Sun Myung Moon
May 15, 1963
Photo date and location unknown
Father, we know that the sorrowful path of restoration is filled with complexities. Nevertheless, having trudged and fought along this path, with one hill left to go over before You can enjoy the Sabbath, we now feel that the time when we can sing the praises of the day of hope is drawing near.
We know that all this is not because of our hard work. Rather it is because of the hard work You invested so we could stand on the foundation of Your endless labors, unknown to anyone else.
In this age You have given us Parents' Day and Children's Day, and we thank You for accepting us within this wonderful realm of destiny in which, on the basis of one family and on the foundation of resonance in heart with You, Father, we can attend You as the Father who represents the one tribe, people, world and cosmos.
Beloved Father, please grant that we do not become people who complain when we are pulled by this destiny. We realize that we must take responsibility to cope with our destiny, take the lead and go forward. We also realize that the holy days were necessary to accomplish this purpose. Accordingly, we know it is our mission to shoulder the responsibility of sons and daughters, which is to exact retribution from the billions of enemies of God, the enemies of humanity, the enemies of all things of creation and the enemies of heaven, and to receive written declarations of surrender from them.
Now we realize that we must carry out responsible activities to restore by ourselves all the things of creation that were lost We earnestly hope and desire that You allow us to usher in Your Sabbath from now on, to take responsibility for the entire history of sorrow in our age on a horizontal level, and return only glory to You on a vertical level.
At this point in time, when we are about to face the last crisis of the three year course, please enable all the things of creation in heaven and on earth to become one. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and pray, Father, that wherever true hearts are found You may erect the foundation upon which we can stand in victory and glory, upholding Your wonderful and eternal standard. Since many of Your sons and daughters are fighting even today to achieve this, and are also appealing to You at this time, we earnestly hope and desire that You listen to each of these hearts and to all of their appeals, and please establish the day of victory in accordance with Your entire Will.
Within this same realm of grace, please protect all Your sons and daughters who are spread throughout the world for the sake of this work, and please grant that they do not become exhausted while facing this brutal battle. We earnestly hope and desire that You allow them to endure and remain to the end, until the final day of glory is established.
Loving Father, we thank You for being with us today. We earnestly hope and pray that You move us to make sincere efforts, that once again, through our minds and bodies and as we return home, we may find ourselves adequate to stand as victorious warriors of heaven who, with renewed resolution, embody glory on the newly laid foundation. Please accomplish everything according to Your Will and please allow only the glory of the victory You planned to be realized in the entire cosmos. We humbly pray in the name of the Lord. Aju!