Sun Myung Moon
April 1972
Paris, France Unification Church
Master speaks to Japanese Unification Church leaders at Cheju Island during their tour across Korea country in September 1972
Because of the fall of man, we received the Satanic blood. If the parents, Adam and Eve, did not fall, then they would have been sinless children and children of God. Because of the fall of man, both became children of Satan. Originally, lordship is only from God. God is the only Lord over man. However, because of the illicit relationship with Satan, Satan became the illegal lord over man. The Principle says that love is accompanied by the power of control, or domination. Therefore, even though it was an illicit love, Satan has a certain power, or authority, or right to claim ownership over man. But, according to the principle of creation, God is original Lord. Therefore, both can claim man. However, it is physically impossible to cut Adam into two pieces and Eve into two pieces, and then divide between God and Satan. Therefore, from the standpoint of the Principle, God established certain rules to divide man into two parts. From the position of God as internal being, and others in an external / internal / external relationship and subject and object relationship, God has set the rules to divide. Therefore, God divided the fallen Adam and Eve through their two children.
Cain is on the side representing Satan, and Abel is representing the position of sinless Adam. By taking the second son, God is taking the internal position, and this represents a lesser evil. In other words, the second love between Adam and Eve. Abel is the fruit of the second love, whereas Cain is the fruit of the first love, which was representing Satan in this love. Abel is closer to the relationship with Adam, therefore, the second son was taken by God's side.
Originally, the sequence of the chain of command originated from God, Adam and Archangel. Therefore, in this situation, this relationship must be that of God, Abel and Cain. This is the restored position. First, by restoring this formula, God is restoring the lost Principle into the original state, and secondly, He is restoring love. Because of the fallen act, the lineage was crossed; in other words, the Satanic lineage occupies the human bloodline. Therefore, it has to be restored into the original state. So, the second son, Abel, must restore the birthright of the first son.
In these situations, the fall has occurred in the mother's womb, this original point. Therefore, they should be restored in the mother's womb. Since this was the source of evil, the source of origination, in restoration, we have to go back to the source. So, in using these two brothers, God is going through His dispensation for restoration of the birthright of the first son. Cain should come down to Abel's position; Abel should come up to Cain's position, the first son's position.
However, Cain slew Abel. That act is repeating the fallen act in the time of Adam and Eve; therefore, instead of being restored, the angel was in a position to subjugate Adam once again. It is very difficult to fully comprehend; therefore, I drew the diagram. Using two brothers with a different age is far too distant; therefore, God wants you much closer, bringing this restoration down to a closer level, closer to the source.
The best thing would be to have Cain and Abel return, retract their lives and go back to mother's womb, but it is physically impossible. (Blackboard: This is like a folding in the center, and repeating this part (I) into this area (II) so that it is equivalent. This (I) corresponds to this part (II).) God's providence occurred using twin brothers, Esau and Jacob. By the same principle applied to Cain- Abel, Jacob must be restored to the Esau, elder brother position. Esau must come down to the younger brother's position.
This figure represents True Parents (a) represents Adam and Eve, the fallen parents. Up to here the upper position (b), Cain came; in the lower position (c), Abel the two sons of Adam and Eve.
The twin brother's mother was Rebecca. When she was to conceive, the two children m the mother's womb were fighting. And she went to the Lord, inquiring the Lord, and the Lord said to her: "Two nations are in your womb. Two people born of you shall be divided, and the elder shall serve the younger." This is God pronouncing Jacob set the condition to be free of accusation, so that Jacob could buy the birthright from Esau by selling red potage. Therefore, even though Jacob deprived the birthright from Esau, Satan cannot accuse him. The birthright was restored and the blessing was received by Jacob from his father. Yet Esau was so mad and angry that he tried to kill Jacob, as Cain did. Jacob was in a position to restore the lost position of Adam as well as the position of Cain. He fled to Haran for 21 years, which is self-explanatory that he had not quite fulfilled his entire mission. 21 years later, after accumulating his wealth, he returned to his homeland Canaan. In the process of the fall of man, the mother initiated the fallen act, and the son consummated the fallen act, and they cooperated bringing the fall to man. In the restoration process, this must be reversed. Therefore, in the time of Jacob, Jacob's mother, Rebecca, and Jacob, the second son cooperated together to achieve the goal of Jacob.
In the fallen process, Eve lied to Father [God] and lied to Adam, her own brother. In restoration, Rebecca lied to her husband and to her elder son to get the blessing for Jacob. Isaac, the father of the two children, was in God's position, and his son Esau was in Cain's position; therefore, now, Jacob's mother, Rebecca, lied to these two in restoration, reversing the cycle of the fallen process. Unless you fulfill this process, the restoration cannot be completed. Thus, the actual condition, the foundation is established, but the physical form was not yet established or restored. And, so far, Jacob's mother had fulfilled, but this time, it was Jacob's turn. Jacob's mission was to restore Adam's position, which was attacked by the angel, and also Abel's position which was slain by Cain. And thus, Jacob must return to the Esau position and subjugate Jacob.
What was his mission after 21 years? You must think in these terms: how Adam was lost. The first important thing is that Adam's position has to be restored. He was subdued by whom? He was subdued by the angel, then, in order to restore that position, he had to struggle, to fight with the angel. This happened in the Ford of Jabbok. He struggled all night with the angel, and what happened? The angel admitted that Jacob won, and blessed him. And the original chain of command was restored. Why then did the angel hit the thigh of Jacob before he blessed him? The action of the fall of mankind came by misusing the thighs, that part of the body. Therefore, by attacking that sinful part, the law of restitution was fulfilled -- in the Old Testament: eye for eye, tooth for tooth; that law was fulfilled. Then the angel could bless Jacob.
Then, what was the second mission of Jacob? Whose position was to be restored? Jacob won over the angel. So the victory, the internal victory was won and Adam's position was restored. Under that condition now, Jacob was in a position to restore Abel. Jacob, therefore, now coming back from Haran after 21 years, sent all his property as a gift to his elder brother Esau to appease his heart, and he only looked for his elder brother's blessing, so that his elder brother Esau welcomed him. He gave all his property to him as a sacrifice.
Esau, after receiving all these gifts of great property, instead of killing Jacob, accepted him and welcomed him. So, Esau came down to younger brother's position, and Jacob went up to elder brother's position. Therefore, in this situation, this is the reason why Jacob, when he blessed his grandchildren, the children of Joseph, crossed his arms, so that the left was upon the first-born Manasseh, and the right arm went over the second son Ephraim. He had restored Esau's position, so he could do it. According to the Bible, Jacob's character was very cunning. Then, isn't it a mystery why God blessed and used this cunning man, and gave him the blessing? Well, here is the reason. Now, Divine Principle shows this answer. Jacob was in a position of having fulfilled God's dispensation. Do you think it's convincing to you? Do you think this is all my own making? This event occurred many thousand years ago, but nobody has known the true reason until the Divine Principle. From this point (d); the name Israel started. Even though Jacob established the victorious foundation, it is not yet the source which is right here (e), therefore, it has been restored upon this same corresponding position.
Therefore, this distance (d) has been restored, so one more act should be fulfilled. If God ends his dispensation at this level of Jacob, then the level up to Jacob's age remains unrestored. But suppose God's dispensation occurred in the age of Jacob and was successfully completed at his years. Then all generations beyond this age are restored because of this condition; but up to Jacob's years, that is, from birth up to middle age, still remains unrestored and untouched. Therefore, one more further dispensation must come at the very source, in the mother's womb.
(Mr. Park:) Let's say, I'm Jacob, I'm 43 years old, by God's dispensation I restored Esau's position at this age. So, all my life ahead of me is all restored, but from my birth to 43 years of age is untouched. Satan controls these 43 years.
The third dispensation of God occurred, once again, this time at the very source of the fall, the mother's womb. The very first mother, Eve, fell because she distrusted God. Therefore, Tamar, who is fulfilling Eve's position, in return, has to have absolute faith in God. She must forget her dignity her pride, even giving up her life. Eve, because of her distrust, had thrown out her Father, God. Instead of God the Father, Eve received Satan as father in His place. By the same token, Tamar must bring Father into the picture.
Eve could not become one with her Father. This was the fall. Therefore, in Tamar's case, she must unite with her Father in one union. Judah was in a father-in-law position, and he was fulfilling the father role to Tamar. This time, Tamar was conceived [inseminated] by her father-in-law Judah in one union. Judah was the father-in-law of Tamar. And Judah was in father's position. By father and daughter uniting, she was conceived, in other words, she conceived a baby from her father-in-law.
Go ahead and refer to Genesis Chapter 38. Judah had three sons, and Tamar was the wife of the first son. Her husband died, and usually in that case, in the Jewish custom, she would bear a baby through the second son; but the second son died, and the third son was too young. Therefore, Tamar thought that it was very important, a vital thing, to continue that God-restored genealogy. Therefore, she must exhaust that last resort, to conceive through Judah, her father-in-law.
So, in other words, in that case, her pride was thrown out, she even risked her life. Therefore, Tamar pretended to be a harlot, and stayed by the roadside in the passage of her father-in-law. So, when Judah was on his way to his farm, she enticed her father-in-law, and had a relationship with him.
She conceived a baby, and at that time, in order to have a proof for future purposes, the wise woman Tamar received three types of gifts from her father-in-law. One of them was a signet[ring], and a cane [staff], and the other was the little kid or lamb.
In other words, Tamar could not fulfill the mission to conceive a baby through her father-in-law if she openly wanted to do it. Therefore, she disguised herself as a harlot and enticed and wooed her father-inlaw for the love relationship. Judah didn't recognize her as his daughter-in-law. For future proof, Tamar received three evidences, and one was a signet or seal, the other was a cane, and a little kid. Why did she have to do this? The law of Israel, of the Jewish people at that time, was that, if a widow conceived a baby without having a husband, she was killed by stoning.
And, as the months advanced, Tamar was visible. So the rumor was going around, and it went to Judah's ear. Judah was so mad, and he brought in his daughter-in-law, and condemned her to death by burning with fire. At that critical moment, Tamar presented the evidences she kept and told the people that this baby was conceived by the owner of the jewelry. Do you think Tamar risked her life to fulfill her mission or not? She had no other purpose, no other thought, except one -- to fulfill the will of God. Tamar set the condition to restore fallen Eve's position, by taking exactly the opposite course. Do all the female members here think Tamar did well or not? Only God knows, nobody knows.
You are the most lucky, fortunate people that you know the hidden mystery and secrets in just a matter 30 to 40 minutes. Thus, Tamar conceived a baby. And these twins struggled inside the womb of the mother. And Tamar prayed. Then the Lord came to her saying the same thing that He said to Rebecca: "Two nations are in your womb; the nations, the two people are divided, and the elder shall serve the younger".
Do you think God should say that or not? God waited for 2,000 years for the moment of fulfillment. Now, the time of delivery came, and first son, Zerah, pushed out his arm. The midwife took a scarlet thread around his wrist. This is the symbolic prophecy that in the last days Communism comes out first. In order to restore 7,000 years of history, this shows that Satanic communist history would last 70 years. Now, this is where the figure 1978 came from, because Communism started in 1917, so it lasts approximately 60 years. From this point on, Communism will decline. This is the truth, therefore, for those who are studying Communism, this is the time to throw it away.
The struggle occurred in the mother's womb. And the second son, Perez, pushed aside Zerah, and came out first. This restoration, this changeover occurred in the mother's womb.
The principle that Jesus must come through the genealogy of Judah was established at this point. Now, from this point, Cain is going down, Abel is going up. From this point, history is proceeding in a wider range, from family to tribe, tribe to nation and national level. At the same time, the Satanic expansion is also parallel, and these two distinct camps are divided into two distinct areas, progressing on to the national level. This (f) is the history of Israel. This (g) represents the Israeli nation.
The Satanic world is expanding from family level to tribe level, racial level and national level, so that they form the Satanic nation. The circle from small family level, expanding to tribe, and racial level, this (h) is the nation of Cain. Therefore, this (g) must be a nation of Abel, which is the chosen nation of Israel, which also grows from family to tribe, race and nation. God waited 2,000 years to have this chosen nation of Israel formed in the form of a nation. God had to wait the 2,000 years Satan had already established a nation, so God's nation must be superior to the nation of Satan. While the Israelite nation was going through history from family level, tribe level, racial level to national level, they made many mistakes. John the Baptist came with the mission to restore all the mistakes that the Israelite nation made, so that Christ, the Messiah could come upon the foundation that was fully established. John the Baptist came in the position of Cain, whereas Jesus came in the position of Abel. The chosen nation Israel uniting with John the Baptist became plus (+) which is Abel. Then Jesus came as the Messiah upon this nation. Once the Israelite people united absolutely with Jesus Christ, they would have formed an absolute plus (+) and then an absolute minus (+) would have been formed. This would never have been destroyed.
It started this way, and after dispensation, finally this all ended, culminating in the True Parents, which is absolute plus (+) and minus (+). Since Jesus was crucified, the True Parents, in physical form, were not realized. Even though the lineage of God was established, the physical manifestation, the True Parents, both spiritual and physical, was not reality. This (i) represents the Christian history, and is only in the spiritual realm, in other words, only spiritual salvation.
Physical salvation, the redemption of the body, was not realized. So far, Christianity has only a spiritual father and a spiritual mother. And, with the coming of True Parents, we are all destined to be born again, spiritually and physically. In other words, in order to be born again, we are almost repeating the process here, by returning conditionally, symbolically and going back to the mother's womb, being born as a new life. In Christianity so far, the Holy Spirit was in a role of mother. Through the mother of the Holy Spirit, and then, through the spirit of the father, which is the spirit of Jesus, we are born again on a spiritual level. Of course, here we were born in the mother's womb, but going back one step further, the origination of life starts from the father. By going back up to mother's womb, only the lineage was crossed and restored. But Father was not in the picture. So far Christians, rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, which is a mother spirit, have been waiting to return to the very origin, the source of life, which is the father, the coming Christ.
Before we fell, it we had not fallen, then all life of the son and daughter would have been initiated from Adam as a seed in the father. It is the seed of the son and daughter in the father's body. In an original, fundamental sense, you cannot be born spiritually only, you must be born in spirit and body, spiritually and physically together. Therefore, we are going back into the position of seed, starting-all over again in spirit and body. In order to fulfill that providence that Jesus promised there must be a bridegroom and a bride, who become True Parents, through whom we are reborn, reseeded as a seed which is planted again and come and out into the world as a new life. Then, when we are born, this is a new restored life. So, from this explanation now, is the Lord of the Second Advent, the new Messiah, a necessity or not? Do we need the new Messiah or not?
During the time of Jesus, since this physical world was not restored, is has continued its expansion, up to a world-wide level, and therefore, in the last days, the world will be divided into two parts, and one represents Satan and one represents.
God, and there is no more. At this point, in the last days, there is great confusion and chaos. The new Messiah must inherit all these backgrounds and a foundation. The new Messiah mush inherit the Christians, who are spiritually in a position of seed in the body of Jesus. The Christians are not yet born completely. Therefore, they are like a seed in the body of Jesus. Yet it is only spiritually that they have inherited this factor. Therefore, the Father will come out first and will establish the foundation first. Here (e), in this case, the mother fulfilled the role, but, here (j), father has a big role.
So, there is a seven-year period during which everyone must unite with Father, before even mother is manifest. So you are returning to the position of seed in the body of perfected Adam, which was not yet married. You are going back, straight back to the source. We all can see it comes from the father, the unfallen man; the seed must be conceived, starting at the body of Adam, who is not yet married, who is a single man. The seed is right there; we must go back to this position. And that role was fulfilled by the Unification Church.
Since Jesus was rejected by the Israelite people, in order to restore Jesus' position, there is the uphill stroke by the Second Advent. Of course, all of us who are already physically born and grown up cannot go back to the seed position in perfected Adam's body. Therefore, we are setting a condition to be born again through union with the True Parents and True Children. Since there is a principle that, by having Cain completely obedient to Abel, both are restored, through this principle, we, in the Cain position, unite with Abel, the True Parents and True sinless Children. By uniting with them, we are given the same blessing as restored children. Therefore, when the True, sinless Children were born through the True Parents, we must set the condition to share the same ingredients the same food, and so forth. So, that we must go through the position of participating in True Children's position.
The archangel had to be in an obedient position while God created Adam and Eve. By the same token, we fallen men and women, must be obedient to the True Parents and unite with the children of the True Parents while they are in the process of being created, being born. All the female members, through whom do you unite and set the condition to become a new born child?
The father is not enough. The process must occur through True parents. No matter how important is the Father, through True Parents and their children. Female members through whom? Of course, through True Children. The True Parents have children, a son and a daughter. Which side should you be united with? True Parents, Mother and Father, and daughter. And men? True Parents and son. Since the woman fell first, the Restoration of woman comes first, then man. So, who is in this position -- this first restored female? This is the first daughter of the True Parents. The first son is the second child of the True Parents. This is only a skeleton, a very brief explanation. Behind this whole explanation, there is such a deep, complicated process.
With the birth of these True sinless Children, the heavenly four positions is restored for the first time in history. This is the restoration of the heavenly four positions within our Church and the whole of Satanic world has nothing to do with it. Since the chosen nation was not restored, from this point on, the expansion of this heavenly foundation goes from family level to tribal level, racial level up to national level. However, the center, the core is the heavenly Family that was restored with the four positions. This nation is the strongest, invincible nation, which was failed by Israel.
This will be the center of the outside world, which will be superior to all other Satanic sovereignties. This is Satanic world (l). Once the heavenly nation is restored, then it will expand to two sovereignties, three, four until we cover the entire world. Then, the nation that belongs to that heavenly state will automatically restore lock, stock and barrel the whole thing together. Up to the restoration of one sovereignty for God, it is like a vertical course. Unless you restore up to a national sovereign ty, no matter how much restoration you have done, then, if one Satanic head of state or government is installed, the whole thing can crumble. Therefore, it is our most urgent mission to restore one sovereignty.
In order to do that, we must unite with the True Parents completely and absolutely; then, with our brothers, in all the world Korea, Japan and elsewhere. Through this process, you must realize how, difficult a process this road of restoration must be. In Jesus' time, Jesus said to Nicodemus: "You must be born again'', and Nicodemus always protested, saying: "I am an old man. How can I go back to mother's womb? How can I be born again as a new life?" And Jesus said: "You, Nicodemus, teacher of Israel, you do not know." But Jesus was truly speaking of this principle.
In Christianity, the words, the terminology of resurrection and rebirth, all this means this one pattern, this one same thing. This point, (e) the restoration of lineage, was done finally through mother, and the Principle was restored and the stained lineage was restored into the heavenly lineage. However, through the Father, through Father's body, we are fundamentally reborn as a completely new life, new creation.
So, from this creation, from this time on, the salvation of spirit and physical redemption is completely possible. Thus our children will go into heaven without going through the process of salvation.
You must realize how restoration is a difficult process. I not only found out the Truth, but also fulfill all this Truth. Now, I'm giving it to you free. You are just like a college student without doing anything, receiving a diploma. You must realize that, if Master did not come to all this, then you, all France, all the Frenchmen would be used for sacrifice to give this blessing of restoration. By going one step further, all the world's problems can be consumed as a sacrifice so that God can fulfill the restoration of this position. And God wants still more. It is that much precious and valuable.
The slogan this year for the Unification Church is the defense of the battle line of unification. It means that we must protect and defend this heavenly establishment. So, wherever we are, we, all the Unification Church members, march together, united with the Korean Family, to protect the Unification Church battle line. From the worldwide situation, with regard to our movement, Korea is the nation where the most foundation has been established. Therefore, we must work with Korea to the degree of restoring this sovereignty. If we want to start new in other nations, then we have to start all the way from the beginning, from scratch. Until 1974, which will be the year of completion of the second seven-year's course, I must work with Korea, and I must finally stay in Korea, and concentrate everything in Korea.
This is equivalent to Jacob's second seven-year's course. Once this period is past, then we are going to have the world-wide foundation. We will have enough economic strength to spend for heavenly restoration. If one nation is restored, all nations can be restored.