Sun Myung Moon
November 17, 1968
Photo date and location unknown
We know that today is a day when all people should bring their hearts together, offer a bow before the Father and praise His boundless love, honor and glory. We also know that the time of hope You wanted to realize centered on the ideal of creation of heaven and earth has not yet appeared on earth. We know that Your joy was immense when You created all the things of creation and humankind. However, up to this point there has not been a single person who has understood the heart of the Father, who yearned for the family of goodness, realized through eternal life and eternal love centered on humankind, and there has been no one on this earth who has profoundly experienced this.
We should realize how grievous, frustrating and disappointing it has been that our first ancestors could not attend You, Father, and be embraced within Your Will. Father, we have prostrated ourselves before You on this morning. We must acutely feel in our mind and body that You are our deeply grieved Father, one who has worked so hard to find His children throughout the course of history. Father, You have shouldered the responsibility of history while immersed in sorrow and have sought to find us. Therefore we must truly unite our mind and body and fulfill our duties of filial piety and loyalty to You to be able to call You Father and the central figure of goodness.
When we objectively examine whether there was ever one moment in the past when our joy could be remembered in Your heart for all eternity, we cannot help but censure ourselves for having failed to do so. We should realize that the place where You want to meet us and exchange life stories is not the current environment where we have lived till today. Rather, it is in on the higher level of Your world of heart. Please allow us to understand that this world of heart does not come about through the tangled circumstances of the Fall, but that it is realized centering on Your heart, Father, who long for the hour when You can move through the original relationship that transcends all circumstances.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You grant us the ability to comprehend with our hearts, not only through words. We can't help but raise our heads and praise Your greatness, and we cannot enter the presence of Your grace without tears of gratitude. Guide us, that we do not forget Your great and precious love, Father. We earnestly hope and desire to become Your children, who can feel Your life in the blood flowing through our own veins, who can sense Your breath in the sound of our own breathing and who can feel Your touch of infinite mercy upon our own skin.
Father! Please allow us to realize what sorrowful people we are since we have not, even for a single hour, had the hearts of innocent children whom You can comfort and who are completely immersed within Your profound, high and merciful heart. Nursing the sorrow of the Fall, we walk the path of restoration destined by history.
Those presently living on this earth are pitiful people covered with scars. They are far away from You and cannot relate to You, Father. When we reflect that we must lift ourselves out of this tangled environment and sad circumstances and return to the world of our original nature, where we can receive official recognition and bring a new beginning to this earth, we come to feel once again that we are really a great distance away from You, Father.
We come to know that we are people who must make a deep internal connection of heart with You, build a new relationship with You as Your eternal sons and daughters, and begin anew from this place under new commands and promises. Even though You are calling us, how many times have we found ourselves sad and pitiful people who cannot come to You because we are still in our lowly position and we still have a long way to go? Father of love, we earnestly hope and pray that You allow us to become sons and daughters who clearly realize this.
Please allow us to become Your sons and daughters whose anguish increases the more we feel that the place we live in today is not the place we were originally meant to be. We know You cannot dwell in such a place. Father, You have been wounded, rejected and abandoned by innumerable people as You have continued to take responsibility for this sad history, and we are worried that if You come to us where we are You may have to suffer new sorrows because of us. Therefore, Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will allow us to become sons and daughters who can return to You after promising that we will all go the distance, and that You will wait for us.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You allow us to become Your children who work tirelessly in our desire to make Your noble and precious Will remain forever, maintaining filial piety and loyalty even when our bodies are worn out and our minds are exhausted. We also sincerely hope and pray that You allow us to clearly realize that, even if we were to set right our disunited mind and body and walk the path of attendance, we would still be far from standing in our original position before You.
We have called out to You from this faraway place, and we have called out to You many times when faced with conditions to indemnify our inability to form a relationship with You, Father. However, before we call out to You, we must first make our way through the course of indemnity You have given to each of us. Since we need to follow this path bearing our cross, Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You allow us to clearly know we are people who have no alternative but to offer devotions and fight the battles we need to fight.
We earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that You allow us to become children who can feel the love hidden in Your holy Will. Please remember all Your children spread out in all parts of this nation, and if there are people who are kneeling, bowing their heads before You, prostrating themselves before You and calling out to You, please embrace them with love. Father, if there are people who are desperately crying out to You, yearning to become loyal subjects and filial sons and daughters of Heaven, and who are struggling so they may be embraced in the deep and noble bosom of Your love, we sincerely hope and desire that You do not pass them by.
Father, we earnestly hope and pray that You halt Your footsteps and comfort them with Your profound and noble heart of mercy. Father, please allow us to know at this time the preciousness of the responsibility entrusted to us and allow us to realize that the time of Heaven will not always remain solely with us. Please grant us awareness of the fact that even though people, earthly relationships and material things may remain with us, the Will of Heaven and Your providence will not always remain with us.
Please allow us to know that if we miss the crucial time, we cannot help but lament for all eternity. Hence we earnestly hope and pray that You allow us to become Your children who fulfill our duties of loyalty and filial piety and are not lazy in preparing to usher in that one moment. We sincerely hope You bless those who adore this place and are calling You with all their hearts. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and pray that Your consolation and advice be with the people spread across the world who are waiting for the day they will meet You centering on Your Will.
We should go straight toward the Will of the Father, knowing clearly that the responsibility and mission to triumph on the final battlefield rests upon our shoulders. We sincerely hope and pray that You allow us to be sons and daughters who can stand at the vanguard, defeat the enemies and bring joy to You. Please be with everyone gathered today in Your name, and we earnestly hope and desire that You allow us to be Your children who can light the flames of life in this dark world, and fulfill our mission as a lighthouse and as the salt of the earth.
Please allow Your children to experience profoundly how many bloodstained paths had to be walked before the Unification Church emerged. Our path was found through unbearable pain, from among many paths of tears, paths of sorrow and paths of oppression and anger. Please grant that we may become Your children who fulfill the duties of loyalty and filial piety on this path, who embrace all the indemnity of the people and the world, who inherit this worthwhile path You have patiently walked, and who are able to fulfill all our responsibilities.
We will race forward toward the day when we bring innumerable people to be embraced in Your bosom; we earnestly hope that Your power be with us. The numerous spirits in the spirit world are awaiting the day they will be liberated from their sorrows through us. Accordingly, we sincerely pray that You personally be with us. We earnestly request that You let us become Your children who can fulfill the duties of true filial piety and return praise, prestige and glory to You forevermore, by setting everything in the present in accord with Your Will as the starting point of glory. I pray all these things in the name of our True Parents. Aju!