Sun Myung Moon
November 3, 1991
Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 10: The Way in the Complete Testament, Chapter 1: A Perspective on Human Life, Section 4.1
Photo date and location unknown
Live in harmony with your original(1) mind
The teacher closest to you is none other than your own original mind. More precious than even the closest of friends is your original mind, even more precious than your own mother or father. You need to consult your original mind. God dwells there. You should learn to listen to what your original mind tells you. You need to enter into such a state. In Buddhist terms, you need to purify your inner nature. What Buddha meant by the words, "I am my own Lord throughout heaven and earth," is that once you look into your own heart, you will find that the Lord God dwells inside you. Nothing would be impossible. (133-178, 1984.7.10)
You need to purify your mind. You need to cleanse it. Your original mind is better than I am. It is your eternal master. Hence, you should not harbor evil thoughts in it. Instead, you should always be of the mindset to contribute to the common good from a public position. (133-178, 1984.7.10) The closest teacher to you is your own mind. Thus, you should not torment it. You should not make it unhappy. If you do, you make the Owner of the universe and me unhappy. Your mind is the master of your life. Consequently, when you make your mind sad, you make the master of your life sad. You should follow a path that gives it joy. (133-180, 1984.7.10)
The original mind is the teacher and closest to God
What is the mind? It is your master and teacher. Since your body resembles your mind, it is the origin of your body. Thus, on the horizontal level, the mind stands in the place of your mother and father, teachers, and masters. (222-157, 1991.11.3)
Your original mind does not need a teacher. It is your second god. Do not try to follow a teacher or me; instead, try to serve your mind. What about the mind? You wake up at daybreak, all alone, and it is so quiet that you can hear even the squeak of a mouse or the buzz of a fly, and you think to yourself, "Well, I should like such and such a thing. I should try to do a good deed." Your original mind will then tell you, "Good! Good! Do it now!" On the other hand, if you harbor only evil thoughts in your mind, it will chide you with words like "No! No! You fool!" Would it not know what you are thinking? Of course it knows. That is the way it is. It knows only too well. (138-124, 1986.1.19)
Now the time for us to listen to someone else's words has passed. Rather than the words of a brilliant teacher – even one a thousand times greater than you – or any other truth in the world, you should listen to the words of your original mind. No matter how much you have heard from it, you should return repeatedly to listen some more. Then you would receive something of infinite magnitude from it, something unimaginable, which would reveal the greatest secrets of the creation. (7-201, 1959.9.6)
When you consider your body and mind, how pitiful is your original mind? It stands in God's stead. It represents all of your ancestors, your antecedents. The original mind represents the teacher as well as the ruler. Yet, it has been disrespected and treated with contempt for an endlessly long time. As the center of the universe, it stands in the position of true parents, true teachers, true masters, and the one Subject Being with true love. It sacrifices itself over and over again to save you while you live on this earth. Isn't that true? Though it sacrifices so much, has it complained even once? Although it is continuously dragged around and treated contemptuously – to the extent that one would presume it to be dead – whenever you harbor an evil thought or attempt an evil deed, it comes alive once again to advise you not to do so, calling you to your senses with the words, "Hey, you devil!"
How much have you made sport of the mind? The original mind stands in the stead of parents, teachers, and masters. In the world of the mind, there is no need to hold a court trial, because you yourselves know better than anyone else what you have done. There is no need for third party witnesses. (209-154, 1990.11.28)
(1) English translators for Cheon Seong Gyeong translated Father's word (Yang shim) in English "original" mind, however, Japanese translator for Cheon Seong Gyeong used "conscience".