His whole family -- brothers and sisters and his first wife all tried to stop him from pursuing the divine mission. Yet Father loved the mission, and the Unification Church, one hundred times more than those members of his own family. Those who opposed him have collapsed. Each of them has had a tragic life. Father, on the other hand, grows more and more prosperous. Even in worldly terms, is Rev. Moon successful or not? Already his accomplishments surpass those of any other religious leader in history, greater than what others have even dreamed of.
Today is the time of the most serious emergency in God's providence. The Democratic world is crumbling, Christianity is declining, and Communism is threatening everywhere. God must have His representative who can stand up for Him, revive Christianity, and bring an end to Communism. God needs a man here on earth who can carry out this mission for Him. Knowing this emergency, Father is pushing himself to take up the mission to solve these problems at all costs.
Father began fulfilling the mission on the individual level and was victorious. Then he was victorious at the family level, and then at the tribal level. In order to make the foundation at the tribal level, one should sacrifice his family for the sake of restoring the tribe. With the foundation of a tribe, we can begin to establish Heaven's sovereignty on the earth in one model nation. Then, with one nation as a showcase, the rest of the world may follow it and establish the kingdom of Heaven. In this manner, the entire world will be transformed into the kingdom of God on earth.
When Father undertook his lonely battle to achieve victory on the individual level, all the individuals in his life came against him. The satanic powers knew that that was the time when Father was most vulnerable, and they wanted to crush him at that level. When Father advanced to the family level, his family opposed him, yet he overcame and established a Heavenly tribe. Now that we are at the level of a tribe, all the tribes of the world will come against us and try to crush us. Regardless, we should expand and establish the national level on the way towards the world level.
In 1976 Christian History will Go over to the Dimension of Spirit and Flesh
On June 7, 1975, when we held the World Rally for Korean Freedom at Yoido Island in Seoul, Korea, we climbed over the summit of the mountain of indemnity, spiritually and physically, for the nation of Korea. We know that according to law of indemnity, our history must indemnify the past failures of God's history. Thus, we must be in a position to indemnify the failure of the dispensation at the time of Jesus Christ. Jesus was crushed by the power of national sovereignty, which came against him and crushed him on the cross. In order to indemnify such a situation, we had to achieve a victory at the national level. The rally at Yoido Island had this significance.
Upon returning today to America with this national-level victory, what am I supposed to do? The spiritual world regards the United States, founded upon Christianity, as the central nation. But America cannot reach the standard of the Christian spiritual world unless it can cultivate the substantial national foundation. To do so, it has to build the foundation which can influence the world, spiritually and physically, by connecting the substantial national standard to the Christian spiritual world. I will lay down that bridge here in America.
The mission which Father is undertaking in America during the years 1975, '76 and '77 is to restore, spiritually and physically together, the failure of Jesus' three-year public ministry. And next year, 1976, America will celebrate its Bicentennial. Two hundred years of American history are thus placed in a position to indemnify the two thousand years of Christian history since Jesus Christ. All the major failures of the two thousand year history of Christianity have been re-enacted during America's two hundred year history. Once we have passed 1976, we will have indemnified all the failures of two thousand years, making this nation truly ready to accept the Messiah.
The victory at Madison Square Garden in 1974 laid a foundation for the national level victory in Korea at the World Rally for Korean Freedom on June 7th. Likewise, victory at Yankee Stadium in 1976 will lay the physical foundation to expand our activities on the national level in America.
As you know, Jesus Christ is the second Adam. As the second Adam, Jesus fought a life and death battle on the earth. By the same token, our second rally in America -- the first was Madison Square Garden -- is Yankee Stadium. It will be the most critical life and death struggle of all, deciding the heavenly destiny. Thus next year, 1976, is not only the 200th birthday of America; it is the year in which the entire 2,000 year history of Christianity will be consummated and the world can move towards a new era.
Thus far all the work of God has been on the spiritual level. The 2,000 years of Christianity has been a spiritual ministry. Next year's victory will be on the physical and spiritual levels together, when mind and body are united into oneness. Then we can go on to a new stage in the providence.
Today, all the turmoil surrounding Rev. Moon and all the persecution resembles the situation of 2,000 years ago when the priests and elders and the mob were confronting Jesus and yelling out, "Crucify him." Such is the current opposition to Father. However, at Yankee Stadium the moment of crucifixion will become the moment of total victory. Yankee Stadium will be our Calvary. But at this place we are not going to be nailed on the cross. At this place we will proclaim victory and lay the cornerstone of the kingdom of God here in America.
Two thousand years ago, if Jesus were not crucified, Christianity would have started on both levels, spiritual and physical. But due to the crucifixion only the spiritual providence has continued for 2,000 years. Yankee Stadium is a new Mount of Calvary where we will declare victory over the crucifixion to heaven and earth. We have the responsibility to fulfill our historical mission through this rally.
Today America parallels the Roman Empire of 2,000 years ago, and Korea parallels Israel. A new age has started and a new spiritual movement has started from the small Palestine of the 20th century, the Korean peninsula. It soon landed in the new Roman Empire, the United States of America. Two thousand years ago Christianity was supposed to march toward Rome, bring the empire to its knees, and establish the realm of Christianity in Rome. Likewise, it is our destiny to bring America to its knees in repentance and cause it to accept God's will. We are the ones who will make this victory possible through the event at Yankee Stadium. Therefore, in all of God's 6000 year providence, Yankee Stadium is the showdown battle. At stake is the destiny of God's providence and His kingdom.
Whether there will be unity between the Unification Church and American Christianity will be decided based on the outcome of this rally. If we are successful, it will have the same significance as if Jesus Christ had entered Rome and declared his victory to the world. Therefore, we must successfully make unity between Father, the Unification Church, and American Christianity. Two thousand years ago, the failure of the unity between Jesus and the people of Israel, including his disciples, caused the entire dispensation to crumble. By winning victory at Yankee Stadium, we will prove that we can make this unity possible in our time. Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ could not march with his disciples to the Roman Empire. He could not declare the kingdom of God in Rome. Victory at Yankee Stadium means that God's living son, the living Christ, is declaring to this nation and the world the arrival of the kingdom of God on earth.
The Historical Significance of the Yankee Stadium Rally
Next year America will elect the 40th President of the United States. The number 40, as you know, is very significant. If we fail our mission at the time of the number 40, it may cause a prolongation for an additional three generations. It is not a coincidence that America is celebrating its 200th birthday at the same time that it elects the 40th President, nor is it a coincidence that at this same time the Unification Church is readying itself to be crucified at Yankee Stadium. God set the timing of these events thousands of years ago. Therefore, we are calling the Yankee Stadium rally the Bicentennial God Bless America Festival. We are launching a spectacular movement for a new patriotism, a movement for America to return to God. This is the significance of our Yankee Stadium crusade.
We say that God has been suffering for 6,000 biblical years, but in actuality He has been suffering for many tens of millions of years. God's heart is heavy. He has been crying with grief, and we can hear Him weeping. Now God wants someone to vindicate His heart. God wants to be comforted by something. We will comfort God at Yankee Stadium. America should be honored that it is the land where God's sorrowful heart will be vindicated by our victory. Therefore, America should permit us to succeed, and we should let America cooperate with us. We are the key to making this possible.
Jesus Christ died on the cross with a heavy, sorrowful heart. His sorrow awaits healing and his heart awaits liberation. God has been waiting for this day for so many thousands of years. I want you to understand that the victory at Yankee Stadium will not be just our victory, but Jesus' victory which he has awaited for 2,000 years. His heart will be comforted in this victory.
Furthermore, there have been so many martyrs and so many saints have suffered over the 2,000 year history of Christianity. Many saints died with sorrowful hearts and they, too, await the day when their hearts will be liberated. They, too, wish to be comforted. I want you to know that Yankee Stadium will be the victory which will vindicate all the martyrs and saints who shed their blood for the cause of God.
Furthermore, Yankee Stadium will be the day of fulfillment for the Unification Church and Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Over his entire life he has been suffering, he has been misunderstood, he has been persecuted. We must have our day of vindication. The victory at Yankee Stadium will be that day of liberation and vindication of Rev. Moon as well as for each one of you in this room and every member of the Unification Church throughout the world.
Furthermore, the people of the world are suffering, living in darkness. Millions are dying every day without hope, tragically destined for hell. We must liberate them and bring hope to humankind. I want you to know that Yankee Stadium will be the victory heralding the dawning of hope and life to all the people and every nation of the world.
Whether Rev. Moon will succeed or fail at Yankee Stadium will have this universal impact upon human history. Therefore, truly at Yankee Stadium we will put our lives on the line; we will stick our necks out. But not only our neck, but God's own neck, Jesus' neck, the necks of all the saints, the necks of all the righteous people in the spirit world, and the necks of all the righteous people of conscience in this world all are sticking their necks out. We are the ones, we will decide the result of this gamble, a failure or a success. Satan knows this very well, better than anyone else. Satan cannot afford to let us succeed, therefore he is mobilizing his arsenal of negative forces. You know well that all the liberal American news media are trying to crucify Rev. Moon before Yankee Stadium. But we will never permit a failure! Rev. Moon knows that through his entire life he has been waiting for this one day, the day of hope, day of vindication, and day of liberation. That day is approaching in June 1976 at Yankee Stadium. If we succeed and bring victory, his joy will be ecstatic and indescribable. But if we fail, his misery will be impossible to fathom. The day of the Yankee Stadium rally will be a day of joy and at the same time a day of dreadful judgment.
When Rev. Moon stands on the stage at Yankee Stadium, will he carry the flag of victory or the flag of failure? If he carries the flag of failure, it will be a dismal day not only for the Unification Church but for all of humankind. Father would not be able to lift up his face in front of Heavenly Father. We cannot even imagine the situation that would befall humanity after that. The Communists would be the only ones to joyfully celebrate their victory. After only a short time, even before 1980, the Communists will be rampant here in America. America will be powerless to contain such a formidable avalanche of evil ideology. Knowing this, clearly, we have answered the summons to be front line soldiers and fight for victory at Yankee Stadium.
If we are victorious at Yankee Stadium, we can proceed to bring this most victorious wave toward the nation's capital, Washington, D.C. We can finish off the year of 1976 with an even greater victory at the Washington, D.C. rally. Think of it: we will bring over 500,000 people to the Washington Monument, making it the single largest gathering in the history of America. That in itself will make history, but it will have a spiritual impact which no one can even imagine.
After the Yankee Stadium and Washington Monument Rallies, the World will Open to Us
After the victory at Washington Monument, all thinking Americans will begin to study Reverend Moon. Scholars will busily research to find answers: "What power does Rev. Moon have to bring such a victory in such a short time? He comes from the Orient, he doesn't speak English, he speaks through an interpreter, and yet he has created a spectacular world-wide religious movement in only three or four years' time. What is the source of his power?" Meanwhile, businessmen who are aspiring to become millionaires will want to know, "Rev. Moon must have some secret way of making money, otherwise he could not possibly carry out such a great crusade. What is the secret of his success?" Some politicians might think, "If I could somehow unlock Rev. Moon's secret for mobilizing the masses as he did, I could certainly become President of the United States. Let me study him. What is his secret?" The entire religious world will be shocked, particularly in America. They will be completely devastated, demolished. They will realize that Reverend Moon's God must be a special God, and they will want to know, "What kind of God does Reverend Moon have? Let me find out."
They will have to admit that if Reverend Moon were being helped by Satan, he could not possibly have accomplished such a great success; therefore he must have the help of God. But since God never held them in such a way, Rev. Moon's God must be something special and more powerful, and they will want to find this true God. These religious leaders will lose all their power to oppose Rev. Moon. Their willpower will be demolished. Those who have been opposing him until now cannot openly declare their support, but they will follow behind with notebooks, studying him and comparing notes. Although they cannot change their attitude overnight, and officially they will continue to say negative things about Rev. Moon and the Unification Church, their hearts will have already been deflated and they will begin moving quietly towards Rev. Moon's direction.
You think you know America very well, don't you? Rev. Moon observes that America does not have any real guide or shepherd. Democracy declares that the people are their own shepherds. You are the American people. Then, are you your own shepherds? Most of you do not have even the qualification to be masters of yourselves. In fact, the American people are without roots. They waver according to the will of others, blowing with the wind, moving first forward towards this then back towards that. They want to find something good in the Hippie movement. They want to find something good in the Communist movement. They wander about. America is wandering. Think about it.
Individual American citizens have no confidence that they are capable of guiding themselves. They have no confidence because they lack a solid foundation. If so, then how can these assemblies of American citizenry claim that they are America's shepherds and guides? In fact, this nation is without a shepherd. Anyone who aspires to be the shepherd of this nation must first become the master of himself. Then he must become the shepherd to his family, the shepherd of his tribe, the shepherd of his community, and finally he can stand as the shepherd of this nation. Isn't that so?
Consider the American youth. They can be described as wanderers. They look for something in the Hippie movement; then they want to find something in the Streaking movement; they want to find something in free sex; then they look to find something in the drug culture. But none of those things brings them satisfaction, and they hit a stone wall. Most American young people are like living corpses, bodies without a soul. They pursue the paths of moral degradation and are corrupted by the drug culture. Meanwhile, the Communist threat is growing more active every day. America has yet to find a cure to these problems.
Look at New York City. This world-famous city is on the verge of collapse; bankruptcy may follow -- it is only a matter of time. But this is not just one city's predicament, it is the destiny of all American cities. New York has just hit the wall first. For New York to recover, it needs a spiritual revolution. If New York City was given into the hands of Rev. Moon, he thinks he could deal with its problems in three years and make it the most prosperous and beautiful city, a heaven on earth.
There are many thoughtful and decent young people in America. They are good people and highly motivated. They are seeking answers, but could not find them in the churches. They looked for answers with Billy Graham, but could not find them. They searched here and there in other movements, but could not find them. Meanwhile, they hear so much about Rev. Moon, all bad. But they say," After all, a man corning from the Orient who makes so much controversy and turmoil in this country must have something worth looking at;' let me go and find out." These people are starting to come in to our church.
I am sure that many of you joined the Unification Church under unfavorable circumstances. You heard negative things about Rev. Moon and about the church. Some of you were so enraged by what you heard that you came to investigate and criticize the church, and as a result you are here.
Then what would happen if, through the Yankee Stadium and Washington Monument rallies, the American people began to think good things about the Unification Church and Rev. Moon? Surely the entire nation could be turned around overnight. Right? [Yes!] American young people have nowhere else to tum because they have certainly tried everything else. If we come to be supported by the American people and become a prominent movement here in America, think of the impact we could make throughout the world! America is the most powerful nation in the world. Within three years we could influence the rest of the world. Yes, the Unification Church could be in a position to feed all the hungry people of the world and remedy all the diseases of the world.
Suppose Father were to declare that he is offering one billion dollars to feed the world's hungry people? All who desire such aid would come and sign the papers. Many foreign ministers would line up in front of the gate at East Garden. Soon they would find out that Unification ideology has the power to rebuild their nations and give rebirth to their people. Then they will say, "Will you please send your leaders to our country to transform our young people?" Rev. Moon would reply, "That's easy. We will send some lecturers. Bring your president, your prime minister and all the cabinet members to a three-day workshop." After that, let them attend a seven-day workshop. In no time they will begin to change. When you first attended a workshop, did anyone force you to tum around your way of life? Were you forced to join the church? [No!] Do you think that just as you did, the president and prime minister and the cabinet members will also be willing to join this movement? [Yes!] Very definitely!
Our goal is absolutely clear: the Yankee Stadium rally and the Washington Monument rally. We are going to bring victory in these two big events. Then the entire world will come into our arms. Suppose after that victory Father were to call certain Senators on Capitol Hill to come to East Garden. Each Senator would dash to get there.
We need a foundation in order to influence and move the world. The powers in the foundation are three: money, manpower, and spiritual power. Father has all three in ample amounts.
You happen to be born in this particular age. You happened to meet Rev. Moon. Are you very unlucky or are you very lucky? [Lucky!] Unlucky? [No!] You say "Good," but your minds say "Bad," right? [No!] Then you don't mind if Father pushes you out to do hard work? [No!] To attain this victory, Father will work you like a dog and treat you like a pig. You don't mind? [No!] Yes, whether I am treated like a dog or a pig, I don't mind, as long as the will of Heavenly Father is fulfilled, for that is the fulfillment of my life and my children and all humankind.
Let's Usher in 1976 with New Commitment
We will liberate God and liberate humanity; what more is there to do? If you die, you are dying with honor. Actually you never die; you will live forever. Father knows that this world is only a shadow compared to the original world of spirit. Once Father has accomplished his mission here on earth he will have no attachment to this world. It will not matter if God calls him the very next day; he has no attachment to earthly existence.
Even at this moment, Rev. Moon is fighting at the risk of his life. America is a jungle of crime, isn't it? The most dangerous country in the world is here in America. You can buy a gun for just ten dollars. You can buy any weapon; Father tried it and found out how easy it is. America has an underworld of crime, a jungle of beasts where there is no law. Father was told that one can hire a man to kill somebody for only $170. $170! Many Americans do not have good mental health. So many are insane, or drug addicts; their minds are gone. Despite these dangerous circumstances, Rev. Moon is teaching the truth to America's youth, without any hesitation or reservations.
Furthermore, the Communists are stepping up their attacks on Father. They will make conspiracies to assassinate Father. They will send spies and agents to infiltrate our ranks. Even in this gathering, we should always be aware that the enemy is listening to every word even more intensely than you listen to Father. This is a free country, and we are an open movement. We have no way to prevent them from infiltrating. For example, a journalist from the Daily News once infiltrated into the church for three days, eating, sleeping, studying, and singing together with us. Then he wrote a five part series of articles attacking us. You recall that, right? [Yes!]
This is the most dangerous moment in all my life. I have never risked my life to such a degree, exposing myself to the enemy. This may be the first and last time for me to risk my life here in America. Why do I have to do it? Why can't I retreat, or stay in the background and relax? I certainly cannot do that! As I have already explained, the Yankee Stadium and Washington Monument rallies are the showdown battles against the satanic world. The 6,000 year old desire and dream of God will be at stake. I cannot retreat one inch!
Today's message is entitled, "Let us Go over the Mountain with Hope." That mountain is the Yankee Stadium rally. That mountain is the Washington Monument rally. We must go over that mountain with a victorious spirit.
The Madison Square Garden rally was a formation stage crusade, and Yankee Stadium is the growth stage. According to the Divine Principle, the growth stage is always the most difficult. Washington Monument is certainly the perfection stage crusade. We should learn from history. When during Jesus' three years of public ministry did he begin to receive heavy persecution? It was during the second year. His first year was rosy and full of optimism, but in his second year he hit a stone wall. If Jesus Christ had been able to shatter the stone wall which he encountered in his second year, he would not have been crucified. Yankee Stadium is our growth stage, like Jesus' second year. We must shatter the stone wall and be victorious. Then we can certainly open the door to a new heaven and earth, and the third stage will be victorious without a doubt.
Yes, we are challenged by this most important and historic mission. Let us be strong and courageous. We cannot sit still! We must stand up and march forward! This is an emergency for God, an emergency for Jesus Christ, and emergency for all the saints in history, an emergency for all humankind of the world today, and an emergency for the Unification Church and Rev. Moon. All these are to be consummated at one point!
All of you men and women sitting here, courageous members of the Unification Church, have been handpicked by God for this task. Our mission is absolutely clear. To mobilize the power for victory, each of you must become a representative of God, a representative of Jesus, and a representative of the True Parents. We must march forward and obtain the victory!
Today is the final day of 1975. We must not wait until 1976 before we make our determination. No, today we will decide, and then we can welcome the first day of 1976 with determined commitment already fixed. Otherwise, we cannot make the year of 1976 the perfection year following the previous two formation and growth years. Today is the day conjoining the growth and the perfection years.
1976 is the year which decides the destiny of America and the destiny of humankind. The person who holds the key to this destiny, and this victory, is you, the member of the Unification Church.
1976 is the year of total mobilization. With 100% commitment, we will shatter the barrier and smash through the stone wall to bring the victory. Today we make that pledge and that commitment in front of heaven and earth. We will pledge," God, rest assured that we will bring you your glory, your throne and that ultimate victory that you have been longing for 6,000 years. We will surely bring it at all costs."
Remember, the more difficult our way and the more hardships we encounter, the more the pleasure and joy we will experience after the victory. Let us shatter all the obstacles and fulfill the victory! Those who pledge that commitment, that victory raise your hands! [Yes!] Let us become men and women who are able to go over the mountain with hope and bring ultimate joy, ultimate remedy, and ultimate comfort to the heart of Heavenly Father.
This concludes the year-end message of 1975.
Thank you.