5 Action for World Peace
5.1 The founding of organizations for world peace
The word peace is included everywhere: in the names of the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, the Women's Federation for World Peace, the Federation for World Peace, the Professors World Peace Academy. The ideology of peace is Godism or Head-wing Thought.
Families are families for world peace. Even an individual is an individual for world peace. Nothing is meant to be centered on itself. It is for peace. Those who do not have such thinking are called individualists. When you eat rice, that is also for world peace. When you drink water, you are drinking water for world peace. When you breathe in air, that too is for the sake of world peace. Love is love for world peace as well. When you work, that is also for world peace. I am asking you to think like that. You have to know that those who do not keep agree with that become like falling leaves in the autumn wind, not branches. They can only be leaves. You have to become branches. You have to have the ideology of peace in order to become branches. When we speak, you have to speak for the sake of world peace. When you smell, you have to do so for world peace as well. The five organs all have to be oriented that way. (252-301, 1994.01.01)
This is a time of change. One cannot interfere with heavenly fortune by means of political power or military might. We have to act in concert with God and with the operation of the universe. The two organizations for world peace [IRFWP and FWP] that we established on this occasion were not made at the behest of a country's influence. The road to true peace cannot be laid that way. We created a new organization based on Godism transcending barriers of religion, culture and skin color.
Just as we become an ideal being when our mind and body are united in harmony, centering on the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace and the Federation for World Peace the way of unification leads toward a true world of peace to realize harmony, co-operation and unity around the axis of Godism. When these two bodies, which represent the general world of mind and the general world of body, achieve harmony and unity through God's true love, an ideal society will naturally come about. I think that the support of scholars and media people will be very important in the future to the proper fulfillment of the role of these two organizations. (219-126, 1991.08.28)
I have devoted myself to reforming the world in line with God's providence and restoring the ideal of God's true love on earth. Through the activities of the New Ecumenical Research Association (New Era), the Council of the World's Religions (CWR), the Interdenominational Conferences for Clergy (ICC), the Assembly of the World's Religions (AWR), the Youth Seminar for the World's Religions (YSWR).
And the Religious Youth Service which I have developed centered on the International Religious Foundation, I am endeavoring to achieve the ideal of world of peace while exemplifying the practice of understanding and harmony among religious communities and God's true love which religious people ought to do.
Following the establishment of the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace which is in the internal and subject position, I am due to establish the Federation for World Peace which is in the position of the external object at the Little Angels Arts Performing Center tomorrow. For this, leaders are coming from all over the world. If these two organizations harmonize and cooperate with each other both internally and externally and practice unity through true love following the will of heaven, world peace will be realized. Here, with religion and politics achieving unification by true love beyond the unity of mind and body, the world of peace is coming. (219-111, 1991.08.27)
I made three requests through the founder's address at the First Assembly of the World's Religions that was held in New Jersey, America in 1985. The first was that the tradition of each religion be respected and that people at least work to prevent conflict or strife between religions. The second was that we should all serve the world as one co-operative religious community. The third was that every religious leader should attend in order to fulfill the mission of religion and develop this into an organization for the sake of world peace.
Also, at the Second Assembly of the World's Religions, which was held in San Francisco just a year ago, I advocated the establishment of the Inter-Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace. We are witnessing the historic birth of a religious association for world peace with the attendance of religious leaders from all over the world who have gathered here today along with the support of religious leaders like yourselves. Now is the time when the world's religions should take the road of active practice in order to fulfill a central responsibility in realizing world peace. The future of humankind living in happiness cannot be achieved through seeking material prosperity alone. The future has to overcome and resolve the conflicts between ideologies, cultures and races through understanding and spiritual harmony between religions. (219-108, 1991.08.27)
I have created an association of scholars, with over a hundred chapters of PWPA, organizations in the media field, and the Summit Council. These organizations can influence the world at the top level. The Federation for World Peace represents the body and Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace represents the mind. Unless I deal with what has been a history of fighting between an individual's mind and body in the Last Days, there is no way for humanity to survive and there is no way to proceed along the road to world peace. That's why I am doing this on my own. I have done this alone in the face of opposition. Did anyone welcome what I was doing? (211-336, 1991.01.01)
5 Action for World Peace
5.2 The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
There are many hindrances to realizing the ideal of happiness and peace for humanity. For example, there are many negative elements including the contradiction of political and economic interests. The most fundamental element among them is that mind and body within human beings themselves are contradictory. Throughout the long history of humanity, there has never been a time when the conflict between mind and body was completely solved. The result of the Fall of our first human ancestors is that serious and miserable.
I held a conference for the establishment of the Family Federation for World Peace in Washington D.C. from July 30 to August 1 last.
With the participation of present and former heads of state and prime ministers from forty countries, including two former US presidents and representatives from more than 120 countries, we held a historic international convention. It will become the most precious of the organizations established upon the foundation of other worldwide organizations that I have developed throughout my lifetime for the sake of realizing a peaceful world of true love.
Now we have to answer to God and history. With what is humanity, which has to attain harmony on a massive scale and achieve oneness, going to overcome the reality and welcome the coming new millennium with hope? Also, how are people going to live in trust, and for the sake of others, beyond selfish interests and the interest of individual countries, and establish a world of peace and a new value system to maintain this? We have to find the answers humbly by opening the door of our original mind, and not submit to the temptations of a materialistic god by donning the glasses of humanism upon the brilliant castle of science and technology. If we cannot find it on earth, we have to see its solution through the sound that comes from heaven. A world of peace will never come unless we bring the Family Federation for World Peace into being. This is important. (279-208, 1996.08.20)
The family is that important. A world of peace begins with a family. If there are ten members in the family, they all have to become one. When they harmonize on the vertical and horizontal levels, front and back, left and right, and in three dimensions, an ideal world of peace will come. (232-322, 1992.07.10)
A unified federation is the only thing that will remain in the future. When that happens, everything will be completed. On that day, nations will join the federation. That is to say, nations will receive salvation. The tribal Messiah is the horizontal foundation. The vertical foundation has already been established. In that case, everything including the providence will be consummated. The satanic world will completely vanish. (219-254, 1991.09.08)
You must not forget peace, unification, the family and the world. You go as a unified body. Everything is relative. If love is connected to the center of that relative standard, the world will be connected into one. (283-52, 1997.04.08)
Religions are no longer necessary. The age of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC) passed when I proclaimed the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. We have to establish the original family in the garden of Eden prior to the Fall, the absolute faith and absolute realm of heart of Adam and Eve, and the unified realm of the father-son relationship that absolutely and eternally cannot be severed.
No matter how much you are enticed by something evil in the world, you have to be liberated in the place that is untouched by any impurity, the place where the original motivation, prior to Adam and Eve's Fall, can be approached. That is the task that fallen mankind has to carry out. (266-255, 1995.01.01)
From April 10th, we will use the name Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Family problems have now expanded to the worldwide level. Family breakdown is now a major world issue. When Adam and Eve fell, God could not interfere in their family, but had to restore it in the Last Days. The ruin of the family and juvenile delinquency cannot be checked with political, economic, cultural and religious power. (283-11, 1997.04.08)
God's true love is a standard of absolute love that invests and gives infinitely, and forgets that it has done so. Connecting vertically and expanding horizontally the absolute standard of God's true love, we have to seek the ideal world that humanity has longed for.
To create an environment centered on true love, God has created the worldwide foundation centering on the True Parents, who are the embodiment of true love and true family. The founding and expansion of ICUS and PWPA which seek absolute values together with distinguished world scholars, the World Media Association, which seeks press freedom and ethical responsibility, the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace which seeks inter-religious harmony and unity, the Federation for World Peace which seeks world peace, the Women's Federation for World Peace which seeks the realization of an ideal society through the social participation of women, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification which is to realize the ideal of true families and expand that ideal to the entire world, and the Youth Federation for World Peace which is leading the movement for a new youth culture of the twenty-first century, were all launched from that background. (271-149, 1995.08.27)
5 Action for World Peace
5.3 The Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA)
I created the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) with the sincere hope that it would reroute the course of this critical age based on the wisdom of professors and researchers in the academic community who have devoted their entire lives to the development of the human intellect, and that it becomes an organization seeking after the origin of world peace. Its ultimate purpose is to create a world of justice, harmony and order based on the dedication of courageous scholars who intend to carry out research into new ideas and methodology for genuine peace and mutual prosperity. Further, it has to supply scholars and leaders who are cognizant of the crisis in today's era with a wealth of important, useful data and information necessary for examining the underlying problems mankind is confronting. (130-009, 1983.12.18)
We have to set up an organization like the United Nations to work for world peace. The United Nations General Assembly is a meeting for politicians, but the PWPA is for envoys working for peace. So I propose establishing a new, Abel-type UNGA. As the current UN has the brainpower but lacks the manpower, it can only blow the bugle while the rest of its body is paralyzed. Participants wag their tongues hard at the Annual General Meetings, but after that they fade completely out of sight. (062-298, 1972.09.26)
Those who do not know me complain that I only care about investing in various businesses but refuse to help them in their financial difficulties. There is something they really do not understand. When I founded PWPA, the intelligence agency turned up its nose and sneered, saying, "Even our government could only gather a handful of professors. What can the PWPA of the Unification Church do?" Our perspective is radically different from theirs, however. (071-146, 1974.04.29)
Centering on the question of the nature of unified science, we organize annual symposia, panel presentations and discussions, conferences, seminars and workshops for professors from around the world, who have expressed much enthusiasm and concern. Although we received criticism at the beginning, recently they have been saying that Rev. Moon is only dealing with all the serious, complex, pressing problems of the world. We have reached this stage and are gradually pushing ahead. No matter what. We have to band together.
We had to muster Korean professors. That led to the inauguration of the PWPA. In other words, the PWPA was formed with this objective: "Though being unable to actually execute plans or follow up with actions in every interdisciplinary field of scholarship, world professors agree to contribute written articles to articulate the direction toward the realistic vision of a world of peace." It is successful in Korea. This is the first success.
Under the name of PWPA, the monthly journal called Kwangjang ("Plaza") was distributed to the world's universities. Famous professors know this movement is going on in Korea. If we promote PWPA in Asia by rallying renowned Asian professors, it will be linked to Europe in no time.
Transcending the education systems of the United States and the United Kingdom, we have to design a newly structured education system that can help build a world of peace and oneness. Laying down these objectives, unless equipped with the proper educational facilities, we cannot implement a sound education. Therefore we have the intention of building appropriate universities and to found an international university federation.
We will make presentations of these plans at international congresses. Rather than presenting them to the academic world, we need to chart out an authoritative course and direction. We will publish a monthly bulletin by mustering world scholars from every field, and offer them guidance once a month. We have to show the course that science, economics, philosophy and jurisprudence have to guide them in the direction of peace and unity. (071-175, 1974.04.30)
The education systems of each country overemphasize that only those successful in competition can get ahead. This is like a contagion that encroaches on the efforts of a wholesome body to guide mankind into a world of peace as members of the human family. However, the emphasis on competition among intellects is now changing and people have begun to realize that cooperation is indispensable for survival. In the light of this, the purpose and philosophy of education must undergo an in-depth reform. (074-107, 1974.11.22)
Not only should all members actively sponsor scholars, but they should also influence public opinion in society and guide history as well. With a non-violent attitude and strong conviction, we must be wholly devoted to settling the unresolved, most complex philosophical and social issues mankind is confronting. The aim of the PWPA is not attained through any ideological or theoretical standards, but through constructive or practical strategies for the realization of peace and a better world.
I had the idea for the World University Federation (WUF) based on the foundations of the PWPA and the International Cultural Foundation (ICF). We have now reached the practical phase. Establishing, gradually, a minimum of seventy universities in six continents, we will nurture and guide the young generation, and foster the highest standards of academic excellence in the university programs. Through joint research projects and exchange programs for scholars, faculty, administrative personnel and students from various institutions and chapters, I am determined to realize the ideals of a peaceful world and the great universal brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity. (130-012, 1983.12.18)
Since 1978, we have been educating professors related to religious studies. For the past three years, we have continued to hold international forums centered on the principles of the Unification Church for many theologians, philosophers and other scholars. We have set up a PWPA chapter in every nation. Those scholars who are teaching or working in educational, research or policy institutions, and are capable of moving their nations, are appointed as directors. (107-219, 1980.05.19)
If you view the ideal as being that the world is a large consanguine family and that all men are brothers with God as the Parent of all humankind, the shortest route to a harmonized, unified and equalized body of the Orient and the Occident is possible only centering on religious thought. If PWPA is serious about achieving world peace and all people aspire to fulfill this goal, we will need a reawakening and a re-resolution. True human peace cannot come about merely through a superficial improvement of the mutual relationships among people who hold diverse values. Only with absolute God-centered values can we seek out a world of genuine peace.
The fundamental, obstructive element to the philosophy of peace is atheistic communism. I am teaching clearly that even capitalism is not desired by God. Since communism denies the very existence of God, however, it becomes a primary stumbling block to Godism. (130-015, 1983.12.18)
The intelligence of all intelligence is the knowledge of God's heart and ideal. Our ICUS families must prepare a place of joint efforts in order to gain intelligence, going beyond normal academic research. In that case, we can take charge of the mainstream mission of realizing God's ideal and an ideal world of peace, which is the common longing of humankind. God is eagerly waiting for conscientious savants to fill this role. Whether you are looking at the social expectations of scholars or at the mission of educating young people, who are the leaders of tomorrow, the example set by our scholars is making a great, positive, global impact on future education. (219-105, 1991.08.26)
5 Action for World Peace
5.4 The Federation for World Peace (FWP); The Citizens Federation for the Reunification of Korea
If you carry out my plans, a unified era will come unconditionally without any fighting. The Federation for World Peace (FWP) was established to proclaim Korea as an eternal kingdom of peace, welcoming all nations of the world. It is the homeland, isn't it? Would someone invade the homeland? It has to be declared as a kingdom offering protection and assistance to all nations. Only I am qualified to do that. To prepare for that, I am leaving no stone unturned. (243-163, 1993.01.03)
You are specially handpicked by God to be a pillar of peace and are called here by Him. In nine years, 2000 AD will come. The turning point of 2000 AD does not come in our lifetime incidentally. It is a new turning point of history. There are telltale signs that a new history is in the making. The twenty-first century of peace is drawing near. Peace does not come just like that, though. It is possible only when man cooperates with God and fulfills his assigned portion of responsibility. Within the remaining nine years we have to finish up the mammoth task of removing all impediments to peace.
Now is the age of peace. I will call it the heavenly kingdom both in name and reality. The FWP, established today for a twenty-first century of good prospects and promise for the future, offers mankind education and the ideal, and it has to play a significant role in ushering in a peaceful world in the future, in accordance with the dispensation. This Federation also has to be the beacon of world morality.
Apostles of peace, a bright new dawn is waiting for us. Our hearts must be burning with a sense of mission. The historic mission of accomplishing the common goal of mankind by shedding our last drop of sweat, tears and blood is beckoning us to come. The first and foremost thing is to serve and welcome God into our individual being, our family, society, nation and world. With Heaven on our side, who will dare to contend with us? (219-121, 1991.08.28)
Unlike the United Nations, the FWP is a new, grand departure that seeks to realize world peace armed with the true original ideal of peace and the ideal of the True Parents. We must have a new awakening that men should not eulogize peace among themselves, but should applaud peace in God and together with Him. The center of world peace is God, and is driven by the force of true love. (219-119, 1991.08.28)
In front of the UN organization, which represents the body, I established the FWP as the mental representative that can guide mankind to world peace. The League of Nations after the First World War and the United Nations after the Second World War have attempted to search for peace, but without avail. Why? Hypocrites representing the developed nations were standing in the leading position where the body controlled the mind.
The FWP I advocated this time is preceded by world religious leaders, however. It has a few thousand years of history. These religious leaders have to unite and control the political world. Just as the mind controls the body, they have to gain control over it. To set a relative standard of peace in the external political world, Rev. Moon is advocating the FWP. (209-259, 1990.11.30)
What did I set up the FWP for? Involving distinguished religious leaders with distinguished political leaders, I am set on building world peace. Religions and politics have to unite. They have been waging wars against each other until now. Politics has always thrashed religions. The world will not change as long as they are not bound in oneness.
As the prominent figures in both the religious and political worlds refuse to merge, world peace does not surface. I have made all the preparations. The mind of the religious world and the body of the political world must achieve oneness. (217-359, 1991.06.12)
The League of Nations and the United Nations, founded after the First and Second World Wars respectively, have not succeeded. Rev. Moon established the FWP on that lost foundation. The separation of the mind and body in an individual is reflected in the division of the world into two camps. It has to be unified by someone who has achieved mind-body unity. It should not be partitioned. The mind is the right wing and the religious world, while the body is the left wing and the non-religious world. So long as the religious and non-religious worlds are not united, there will not be world peace. I am the very person trying to unite the left and right wings. (205-213, 1990.09.02)
Kim Il-sung is the atheistic spokesman of the communist world on Satan's side. On the other hand, Rev. Moon is the theistic spokesman of the democratic world on the side of the absolute God. By assimilating and absorbing North Korea and going over the conflict between good and evil with a true parental heart, founding the FWP before the destined task of creating a peaceful world, I aim to fulfill the Will of providential history. (204-144, 1990.07.06)
I would teach all world presidents and plutocrats the Unification Principle. They have to learn about Godism and Head-wing philosophy. There is no other way for the FWP to remedy the world except by harping upon this ideological keynote. Apart from me, no one else has worked for this cause. Nobody else save me is having influence on both the communist and democratic worlds. Did the Pope or Billy Graham try to influence these worlds? Hardly at all. I am the sole person to put an end to this matter. (203-134, 1990.06.23)
What should the Citizens Federation for the Reunification of Korea do from this point of time? For one thing, we have to establish genuine values that are commensurate with the reconciliation of races and nations. Centering on those values, we have to arm ourselves with an ideology. The weakness of the free world, including the United States, is the existence of an ideological vacuum. The abundance of materials and rampage of liberty gave rise to chaos and secular humanism. The free world is constantly on the retreat from the ideological aspect. This is the reason why the communist world, which is perishing, does not yield in its ambition of communizing the whole world in a last ditch effort.
The Third World War will be an ideological one. We cannot overthrow communism with military power. It can only be defeated by an ideology that surpasses communism itself. That ideology is to be grounded in the truth.
Falsehood can only be overcome with truth. That ideology is Godism. If the free world now does not change onto the ideological offensive by arming itself with Godism - that is, Unification Thought - there is no way for it to surmount communism.
The Citizens Federation for the Reunification of Korea must be the spearhead of a movement for arming all citizens with an ideology. Godism can liberate the northern counterpart as well as the communist world. This ideology is causing a spiritual movement and a great awakening in the Western world which is corrupted by self-indulgence and immorality. Immediately after the Declaration of Godism in Washington, D.C. in 1976, I proclaimed that the next such event would be held in Moscow, because I have the conviction that Godism can liberate the communist world.
The reason why communism does not dwindle rapidly is that we either lack a clear-cut countermeasure, or we are not armed with a superior ideology. Initiating an ideological movement now in the Republic of Korea, let us spread it to the entire world with the aim of overpowering communism. If we do not overwhelm Kim Il-sung's unique ideology, Juche (self-determination) thought, embellished with falsity and deception, by assuming the ideological offensive, how can we ever dream of unification? (164-193, 1987.05.15)
Everybody knows I have made every endeavor to develop the ideological education of the free world through the establishment of our world headquarters in America. Starting with The Washington Times, I have opened a number of media organizations in different nation, trained world media personnel, given directions to professors and guidance to student movements in every country, mustered veterans including retired generals, initiated a movement for unifying the South American countries and a movement to unite world religions. I have directly implemented and carried out these activities over a long period of time.
During this time, I have made a great impact in America and Japan, laid the foundation in Europe and Latin America, and finally brought my influence even to China. I have spared no efforts to create the international conditions for the liberation of North Korea.
Korea is situated in a highly geo-politically delicate location. The four superpowers surrounding Korea - America, Japan, Russia and Communist China - have shown grave concern for and interest in the Korean peninsula. Exerting influence over these superpowers, we have to take the direction that is advantageous to our task of unification. If not, the unification of our homeland cannot be accomplished. Through the movement to promote ideological education on the global stage as well as through success in various disciplines, I have gained a certain amount of power and influence.
The Citizens Federation for the Reunification of Korea, which was launched based on that foundation, couldn't be an organization exclusively for Korea. It has to be like a UN movement that has ties with every nation in Asia and the world. The Citizens Federation will be expanded to Asia and the rest of the world in future. This is the hope of God and all humanity.
Now we have to accept our national and global tasks. The historical tasks of unification are eagerly waiting for righteous men to stretch out their hands. On receiving the historical calling from God, you have gathered to organize the Citizens Federation for the Reunification of Korea.
The founding spirit of Tangun, the founder of Korea, is based on the philosophy of respecting heaven and loving mankind. Today that lofty philosophy of national foundation has been sublimated and manifested itself on this earth as Godism, a philosophy for the salvation of the world's nations and peoples from the confusion of values.
Korea's problems are a microcosm of the world's problems. The solution to the world problems has an intimate, inseparable relation with the solution to Korea's problems. I am implying that the prescription to heal the world's problems can come from Korea. That is right. Godism, which can be employed as a prescription for the unification of North and South Korea, is also the same prescription for the liberation of the world from the yoke of communism and secular humanism. Let us rally for the establishment of our values and armament with a national ideology. May we have fervent hope in North-South unification and burning passion that can even pierce through stone walls.
Standing in the foremost rank of the great, historic march, let us have the pride and determination of achieving, with our own hands, the most splendid unification of the North and South Korea according to God's Will. We can make a worldwide foundation through the Citizens Federation movement to unite world religions. I have directly implemented and carried out these activities over a long period of time. (164-196, 1987.05.15)
5 Action for World Peace
5.5 The House of Unification for World Peace, The Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP)
The House of Unification for World Peace that I propose is not a political party. In other words, it will not have the function commonly associated with political parties of seeking to preside over the executive powers of government in a given country. It is, rather, a "house" whose purpose is to reinforce the concerted efforts of the world's countries and foster a unified foundation and common effort for world peace.
Through this structure, we can provide a new impetus to the work of providing opportunities for meaningful exchange and education on a God-centered vision for world peace to people of all nations and all walks of life, including religious and political leaders, scholars, journalists, educators, artists and cultural commentators, as well as leaders of women and of youth. This vision of world peace will be centered on families in which mothers, representing all the women of the world, achieve mind-body unity through love. (234-251, 1992.08.24)
To settle down on this earth, God has to settle on the cornerstone of the love-centered family nucleus. We have to make unity to achieve world peace, and the world has to aim for peaceful unification. The original source is not in the individual, family, society, nation or world. Though America is at present a leading nation of the democratic world, where must it make the foundation upon which to advocate peace from now on? Not in America. If the foundation for peace is placed in the United States, all other countries will rebel. If the origin does not put its root down in the family, which is the fundamental standard, it cannot bring peace. Even though we receive harsh opposition and there are enemies lurking around us, we must not give up the family foundation at any cost but must settle upon a stable foundation, or we will not be able to lay the cornerstone for world peace. It is in this sense that the body is to be known as the House of Unification for World Peace. You must clearly know this. (241-014, 1992.12.19)
The Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP) must settle as a movement of the most thorough education in family ethics. Otherwise, there will be no fulfillment of God's Will, no world peace nor any national rehabilitation. To lay the foundation, a person like myself must go in search of the family.
The women's movement for world peace has become the House of Unification for World Peace. The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) is a "house" for families, not a political party. Conflict cannot become the yardstick for peace. (232-199, 1992.07.06)
5 Action for World Peace
5.6 The Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP)
With the intention to catalyze God's Will and realize world peace through sincere interfaith dialogue and harmony, I founded the Assembly of the World's Religions (AWR) and the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP). These organizations are causing miracles to take place in the stagnant religious world. I also established the Youth Seminar on World Religions (YSWR) and the Religious Youth Service (RYS) to positively contribute to the prevention of racial conflicts and religious wars from rising among youth, and to the realization of an ideal world of peace under the name of God. Through all these organizations, I am proposing a new alternative to the world. (167-098, 1987.06.30)
I had to brace against and overcome all kinds of hardships before setting up the IIFWP last year. Aiming to realize a world of peace centering on God's Will and the inter-religious harmony, which nobody has been able to achieve, I have trodden a path of dedication and sacrifice for the past forty years.
We should not be satisfied with inter-religious harmony alone, but have to take a more positive stride in forming global unified organizations for world peace, together with social leaders in the academic world, political world and journalism. Religions must be exemplary in living for others while educating and taking the initiative so that these organizations can fulfill God's Will on earth. (234-273, 1992.08.26)
Living for others is the way of a filial son's love, a loyal subject's love and a saint's love. A saint's love is love for humanity. A saint loves heaven and earth, and abides by the laws of the heavenly palace. He can serve and attend God through his heart. We have to hold on to the vertical position. If we do not learn the duty of a saint or the duty of God's love, we cannot find the yardstick of peace for all religions. I surmise this is the target the Association of Religions in Korea must reach. (196-337, 1990.01.12)
As religions form the heart of culture, the Council of the World's Religions and the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace are the heart of the World Cultural and Sports Festival. Religious ideologies, wisdom and values must become the standard for education, research, arts, physical education, press, politics and economics. The World Cultural and Sports Festival is a historic event that sets the spiritual culture of humankind in order, seeks true values for the sake of human happiness, and orients us toward a new peaceful world of culture in which God, humankind and the creation are harmonized. (234-268, 1992.08.26)
More than three-fifths of humankind are living in Asia, the cradle of religions. Korea has become the kingdom of that religious fruition. In that sense, how is God planning to achieve the unification of North and South Korea? Through Christian culture, we have to adopt a receptive attitude which Christians can accept, and find the path to a peaceful world by binding together the entire religious world - which represents the world of mind - under the theme of world peace. I therefore established the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace. In addition, by linking up the entire political world, which represents the world of body, and transcending national borders, I established the Federation for World Peace. If the religious world and the political world become one, a world of peace will arrive. It is only possible through a unified direction. Watching over the arena of such an environment, I founded this unified body centering on Korea. I wish to present the world's technology to North Korea on that foundation. Having advocated the equalization of technology in 1980, I received opposition from the free world.
In seeking for raw materials in Africa, Europeans exploited the Africans. Even America mobilized its military, economic and political power to extort resources from South America. I advocated the equalization of technology, which can instantly cease such plunder of the weaker nations. To achieve that, four German factories with advanced technological capability were acquired. These were connected to the world of high technology in Japan. I pulled them together for the sake of a world of peace. (222-135, 1991.10.28)
Centering on God's true love, I have been spreading the inter-religious and supra-denominational movement for harmony on a worldwide scale. Without harmony, exchange and dialogue amongst religions, how can peace ever come to the world? Are there not woeful and bloody religious conflicts in China, Ireland, India and other places now? At an assembly of the world's top religious leaders on August 27th last year, I officiated the founding of the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, in which religious people pledged to realize world peace through religious harmony and co-operation. It is an invaluable organization. (234-261, 1992.08.26)
There cannot be two opposite directions on the road to a world of peace. The religious way and the political way must be a unified direction. Religions have to play a guiding role. The dominion of the mind over the body is a principle. On the 27th of this month, I created the religious sphere on the spiritual level and established the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace. Twelve different religious denominations from over forty nations are included. Now is the time to commence seeking the path to world peace. All I have spoken of at this point in time are the essential mainstream contents of history. (219-074, 1991.08.25)
The role of religions in the realization of the ultimate world of peace is absolute. Men of faith now have to tear down the wall that separates religious bodies and participate in building world peace with unified energy based on the single purpose of God. Now is the time for them to reflect on the point that their strength to work for world peace is inadequate, to develop true love, which is the motivation and fundamental element of world harmony within religions, and to spread the IIFWP movement from generation to generation. (205-160, 1990.08.26)
5 Action for World Peace
5.7 Other activities for peace
I aspire to the creation of a peaceful human society and a new God-centered culture for youth. Placing the young people of CARP in the vanguard, I promoted a worldwide movement for the realization of true love and true life.
CARP members and young leaders, let us march forward to create the true family that God has been seeking for so long and to construct a unified, peaceful world of God, arming ourselves with the Three Great Subject Thought of a true parent, a true teacher and a true owner through the privileges of youth, that are burning passion and wise reason. (234-245, 1992.08.23)
Youth organizations of the Communist Party known as Komsomol are found in all Russian universities. The offices of these organizations have made way for CARP. The Marx and Lenin Research Institute has become the PWPA office. From the viewpoint of national policy, Russia has had connections with America for generations. These developments are being driven by the conviction that henceforth the only ideology that can cope with the problems stemming from a change in the Russian system is the Unification Principle. (208-107, 1990.11.17)
Why did I establish a legislative and judicial association in America? Infringement of human rights is a serious problem. Standing at the forefront of seeking after truth, and in order to lead humanity on the true path to peace, I have to establish an upright judicial system. For that reason, I founded a legislative and judicial association. (125-304, 1983.03.29)
Man must in future explore the world of the sea and of the ocean. It is more difficult to live in midair. It is so much cheaper to safeguard the ocean while living there than it is to protect airspace. The sea is so intimate. (146-243, 1986.07.01)
The environment is always there to be assimilated, and is something that can naturally be connected to. As for the air, however, America has to concentrate its military forces on the air. Looking at the future world of peace, how wonderful it would be if investment in ocean development could be done with that kind of money. When the time comes for military defense to be phased out, where will the world be heading to? It is now time for the world to divert its interest to the ocean. That time will soon be at hand. (146-243, 1986.07.01)
In the new millennium, peninsular nations have to carry out important missions in the providence. Contributing merits and common experiences to world culture through the Federation of Peninsular Nations for World Peace, they have to fulfill the guiding role of realizing world peace.
I have not been teaching only about the way for humanity to live happily in a world of peace. Pioneering the way and founding various organizations to realize world peace, I have been fostering and largely supporting them. The Federation for World Peace (FWP), the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace (IRFWP), the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP), the Youth Federation for World Peace (YFWP), the Students Federation for World Peace (SFWP), the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) and the Federations of Island Nations, Peninsular Nations and Continental Nations for World Peace are all established to fulfill this goal. Did I set up a soccer team because of an interest in sports? Sports are necessary to further peace and harmony. If a famous soccer team plays once in a competitive game, the whole world will watch. Boxing is an individual game, but soccer is a team game.
Soccer team members have to unite and harmonize into one. You must realize that peace will come in an environment free of conflicts and battles. Harmony will occur in that situation. When a soccer team steps onto the field of competition to meet another team, the players have to embrace each other more than their own lives and achieve unity.
Therefore a soccer team itself symbolizes harmony and unity. What is oneness? Peace is indispensable in the family, society, and nation, on Earth and in Heaven. If peace is not realized, there will not be unity.
What enabled our professional soccer team, Ilhwa Chunma, to win the Korean championship is that all the team members were harmonized and unified based on peace. Unification is accomplished based on peace. Victory can be won by an individual player first making peace within himself and then all the players unifying amongst themselves. People are united through harmony and peace.
All sports have a purpose to make harmony and unity. Thus, sports are connected to the path of world peace, which brings harmony and unity. Accordingly, we made sports the main event of WCSF (World Culture and Sports Festival). WCSF was begun in 1992, the one last year was the second, and the third event will be held in Washington D.C. in 1998. (276-112, 1996.02.11)
To make a priority of establishing a worldwide organization for the hobby industry is a way of hastening all fields, such as the financial world, in the direction of peace. Therefore, I have prepared projects related with the ocean for twenty years. April next year will see the 20th anniversary of the ocean providence. (252-210, 1993.12.30)
It is my greatest joy that the Little Angels, who are ambassadors of peace and friendship representing Korea, are to perform in the Soviet Union. I think that the performance of the Little Angels will be the best gift to the people of the Soviet Union, who love art very much. Our conference might be the only kind where people can come to a convention and, at the same time, enjoy beautiful music and delightful traditional Korean dance.
Children are the best ambassadors for peace and friendship because they practice true love. This was the very purpose for the establishment of the Little Angels in 1963. Since its founding, the Little Angels troupe has performed on many world tours delivering a message of peace and happiness. (201-214, 1990.04.11)