Sun Myung Moon
March 28, 1998
Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book Twelve, Chapter 2: The Pacific Rim Providence and
Geomundo, Section 2: Geomundo is the palace of the Oceanic World
Photo date and location unknown
From the view point of the providence, the present day is the same time as when the Israelites returned to Canaan. Also, it is also the same providential time as when Israel people came back to Jerusalem from the Babylonian captivity. Therefore, our position is that of the Israel people. We returned to Korea after establishing the new direction centered on the new trend of world Christianity. Then, what shall be done? We must rebuild the temple which was ruined. (178-36, May 27, 1988)
The satanic world has reached its golden era. Their people are elated, having fun by beating drums and singing songs. However, in God's providence, His people were robbed and lost everything; thus, they must build their nation where everything was devastated and ruined. In other words, we must build the Holy Temple by our own hands. Like the Israelites whom God chose, we must become chosen people and build such a place in order that we will welcome God. Even though the place was devastated, we should be grateful to God, as we did not perish and are allowed to visit this place, despite our tearful suffering. Moreover, we must repay our debts to Heaven as we are allowed to return here by maintaining our internal heart. For this reason, we have to rebuild the Holy Temple which was devastated and establish a new nation. Such a time has come. (292-62, March 28, 1998)
Where should the palace of the Heavenly Kingdom be erected? It should not come down from Heaven but from the earth. The earth should produce it. Since Adam and Eve were born on earth, the people of the Heavenly nation should be born on earth. And then, the Heavenly King's Palace must be established on earth. (210-110, December 1, 1990)
If I inherit the heart of God, who loves all created beings as the King of the universe, and loves all people as His sons and daughters, and should I establish a foundation that represents Heavenly palace, I would be able to enter into the Heavenly Palace. You must know this incredible fact. Then, what kind of king are we talking about? He is the King of true love. The original position of Adam and Eve was to be King (and Queen) of true love. Accordingly, we must prepare a foundation through which the King's Palace will appear on earth. (123-197, January 1, 1983)
What should we do now? When the Israel people returned to Canaan from Egypt, first they built the Temple to welcome God as internal parents; second, they erected a school for their children; and finally, they built their own houses. In American history, what did the Pilgrim Fathers build first after arriving in America? First, they build the Church where they welcomed God. Next, they built a school for their young. Even though they lived in temporary tents all together, they first built their church, then, school. Finally, they built their own houses and moved to their separate homes. (178-301, June 12, 1988)
Upon returning from the Babylon captivity, why did the Israelites lament looking over the devastation of their home land? It is because when they finally returned to their homeland, their ancestors' graves are destroyed and their Holy Temple where they worshiped God was ruined. The Temple where they welcomed God was reduce to rubble. Before they would establish their nation, they must repair and rebuild the Temple first. (174-176, February 28, 1988)
No one must oppose building the Holy Temple, no matter where it is erected. It was the mission of the people of Israel to offer their best land and build the Temple there. Their houses should have been built after erecting the Temple. Even though their own houses should be destroyed, or be sold, first, they must prepare for building the temple. Such was their responsibility. (173-319, February 21, 1988)
With your sinful body, sinful eyes, and your sinful arms and legs, through preparing land for holy land and loving the land and all creation, you must build the Temple where you will be able to welcome and attend God. Thus, you must establish the nation where God and all people will live together. How wonderful it will be! As you live in such a place -- live within the embrace by God and the universe -- you will become such sons and daughters. (269-238, April 23, 1995)