Sun Myung Moon
April 3, 1972
Paris Unification Church
Sun Myung Moon circa 1966
Everything is reaped as it has been sown. You sow in springtime and you read in autumn. Due to the human fall, our fleshly side and our mind side, spiritual side, have been two and are constantly at war with each other. On a wider level, there have been two wars-one war on God's side and the other war on Satan's side. The world has been divided into two.
Everywhere you will see two powers at war with each other; for instance, in the home, if your parents are fighting, one is on the good side and the other must be on the bad side. Even if they do not quarrel, the right side is the more Godly side and the other one is the less Godly side or Satan's side. Even in the village, you will see people more Godly and more saintly, and also in the society on a wider level. In the world, there is the ruling party and the opposition party. In the whole world, you see two powers -- the democratic world and communist world. Is it true or not? Everything is divided. It has not been done for nothing or without a cause. There is a cause, the one who has made it that way.
Ever since the human fall, God has been dividing those two, that is, separating good out of evil. Also among yourselves, if two are fighting, you will instinctively know which is more on God's side and which is more on the other side. Then bow to divide those two -- one to be more on God's side, one to be more on the other side -- is the problem. To divide here means to discriminate. You must know for sure what is good and what is evil. For instance, you have two beloved sons. Those two are fighting with each other. If the elder slays the younger, then the parents are always on the side of the younger, putting the blame on the older. They scold the older one. In that case, why do the parents scold the older one? Because he is good or bad? Why is the older one bad?
What would happen in the case where the younger one beats the older one? In that case, the parents will be in favor of the older one, why is it so? Because he initiated the evil thing. This side attacked and the other side was attacked and was harmed. When one attacks, he can be intact and unharmed, but in this case, the other one is harmed.
You must know the definition of good and evil. Those who are on the good side, on the side of goodness, never attack. And they will never want to harm the other person or to kill. That is the difference between good and evil. Good does not attack; it is always attacked. Evil initiates the attack. The good does not attack but wins the war and ultimately wins the quarrel; the other one, evil, initiates the attack but finally is defeated. When evil attacks, it attacks for its own benefit, but the other one, when it is attacked, it is attacked for the benefit of, or in place of, or for the indemnity of others. Thus, evil is self-centered and the other one -- good -- is for the others.
Your view will be evil when in viewing or in seeing things, you see them from a self-centered point of view. This is bad. A view for the benefit of others will be good. When you think: of things, when you see and do things, the same thing will happen. We always have the explanation of the difference between good and evil. It starts right from our eyes when we see things. It happens right from the eyes, nose, mouth, every sense of ours. If when you see things, you think quickly in your mind how you can get the benefit out of that person even at the sacrifice of that person, your view is more of evil. But if you look at the other people and try to help with something, thinking how to help them, this is on the good side.
Nobody knows that he or she is living with these two powers at war with each other. We are always placed on the boundary line of good and evil. That means that we will either be with good or evil. Is there anyone who has known before that we are like that? Everybody thinks that he himself is the good one or the best one, and that the other people are all bad and that society is evil. He puts all the blame on others, but thinks himself to be very good. There must h; the boundary line between good and evil and we have not been able to know that. Then do you know now exactly what the boundary line: or front line between good and evil is?
Although our Master may have to beat a person, if he does this for the benefit of that man, this is good. In that case, my act has not been self-centered, but for the benefit of that man. That is what makes things good. When you go somewhere, if you go there for a self-centered benefit, it is bad, but if you go for the benefit of others, it is good. If, when I speak, I speak for the benefit of myself at the sacrifice: of yourselves, I am bad. But since I am talking for the benefit of all of you, of all people, I am on the good side. Those who want to keep others' things for their own benefit even at the sacrifice of others, or who want to rob others of anything or everything are bad. Those who want to give out things for the benefit of others are good. God and Satan, both sides, have their own strategies. When we are entangled with Satanic strategies, we are on the side of evil. Otherwise, we are on the side of good.
What is the definition of an evil thing? Self-centeredness, initiating the attack and harming others. On the side of good is the concept of the benefit of others and working for the benefit of others. The outcome, the result will be helpful for others.
By doing that, the side of goodness will win, while the other side will always be divided in the end. It will perish. It will rise and then fall. For example, when the older brother beats the younger one, Mother's love for the older one comes to the younger one. So, while the older one is deprived of love, and thus is doomed to perish or to lose, the other one gains Mother's love, which is the portion of the elder brother's and he becomes richer in love and gains more. Suppose you have 10 friends, but you are self-centered and you always attack and want to harm others and get benefit out of others, the number of your friends will decrease. 10 will become 9 and 8 and so on, and you are going to lose more and more until you have completely lost all your friends. But on the other side, if you are unselfish and you always think of the benefit of others and never take from others, but do things for others at the sacrifice of yourselves, you are sure to gain friends. Your friends will increase while the other party decreases. When your friends increase, they will bring their own friends, parents and relatives, and the number will increase. To increase means to rise while to decrease means to fall or to perish.
Do you now know the definition of good and evil? Now your view must turn upside down like this. Up to the present time, you have thought, I am good, I am always good. The other people are evil, society is evil, and the world is evil. You must think the other way around. I am bad because of that.
I must take responsibility for those things and always think of the benefit of others and you will be good in God's sight. In the whole world, there has never been a single person thought to be good who was selfcentered, who took others' things, or who put blame on others or harmed others. When you are selfcentered, your parents, your friends, your brothers and sisters will all dislike you. So you must know exactly the definition of good. Those who are self-centered, always attacking and harming others around them, are on the side of evil, while those who are the other way around, which means, unselfish or helping others or always work for the benefit of others, belong to the side of good. Has there ever been a patriot who has been working for the benefit of himself, always attacking and harming others? He is on the side of the public or he is fighting for the benefit of the country. This is true for people on the individual level but also on the national level. When you see two countries, two nations, you will immediately discriminate which is good and which is evil. When one nation fights against the other for the benefit of his own nation and for himself and harms the others, is it good or bad? Suppose that nation initiated the attack for the benefit of the whole world, what would you think of it? Good. Why? 1) Even if somehow it initiated the attack, it never attacked for a selfish purpose. It attacked for the benefit of the whole world; 2) The outcome is for the benefit of the world; 3) This side, even though it attacked, lost things and the other side gained.
I must say further that when you do things for the benefit of others, when you do things for the benefit of one individual, it is good to an extent, but when you sacrifice yourself for the benefit of the family, your goodness is greater, and when you do things for the benefit of the nation, for the benefit of the world, your goodness becomes greater and greater. And even though you may have to attack that person, when you do so for the benefit of that person, it is good. And if you attack the family for the benefit of the family, it is better. When you do that on a national level or worldwide level, the goodness will be greater.
Suppose a person is thinking of or even doing things to ruin the whole world. Even though you may have to attack him, this is good. God will judge the whole world according to this standard, this principle. This definition is very simple.
Then you can judge others from this Principle or standard. Up to now, people have been in confusion, without being able to discriminate between the two.
What is the definition of a holy man or a sacred man? Would you like to become a patriot or a holy man? Which of the two? Do you still think that Napoleon is the best man in the whole world? Napoleon was and still is the enemy of all the nations which he conquered. Those people still think that Napoleon is their worst enemy, and when your country is declining, they are glad of that. This is why patriots are not or cannot become holy men. A holy man is for the whole world and he does not have enemies. This man is not for the benefit of the nation but for the benefit of the whole world, transcending the national level. What is really true is true not only for the nation but for the whole world. Jesus was the greatest among men of the whole world because he did things for the benefit of others at the sacrifice of himself. He could even pray for his enemies at his death. By doing that, he has made all the people in the world his friends, all of those people are on his side.
When patriots pass away, they are respected by all the people of the nation. But when holy men pass away, or even in their lifetime, they are persecuted by their own people. This is because they worked for the benefit of the world even at the sacrifice of their own nation. This person, this holy man is a cosmopolitan person. He always thinks of the whole world, saving the whole world and acting for the whole world with a selfless or unselfish attitude.
Then, what is the definition of a holy man? He is centered on what? Of course, he is centered on the whole world, but one can say further that he has placed his center on God. He does God-centered actions. While all the people of the world have self-centered, these holy men, for instance, Jesus, Confucius and Buddha, have been doing things, working for the benefit of the whole world, transcending the small view of life. They have put stress on Godly things and things of the world so they are "God-ism" people, "world-ism" people, cosmopolitan people. By doing that, the holy man wins the minds of all the people of the world and wins the heart of God. Did Napoleon put the center of all things on God? Is he Godcentered? What about Hitler? Perhaps they worked for the benefit of themselves, for the nation, but their actions were ego-centered. They wanted to be heroes. In the light of our definition, our formula, Napoleon and Hitler were crazy, mad people. Do you want to become heroes of the world or holy men? In light of the worldly standard, holy men are fools. They want to lose things for others. They are fools, stupid men. They are stupid, in the worldly sense of course, because they have never done things for the benefit of themselves. Take, for instance, Jesus, when he prayed on the Mount of Gethsemane: "If possible, let this cup pass from me, but not as I will but as Thou wilt". From the worldly point of view, how foolish, how stupid it looks. From the worldly point of view, he was an utterly helpless man, but this man, when he passed away, became the most widely known holy man and everybody knows that God loves him. From this fact, we cannot deny the existence of God. Speaking in a spiritual sense, the whole world belongs to him. In other words, he has the hearts of all mankind.
Then do you clearly know what is good and what is evil? In what manner do you become holy men? Your heart must be God-centered and then world-centered. And when you are God-centered, you are naturally world-centered, because God is always thinking of the world. God's will is not just to save France but to save the whole world even though he may have to sacrifice your nation France. Now you are sure that you know the definition of good and evil? Then what is our Master like? What kind of a person is he? He is God-centered and world-centered naturally, because God is world-centered and he wants to save the whole world because it is God's wish. He is for the will of God and for the whole world because God wants to save the whole world. He always thinks of God and God's will.
And God's will is for the whole world. God is world-centered, centered on the whole. In that case, it is not Mr. Moon-ism but God's will, God-ism. That is the best ism in the whole world. It is the best ism and you will never perish by doing this. Even when you are attacked, God is using the enemy as the instrument for giving things to you. You are gaining more by being attacked. So, those who are on the side of God will not initiate the attack, but still gain. Those who are on the Satanic side initiate the attack but while doing that, they lose things instead of gaining. You must know this clearly. That applies to our everyday life because this is the truth.
So, from now on, you are going to be holy men. Has Jesus been able to carry out God's will or not? Then, if Jesus was not able to carry out the will of God, will you accomplish what is left unaccomplished by Jesus? Will you do greater things than Jesus or lesser things? Do you have to be better than Jesus or lesser? You must know that Jesus still in practice and has not been able to enter the Kingdom of God. In order for you to be able to enter the Kingdom of God, must you be greater or better than Jesus? So, I must repeat that you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven if you are not greater or better than Jesus.
Are you that way? Are you ready to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Are you ready to die for the cause of God, for the will of God? If you are ready to do that, to die for the cause of God or the will of God, you are friends of Jesus. But when Jesus died, had he been married or not? No. Why? He did not marry or couldn't he marry? If you can marry or be blessed by God in marriage, you are already better than Jesus. Isn't that true?
The mission of the Unification Church is to accomplish what was left unaccomplished by Jesus. If we are not capable of doing this, our work will be a failure. So far, in our Church, Master has blessed so many couples, and has fulfilled all these formulas. From the time of Jesus on, Christians and other religious people have only put stress on remaining single instead of marrying. But our ideology is different because we bless couples in divine marriage. Do you think our Master is doing that because He wants us to be lesser than Jesus or better than Jesus? Greater.
We must think of things in depth. This is an amazing thing. In doing things, we must have better conditions than in the time of Jesus. Did Jesus' parents cooperate with Jesus? Did John the Baptist and all the relatives of Jesus cooperate with him? Did he have a Church? Did he have a nation under his ideology? Did he have hope to open up the channels to the whole world? What about you? Even Jesus knew the Divine Principle and knew the Divine Truth to a certain extent. You are in a better position than Jesus. You have your True Parents, your True brothers and sisters. You have the base of the nation, the foundation of the nation under the Divine Principle because he is on the way to that goal, and you will have the worldwide base for our family. Unification Church is in the position of Judaism in Jesus' day. Unlike those days, now we have complete freedom under Democracy and no one can kill us even though we may carry out works for God's will. So, all this taken into consideration, are we in a better position than Jesus or not? That is why he can marry you in holy marriage. I do not think you know things in real depth.
Can you imagine he pioneered into the unknown world, spirit world, and he has fought and conquered a whole bunch of Satans there, and only after having done this, he had the authority to be the victor. He is going to carry out God's will on earth and he is going to inherit all those things to you. When you do not even know the mere value of it, I do not feel like giving it to you. It is too much to be given to you. It is something like this, when you are given a big diamond, a big diamond grain and if you think of it as a piece of glass, would that person want to give it to you? If it is really true that you can become greater than Jesus, that you will learn the way to be that way, what is more important or more valuable than this?
Jesus could not marry. Before reaching this, he died. He was supposed to have the day of the marriage of the Lamb and without his being able to do that, all the Christians, his followers, have been put under difficulty and persecution. You are in a better position than Jesus because you know this truth and you are able to be blessed in divine marriage. Are you confident to receive such a blessing? Do you think you are qualified enough for that? If you have not reached that point, that means that you are not confident.
Was Reiner [Vincenz] blessed in holy marriage or not? Is he greater than Jesus? What makes him better than Jesus? He has one thing more than Jesus. He has a wife. Have you ever seen the couple fighting each other? Can they be separated, divorced?' Why not? More than that, your answer must be this. Even before Master could be able to bless them, he has trodden a thorny path after having shed so much blood, after having paid so much indemnity, so that is the value of his blessing. It took God some 6, 000 years, it took Jesus 2, 000 years. We must even think of the saints and religious leaders who throughout human history have fought for this cause. Plus our Master's endeavors and persecutions and hardships, all that he has gone through.
All those add up. This is the value of his blessing. It is the most valuable thing for man to find or establish. It is something like this: The owner of the house signs his name on a piece of paper. The moment he has this, the whole house belongs to him. Master is the initiator, the creator, the owner of this right, and this authority. And it is as if he signs on the paper and gives it to you. The moment you are given the paper, you have the right to possess it. We inherit this free of charge. Do you need me? Are you going to utilize me? If you just think of utilizing me, you are against the formula I taught this morning. Do you still need me?
When you really think you are in need of me, it is not just for the blessing of the holy marriage but to give birth to your offspring, to your descendants and to your children, for the whole world, a sinless world and for the future world. If you think of things in that way, you are not against the formula or rule. When you are blessed in holy marriage, you are not going to marry for yourself but for the whole of mankind, for heaven and earth. You must know that love is the center for unifying heaven and earth. Is there even one person here who has thought of this in that way? Love is not yours. Love does not belong to you. It belongs to God, to the world, to the earth, to the future prosperity of the earth and future generations. I have seen many boys and girls even in the streetcar or on a crowded street or in the parks kissing and embracing each other, and in my heart I question if they really know the value of love. The value of love is high like this, but because of the human fall, it was distorted and degraded. You young people must know all this and you must be thorough in discriminating true love and false love.
Now, you know how to measure and how to judge things, in the light of good and evil. If you feel that you really know that, raise your hand. People of the world are ignorant of all this. This is only too clear, but the people of the world de> not know how to draw the line between good and evil. You must know that you are placed on the boundary line between good and evil. Our mind is the center for God. God is guiding us in our mind but our flesh side, our body is the center for evil, or Satan. You are always wavering or vacillating like this.
You are good and evil, headed for heaven or hell. God is always on the side of good while Satan is always on the side of evil. But, man is placed on the boundary line where he can go to the side of God or to the side of evil, so man is the most horrible thing. He can either torment God by being on the Satanic side or torment Satan by being on God's side. You can either be the traitor to God or the traitor to evil. You must belong to either side -- one or the other. So you must be very careful, very cautious to know that you are a more horrible thing than Satan.
Sometimes, you are like flint of a spear whose point is poisonous. You are just as dangerous and horrible. So do not vacillate or waver. If you ever do that, you will just go out of the Church. If you go out and come back and go out again, God would not like that kind of person and neither would Satan.
When you meditate or reflect about your family background, the history of your family, your ancestry, your relatives, your brothers and sisters around you, you can count how many of those are on God's side, on the side of goodness and how many are on the other side. Then you may be able to know that your whole family is more on this side or more on that side. When applying the formula and judging things, we know that in the First World War, those who declared war were defeated in the end in the Second War the same thing occurred. Then we are sure to know that between Communism and Democracy, between Goduniting ideology, and Godless-uniting ideology, which one will win. As you see, which side always takes the initiative of attack, the Communist side or the Democratic side? In attacking, do they do that for the benefit of the world, or for their own selves? Are they God-centered or man-centered? On the other hand, what about the Democratic world, is it God-centered or man-centered? Does the Democratic side initiate the attack or is it attacked? Of all the Democratic nations, are there any Democratic nations that work for the benefit of the whole world? So far, the United States of America has been in that position but now she is retreating. While the United States was helping the world, the whole world respected America, but now that she has retreated from that, the whole world has feelings against the United States. At the peril of the Democratic world, our Unification Church has appeared, and we are going to fight for the cause of God and for the will of God. By doing this, the whole free world will benefit, and will not perish.
Do we have a nation with our ideology? Not yet. So we have to lay the foundation at the earliest possible moment. As I said yesterday, there must come out a nation, a sovereignty which can conquer the evil sovereignty. In the world, which is the nation which has so far laid the foundation from the individual level, tribal level, almost reaching the national level based on the Divine Principle? You may think that Master is a Korean and so he thinks of things in that way. He was born in Korea but he is not a Korean in the sense that he is for the whole world and for God. More than that, he was persecuted so much in Korea doing Divine things. In Korea, we have reached the point that in any group, in any religion, in any community such as associations, schools, institutions or the Government, people have come to think that they cannot do without us. Up to the present moment, he has laid the foundation from the individual level, tribal level, up to the national level upward like this, on the vertical level. But from the moment he has established the foundation on the national level, it will come on the horizontal level and will spread from country to country, and nation to nation.
I am sure that you like your country France. Do you or don't you? Are you answering me with that formula in your mind? Do you love France or not? NATO was in France, but you chased it away. Was France right in doing that or not? Recently, Kosygin of Russia visited your country and your President signed the treaty Russia and disregarded the United States and betrayed England. Was it right? The members of the Unification Church are of a different sort. Are you like that or not? Are you the type of people that are always vacillating? Do you like this attitude? God and the whole of mankind hate to see the kind of people who always walk zigzag like this, sometimes on the side of God, or on the side of evil, on the side of right or left. There has never been one single man that liked that kind of person, and even Satan hates him because he has the possibility of going to the other side. These are not Mr. Moon's words. This is the word uttered through formulas and I am judging things applying this formula. You must know all this and you have got to right the wrong that your Government people are doing. If you go on doing what you have been doing, French people, all the people of the world will hate you and dislike you, so you must correct the wrong.
The true man will keep his promise and even though he may have to be faced with ruin or perish, he will be loyal to what he has promised. You must know clearly all this. All of your acts must be God-centered, thus naturally world-centered, and you must always act for the benefit of all mankind, for things on a bigger level; otherwise, you will perish as an individual, as a whole nation and your influence will ruin the whole world. Since you know what is wrong with France or French people, would you want to leave it alone or do you want to correct it? Those who are determined to do it, raise your hands.
You should not be like other French people. History is the best proof, the best witness. And those who have been on the evil side have perished and the other side has always risen. So, you must always be on God's side wherever you go. When you are among other communities, you must be as such. In school, you must be on God's side, and in the community as the church. Everywhere, you must be on God's side, judging things according to the Godly or Divine formula, and working for that.
As I see it, once they know what is right, the German people act and put it into practice, but French people think a long time, reflect in their minds, meditate over the matter and dream of it. Reality does not wait. Reality is the best judge and waits for the action to be taken. It does not like people to dream over the matter for a while. To meditate over the matter, to dream over things in a sense can be good, but at this time, at this critical moment, will you still remain like that or act and put out ideology into practice? Do you want to be defeated by the German people or win over them? You will and you can be quicker in action than the German people. Do you know that I have organized a mobile team in Germany? In England, too, they have organized a mobile team. You must never be defeated by those nations, so why don't you try your best?
You, French people, are like swallows in the spring flying about from place to place singing and chirping, while the German people are like bears. They are always digging into the soil, digging to the root of trees for a certain root to feed themselves with. How can a swallow win over a bear? You must try to become otherwise than a swallow. You must fight day and night until you can win over the other and win the victory.
Even among our members, I think we can find such people. So, for those who speak the German language, I will take them to Germany and get them trained, then get them back and let them train the rest of you. Are you hurt to hear that? Can it help? It's the best way and by doing that you can save France at the earliest possible date.
I compared French people with swallows and the German People with bears. Do you think my description is right? The French people talk in beautiful, poetic terms. The German people are the opposite. They may appear to be sometimes wild, but when we know them, they are kind-hearted people. The only way for you, French people, to save your country France is to be really united with Germany, to live in harmony with the German members in the family, with those two blended into one. That is why I brought a German man here as your leader. I want Reiner to train these people more severely than Paul Werner in Germany. By his doing that, France is restored earlier than Germany. How blessed you are. Do you want it that why? Before I leave, upon my departure, I will advise Reiner to train you this way, and you may think that he has changed. (He is too strict, severe.) Never think of him like that. Get trained under him and in that way, you will be able to save your nation as fast as you can. It will be all right.
Today, I have spoken to you about the definition of what is good and what is evil according to the formula or the definition. In applying the definition to every factor, every happening in the world, we can judge things. If you put more stress on the things on God's side, your Church will be victorious.