Sun Myung Moon
November 28, 1976
Fifth International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences Farewell Banquet
Reverend and Mrs. Moon welcome the Fifth International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences participants at a reception on the eve of the conference opening
The success of the conferences is a reflection of the effort that has been put into them by yourselves. Of course, we cannot expect to solve all of the world's problems in three short days... Yet we all resolved to talk of the problems of values and other matters in an open and free atmosphere. Surely this is a very significant accomplishment. On this basis, we can have reason to believe the solution to mankind's problems can come.
It is unfortunate that today many people have lost faith in the nobility of man and his culture. They have not been able to see a purpose in life and have no principles or values to guide them in a productive manner. They are trapped by their own despair and have no constructive ideas to offer to help others. Hedonism, family breakdown, mental illness evidence a society and culture that is lost in defeat. Many seek totalitarianism in such chaos. It is especially distressing to see this circumstance in our youth, who will soon take responsibility for the problems history will bequeath to them.
Some people have blamed science itself for the problems of man and a number of youth look to primitive, pre-scientific cultures as models of society. Hence we see an anti-science movement.... Hopefully, this meeting can contribute to the establishment of a standard of value that can solve these problems.
Along with this annual conference, the International Cultural Foundation would like to initiate some additional activities of a scholarly nature in coming years. We will do this because intellectuals such as yourselves who have been entrusted with talents are vital to society and should be supported. We would like to do something especially for those of you who are willing to work for the elevation of the human culture in general.
Rev. Moon concluded the conference by inviting the guests to the next conference, to be held on Thanksgiving weekend, 1977, in San Francisco.