Sun Myung Moon
December 13, 2004
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC, USA
Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of World Peace
Photo date and location unknown
Respected leaders from countries around the world representing all religions and nations, let us first gather our hearts together. Let us sincerely offer glory and gratitude to God, the True Parent of all creation and the Lord of true love. Let us make today a day of the greatest value, a day that will be remembered as providing a new foundation for America.
Warning against immorality and self-indulgence
The Cold War held humanity captive to fear and insecurity for half a century. The machinations and duplicity of the communists deceived people of faith and all humankind. That has subsided. We live in a new century. And yet, how secure and happy are we?
Look at the world. Young people, now liberated from the yoke of communism, are enjoying their freedom to such an extent that they are in danger of running pell-mell off the cliff of debauchery. Instead of seeking God’s ideal of creation, they embrace the perspective of selfish individualism and become slaves to free sex. This gives rise to all manner of social evils. Homosexual activists, for example, have hoisted the flag of the gay movement. They advocate marriage between people of the same sex. Put simply, this infuriates Heaven and is an offense to the human race. Imagine, for a moment, a world of same-sex relationships. Humanity would become extinct within two generations.
Those who turn away from Heaven’s Will dig their own graves in the soil of decadence and immorality. The evil of this age has its own punishing consequences, for example AIDS. Even as we sit here, is not this cursed plague infecting thousands, even millions, of innocent people? Is it not casting them onto the path of death?
Another plague, known as divorce, is destroying families and hearts. It is throwing humanity into an unprecedented crisis. Millions of children suddenly find themselves separated from one parent and being raised by a stepfather or stepmother. In some cases, authorities even force these children into foster homes and orphanages. They are not at fault, yet their little hearts are left with scars that will never heal. Who will compensate them for the loss of the parental love that was snatched away?
Then we turn our eyes to the conflict in the Middle East. What began as a struggle between religions is now inflaming the entire world in a crucible of fear over terrorism and murder. Meanwhile, the Korean Peninsula, my homeland, remains tragically divided. Its people still wait with deep longing for the day of its unification. By what means can we possibly save today’s world, where morality and family values have been utterly degraded?
The coming of True Parents
Leaders from around the world, tonight I would like to convey a new message from God to the six billion people living in this age. It is both His commandment and a revelation. The title of this message is “Our Mission in the Last Days of Providential History”
The Fall of Adam and Eve, our first ancestors, imprisoned us within the dungeon of false love, false life and false lineage. We are chained to a history of unfathomable misery and resentment. All people without exception have inherited Satan’s false lineage, with its accumulated sins over a history of thousands and tens of thousands of years. We are trapped by that history, with no choice but to lead checkered lives littered with falsehood and evil. This is humanity’s fate. There is no escape from this predicament, regardless of human effort.
Humanity has longed for the day when someone would save us from our fallen condition. People writhe in agony, engulfed by evil and falsehood, because due to the Fall of the first ancestors everyone is bound to the filthy and dreadful lineage of Satan. Therefore, humanity awaits the coming of the one who is of the lineage of Heaven and has no relation to Satan’s lineage.
This person is the True Parents. They are able to liberate us from Satan’s bondage.
We need to understand that we have Satan as our parent. In biblical terms, we are wild olive trees, separated from the true root. The True Parents are sent as the Savior and Messiah of all humanity with the mission to sever from Satan all the wild olive trees that have been growing for tens of thousands of years and graft them onto the true olive tree. This represents the change of humanity’s lineage. The True Parents come to complete this great revolutionary endeavor on an interreligious and international level.
The True Parents do not appear on someone’s whim, anywhere or at any time. They can come only in the providential Last Days. The term “Last Days” means the moment when the providence of restoration, which Heaven has carried forward throughout history, bears its final fruit. In other words, we meet the era of the True Parents, when humankind can be restored to its original state, only in conjunction with God’s providence.
The providence to save humanity is administered by Heaven, so how can you know at what point you stand in it? Only the True Parents, who come with Heaven’s love, life and lineage, know the providential time. Knowing the providential time, they work in line with it to bring the providence to its conclusion. Only the True Parents come with the authority to govern the spirit world. By this authority they have rallied the founders of the four major religions and myriads of good ancestors in order to take responsibility for your eternal life.
Leaders from around the world! Though you were unaware of it, humankind has entered a new realm of grace. The era of heavenly fortune has arrived. I openly declare to heaven and earth that I have received God’s anointing and have been entrusted with the mission to be humanity’s True Parent. We are now in the Last Days of God’s providence. This is the era of the holy marriage Blessing, by which humanity’s lineage is changed from Satan’s lineage to God’s lineage. Now the Era after the Coming of Heaven is unfolding within the realm inaugurated by the Day of the Victory of the Number Ten Combining Two Halves (Ssang Hab Shib Seungll). In the Era before the Coming of Heaven, those who pursued evil prospered and it was difficult to distinguish right from wrong. Now Heaven no longer has to endure that diseased and disordered world!
Have powerful hope as you live in accordance with the path of Heaven. You can come to resemble God, who is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, and have His attributes. Practice a life of living for the sake of others, and you will go through a revolution of character. Following this path will enable us to establish the kingdom of God on earth, that is, the peace kingdom, where we all can live together in harmony. Heaven has longed passionately to see this come to pass.
The mission of homeland liberation
The term “homeland liberation” may sound unfamiliar. You probably think you never lost your homeland, so you have no need to recover it. The homeland to which I refer today, however, is different from the one you usually think of. I refer to the original homeland, the kingdom of God on earth that was lost at the Fall of the first ancestors, Adam and Eve.
What would the world have been like had the Fall not occurred? God would have blessed Adam and Eve in marriage. They would have become the True Parents, producing true, sinless children. This family would have served as the nucleus of the kingdom of God on earth. The children would have formed the realm of God’s third generation. Centering on God, they would have established an eternal kingdom of peace on this earth. Adam and Eve would have become the king and queen of Adam’s tribe, Adam’s people and Adam’s nation, which would have also represented a realm of three generations. Adam’s kingdom would have continued eternally. This would have been humanity’s eternal homeland, the peace kingdom.
Unfortunately, history did not start out like this. The Fall of Adam and Eve orphaned humanity for tens of thousands of years. We lost our homeland and lived like vagabonds, drifting here and there begging for food. Humanity was to have attended God as the vertical True Parent. All the world’s people were to have lived as one family in accordance with the principles of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Instead, we find ourselves divided from one another by all manner of barriers of the heart, as well as international boundaries. These were planted by Satan.
What then is the true meaning of homeland liberation? How do we begin to accomplish it? Homeland liberation means to transform this world into a new nation, the true homeland. We will not find this homeland anywhere in today’s world. It emerges through a process of re-creation through love. God’s new homeland has no divisions. It reflects the original creation that bears no relationship to the Fall of humankind. So homeland liberation begins with a life of true love in which we love even our enemies.
If we sow soybeans, we will harvest soybeans, and if we sow red beans, we will harvest red beans. If we sow revenge, which is Satan’s seed, we will harvest an evil fruit, more bloodshed. On the other hand, wherever we sow true love by forgiving and embracing our enemies, trees of goodness will grow. This is the law of the universe, and it never fails.
We find humanity’s true .homeland, the homeland of the true God, through the path of loving our enemies. This path begins with loving our individual enemies and extends to loving our family’s enemies, our tribe’s enemies, our nation’s enemies and the world’s enemies. This is how we establish the tradition of true love, true life and true lineage.
As world leaders, what do you consider your mission? As long as Satan’s sovereignty dominates the world, you do not really have a country. I know there are some two hundred nations in the world, but has even one nation brought God’s Will into reality? Is even one of them a true homeland for God and humanity? The world’s six billion people, through no fault of their own, were born as Satan’s descendants, carrying the false lineage. Irrespective of whether you are citizens of the United States, Japan or any other nation, Satan’s love, Satan’s life and Satan’s impure blood still flow in your body. Unless you remove this stained legacy of the Fall from yourself, you will never realize the dream of homeland liberation. For this, you each need to experience a revolution of character, a true-love revolution.
The three great revolutions of true love
How can we accomplish a revolution of character and come to resemble God? Because we descended from the Fall and are born with fallen nature, each of us needs to go through three great revolutions in order to accomplish the perfection of our character. I call these 1) the revolution through making atonement, 2) the revolution of conscience and 3) the revolution of heart.
The revolution through making atonement means to recover your internal and external right of ownership of true love by completely atoning for the past. After you have done this successfully, you then should live by a standard beyond that requiring any atonement. For this you must purge yourself completely of all the habits and thoughts accumulated during the Age before the Coming of Heaven. It is completed when you accomplish it in your individual realm, family realm and national realm.
On this basis, you can create and perfect an ideal family, a family of true love based upon the absolute values that are the standard for life in the Era after the Coming of Heaven. In God’s family ideal, people perfect these absolute values through the varieties of love in a family, in the relationships between husband and wife, parents and children, and among siblings.
A husband and wife stand in the position of owners of true parental love only after the birth of their children. A man is able to own true conjugal love only after marrying and cherishing his wife. Similarly, the older sibling is capable of owning true sibling love only because of the presence of a younger sibling. Thus in any relationship, it is the object partner who makes the subject partner an owner of true love. To be an owner, the subject partner needs to live for the sake of the object partner, invest in that person with no thought of recouping that investment, and sacrifice for the sake of a greater purpose. This is how we create absolute values that are eternal and unchanging. In this way, parents and children, husband and wife, and siblings bring each other to perfection as owners of true love. By forming these realms of love in the family, the family can settle into an eternal realm of unity. They live according to absolute values, in interdependence and eternal communion with God.
Also, each of us needs to take the revolutionary step of returning all our property and ownership rights to Heaven. Give up your lingering attachments. This cuts all your ties with Satan’s world and separates you from Satan. In exchange, you will inherit all those things and more with Heaven’s blessing. In other words, God will grant you ownership of Heaven’s abundance, abundant wealth that is now separated from Satan and over which Satan can never again claim ownership.
Second, what is the revolution of conscience? It is an inner revolution by which you become absolutely obedient to your conscience. You cannot deny that you endure an unending struggle within yourself. Your conscience, which tends toward goodness, struggles against the desires of the flesh. To bring an end to this shameful inner conflict, you need to clearly understand the conscience and its function.
Your conscience possesses a detailed awareness of your every action, every step and every thought. It knows about these even before your teacher knows. It knows even before your parents know. It knows virtually before God knows. And it tells you the right action to take in every instance.
What results from violation of the conscience? You feel guilt. Dust settles on your soul; it becomes filthy and scarred. The scars on your soul cannot be removed for eternity. They are fearful defects you take with you when you enter the spirit world. Therefore I strongly implore you to work in a revolutionary way to overcome your physical desires, accept the guidance of your conscience and live in oneness with Heaven’s Will. Treasure the unblemished, clean and pure state of your soul.
What is the third revolution, the revolution of heart? God created human beings as His children. What is the tie that binds you and God together? It is the true love and true heart that exist between a parent and child. If a parent and child do not communicate with true heart, how can they possibly maintain a relationship of true love and true respect?
We have lived for thousands of years within the realm of the Fall. Our hearts continue to be enslaved under false parents, who passed on to us false love and false lineage. To remove this yoke, you need to live with true love, continually forgiving, giving and sacrificing. This is the life Satan hates most. By doing this, you return to the realm where God’s heart rules.
If you still pursue the vainglory of the Satanic world, with your heart still bound by selfish individualism, then you are on a dark and dismal path whose end is despair and lamentation. On the other hand, if you lead a constructive life, being the first to yield and give to others, then your heart will be joined in eternal oneness with God’s heart. This requires that you first sever your heart’s ties to the false parent and be engrafted into God’s lineage through the holy marriage Blessing instituted by the True Parents. Through the True Parents, who are incarnations of the invisible God, you will secure the true love and lineage of Heaven.
The mission of God’s emissary
Respected ladies and gentlemen, until today you have led fairly conventional lives. Now, however, I call you to take on a mission as God’s direct emissary.
As individuals, there are many differences among us. We are large and small, wide and narrow, tall and short. Despite our differences, God is commissioning us to become His direct emissaries. Let us be patriots who proudly uphold God’s lineage of goodness. Let us stand resolutely, with Heaven’s authority, and answer the call to liberate our homeland.
How can you qualify for the mission of God’s personal emissary? You need to desire the liberation of your homeland a thousand times, even ten thousand times more than you desire the present reality. You must be determined to liberate your homeland even at the cost of your life. Eating or sleeping, coming or going, every action you take should be for the sake of establishing the peace kingdom.
The Bible teaches, “Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” (Matt. 6:33) Go forward with confidence, because while your external situation may still belong to the realm of Satan’s world, you have been reborn with a true lineage. You are God’s direct emissary for the purpose of establishing the homeland.
Do you recognize God’s plight? He is a Parent who lost His children in one instant and was then forced to suffer a history of mistreatment, blocked at every turn as He sought to fulfill His Will. You should become filial sons and daughters capable of understanding the sorrowful heart of God. How can you be leaders unless you know the truth and practice it?
Leaders of the world, please think deeply about how you came to be here today. Did you simply come partly out of sincerity and partly out of curiosity, hoping to enjoy a Christmas party? Whether you like it or not, you have now received God’s call. I myself suddenly received God’s command when I was a young man of sixteen. I accepted His call, and ever since I have spent my entire life of more than eighty years walking a course of blood, sweat and tears. I did this to rescue humanity from Satan’s dominion and to bring God into a state of true liberation and complete freedom. Just as I did, you too can now accomplish the exalted Will of God for harmony and peace on an interreligious and international level. That is, you can complete the sacred task of establishing God’s homeland.
You and I are one, with the common denominator being absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. You as well as I are to be true parents, and kings and queens of peace. Today heavenly fortune is with you, as it is with me.
We now have the opportunity to establish our homeland that will also be God’s homeland. That homeland requires sovereignty, territory and godly people. God’s lineage of goodness has to extend powerfully throughout that homeland. The pulse of God’s providential history has to be felt there in a way that cannot be experienced anywhere else. If it is possible to build this homeland right now, how can you hesitate? Please complete the mission of being God’s direct emissaries. Please live as prophets who have been given the promise of eternal life.
Lead rewarding lives with no regrets
Ladies and gentlemen, I recently founded the Mongolian People’s Federation for World Peace, a movement to bring together people of Mongolian descent throughout the world. My intent certainly is not nationalistic. This is a comprehensive movement for peace.
People of Mongolian ancestry are the descendants of Cain and Shem, the eldest sons of Adam and Noah respectively. God called Noah’s family to restore through indemnity the historical errors committed by Adam’s family. Now, in the final period of God’s providence, Shem’s descendants can accomplish their mission as the firstborn among humanity. Thus it is a movement to comfort God’s heart of pain over Adam’s family, which lost Abel by murder and waited one hundred thirty years to establish Seth.
It is a movement to make the world into one brotherhood and one family by tearing down the walls of the heart that divide us, so that all humanity might live together in a society characterized by interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values. It is a providential step to hasten the establishment of God’s homeland.
We should return gratitude and glory to God and True Parents. They have enlightened us about the incredible providential age in which we are living. They have even bestowed on us the glorious mission to establish God’s kingship as His direct emissaries. Through all eternity, we will gratefully glorify and praise True Parents, who have inaugurated the Revolutionary Era after the Coming of Heaven. Therefore today we offer this Coronation Ceremony of True Parents as the King and Queen of World Peace. It is unprecedented in history and will never be repeated in the future. True Parents have established the realm of true liberation and complete freedom.
Just as the sun rises with brilliant fight in the eastern sky, heavenly fortune is now shining upon all people. The curtain of darkness that shrouded us for tens of thousands of years is being lifted at last. The divine command to complete Heaven’s Will is taking root in your heart. This is a path of destiny, and you cannot avoid it. Therefore, stand up courageously! We have the Era after the Coming of Heaven working with us. You can experience with certainty the meaning of Jesus’ teaching that those who forsake their life will live and those who seek their life will die. Let us resolve heroically to do everything to complete the sacred task of homeland liberation and establish the peace kingdom, God’s ideal of creation on this planet Earth.
Please engrave the heavenly command you have received today deep in your heart. From this time forward, as a leader chosen by God to build the homeland, you must pledge to lead a beautiful and precious life. Everyone here without exception will eventually pass on to the spirit world. You do not want to carry with you any regret.
Today I have conveyed to you God’s message for the new era. I pray that as God’s direct emissaries, His blessings will forever be upon you, your families and your mission.
Thank you.