Sun Myung Moon
May 2006
Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 12: The Pacific Rim Providence, Chapter 2, Section 1.3.4
Photo date and location unknown
I think a lot when I am fishing regardless where I am. A person who has been fishing for a long time thinks ten thoughts for every ten times he reels the fishing rod, and thinks a hundred thoughts for every hundred times he reels the rod. Therefore, if you think a hundred thoughts while reeling the fishing rod only ten, then you can get ahead in this world.
Fishing is for the sake of your mental health. You tend to reflect on your entire life and think a lot when sitting down and fishing. It is amazing that you can actually have such a time. You can analyze your past and plan for your future. It can be the most important period of time for us. You can calmly reflect on yourself with dignity. This is absolutely necessary.
Trying to catch fish as you ride on a boat in the blue ocean can be compared to God’s providential work of restoration and salvation. The fish represent fallen men. If you prepare everything, use good bait and tie a sturdy string to a fine fishing rod, then you should catch many fish. But you will not be able to catch a single fish if your skill is poor, the string is weak, the bait is spoiled, and the fishing rod is worthless. It is all the same. Living in this world is the same as catching fish. If you want to succeed in this world, you must put yourself in the position of a fishing rod and set it up with good fishing line and good bait; only then can you fish effectively. Fish are not caught easily. You reap the harvest when all the corresponding conditions are met. Without these corresponding conditions, you cannot bring in the harvest.
When you go out to the sea fishing with Rev. Moon, you think the fish often bite onto my fish hooks, right? When fishing, everything looks like my object. The perfected subject fulfills the perfected object. The idea should be “the fish must bite here” when fishing. That is how the Principle operates. As soon as I put the fish hook in the water, the fish come to me as object partners of perfect value. This is different from the way normal people touch and handle a fishing rod.
When I go fishing, I say, “Dear fish! I am not catching you for the sake of myself. I am catching you on behalf of God, who is shedding tears with the heart of wanting to feed the poor people dying of hunger in this world. I am not fishing for the sake of myself, but for the sake of descendants and all people, therefore you must forgive me!” That is why I always free the first fish that I catch. I free it as the sacrificial offering. Once the fish have received my love, they will then try to sacrifice their life for me. Therefore, when twelve people get aboard the boat, I catch one-third the amount of fish caught. So, the fish recognize me and say, “Continue biting only on Rev. Moon’s fish hook!”