2 The Reunification of Korea and World Peace
2.1 The Korean peninsula, microcosm of world conflict
Because the Korean peninsula is divided into North and South today, even if we have a nation, we cannot have a unified sovereignty. To have a unified sovereignty, the Korean people must be united to fight together. Even if the Korean people have the unified sovereignty, it is still not enough. With sovereignty, the Korean people must move up to the world level. Even if they have to sacrifice their hard-earned sovereignty, they must go battle on to restore the world. Otherwise, the world of peace and unification God is looking for will never come. (048-309, 1971.09.26)
If Abel cannot subjugate Cain, a world of peace will not come about. The conclusion is that we cannot expect the unification of North and South Korea as long as the problems of world politics are not resolved. (050-252, 1971.11.07)
Our nation's cherished hope is the reunification of the two Koreas. For a long history of five thousand years, we have been a single peace-loving nation rich in culture, customs and traditions, and fluent in the logical language of Korean. One Korean nation, a land of picturesque rivers and mountains! Our people share the same destiny. (164-186, 1987.05.15)
God made Korea go through tremendous hardships to summon it for His providence. It is a nation of suffering and a nation of goodness that has long paid respect to heaven and overcome trials with a spirit of peace and morality; therefore, it is being called by Heaven. To save humanity in the Last Days, it has become a sacrificial offering in providential history. Having gone through a history of suffering for thousands of years and finally as an offering for the salvation of mankind, Korea is still shouldering a heavy cross in world history, the division of the Korean peninsula. (135-345, 1985.12.16)
In Korea, there must be an Abel-like nation and a Cain-like nation. It has been divided into North and South at the 38th parallel. If the Cain-like nation, North Korea, is not subjugated by the Abel-like nation, South Korea, world peace will not be realized. The nation and land have been divided into two. Looking broadly at the world, it has been divided into the democratic and communist worlds. The two partitioned camps are tangent on the Korean peninsula. Hence, the unification of Korea is a scheme to unify the world. (034-275, 1970.09.13)
The Korean race is also known as the baedal race. What is that? The Chinese character dal in baedal (the earliest name for Korea) means "pass through or transmit." What does a carrier or deliverer do? He is like a liaison soldier who conveys news and messages. The Korean nation therefore communicates news and messages to the world. This name is well given. It is all very principled. The Korean people are also known as the baek-eui people, or folk clad in white. The character baek means "white," which symbolizes peace. White is a color which anybody can set as the standard, day or night. Red or yellow cannot be used as an indicator at night. Only the color white can be. Hence, the Korean people can be the standard for the world. (034-291, 1970.09.13)
The 38th parallel traversing the Korean peninsula today is not so great a burden. Besides that, a stronger and more extreme line dividing Russia and Communist China has to be surmounted. To prepare for the foundation of peace, a nation must establish a victorious foundation that can erase a more terrible demarcation line. (035-024, 1970.09.27)
When you are sweating and bleeding, everything is flowing profusely. It is the same when you are dying. Do not retain any lingering attachment for your personal desires, but clear them up completely. These things will come back to you after you have thoroughly liquidated them. From this standpoint, which direction will you head for, passing though the Republic of Korea? A person seeking peace without affliction or hindrance is a traitor to his nation. (035-028, 1970.09.27)
A nation that is not divided cannot lay the foundation for the Will. Like an offering, it has to be separated into two. Centering on those countries containing democratic and the communist elements, problems spring up in this world. World peace will not come knocking on the door if we do not reorganize the world centering on these divided nations, unifying the democratic world and subduing the communist world. (037-297, 1971.01.01)
The place that can receive accusation from the spirit world and that is substantially reflected in the physical world is the Panmunjom truce village [in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) dividing North and South Korea]. If all countries belonging to the communist world do not hold up the banner of peace there, transcend their background and power both internally and externally, and confess truthfully that they are losers, the heavenly kingdom of peace will not come to this earth.
How much have mass communication and communication networks risen today? When we flick on a switch or press a button, almost anything can be transmitted within thirty minutes to anywhere in the world. Under such circumstances, when Korea has established an unprecedented victorious welfare nation, bringing the peaceful unification of North and South in effect, other nations will try to look, come or follow even though all people of the world say not to. Accordingly, we have to unite and pour in all of our efforts. (037-319, 1971.01.01)
Though all people long for a world of peace and oneness, they agree that it cannot become one just by itself. The reality is that people are hoping for the unity of the world as spelled out by the democratic or communist world. If that were the case, is the communist world ready to unite with the democratic world, or vice versa? The problem is an exceedingly tough nut to crack.
When will this confrontation come to an end? As long as it persists, an ideal world of peace or oneness can never surface. Before looking for a way to unification or an ideal world, is there a country in the world whose people can say it is a unified nation that can replace the ideal world? (053-009, 1972.02.04)
Nobody today can deny that the Korean peninsula can be a base for launching satellites. Does anybody deny that Korea has emerged as a base that can leap to the pinnacle of the world, and open its gate to peace for humanity? (121-167, 1982.10.24)
To be a nation that can survive in the world and be welcomed by all people, the Korean nation first has to be a crossbearer to save the world, sacrificing its sovereignty and country. Establishing a victorious foundation by taking up the cross, it will receive glory on the day when the kingdom of peace is constructed. (125-244, 1983.03.27)
The tension between North and South Korea rather than the rivalry between East and West Germany is exacerbating the problem of the democratic and communist worlds. As long as Korea is unable to win over communism, the unification of Korea is but a daydream and peace will not come to the Korean nation.
To embrace peace, this nation must settle the underlying problem of antagonism between communist Russia and democracy. This is not just my stand. When we consider it from the providential perspective to be a providential focal point in which God is dealing with the physical world, if God does exist, the view to reconcile communism and democracy will be established. As Korea is situated between superpower countries such as Russia, Communist China and Japan they can expand their areas of influence in the future world in any age. As long as they command internal authority, they will be a source of problems. From that point of view, I have already thought about conflict between the democratic and communist worlds.
Think of a world of oneness after transcending the democratic and communist worlds. If the primary problem of the world remains unresolved, the basis for peace will not exist in Korea. From an ideological viewpoint, democracy does not contain any unified contents of the world as far as national ideas are concerned. Instead, it centers on the contents that the ideological system of communism is world conquest. (130-073, 1983.12.26)
The foundation of the Unification Church and my foundation are laid by absolutely obedience to Heaven's Will, living for others. Breaking through the oppression of Christianity and Confucianism, and solving the misunderstandings between East and West, I have erected a victorious foundation. If the Korean people and Korea lead sacrificial lives for the world on my triumphant global foundation, God will definitely shower much more abundant historical blessings upon Korea than He did on America. Not only will Korea overcome her suffering, but she will be the center of truth, love and peace in front of the world as well. The fact that God loves Korea is not for the sake of Korea alone. God's blessings upon Korea will bear fruit only if the Korean race serves the world. (135-238, 1985.12.11)
Korea is originally a peace-loving eastern nation. Koreans therefore deserted the continent of China and swarmed over the Korean peninsula. Even Confucius complimented the non-barbaric, peaceable eastern nation, and remarked that saints resided there. His desire was to visit that nation. (179-029, 1988.06.15)
As North and South Korea have been pitted against each other for forty years, ever since their division, their cultural climates are non-identical. The democratic and communist systems are perfectly distinct, not to mention the languages used. Their concepts of peace and freedom are disparate. The recent popular democracy many people are talking about is radically different. It asserts a standard for peace after eliminating all reactionary elements and contenders, centering on the proletarian dictatorship. South Korea is ignorant of the clever disguise of terminology. She is still in the dead hours of the night. (173-219, 1988.02.18)
As you know, Russia and Red China are divided. The Russian system inevitably supports pacifism as a countermeasure to their economic policy, and turns to the western society and the free world. North Korea is now left in a miserable situation, for it can follow neither Russia nor Communist China. It has merely concentrated on beefing up its military forces in order to communize South Korea. Amending their way of thinking is as difficult as changing a leopard's spots. (173-067, 1988.01.03)
The Korean peninsula, divided into democracy and communism, is the providential center of the world. Fully knowing that the unification of North and South Korea is the key to world peace, I have been investing all my heart and every ounce of my energy to carry out this task throughout the world. It was for this reason that I visited North Korea to confer with Kim Il-sung regarding this matter. (229-080, 1992.04.10)
The baek-eui people (folk clad in white) are amazing. White symbolizes peace. In spite of the fact that the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans were killing one another in China and Siberia, Russia, no Koreans carried knives or daggers with them. Examining the corpses of the Japanese or the Chinese, one can see they had weapons on their bodies. The Koreans only carried flint stones for starting a fire. This symbolizes the spreading of the truth. Flintstones are not just for lighting cigarettes or pipes, but also for making a fire anytime in cold places and for opening up an environment of life or death. Only the Korean nation has the origin of the alpha and omega, the point of the beginning and the end. Korea is also known as the eastern country of courteous people. In the history of Korea, Koreans have never even once invaded another country, and the country has constantly been serving as a stepping-stone for sacrifices. (220-274, 1991.10.20)
2 The Reunification of Korea and World Peace
2.2 The nations central to God's providence
In the case of Korea, Japan and China becoming one, it will create an Asian problem. When the standard of the Adam nation, Eve nation and Archangel nation is being restored on the horizontal level, this will pose a problem in Asia. The traditional standard that these three nations intend to set, standing in the vanguard for peace in Asia, must merge into a new notion that is above the racial and national standards. If that integrated tradition is acknowledged to be different from that of one's own nation, all the other Asian countries will associate with it. The question is how to build that traditional foundation. (040-131, 1971.01.30)
Korea bled so much under Japanese tyranny. Since Korean history began with shedding blood, Koreans have to restore their nation through bloodshed. This has already been achieved through another nation. Nevertheless, Korea refused to accept God's Will. Consequently, on 25 June 1950, the Korean people were confronted with a more gruesome enemy - the Korean War - during which they underwent another untold ordeal. The tragic war did not bring about unification of their country or the conditions for peace. Instead, Korea was divided and men of faith today have to follow an exhausting path. (043-274, 1971.05.01)
Centering on the foundation and environment for restoration in the Asian region, who is the archangel? The archangels of the formation, growth and completion stages are the leaders of Asia, America and West Germany respectively. Has Adam on the satanic side become one with the archangel on the worldwide level? They are separated into two. America is divided into the left wing and the right wing. Korea is partitioned into North and South. Germany is also divided. When their struggles and conflicts come to an end, the world will enter the age of the heavenly kingdom of peace. The day when Korea, Germany, and East and West have achieved unification will see the complete dissipation of communism. (047-205, 1971.08.28)
People are very concerned about the most important issue of when and how America is going to proceed in the future. Many people are thirsting for an ideal world overflowing with peace and liberty. We can easily perceive that hope. Looking at the trend of the present world, we cannot attain that ideal world; however, our present objective is very unclear and uncertain.
One cannot find in America an ideal that teaches people to love the world more than their own country. Hence, America cannot be a country that leads her people to construct an ideal world. Until Americans can sacrifice themselves or their country for the benefits of mankind and the entire world, a world of peace, happiness and thrift is impossible. Russia is in the same boat. If Russians cannot sacrifice their country for the world, neither God's providence nor an ideal world can be consummated. (052-009, 1971.12.11)
Individualism is apparently good for an individual, but most Westerners are overemphasizing this concept. As a consequence, they are flying like hawks in the sky as the wind blows them, having forfeited their state, nation, race, tribe, family, parents and even themselves. This is the very reason why true peace does not exist in the Western world. (052-012, 1971.12.11)
America has to give guidance to underdeveloped countries, and these nations have to follow the lead of America as their big brother. When they live that way, the whole world can continue to exist and revolve forever. If they progressively revolve faster, they will consequently become one. At that time, God will appear at the center, and a world of peace can materialize. (052-018, 1971.12.11)
The black, the white and the yellow races all meet in the melting pot of America. They are the descendants of Cain, Abel and Seth. The world has taken its present shape of today owing to the dispute among these three brethren. To accomplish a peaceful world, these three races have to unite into one. (052-077, 1971.12.22)
American citizens flatter themselves as being peace-lovers. However, they must understand that perfect peace comes only after goodness prevails over evil. If America retreats, do you think the Communist party will follow suit? After the withdrawal of American troops from Asia, India is going to fall right into the hands of the Russians as planned. Russia and Communist China are presently fighting over the neighboring countries. The communists intend to devour America and the democratic world with their ideology, so they are assuming the peace offensive.
Some may think, "Is Rev. Moon encouraging us to provoke a war on Americans? He isn't a pacifist..." Some people may interpret what I say as such. However, that is far from the truth. America has no real friends. This is a huge problem. If America is willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the world, it will never perish. The time will come when all nations of the world will become like brothers. (053-073, 1972.02.09)
Evil will always strike when it has the upper hand. Look at Kim Il-sung during the twenty years after the 1950-53 Korean War. Was there peace? Far from it. Snakes are forked-tongued. They go back on their words and retract their promises. Where can the prerogatives God gave to the naive Americans be found? Centering on God's dignity and privilege, where do we find a bulwark for shielding against the evil forces? As someone who knows God's Will and thus volunteers to walk a lonely path unknown to others, my blood boils at the very thought of it. (053-134, 1972.02.13)
A new movement has been kindled in the United States. Clinging onto the world, nation, society, race, tribe and family, youths are making a new departure. When this movement strides forward more forcefully than opposing groups who have run away from their homes, a new hope will bud in the United States. Awakening the Americans and religious people who may miss the opportune time and are in imminent danger, I must bequeath them freedom and a world of peace and blessings that God is searching for. (053-322, 1972.03.05)
Whom should the Lord of the Second Coming work together with first to build the ideal world, the world of peace? It is not the communists. It is not the Muslims. The Lord must work together with Christians. The Lord of the Second Coming and the Christians should have united as one and should have taught communists the right path and prevailed over them ideologically. Christianity should have been able to prevail over other religions in the same way. Would you like the central nation of that great providence to be America or Korea? From God's point of view, He can work much faster if He works centered on America because it influences the world. God granted tremendous blessing to America because of its special mission. If America fails to fulfill its mission, its future will hold nothing but darkness and disaster. (054-052, 1972.03.10)
What did the medieval Vatican do? Religions take charge of the internal, spiritual matters, while the Roman Empire takes care of the external, bodily world. The spiritual religions must have the capacity for guiding the physical nations, but they could not. They all exploited and manipulated nations in the name of religions that proclaimed peace. That was a violation of the principle. Just as the mind has to sacrifice itself to pull the body, to redress the violation of the heavenly law, religious leaders have to give their lives to shepherd political leaders. They have to be the driving force for peace and happiness of all nations. It is sad to say, but they are acting otherwise. (081-237, 1975.12.28)
The Archangel nation is America, the Eve nation is Japan and the Adam nation is Korea. Who must these three nations unite with? As the Lord of the Second Advent comes to Korea with the new Will of God and the ideological structure of making the world one, they have to serve and attend him. Tying the spiritual fruit of the cultural sphere of Christianity above the fruit of the physical cultural sphere, they failed to unify the spiritual standard centered on the Arabic world in Jesus' time with the physical standard centered on the Asian region. A heavenly world of peace will be substantiated on this earth when the three nations have unified the Asian empire, the Middle East and the Arab world, and liberated Israel, returning to the historical age. It will be a unified world. This is the dispensational view. (081-250, 1975.12.28)
Cain and Abel are in the individual and family, and among tribes and nations. To link them together, I have lived the life of a combatant. The world is divided into Cain and Abel. Communism has gained power over the last two decades. Red China was censured by the United Nations in 1950 for being an invader and a destroyer of peace. After twenty years, not only has Communist China become a UN member, but also a member of the Security Council. (052-071, 1971.12.22)
The Archangel sacrificed the seed of men for his own self-centered purpose. The seed sprouted with a wrong motive, and the entire world came to take a totally unprincipled direction. Not only was the Archangel's desire evil, but he even willingly sacrificed others to fulfill his desire. The leaders of the world are those who did not hesitate to sacrifice others for their own sakes. The strong always ended up holding the power. The struggles beginning with an individual are expanded to the family, tribe, nation and world. Peace or an ideal world cannot exist based on evil motives and selfish desires. (052-010, 1971.12.11)
The history of the Messiah is different from that of Cain. Cain-like history is the history of the satanic world, whereas the messianic history unfolds centering on God. Hence, there has been constant antagonism between God and Satan throughout human history. If God is positive, Satan will retaliate and want to be in the negative. This has become the realm of negativity. If Satan is not subjugated, unity cannot be achieved. If unity is not achieved, the garden of Eden, a world of peace cannot commence. (057-165, 1972.05.31)
This world itself is Cain-like. The heavenly side has to come to this world as Abel. The Cain-Abel history is the issue, because the unfallen, original form of the garden of Eden has to be reinstated. Peace will be where oneness is; war, destruction and downfall will be where fighting occurs. This is the Principle. What is Abel's role? He does not come to fight, but to unify and realize peace.
Satan's subordinates are gaining power and strength in many countries. As the champion has not arrived yet, they have been thrashing, tearing, trampling, and doing whatever they wish to. Sending the world champion, God wants to smash and shatter them into pieces. He strategizes to set up the world Israelite champion, the champion of Heaven and Earth, the champion of heart, unity, peace, happiness and love. (038-185, 1971.01.03)
I have linked four nations to the whole world. They are paying indemnity in lieu of all other countries of the world. In order for other countries to form a relative relationship with them, the Unification Church dispatched missionaries from America, Germany and Japan to 120 nations in 1975. I told missionaries from these three nations to be one. Starting points arise around the world centering on me. The nation becomes one, and is concurrently connected to the whole world, and thus to a kingdom of peace. Putting the three enemy nations together, I ordered them to love one another as they would themselves. (122-046, 1982.10.31)
America so far has been living for itself. It must seek after the truth, lead and live for the world. It should have begun in this way, but it did not. Instead it has hoped to dominate the world. It has abandoned God to hanker after its own benefit, has overlooked the losses and damages of the weaker and minor nations of the world, has forgotten about the construction of a world of peace for all humankind, and aims to inherit a victorious foundation only for itself. God's history bade it farewell there. The foundation on which God can implement worldwide activities is not established. That is the problem. (148-144, 1986.10.08)
Is Korea not small? Manchuria and China used to be the stage for the activities of Korea. China is now a savage tribe. Korea is prominent for being a peace-loving eastern nation. Koreans cannot stand wars, but salute peace. Looking at the traditional history, Korea is an Adam nation and Japan an Eve nation. An island symbolizes a woman. The Korean peninsula resembles a penis and Japan is shaped like a vulva. They should hug and love each other. (192-319, 1989.07.09)
The First, Second and Third Israel are represented by the Jews, Americans and Koreans respectively. They are three brothers, and also represent Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel. The Allies of France, America and England and the Axis Powers of Japan, Germany and Italy have to stand united. If you do not create a peaceful family but harbor enmity against one another under one roof, what will become of your family? It is out of the question. (251-039, 1993.10.15)
I believe that the Soviet Union will take charge of a very important role in God's plan to build a world where true peace is maintained. This far-flung Soviet Union, which extends from the Far East bordering Korea, which is my fatherland, to the heart of Europe which is the cradle of Western civilization, was born with the fate to be a bridge between Europe and Asia. We have to think of ourselves as one global family that lives together in one household called the earth. (201-213, 1990.04.09)
Do you know how the government of China thinks of Rev. Moon now? I don't talk about myself since it may sound like I am blowing my own horn, but it says "Mao, step aside." Mao liberated his nation, but he doesn't have the content with which he could build world peace. His idea is dialectic logic, so he has taken strategy and tactics by interposing a logic of fighting so far. However, Rev. Moon teaches a logic of harmony, not a logic of fighting. I have entered a stage that has already absorbed the dialectic logic of fighting by accomplishing strategy and tactics through a harmonious logic. What we call philosophers, religious people, or others have all been utterly defeated by me. (206-192, 1990.10.07)
2 The Reunification of Korea and World Peace
2.3 The principles of unification
Our wish in relation to the Republic of Korea is the unification of North and South. Further, on a bigger scale, that of the world, our wish is that the democratic world and the communist world will become one instead of fighting, and thus realize a peaceful world. (041-009, 1971.02.12)
A plan for unification is not something that is to be realized in North and South Korea. How can we prevent the fight that occurs between mind and body in human beings themselves and develop the realm in which the mind has the leadership and maintains the standard of peace? When the mind and body are connected, it becomes the world. For that reason, the stronghold of heaven is the mind. (047-272, 1971.08.29)
America, which has the most extensive military power in the world today, has been fighting for years in Vietnam, but has not built peace yet. When we see this, we can clearly witness that one cannot bring peace through military power. Also, one cannot seek for one world with the ideology of the democratic world or the ideology of the communist world. The age of ideology is passing. (039-347, 1971.01.16)
Where is the way of unification? It is not outside, but inside. We have to eliminate the fight between our mind and body and have the mind take precedence over the body. The individual, family, society, country and the world must go the way the mind dictates. Then, unification will be realized automatically. However, can we bring about such results today? The Soviet Union is talking about peaceful coexistence, but it is a pretense. It is a camouflaged strategy. (039-266, 1971.01.15)
North and South Korea cannot become one with guns and swords. They have to follow a foundation based on heart that honors God. Unification is impossible to achieve when they are off the proper course of peace. Heavenly fortune will not be in harmony with them. (144-165, 1986.04.12)
Where should we pull the Republic of Korea to? We have to lead her to the garden of love, not to the garden of power and not the garden of falsehood. North and South Korea will be dealt with properly when we lead them to the garden of true love. Unless we treat them as brothers centered on common parents, the world of peace will not come about. (168-223, 1987.09.20)
What must we do for today's world to become a world of peace? Fighting cannot reconcile these divided countries. History that began with fighting cannot be resolved through fighting. Since it began with a struggle, a way to resolve it peacefully must appear. If not, peace cannot come.
As we infer from the Vietnam War or the situation of Korea today, the time for resolving problems peacefully is rapidly approaching, but we seem to have found no way thus far. This is painful.
The world is at stake right here. It is groaning in a situation which doesn't seem to improve through fighting or other means. One cannot introduce a world of peace through force of arms. That is something God hates. (062-093, 1972.09.17)
What we desire is to live in an ideal society, but we are living in a world of confusion and contradiction. Then, what are we supposed to do? That is the question. With what can we arrange this chaotic and contradictory world? With power? Would it be done with power? In a communist way? It may work one time, but not always. When there is an up, there is a down. It's inevitable. We see the Soviet Union in trouble with three years of bad harvests. Is it because people want it to be so?
We have to know that a world of peace cannot come about even with a power that can leap over a country. Can it be done with knowledge? A world of peace cannot come with knowledge, either. Then, with money? Not with money, either. (115-314, 1981.11.29)
Who causes war? Does God cause it or do people? People do, but God is there and watches it all. It is because things have to turn around. However, to create a world of peace through conflict is not God's Will. It is not Rev. Moon's will, either. God is thinking about how to do the work through love, not using force. It means how to digest with love. (103-182, 1979.02.25)
Actually, it is rather simple to make peace come to this world today. North Korea will not fight and peace will come when South Korea is completely living for the sake of North Korea. The power that can move bandits or unfilial children is neither fists, nor force. It is the power of true love that will move others. Faith alone won't straighten out fallen people who are living contrary to the great principle of heaven and earth. The attitude of the established churches that one will go to heaven if only he believes in Jesus is not enough. (177-221, 1988.05.20)
The purpose of the unification of the North and the South, which the providence demands, is not unification itself. It is to generate eternal freedom, eternal peace, eternal happiness and the eternal ideal on the foundation of unification. Therefore, unification cannot be accomplished by force or by causing harm or discomfort to others. Unification should be achieved through true love, which is to give and give again to others. (234-258, 1992.08.26)
The conflict on the Korean peninsula reflects clearly not only the conflict between the advanced countries and underdeveloped countries, but also the conflict of eastern and western cultures. Therefore, the unification of the Korean peninsula not only has an inseparable relationship with world peace, but also will become a compass indicating an important direction for solving the world's problems in the future.
To fulfill the mission of the True Parents, I have undergone every kind of suffering and hardship in order to realize world peace through the philosophy of Godism. Godism helps us to rediscover God, who has been pushed out by humanism and forgotten by materialism, and teaches us a point of convergence where God and human beings will meet together. (234-241, 1992.08.22)
The basic principle that can unify North and South Korea into one is the establishment of true families and true individuals whose minds and bodies are united through God's true love. Furthermore, this principle can also be expanded to that of world peace to realize true freedom, peace and happiness. Therefore, the unification of the Korean peninsula is preparation for the important opportunity to create a unified world in the future, and further, to unify God and human beings.
The Korean peninsula where we are discussing the unification of Korea and world peace today is in a historic ideological confrontation in which two trends of thought, that is God-centered Hebraism and humanistic Hellenism, which have been in conflict throughout human history, are confronting each other under the names of free democracy and communism. Accordingly, overcoming this ideological division on the Korean peninsula will serve as an ideological model that can be followed to unify the world. (234-239, 1992.08.22)
We have to unify North and South Korea with true love. The unification of Korea cannot be done with the force of arms. We failed once and things won't be solved through force again. These days there is a trend of insisting upon peace. If someone tried to use force in this environment, he would be denounced as a rebel. (233-283, 1992.08.02)
I believe that the work of solving the problems of communism and realizing world peace cannot be attained simply by ideological confrontation or education alone. It is because economic support is also very important in reviving the world.
This time, I entered Pyongyang as an apostle of peace. I have a firm belief that, no matter what happens, we should not bring a fratricidal war on ourselves in this Korean peninsula.
I hope that America is extremely discreet in things that threaten the Korean people's right to live. I believe the nuclear matter with North Korea can be resolved peacefully. We must surely resolve the matter peacefully through genuine dialogue and mutual respect. I went to Pyongyang with the purpose of opening a way to dialogue and returned, having fulfilled the mission of trying to solve the matter peacefully through dialogue. (224-253, 1991.12.07)
2 The Reunification of Korea and World Peace
2.4 The mission of Unificationism in relation to the reunification of Korea
You have to be Unification Church members who prepare to go to the 38th parallel even at the sacrifice of sleep, before I can attempt to cross the 38th parallel. However, I wonder how many of you would in fact be prepared to do that. What's more, I wonder how many of you would be willing to go beyond national boundaries and to sacrifice your life in order to save the nation. When the number of such members from all over the world increases sufficiently, the Unification Church will be naturally equipped with a victorious worldwide foundation and will be able to build the kingdom of heaven on earth. (035-115, 1970.10.04)
You must keep moving forward till the day I can go to my hometown, set up offerings and hold a celebration for the liberation of this country. We cannot just leave the land of North Korea as it is, having been trampled on by the enemy. We must completely drive out communism, which is the number one enemy. It is our strategy to try to achieve this objective rapidly on the external level and unleash a concentrated offensive in Korea to drive out world communism, since we cannot bring freedom and peace to that land of North Korea before doing so. (035-308, 1970.10.30)
Now in Japan, people are publicizing the Communist party and the Unification Church quite openly. Although members of the Communist party join the Unification Church, not one of our Unification Church members has joined the Communist party. Executive members of the Communist party in one prefecture of Japan are coming in numbers. So, Kim Il-sung sent a message to the ninth party convention of Chochongnyon [the pro-Pyongyang federation of Korean residents in Japan]. His message read, "Until we root out the International Federation for Victory Over Communism in Asia, there cannot be peace." (039-123, 1971.01.10)
Those people in North Korea centered on Kim Il-sung have been brought to unity through coercion and through death threats. However, we have to become one heavenly family by investing our own life in an environment that is free and peaceful. In doing so, unless we are on a higher level than the Communist party centered on Kim Il-sung, we won't measure up to the historic mission by which, through us, God can gain control over the satanic world. (040-187, 1971.02.01)
The Unification Church has to fight for people before country. It has to fight for the nation. However, Korea is divided into North and South. If the nation is divided, it cannot become a sovereignty in which the Koreas achieve peaceful unification. It can only amount to a one-sided sovereignty. What is important above all else is to find a means of establishing a national standard of mind and heart that can transcend the divisions between North and South Korea. I think that this is the task into which the Unification Church has to invest its energy in the future. (049-097, 1971.10.09)
Although your thoughts may vary, you have to be unified through Unification Thought and naturally subjugate Satan, the chief accuser, with your own effort. To advance with determination to die only after having paved the way for the foundation of peace in the heavenly country, though your body might be trampled on, is the path the women of the Unification Church must go. So, what are you going to do outside the peninsula? Women of countless families in Korea must follow the path the women of the Unification Church are going. (050-241, 1971.11.07)
Thus far in history, the bosses and the workers have been the ones with the power. They could move the world. However, there was one class of people who could not have influence and they were the people of conscience. The highest people among those of conscience are members of the Unification Church. The Communist party has the motto, "Workers of the world unite!" We also have a motto and that is, "Let all people of conscience unite and cooperate!" The Communist party does not recognize middle class people, but we people of conscience will bring the three classes to stand together. This is our field of battle. We will embrace everybody. In other words, black, white and yellow. A world of true peace will come about when we harness the efforts of all such people and gain victory over communism. (052-134, 1971.12.26)
Won't the restoration of the world be accomplished in an instant once the country longed for by God is found? Once our hearts can embrace three countries other than our original one, we reach four countries. Then, a form of four-position-foundation country is realized in the world, so a protective fort comes to be built which Satan cannot invade. Only then are the world of peace and the land of heaven formed. You have to understand clearly that it is the original hometown the Unification Church is pursuing. Also, you must clearly understand that the group of people who are investing their passion for that purpose and who have gathered to invest their youth is the Unificationists. You have to understand clearly that they are the group of Unificationists who must root out the power of evil that disrupts the course of life. (056-288, 1972.05.18)
The Fall started from within the human mind and the destruction of humanity began from there. So, evil manifested itself in many forms such as individualism and materialism. The democratic and communist ideologies also foster different manifestations of evil in the human heart. As you know, in the Soviet Union, although Stalin was Khrushchev's predecessor who appointed Khrushchev to be his successor, Khrushchev did everything to bring down Stalin as soon as he gained power. It was an awful struggle. How could there be peace in this world? So, now I ask that we Unification Church members reject what came about due to the Fall and what has come to be accepted as the purpose of civilization since the Fall, and go in search of the reality that existed before the Fall. This is the principle of the Unification Church. (060-067, 1972.08.06)
If you are to bring Satan to his knees, it is not enough to bring just one country to its knees. Satan has a worldwide sovereignty, so you have to expel Satan's sovereignty as well. Only then will a realm of liberation come into being on the earth. So long as there is so much as a shadow of Satan's accusation on earth, the ideal of the garden of Eden, which God made as a garden of freedom and peace, cannot be realized. Heaven on earth is completed only when the shadow of Satan's opposition disappears completely from the earth. We can start the liberation movement of the celestial realm only once the foundation for that work is completed on earth. This is the path members of the Unification Church have to follow. (057-131, 1972.05.29)
You have to know that the Unification Church has toiled on this sorrowful path of indemnity in the course of restoration. However, you should not remember the hardship you have undergone thus far. Should you hold onto this suffering, you will have no alternative but to harbor bad feelings toward your nation, parents, church, and others. Such would be a sad road of indemnity. On the contrary I am suggesting that we let go of the past altogether. Thus, let's make a world of freedom and peace that has no indemnity and an environment of heavenly restoration that is filled with freedom and thus a heaven of freedom in which we look to how God is feeling and feel happy when God is happy. However, you have to understand that unless you offer all your blood, tears and sweat in order to realize such a world and fully follow the path of filial piety and loyalty in your life, you will have regret at the end.
The final moment is upon us. In the face of a national destiny in which North and South Korea oppose each other, the Unification Church will not disappear in the face of difficulty nor be broken amid persecution. I have come here to ask you not to neglect to make your own preparation to become those who are qualified to inherit the world of tomorrow as builders of peace and of the nation of liberation, for all nations and for the world and also as individuals embodying the very highest standard of responsibility in the world. It is inevitable that based on such a foundation, a new family, a new nation, a new world and a new country of God, that is the world which God desires, will be created. (065-095, 1972.11.13)
Today, it is the view of the Unification Church that the purpose of salvation resides not in individuals so much as in a nation and the entire world. If a country is saved and becomes a peaceful kingdom, its people become a people at peace. Likewise, when a world of peace is created, countless nations that belong to that world will constitute a realm of peace. (036-178, 1970.11.29)
Now all thirty million people of South Korea, all husbands and wives, should go out to fight for peace on the Korean peninsula and for its unification. If they do that, fathers, mothers, husbands and wives will meet in tears at the 38th parallel with the bell of liberation ringing. And the 38th parallel will be the point where all people offer their gratitude before God. Only then can Korea be peacefully united and the Kingdom of Heaven arrive. However, if everyone in this nation maintains a heart of hatred, Korea will perish. Who is going to take on the task of unifying Korea? Only the Unification Church can. Seen from that perspective, you must realize that you have to take the prayer condition up until August seriously. (059-162, 1972.07.16)
Whereas the enemy's gun barrel is pointed at the backs of those who think nothing of being in debt to others and of sleeping, peaceful liberation will come, and the sound of praise for victorious glory awaits those who live for the sake of others. Isn't this the case in the world as well? Those who were beaten sleep with their legs straight and those who struck the blows sleep with their legs bent. The Unification Church, which receives the beating, sleeps with its legs straight and the established churches that beat us sleep with their legs bent. Accordingly, the established churches gradually go down and the Unification Church, little by little, rises up. So, no matter where I go, I have no feeling of shame. No matter where I go and no matter whom I may meet from the established churches, I can hold my head up high. (059-211, 1972.07.16)
Our life of pioneering the bloody path of history has been tragic and miserable. However, if we have pursued it not for our own happiness, but as a messenger of heaven for the sake of the liberation of the nation and the peace of the world, will it not be remembered in history forever? When the accomplishment comes to be illuminated from on high by the spotlight of history, the sound of the bell of freedom ringing out for North and South Korea's liberation and for Asia's too, will reverberate outwards and the energy for the liberation of the world will spring forth right here, from this land. It goes without saying. This is what we have witnessed up until now. (059-152, 1972.07.16)
Unification Church thinking is to try to make of Korea the country God desires. You have to be aware of this. You have to take this understanding completely to heart in the physical world and the spirit world. This way, only when that is accomplished before God, and the starting point of peace comes and God's love at last settles in the universe, is the point of final victory established on earth. Thus, God should be able to laugh at last and say, "Ah, now I have done it all" and "Before me, there can only be happiness. The painful and frustrating historical indemnity course and the providence of salvation is over." What I mean is that the point of final victory is decided only when the day comes that we liberate the earth and all spirit men in the spirit world and thus they can glorify the victory from the position of being completely liberated. You should know that the age of the kingdom of peace, that is true happiness, starts in heaven and on earth only when you go over all boundaries. We have to go for it. (057-070, 1972.05.28)
The yellow one is the first son, the black the second son and the white the third son, and the fighting between them can be brought to an end through the Unification Thought. This way the ideal fatherland of God is established. From there the world will be finally arranged into a world of peace, a world of oneness, a world of unification and a world of victory. Thus, we have to be in line with God while we are in the process of building heaven on earth. We have to build one unified heaven by attending God, who is the subject of heaven in heaven, on earth. We have to know clearly that this is the mission Unificationists must accomplish. A life of peaceful heaven will finally start when parents and children become one based on such a foundation. (079-083, 1975.06.01)
What I mean is that everything will be solved only if we understand that God exists. I have understood that God does exist. Then, what is the peace, love, unification and protection that God asserts, all about? The Unification Church started this way. (080-081, 1975.10.14)
If you understand that what the Unification Church is teaching is straight and true and you can continue to feel grateful for that, the day of unification will surely come, a day when one world is established. Only then will a world of unification have been realized and the world thus made, will finally be a world of peace. Think about it! Would such a world be a world of fighting or a world of peace? No matter what your own thinking may have been, this is the only way. So, I set forth the way of heaven and earth, God's Will and the path human beings have to follow as being such and such. It is a surprise to discover that such things have been set out in a clear theoretical way. This is something you are surprised to gain ownership of. (081-153, 1975.12.07)
People in the world have different cultures, lifestyles, languages, vocabularies, and ways of thinking and paths they are following. If all people go forever in different directions, they will never resolve conflicts and will struggle against each other forever. Wars will never end. We must completely drive out communism, which is the number one enemy worldwide. Our strategy is to try to develop this providential will rapidly on the external level and to unleash a concentrated offensive in Korea in order to expel the communist parties of the world since we cannot bring freedom and peace in the land of North Korea before we do so. (085-300, 1976.03.04)
It is miserable for you to be separated from your parents, your wives or your children. However, if you balk at being separated in this way, a bloody drama far more miserable than this will unfold in this nation of South Korea. We know the shocking truth that although our children may be in a pitiable situation and the road our parents are going may be hard, through being able to unify North and South, the land of South Korea can become the origin of peace and of God's efforts at global salvation. Therefore, we have to have a clear conviction to make North and South Korea one. In these circumstances, we are being called upon to gather together the followers of Kim Il-sung in their entirety, to educate them and make them surrender voluntarily - whatever it takes to get them to come to the point of recognizing us as "elder brother." (113-280, 1981.05.10)
Brides and bridegrooms of the Unification Church are the very couples who became tied together centered on God's love and truth and they are the ones trying throughout their lives to build a family based on God's love and truth. When you keep going with such faith and determination in your heart, the world of love, happiness and peace which is the ideal of God and human beings, will surely be realized on earth. (120-173, 1982.10.14)
Leaders and members of CARP [The Collegiate Association for the Research of Principle] have gathered here representing the youth of the world! You CARP people will have to take the lead on the road towards the new world that everyone desires. We are the leading actors who will realize a world of peace in line with God's ideal. You have to move forward more strongly than before in line with my tradition. Your efforts should include not only the external aspect of paving a worldwide foundation, but also the internal aspect of inheriting God's world of heart and tradition of faith. (133-286, 1984.11.03)
The religions of the world have to be unified and, with this internal standard being unified, the external standard has to be made into one. It is for the sake of peace. Considering the fact that the Korean nation has been invaded by other powerful countries more than 900 times in its history, the fact that a tradition has been hidden from view through which Korea could become a historic representative nation capable of coming up with a system of thought that gives rise to peace, has not occurred to anybody. Then, how are we going to accomplish unification? How would things be unified and a world of peace come about? What I am saying is that we have to attain unification and peace centered on God. God's desire is twofold. He wants to make humanity into one and He wants to create peace. We must conclude that Korea is a special nation which has kept a national spirit that can overcome all of these things in the historic age of the last days before the Will of God.
Therefore, seen from a religious perspective, a system of thought is needed which can unify religion. Next, a love that can make a world of peace is needed. We come to these two conclusions if God exists.
From this perspective, we must understand that today the Unification Principle is based on the thought of a historical tradition from which it could not fail to emerge, given that it has this nation as its source. You must understand clearly that it is a valid conclusion that this principle emerged on the foundation of an irrepressible tradition, which advocates God's love as the basis to unite not only Christianity but also the whole religious field, and to make one world of peace. (168-054, 1987.09.01)
The various systems of this world will be in confusion until the age of change dawns when heavenly love is proclaimed completely. That age is now. This is so in the relations of husband and wife, parents and children and sovereign and subject. The relationship of teacher and students is in confusion as well. Students have taken the subject position and so have women and children. Everything is the wrong way up. In religion too, God should be in the position of master, but material became so instead. Everything is in the reverse order. It is the Unification Church's role to try to carry out the providence that can change things round. That is the mission of the Unification Church. We have to make a peaceful world of unification by turning the right way up whatever is up side down as compared to what was originally intended. We have to create the proper order. (183-167, 1988.10.31)
The army of the Soviet Union is at present an army for the Soviet Union and the army of America is an army for America. There is no army for the world or for the country of heaven. Is there an army for this world? I told you that even God needs an army, didn't I? What I mean is that God wants an army that can remain an unchanging and eternal army of chosen soldiers of the heavenly nation, which is stronger than the Japanese army that stood on the side of Satan or Hitler's Nazi army. These armies could ultimately make no headway because they were armies of injustice, but our army is going to keep moving forward forever. As long as such an army exists, the frontiers of peace will not be invaded. How wonderful this is! The victorious realm of love is inviolable. What I am saying is that a loving heaven is guaranteed forever. Let's pledge that as the army of the eternal country of heaven we will move forward for the world and for the country of heaven. (124-261, 1983.02.20)
If you are posted to a camp on the front line, those in the rearguard will have cause to sing songs of peace thanks to you. I have no time now to teach you even about the standard of heart. In other words we have to take the lead. We are in a busy age. Every minute now counts so how should I find the time to raise you up and go together with you? So, young men and women will have to go to the world stage by themselves with a feeling of responsibility. If you go with the mentality that even if we cannot build the house, we should at least lay the foundation and that although our character is still immature we should at least leave behind for posterity our sincere heart and our results gained through tears, then a call to arms will surely arise spontaneously once our unit has been withdrawn. Please bear in mind that I have worked on such a basis until today and will continue doing so in future as well. (150-078, 1960.03.27)