Sun Myung Moon
March 1973
Photo date and location unknown
Anyone can make it through the easy and good times. Do you have a philosophy which can tell you what to do when you meet hardship?
Before the age of 30, there were few days in which I was not hungry. How could I have eaten, slept, and been clothed and rested before the standard which I had sworn before God had been accomplished?
Heaven is the place where people gather who have triumphed over the suffering and pains of Hell.
Weep for Heaven, not for yourself!
Man suffers when his mind's standard differs from the standard of God's Will. So man has trained himself to persevere, sacrificing himself through religion.
Fallen man doesn't worry about the purpose of his life, but only about the things he needs to maintain his life. But Heaven helps the one who works hard for the whole purpose, not worrying about his own livelihood.
Undergo hardships! But don't get discouraged, nor die.
The reason that Heaven gave us such hardships to endure might be that God is making mankind aware of how difficult the work of restoration is, so that he won't repeat his failures.
The path we have been treading is for the sake of God, the cosmos and mankind. So if we succeed, this term of suffering and hardship corresponds to the whole of human history.
When you are under hardship, do not worry about it nor cry. The living God knows your situation well enough without hearing from you. If you weep and pray sorrowfully for your own situation, God becomes sorrowful, and so must bear a doubly burdened cross. God has borne alone the bitterest suffering and sorrow of history without being comforted or understood. Comfort the Father first before worrying about yourself. Heaven would weep for such a person, embracing him with joy.
Do not complain. Indemnity is fulfilled through obedience. Sacrifice is a token of obedience and loyalty. Therefore the sacrifice does not have any thought of property, nor does it resist death.
It is true that genuine joy and glory spring up from the place where people were sorrowing and being troubled the most. The people of Korea have been most grieved and troubled.
It is true that Korea has led a life somewhat similar to Jesus: In that there is hope.
Nations wouldn't perish if the leaders and followers communicated with genuine tears, searching for one purpose. How could man perish if his tears and God's would really intermingle?
At the last day people are destined to weep, whether they weep tears of anguish or tears of joy. What sort of tears will you weep?
You must not complain against Heaven. Your complaint would only be a sin which can hardly be forgiven.
How can you declare someone to be your enemy before God declares him to be?
Judgement is not to put all sinners into Hell. Its ultimate purpose is to deliver even our enemies and Satan.
How triumphant was Jesus. when He was able to pray for even His enemies at the place of death, conquering the world with His heart full of love!
The Kingdom of Heaven is a family society which is built with and centered upon the love of children, husband and wife, and parents on the worldwide scale.
Although there have been many people who wanted to get to the Kingdom of Heaven, there have been no people who really felt obligated to establish it. We, having the ideal of the Third Heaven, must think of the righteousness of that Kingdom first of all, rather than what to eat or wear.
The Kingdom of Heaven is the place where people love one another the most, elevate one another the most, and try the hardest to do good to one another.
The ideal society is the perfection of the ideal of love. It is the most beautiful world where the realization of God's love lives in complete satisfaction of heart. Therefore the appearance of people in that world could only be beautiful, because they are surrounded by the eternal light. All people look beautiful when their inner man becomes perfect; there could never be a hateful person.
Be harmonious with each other! If you treat all parents, brothers, sisters, and children as you would treat your own, with genuine love, then you might have the key to the Kingdom of Heaven.
The original world is the absolutely free world without any conditions. Originally we were predestined to go and meet that world. Let us go with joyfulness!
The original world is the world of correlativity. Let us seek after correlativity, avoiding conflict.
We cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless we love one another just like real brothers and sisters, though we came together at first as strangers. You must love people as you love God.
We do not believe in Jesus only to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but also to open the gate of Hell.
You must go to the Kingdom of Heaven not for your own sake, but with the heart of comforting God who has suffered much, grieving, worrying and weeping for loneliness, because He lost His own children for six thousand years, and even lost His throne to the dark sovereignty of Satan.