Sun Myung Moon
February 23, 1977
Photo date and location unknown
Beloved Father! This son of Yours knows well that the history of restoration is a history that has been marked by tears. From the day I groped for and found the world of heart that no one knew, I have come to this position while longing for the day of hope, which I could not speak to anyone about.
We are at a new historical point where the tides that have flowed down must flow the opposite way. Father, at this hour I offer my gratitude to You for having worked so hard throughout the ages of history to recover the original standard according to which we can be proud of our right of inheritance centered on Your love, through the unity of Adam, Eve, and the angelic world based on Your ideal of creation.
I have come to think that You called and raised this young, unworthy child from among the Korean people and made him grope his way along a twisting path in hopes of finding the one day of glory. I look back on my personal history, over decades, which leaves nothing but a heart of sorrow because I was unable to comfort You during that time and I was unable to prepare the one day of glory for You. However, You have let me usher in this day without letting me die or come to ruin; I thank You for Your love.
Now, in unity with the spirit world under Your name and that of the True Parents, I am making a new proclamation that defends against accusation from Satan's world. So, Father, we earnestly hope and desire that You will receive this day joyfully.
Since I have proclaimed that, among the people of the Unification movement, those who follow the way of the Divine Principle and who know this content and can clearly explain it, will be armed with the means of defending themselves against the accusations of Satan; please permit this to come about. Through that, please grant us a special pardon today, through which You can shine the light of Your bright love and the light of the love of the True Parents even in the dungeons of hell. We earnestly hope and desire that You will guide that world to also praise You.
Since we forgive with love and forget all the sorrows we experienced during our course of history, we ask that You, too, please embrace all people of the world, even the nation, the Christians and communists who opposed us. True Parents earnestly hope and desire that You will please bring them as one and let them remain in Your love; and especially, I ask You to forgive them.
I thank You for allowing us at this time to open the gates and enter the ideal kingdom of heaven which can be governed by the sovereignty of Your goodness through which to realize one extended family, one nation, and one world in human history. Hoping that You will willingly accept this historic hour, I proclaim this and thank You in the name of True Parents. Aju!