Sun Myung Moon
June 23, 2008
Sun Myung Moon January 1, 2007
Disclaimer: This file contains the English translation of notes taken by the Unification Church History Committee regarding what True Father said during Hoon Dok Hae. Thus, no part of this content should be used to "quote" or "cite," or be regarded as a definitive rendering of what True Father said that day.
This morning's Hoon Dok Hae was led by True Mother. About 130 members from the Chungcheongbuk-do and Daejeon area participated in this day's Hoon Dok Hae.
Dr. Chang Shik Yang read chapters fourteen and fifteen from the Pyeonghwa Hoongyeong. Dr. Yang explained that True Father was preparing the speech he was going to deliver in the evening.
At the end of the Hoon Dok reading True Mother asked the participants to practice and live up to the words that were read this morning and asked Dr. Yang to close with a prayer. Hoon Dok Hae concluded at 5:54 a.m.
Later in the afternoon True Parents, Kook-jin nim and his wife, Hoon-mo nim, Dr. Yang and Rev. Peter Kim and a number of attendants went to the Yong Pyong Resort located in Pyeongchang-gun. A special event was being held at the Yong Pyong Resort at this time sponsored by the UN Peace Forces of the Korean War Memorial Federation and hosted by the Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP) and Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA). The session invited leaders from all walks of life in Korea to explore and discuss a vision for this nation.
More than 260 participants gathered for this event which began at 6:30 p.m. at the main hall of the Greenpia Condominium at the Yong Pyong Resort. The emcee for this event was Dr. Dae O Son, president of the Professors World Peace Academy.
Flower bouquets were first presented to True Parents. This was followed by a welcoming address by Dr. Cheol Seung Lee. In his speech, Dr. Lee spoke about how he came to know the Unification Movement saying There was a pledge I made at the time when Rev. Sun Myung Moon first initiated the Victory Over Communism movement. At that time we vowed to bring the peaceful reunification of our homeland and go to Pyongyang to sing mansei, to make a toast, and get drunk in our youthful vigor. Rev. Moon is following a path that is on a different dimension from us. In the end, however, I believe a time will come where we can sing mansei together in Pyongyang. Even as we grow older we are making effort, spurring each other on the way. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the organizers for providing this propitious opportunity today. Let us all wish Rev. and Mrs. Moon a long life.
After this address, True Father came to the podium and delivered the speech he gave at the Americas Summit that was held in the beginning of May. This speech was also delivered recently on June 13 at the second anniversary of the Entrance Ceremony of Cheon Jeong Gung. One hour into the speech, True Father yielded the podium to True Mother who read the rest of the speech. True Mother read from the part introducing Rev. Moon as the champions in eight different fields. True Mother finished reading the speech at 7:58 p.m. amidst a thunderous applause.
As he was leaving Father addressed the audience saying Koreans are the only ones who can go to a nation, be it Korea or any other nation in the world, and guide the people there. Keep that in mind; keep in check that surge of hope that arises from your heart and remember that you will surely be welcomed in the kingdom of heaven of hope of tomorrow. I sincerely hope that you keep in step with that hope. Aju!
After leaving the hall, True Parents headed back to Cheon Jeong Gung