Sun Myung Moon
April 3, 1995
Photo date and location unknown
Today the world is confronted with the serious human crises of sexual immorality, family breakdown and the surge of individualism. In addition, environmental pollution threatens life's very existence on this one and only earth. In our human relationships we need, now more than ever, a movement practicing love and mutual cooperation. With regards to nature, it is urgent that we begin a movement to love all creation and to protect and conserve our environment. Religious people in particular must lead this movement.
From the early days, True Parents taught that unless one loves nature, which was created for human beings, one cannot claim to love people; and unless one loves people, who are created to be the true children of God, one cannot say that one loves God. It is natural that whoever loves God will love people, who were created to be God's children. Hence, one cannot claim to love people and God unless one loves nature, which was created for people.
In an ideal society or nation, people will transcend national and racial boundaries, establish mutual cooperation and harmony and live together happily. They will be fully conscious of being God's sons and daughters and of existing as one great extended family that can live as brothers and sisters centered on True Parents. This is the place where all the blessed families who have restored their lineage, realm of ownership and heart, living with True Parents' culture and language, will accomplish a world of freedom, peace and unity.
All people will share God's culture of heart and co-exist enjoying interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universally shared values. This world will have no corruption, injustice, war or crime. People will eliminate the causes of environmental pollution and will protect and love all things of creation as true owners. In this model ideal world, all of life's activities and labors will be expressed through the practice of joyful service for the sake of others based on a heart of love, which will equalize our standard of living.
On the foundation of blessed families, we will employ the advances of technology for the sake of education. The education of heart and of morality will have priority over academic education, physical education, and technical education. Education primarily will serve to raise up people of goodness who follow heaven's way. The realization of such an ideal can happen only on the basis of True Parents' thought, the teachings of true love for the sake of others.
Through the Fall, Adam lost his faith, so the destiny of all people is to pass through a way of restoration that includes absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. God established religion for this purpose, and this is why the absolute faith of providential figures such as Noah is so precious.
True Parents came to embody absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Through this, they brought victory in the severe battles they faced, not only on earth but also in spirit world. True Parents are now bequeathing their victorious foundation to us. We must imitate the tradition of True Parents in our life practice, thereby resembling the way True Parents love the world, all things of creation, humankind and God, so we can establish the model ideal nation.
At the New Hope Farm we are trained to practice precisely these things. Here we invest and invest again, loving the earth, the water and nature. Many people of the world will come together as brothers and sisters and practice this, here in the school for realizing God's nation. By showing all people what we accomplish, we will educate them in how to establish a community of love transcending skin color, and cultural and national boundaries. We also can demonstrate the standard of love and care for the creation and, at the same time, awaken everyone to the fact that through this worldview we can establish international management of the global environment. On this farm we can show humankind a model of how to rid the world of war, hunger and crime, and how to live in happiness and peace.
The 160 mission countries of the world will support this project with materials, manpower and prayer. Youth from around the world will receive training and gain practical experience here. They will return to their home countries and become frontline leaders, building ideal nations. Each continent will have to support this project. As the first step, 40 nations will send trip people each by May 1, 1995, and later they will send more. These people will participate in this historic movement.