Sun Myung Moon
September 15, 2012
The True Parent of mankind, our great teacher. Please rest in peace in Heaven!
The Wonjeon Ceremony of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind; the Universal Sung Hwa Ceremony was held at 1:30 p.m. on the 7.29 by the Heavenly calendar in the third year of Cheonggi (9.15 by the Gregorian calendar). On this day, around 400 participants including elder families related to the True Family, continental leaders, touring church lecturers, heads of providential organizations and enterprises, Korea regional directors, Japanese and American representatives, national leaders, bon boo wangs, national messiahs and others took part in the Won Jun Ceremony. First, the Cheon Il Guk national anthem was sang with the President of Unificationism-Korea and the Master of Ceremonies Dr. Jun Ho Seuk on the lead, followed with a report prayer by Chairman Yeong Hi Kim, a hoondok reading by Chairman Hyo Yool Kim, the presentation of flowers, the sprinkling of soil, the closing prayer by World President Hyung Jin Moon, and finally three cheers of Eok Mansei led by Rev. Chang Shik Yang.
As the holy body of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind was being moved to the Wonjeon burial site, thousands of participants lined the road all the way to Cheon Jeong Gung waving him farewell for the very last time with chrysanthemums, roses, lilies and the Unification flags in their hands. Some participants would shed tears and offer bows while some others would quietly place their flowers on the ground and start praying as the holy body of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind passed them. The expressions of all the participants who lined the road was filled with love for Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind.
The Holy Body of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind Moving to the Wonjeon Site
After the holy body of the True Parent of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind arrived at Cheon Seong San Won Jun site, the burial was carried out by World President Hyung Jin Moon, Tongil Group Chairman Kook Jin Moon, and 12 pallbearers. True Mother could not take her eyes off from the entire burial procedure.
Preparing for the Interment Ceremony
True Mother Observing the Interment Procedure
The Interment Ceremony
True Mother not taking her eyes off throughout the interment ceremony
The President of Unificationism-Korea, Dr. Jun Ho Seuk declared the commencement of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind; the Universal Won Jun Ceremony saying, "Today, we are experiencing a solemn day that will never be repeated in human history. True Father has accomplished everything and has become the substantial self of God and as he enters Heaven, we are holding this Universal Won Jun Ceremony under this basis. Even though we are sending True Father to the spirit world through this Won Jun Ceremony, we should attend True Mother who is still on Earth with an unwavering certainty that True Father is with us and make determinations to live a life of filial piety and loyalty towards the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. We will now commence Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind; the Universal Won Jun Ceremony."
The Opening Declaration given by the President of Unificationism-Korea, Dr. Jun Ho Seuk
Following the opening declaration, bows were offered to True Parent, the Cheon Il Guk National Anthem was sung, and then the report prayer was offered by Chairman Yeong Hi Kim. Chairman Kim prayed, "From the moment of True Father's birth to the day of his ascension, he has lived a life of total filial piety and loyalty towards God day and night without resting for even a day. By practicing the words, True Father became the substantial self of the Word, and based on this foundation, he could have complete victory over Satan, liberate humanity from the chains of Satan, and open the path enabling all of God's lost children to be reconnected to God's lineage. I hope that all members become one and that the will of our True Parents be realized."
Report Prayer by Rev. Yeong Whi Kim
Following the report prayer, a hoondok reading was led by Chairman Hyo Yool Kim. The hoondok reading on the 'existing spirit world' were given by True Father during the celebratory banquet of the 5th Mongolian's People Federation for World Peace Assembly on October 14 2006 in Cheon Jeong Gung. The hoondok reading went as follows: 'Man has a body and mind. The spirit body has a spirit mind and God exists everywhere including the spirit world where the spirit mind enters and of course the real physical world too....."
Hoondok Reading by Chairman Hyo Yool Kim
After the hoondok reading, the presentation of flowers and sprinkling of soil took place. The order in both offerings were as follows: True Mother, True Family, heads of the Organizing Committee and the five great saints, continental leaders, bon boo wangs, national messiahs, regional directors, and finally heads of enterprises. After True Family offered flowers, everyone held hands and sincerely offered prayers.
True Mother Offering a Flower
True Family Offering Flowers
True Family Praying Together after Offering Flowers
Closing of True Father's Casket
The Closed Casket of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind
True Mother Sprinkling Soil
World President Hyung Jin Moon and his Wife Sprinkling Soil
Chairman Kook Jin Moon and his Wife Sprinkling Soil
After the presentation of flowers and sprinkling of soil, a prayer was given by World President Hyung Jin Moon. The contents of his prayer were as follows: 'The messiah, True Parent, savior of mankind, the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind! You came on Earth using a physical body and have spent around 90 years on Earth. You have liberated and completed freed God during your lifetime. You also realized your hope of realizing a substantial trinity between God, True Mother and you, True Father and based on that foundation, perfected the true family through your immediate children. We miss your beautiful smile and hand gestures. Dear God, Father, please become the God of Night and become completely one with True Mother. Thinking that you will be with us for eternity, our sad hearts are somewhat comforted. We will no longer cry as we know you left us for Heaven right before Foundation Day to realize God's Will..."
World President Hyung Jin Moon Offering a Prayer
Three Cheers of Eok Mansei
Following the report prayer, Rev. Chang Shik Yang led the three cheers of Eok Mansei and 'Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind; the Universal Won Jun Ceremony' came to a conclusion.
True Father dedicated his whole life for the liberation of God, the salvation of mankind, and the realization of a world of peace. He is a great teacher, the True Parent of mankind who has lived for the Will alone from the very first moment he started his public life till the moment he concluded his life on Earth. Please rest in peace in heaven, Aju.