Chapter 5 - Ministering and Giving Guidance to the Members

Section 1: Attitude of the Minister When Giving Guidance (Part 1)

1. The Attitude that a Minister Should Have When Giving Guidance

1) A Minister Must Shed Tears

The only way that a public figure in the Unification Church can help this world, full of tears, to make a transition into the kingdom of heaven is by possessing the heart of restoration and shedding tears.

Now, all of you understand, a true member of the Unification Church is someone who sheds tears, and a true leader is someone who sheds tears. Therefore, since there was much shedding of tears at the fall, restoration requires tears to be shed, and in doing so one should not be centered on oneself, but should cry a lot for the sake of God and humanity. The more one sheds tears the closer one will be to the realm of God's heart, and according to the laws of cause and effect this is how it must be.

So where is the cause of the tears? If it originated from the individual, then the tears are on the individual level. Based on the victorious foundation of that, they should progress to the family level, and centering on victory at the family level they must be further developed out towards the clan, people, nation and the world. Do you understand what I mean? [Yes] You have not been thinking about this. However, as you find it to be true by listening to these words, those that pledge to shed tears for the sake of humanity and follow the heart of God with tears raise you hand. Please put them down. (94-324)

The eyes of the church leaders should never be dry from lack of tears. Those that are really pitiful in this world are the church leaders. Church leaders are always in sorrow. When you think about the heart of God and the course of dispensation of restoration, then you would often feel that God is really miserable. When you think about what you should do to follow the path of restoration, when you think about how you cannot but walk this road because you are like that, you will often experience overwhelming sorrow and misery. Sometimes it is so overwhelming that you feel like you are going to faint. Without this kind of heart you cannot become someone who can live and work for the sake of God. When you see something bad, as you are walking around the village, you should become someone who can think, "This time I am passing by without doing anything, but just wait until the next time. I will clean up this place with my own hands." (46-298)

Your eyes must not be dried of tears. The eyes of leaders must always be filled with tears. Think about it. If you really understand me clearly and think about me, can your eyes be without tears? I was not supposed to go through suffering. I am suffering like this because the time was not ripe and the people did not fulfill their responsibility. (33-118)

Have you ever shed tears of gratitude? You should weep tears of gratitude to the extent that they flow down endlessly, falling down all around you and giving the impression that the spot that you are standing on has just been rained on. (1988.10.3)

You who have gathered here must never lose this perspective because you are in charge of the regions. You may sometimes unconsciously feel lonely. At those moments you should realize that the loneliness is not your own loneliness but the loneliness that God is suffering through, the loneliness that the angelic world is experiencing, and the loneliness that our ancestors are going through. Every time you have this experience, you should cry on their behalf so that you can penetrate into their heart. (14-9)

Among you, there must be those who wept without other people knowing it. You may have wept grabbing on to the grass roots pleading to God, "Oh God, please help resolve my resentments," or when caressing a rock cry out, "There is only you who understands it." You must know God's dreams for that which He created this universe. You must understand the agony of God at the time of the fall of Adam and Eve. You also must know that it was the angel who had seduced them to fall and what kind of enemy he is for God. (14-10)

Before doing anything else, a patriot will wail on be half of the people. You have to understand this, are you clear? When a patriot looks at the people, the first thing that happens to him is shedding of tears. When a filial son thinks about his parents, his eyes will swell with tears. When one buys presents for the parents, if one's tears fill their eyes as they choose the gift, then no matter how evil a parent is, he will be melted by the tears of the filial son. Isn't this how it is? True love between brothers also follows the path of tears. This is how it works.

Therefore, a religious worker cannot be short on tears. You should experience shedding tears of joy as a member comes to visit you. Then see if his shadows will disappear from the grounds there. It will not disappear. This is an indisputable reality. Those who possess love will first shed tears before anything else. (50-317)

There is only one path of survival for this nation. It will turn around when the thirty million people weep loudly and shed tears. There is no way to survive without weeping. Then who is going to move them to tears? The history of our past, when we were fighting with dripping sweat, this historical material will move them to weep. Why? Countless people have beat us, driven us out, did all sorts of evil things, ordered us around as slaves according to their whims. When the time comes, the thirty million people will come to the realization that they cannot but support the will of God because of this fact. If ten people went through suffering in some village, then the ten people will talk about the past. As they report to all those who gather around, "Our past experience in the village was like this. Some grandfather chased us out like this, and so and so beat us brutally with a stick the people in the village will break in tears, and from this moment on, the road to rebirth will be opened. (155-330)

Your eyes lack tears. You who claim to be walking the path of filial son and patriot, facing heaven and attending the father who is alive and full of emotions, have eyes that do not shed tears. This is not how it is. (155-34)

Are you like that? Is your church like that? Chilly, filled with cold air, and completely dried up . . . This is no good. This is because you yourselves are like that. Then the leader has to repent, facing the village, saying, "You so and so village! Did you receive blessing or have you been receiving harm?" You yourself understand best your own nature. You should be having a prayer in which you ask, "The basic Principle is living centering on the way that the teacher has taught and the way of the universe and heaven. Yet since I have not been living like that, how miserable are you who are relying on me to seek the way of heaven. Nevertheless, wouldn't it be all right if we can look for the common course that can lead us to heaven while you drive me on and we learn from each other?" Have you ever tried it? You should never ever have the thought when someone comes, "Oh, who is someone that will make donations, he will give generous alms? Who can be useful for me?"

I once went to Pusan for a tour. When they heard that I was coming all the young came running up to me, and the tall ones . . . However, behind them were some eighty-year-old grandmothers. I saw how the eighty-year-old grandmothers were following behind them weeping and wishing, "How nice would it have been if I had met the teacher as a young person." They thought that I would give some talk that night. But I did not give it. I was up all night talking to this one grandmother. All that I talked about was . . . This kind of heart, this is the heart of God. This is the heart that all of you should possess. (81-327)

Your eyes are dry and without tears. While you are walking the way of faith, you must go through the experience of crying with tears, drippings from nose and mouths join together and hang down like noodles, weeping violently and panting heavily. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes] When you wait like that your lips will swell up. You have to shed such sad tears to the extent that the inside of the mouth all swells up. (56-36)

2) You Have to Become Concerned

You cannot be connected to someone when you are not concerned about the person and you cannot build a relationship when you have not made the connection. (21-86)

Today, people do not pay enough attention toward each other. In horizontal relationship, it is rare that people pay respect to each other centering on the horizontal connection. Regardless or sex and age, everyone has the attitude that dealing with people is annoying. If you view people as nuisance, then you can never walk the heavenly way.

For God's dispensation of restoration, the Korean nation is not the only place that God needs. He needs all of the three billion people in the world. For this reason, God is deeply concerned about people. This has been the most important purpose in God's dispensation up to now. Since we are a group of people who gathered for the sake of achieving this goal, we must stand in the position where God is and have the same degree of concern toward all people.

This should not be done just externally. When you can possess the heart that springs up from your original mind, you can realize the best interpersonal connections and best personal relationships. Knowing this, when a member is experiencing some difficulty or facing hardships, you should feel sympathy toward the person as if these afflictions are happening to you.

If you can surpass everyone in loving people, then you can come to possess the power of life which will allow you to persevere through the most difficult crisis that are like autumn and winter. I hope that you can come to understand that that kind of power of life will assert itself strongly and head toward the spring, eventually becoming the mother-body of the new world and new life. (25-291)

In order to guide people on their spirituality, you have to be able to observe people's mind and be sensitive toward their difficulties. A salesman has the instinct to know just by listening to the way a dog barks, whether or not he can make a sale in that house or not. If he has been doing it for a long time, he can tell statistically what kind of facial expressions denote one's willingness to buy. Moreover, he needs to cultivate the ability to induce a reluctant person to change his mind and agree to a purchase. If you have enough of such experiences, then as you meet someone you can tell immediately if that person has some worry. You can tell by looking at his or her eyes and lips. When one becomes serious, one's eyes and mouth will change. Is this true or not? If they are happy, then you can see changes taking places here and here.

You should try to research whether or not this is true. When you are about to smile, eyes and mouth . . . The reason is that there are only two things that affect the facial expressions. When there is something to be expressed in one's heart, then they will move. So, I can tell right away whether you are pleased or displeased just by looking at the way you speak. How can I tell? I see it from the way that your eyes and mouth move. If you can assess this, then you can see how much he is smiling and how close that is to his widest smile. You should get a handle on this calibration method, so that you can guide someone by analyzing his or her heart and spirit.

In order to do this, you must pay lot of attention. How can you catch this without paying attention? If I can be with someone for four days straight, then I can tell everything about that person regardless who he is. When he sits down, I can analyze whether or not he sits down with difficulty or not. This has become a heated topic right now. If you deal with his problems, think about his problem and consider his problem as your own, he will naturally be grateful to you and be attentive. This is what you must research. (69-166)

When you are dealing with a member, you must treat him with much affection and entertain him or her. (23-249)

When there is an absolute subject, an object will surely emerge. This is the truth.

No matter where you are, you must be learning. This type of person can receive revelation just by watching the way a passing beggar walks or from the sound of bird cry. If you do not reflect and are not concerned, then you cannot be connected to good things. You should make connections with the good things by contemplating and devoting your attention. (14-96)

3) You Must Have Zeal

People respect those who are zealous. For a person who is moving forward with enthusiasm, no matter how great the hazards before him, he can conquer them all. However, attempts without zeal are easy to come to a halt.

For this reason, the most important things for us who wish for advancement is the question of how to be well supplied with the zeal that can maintain our progression forward. Without zeal, you cannot be stimulated. Moreover, we do not need stimulus devoid of enthusiasm. As we consider the fact that strong stimulus comes in connection with the intense zeal, we must seek for environment full of zeal, individual beings full of zeal, and companions bubbling with enthusiasm.

For us humans who are seeking after perfect character and unlimited personality, we cannot be devoid of limitless zeal. It is an important question for us as we are pursuing to cultivate unlimited character, whether or not we are ready to pursue that type of zeal forever, and if not, whether or not we are prepared to strive toward certain goals by possessing such enthusiasm. If you do not possess one of these two mindsets, then you cannot seek after perfect character. (36-98)

Then, what do we need in order to receive God's ardor? Since God is pure and sincere, we must also be earnest. We must feel it to the bottom of our hearts that as we pursue a third purpose here, the purpose will be linked to us eternally. In other words this is a triangular relationship, but it can exist inside ourselves or exist together with us.

You should become a fuse through which the degree of your own awareness about the perspective of purpose within you will transform into the same extent of zeal and attract God, the origin of ardor. However, if you are unable to find a way to become this fuse of zeal, then you cannot become one with God if you. In other words, if there is one artery, then you must become one vein, and if it is given in one place then you must receive it in one place, and if one hundred is given then you must be able to receive one hundred.

Then what is the motivating force that can generate such enthusiasm? You have to be pure and sincere. You must have no selfish motive. If one hundred enters you, then you must be able to sincerely reflect it as one hundred. This is the problem. Where is zeal generated? It is produced centering on sincerity as the basis. It will be produced according to how much is needed and how much you seek for zeal centering on that foundation of sincerity. In other words, the heart of the issue is how much you yearn and adore it as you appear before the subject of limitless ardor. In doing this, you must first put longing and sincere heart in front of anything else. When there is sincere longing, then on the flip side of it zeal will accompany it; you should reflect on this truth.

How much did you adore and yearn for God? What is at stake is the question, whether or not you are prepared to completely forget about your own situation and offer everything for God; in other words, whether or not you can become the perfect minus before the perfect plus. When you can stand before the absolute plus as the absolute minus, then the perfect plus will head straight toward you. Through the straight path of sincerity, the complete plus will rush toward the complete minus. There, minus will give rise to an opposite reaction in which the background will push it forward in a fresh manner. (36-99)

4) You Must Have the Ability to Embrace People

Although you look gaunt and miserable, wearing worn out clothes, you will still appear beautiful as long as you are equipped with everything and possess the three-dimensionality inside and out. The beauty attained at that point is the highest beauty that cannot be exchanged even with the whole universe. Even for me this is how it looks, so how much more true is this in the eyes of God? If you possess these qualities, then you will find that all things in the universe come inside of you. When you look at your eyes, all the sorrows of the heaven and earth are encapsulated in those eyes, when you look at the hands, feet, or anywhere else, they represent the heaven and earth. It is my will to make these great works out of you.

When I was young, I wore cheap clothes bought in second hand clothing shops; these were clothes that others have worn and have thrown away. I intentionally wore smelly clothes so that ladies would not follow me around. I wore clothes that smelled so bad that when people came near me, they would run away from me. Unification Church men must be free and at ease. You must behave in a dignified way, even if you are wearing socks with holes in them.

Just as how there are many trees and all kinds of animals and birds in big mountains, you have to possess the character that will attract all things to you. Only then can you find your complete image and manifest it as a type of beauty. You cannot be considered beautiful just because you are wearing good clothes and have made yourself up well. You have to become the subject of envy by standing out as the topic of discussion and focus attention for heaven and earth. (14-29)

The joy that you have once felt when you first joined must not fade away with time. If that has become an implanted seed through the regular process, then shouldn't it bear fruits and provide tens and hundreds of seeds to be harvested, and if you again sowed those seeds on the ground, shouldn't you be greeting tens and hundreds of spring days? You should grow one flower to blossom in the dry and barren land, so that it can eventually give birth to countless flowers creating a flower garden and the garden of aroma where one can enjoy many fragrances? Do you yourself stand in the midst of such garden of fragrance? Unfortunately this is not true.

If you like the aroma that you yourself are giving out then, this is nothing but loneliness. However, the aroma that you give out, which intermingles; with the numerous fragrances around you, then this is very precious. This will become the crucial condition by which the multitude of people can dwell harmoniously and all things can be harmonized. But with only one, it is only loneliness and solitude. (60-26)

Within the leader, there must always be something like the springing forth of gratitude of life and, how can I put it, the abundance of life flowing like a stream. It is painful, yet it is peaceful, and within his or her heart there must be a resting-place much like a nest where life can dwell. What would happen after standing in such position and possessing that attitude? Then, God will be with you. Eventually, there must be a connection of the relationship between the higher position and the lower position. (70-148)

A leader of love has the flexibility to come in and not come in. If you are caught in the right place, how can you not be dragged in? All without an exception will go in. How wonderful would it be then? You can be linked to God only when you can do that. (119-195)

5) The Story of a Miner Who Set Out to Look for a Gold Mine

What was the main factor that had helped the Americans in the East Coast to pioneer the West in the past? It was the political propaganda of the politicians at that time. They advertised that there are golden mountains or something in the West and everything in that land is gold mines and gold nuggets, yet they have no owners, and those who find them can take them. Accordingly, even though they did not know if they will make it alive, disregarding the presence of Indians, even when they saw their fellows falling dead on the side, they continued on, pulled by the desire to find something a bit ahead of them. This is how they pioneered the West. They were able to pioneer the West because they believed that the rumor was true, and because they were engulfed by the hope that as long as they themselves can stay alive, even if all the other people die, they can become the wealthiest men in the world.

This is how people are. Suppose that while looking for the gold mine a miner became completely exhausted, almost to the point of death, so that he simply could not dig anymore. Yet if he believed with absolute certainty that with only with ten more strokes he would find a gold mine, then what do you think they will do? If it were you would you continue digging or not? Even if one is about to drop dead, one will continue on. Therefore, where is the problem? The problem is in you.

If you really come to understand that God exist, they you must start packing up. Just like you have to make preparation before you begin your marriage life or move to a new house, to start the life of faith you must start preparing. Packing up in preparation to move is very much like a life of faith.

That type of moment will come. You should not just live in the world like in present. The life of faith is like packing up and preparing to go to a new world with the attitude that you are going to shake off all the dirt from this doomed world and, spitting on it, getting ready to leave. This is completely true.

So, would God want to live here? What I am asking is, would God like to live in this place where you are living right now? Therefore, you must pack up. You have to cut off all the relationships with the world.

Then, where would you go after packing up? It is a cause for concern that you are not so clear on that; if you clearly knew it then, you will have no regrets even if you were to die. The reason that I am walking this path with all my heart, devotion, and life is because this is surely the way, and because I am consoled from knowing the fact that after walking this path, I can pass down to the history of humanity the foundation of all my efforts and hard work. (33-235)

In guiding the multitude of people, you cannot rely on just one method, do you understand? Dig up the roots of a pine tree and see. I am talking about the pine tree root, not the horn of a cow. A pine tree root has a thick stem. You cannot uproot it with ease. You have to use all of your strength to the extent that you feel like your lower back is going to break in two, and uproot the whole thing with one pull if you want the whole thing to come out without being cut off. Accordingly, you must uproot it at once. If there is a crack, then you don't have to use dynamite. (122-165)


Section 1: Attitude of the Minister When Giving Guidance (Part 2)

2. A Minister is in The Parental Position

1) Ministers are in the Parental Position

From now on, you must fulfill all individual responsibility. More than the responsibility as a regional leader or provincial leader of the Unification Church, you must first fulfill all your responsibility as an individual. The problem is whether or not you have completed your individual responsibility centering on the world level tradition. Next comes the question of whether or not you have completed your portion of responsibility as a leader or as a church leader.

Church leaders are in the position of parents. Parents cannot fall asleep before they put all the children to sleep. They cannot do that unless they are sick. They shed tears as they worry about the future of their children who are still immature; when they experience hardships in life, the heart of parent is such that they cannot but go to sleep only after praying for the blessing of the children with great anxiety. Similarly, a leader must also have a hard time falling asleep. Moreover, when you have some quiet moments of peace at dawn or at night, you should pray for your members with tears without others being aware of it. Do you understand what I am saying? This is the only way that you can establish the foundation.

So, what are you going to do after raising your children like this? You have to raise them to become patriots who will live for the sake of the nation more than the sake of the church. In order to do that, you parents must first show the example. Those who educate by showing examples through their lives first are the true parents. True parents are those who first educate with love and then tell children to carry it out in action. If you lead this type of life, God cannot leave you no matter what. Moreover, this type of person possesses some mysterious and strong power, which automatically attracts the attention of the other people. So, other people have no choice but to pay attention to such a person.

If you make afire in a stove during the wintertime, even if you do not explain to the people that there is one cold stove and one is the hot stove, because people can already feel the heat, they will naturally gather around the hot stove.

Similarly, you must also become someone that other people will be attracted to. What I am trying to do is by setting such a foundation and only with the determination to sacrifice, expand the new tradition and after connecting to the family level foundation, based on that foundation create the clan, people and the nation. This is the path that God is walking on. (34-31)

Parents are the matrix of the child's life. It raises life. It is the matrix of life, love, and protection. It protects life, raises it, and loves it. (51-173)

2) The Heart of Parents

When you encounter a member you should not counsel them in front of all members. This is what I do. I have been leading countless people until now, and there are many that have made mistakes. When I deal with them, I have the attitude, "I will forgive you one hundred times." I forgive a hundred times all those that I come in contact with. This is the fatherly heart.

For example, if one's own son has been arrested as a robber and a murderer and is facing execution, would the parent say, as he watches his son head toward the execution chamber, "It is a good thing that you are going to die. You should be killed quickly?" Parental heart is such that if it were possible to forgive even a thousand or ten thousand times, he would want to forgive. He will treat him with tolerance, willing to forgive a thousand times . . .

But it becomes another type of question. What would happen if I had done something like that and was in such a position in the past? Wouldn't it be difficult to deal with? If I made such a mistake right now, then what would God do to me? Would he bring destruction upon me despite some foundation of my loyalty in the past? If God were to stand in that position, he will hesitate a thousand times.

There are many that left our Unification Church. I had once talked to one such person for thirty minutes. We talked about some secrets . . . When he is settled in his ways and does not want to come, I do not disdain him, wishing that as he stands in the opposite position and that he be punished in all sorts of ways and die by being struck with lightening . . . On the contrary, I think, standing on the side of that person, "He did it because he did not really understand. It is understandable." When I correct mistakes like this, the leaders must also possess the same perspective as me. Such people can make the connection of heart.

If you have done that, then even if you speak to him with extremely harsh words, because you have displayed such concern, you will not feel judged by your conscience. You will not feel judged. There, even if you decide upon some extreme way, because the foundation created by your heart as you were dealing with him in the beginning is greater, God has the condition to support you. There are always ways to take care of all situations. (157-259)

I have been talking about and teaching about the heart of Heavenly Father, yet Jesus, who was sent to this earth after four thousand years, did not really understand the deep valleys of His heart when he was dying on the cross. When you think about it, after all the loyalty with which he faced death, he did not have the foundation to surpass the crisis of death. It was loyalty that fell below that standard, and it was not serious enough to melt one's bones like this. (158-153)

3) The Attitude We Should Have as Leaders in the Parental Position

You should shed tears when you see a poor person in the village and as you pass in front of the house after having a meal. This should be your attitude. As you pass the house you should call out to God and pray in tears with your head cast down, "The reason that he is so poor is because the ancestor of mankind made the mistake and fell. Since I came with the parental mission to this village, I must be responsible for them, yet how much was I able to give you during over one year that I have spent in this village. I have not benefited you in any way." Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever had such heart? This is the Principle way.

Moreover, when you see the children in the village underfed and poorly clothed, your heart should be in agony. You should be engulfed by the thought and attitude day and night, "Who is responsible for causing you to suffer like this? It is because of me. In order for this village to go before heaven, the bridge to Cain cannot be laid down unless the foundation is built around me who came as a parent. Without this foundation, without making the connection to the parents, they cannot go to the kingdom of heaven. Since they, the village and I have some common bond, I should fulfill all of my responsibilities as a parent regardless of whether I live or die." This is the attitude of heart that the leaders in the regions who stand in the position of parents should have.

When you pick up your spoons to eat, as parents you should only be able to eat after being told by the starving people in the village that you should not worry about them and eat your meals because you always visit them and share all your food with them. This is how a parent is. Can parents with children eat alone? As parents divide the food among their children, telling them to eat, a mature child among them will say, "Father, mother, we are all right now, so please have some as well." As parents, this is the time that they can begin to eat. When you eat from this position, then you are able to eat with a hopeful and loving heart. That meal is not a sad meal but a happy meal, and is not a meal of hopelessness but of hope. The place that the parents and children eat that meal is not where they will meet a dead end, but a position in which bonds of moral laws and bonds of heaven and earth will be newly established. Therefore, that meal is a blessed meal, and that foundation is the basis of happiness. Shouldn't the parental heart wish that they would not fall away from such state?

As you see the gaunt children playing on the street who are underfed and poorly clothed, you should embrace them like your children. If you cannot do that, you should feel more shameful than a parent who is not being responsible for the child that you have given birth to, or who has passed the responsibility over to a nanny or perhaps is passing by the house that is taking care of your children on your behalf. This is the bond of heart. If your own children are that gaunt, then won't you grab on to them and shed tears until your bones melt and flesh become twisted?

In the course of historical restoration, how precious and blessed is the bond of lineage that remains even after wandering for thousands of years without recognizing the parents who exist, and not perishing after even being dragged around by the enemy, but remain as the seeds? We should be grateful for the grace of God, who allowed me to stand in this position so that our nation will not perish and its descendants will live on. When you can nurture the parental heart centering on that mindset, then you will never go hungry. You must not go hungry before the village experiences starvation. If you were to starve even after being in such position, then the whole village will be doomed.

This is the heart that you should possess. It is the same when you look at a person or look at a cow. You should have the heart to even grab on to the ears of cow and placing your forehead against its, cry in tears and say to the cow, "How wonderful would it be if you are tilling the land while being hit with the whip of True Parents? I have pity on you who are in the position of a miserable orphan and slave who cannot escape that fate."

It should be the same as you look at the fields and trees. You should tell them, "If you have historical resentments, you should resolve it while looking at me today. If you have some desire that you want to achieve, then you should tell me. I will connect you with the dispensation of God." Even as you look at the plane or the mountains and rivers, "How can I abandon you? I will go and visit every valley." You should go seeking for trees deep in the mountains who were never visited by their owners until now, "The reason that I came into the mountains looking for you is because I felt that the trees like you in this mountain are feeling lonely. So, I came to you considering you as their (the other trees) representative." Then, you should pray on behalf of the trees in the mountains of the village, or district, or county. You should pray that they could maintain the happiness felt today and by resolving all the sorrows by today. Free those coming after them from such agony.

As you look at a rock, before the rock expresses sorrow, you should manifest sad expressions in your face, which is full of tears, and say, "What kind of wishes did you hear from numerous people? Many people resented you and cursed at you, having all sorts of thought while looking at you, but I am not like that. How long have you been waiting for the day that you can meet me and express your joy?" If you can come to possess this type of heart, then your path will never be doomed.

Your good ancestors will come and intervene when you are about to face difficulties. Because the good ancestors stand in the position of servant of servants, when you, the servants, go, then they will go before you to prepare the way. Accordingly, there will emerge phenomena in which the spirit world is mobilized and help their descendants. Do you think this will take place or not?

This is the same when we view it centering on God. If God, who loves the archangel and Adam with the parental heart were being injured, wouldn't the whole spirit world mobilize to help God? It's the same logic. If you possess the heart of parent then such things will take place. Do you understand?

Everything is your responsibility. You should toil with the attitude, "I will be hit before you are hit, I will suffer before you do, and I will endure tribulations before you do. The failure to clean up this village is also my responsibility, and the failure to build the starting point of heaven in every place in the village is also my responsibility." Having done that, you should come back at night and pray for their blessing. You are not to lament for your own life but for the sake of the village and the descendants in it. Isn't such a person with the parental heart someone that the village would want to welcome as their ancestor? Won't this be true? [Yes] (46-280)

4) You Should Treat Members with a Parental Heart

Do parents love children because someone taught them to do so? Did a mother learn how to love a child or not? [She did not learn] She did not learn, right? Moreover, were children taught how to long for their father and mother and follow their footsteps? How could they have learned it from someone? They come to understand it automatically. Do you teach a man how to love woman and teach a woman how to love a man? Likewise, in the world of heart, we come to realize these things automatically. There is no need for education and authority for this. Think about it. Did many college students go out pioneering? [15 and 16 year old young people] They all have problems with faith . . . A college student will believe in himself if he is capable.

You should not stand is that position but have the attitude of a parent . . . What is our motto up to now? Have I been preaching in vain that we should have the heart of parents to serve the earth with sweat, shed tears for mankind and shed blood for heaven and so forth? This is how I have been living. You should go out witnessing in exact accordance with that motto. You should test and see if what I am saying is true or false. There is a very little difference in longing for a member with the doors open wide when there is no member. If you do that, then you can even hear them coming. This is how longing you should be. You should try to be like that, and see if people come or not. The way will surely be opened.

That is how it was when Kang Hyun-Shil [The first Unification Church Missionary] here came to visit me at the Bum-Rae-Gol [Rev. Moon's mud hut in Pusan]. When I climb the mountain, my heart is filled with the longing for my children. Wow, I can hear him or her coming. I can hear it, and it is at the very center. Around it . . . I dismantled this wall with my faith. I took down with the heart of God that had been blocked by fallen hearts. So people are rushing in. Do you understand? You have all become hooligans because you have not been doing witnessing like that.

When you go in there you will see that food has been prepared and stored in piles. The members will bring them all. [Smile] Sons and daughters of God will never die of starvation. When you are doing witnessing and pioneering, if people find out that regional leaders or witnessing members are starving, then those who know cannot eat their meals. Their throat will be blocked off.

When I was in the prison, even if I am just sitting still, people will bring me grain powder saying, "I was told to bring this to the number so and so." I was offered a lot of grain powder in this way. So, it seems like you do not want to die. How is starving to death? You will go to heaven. This is how I tell your fortune. [Laughter] You should do it with this mindset, those who try to live will die and those who try to die will live. You are like that because you become worried before anything else. (1969.5.12)

Who is to be responsible? When there is someone who is willing to take on the burden, accepting it as his own responsibility and struggles on, because of him the external satanic world will start to crumble. This is how the history of indemnity progresses. Do you understand?

For this reason, you must possess the heart of a parent. You should have the heart of a parent who has become the owner. This is why we are preaching, "Let us possess the heart of parent in the body of a servant, and shed sweat for earth, tears for mankind, and blood for heaven." The day that you can achieve this, you cannot but become the representative of the parent. If the parent complains, then what should the children do? Those children who say, "Oh no, this is disastrous," should die. When the parent weeps, children try to die on their behalf.

You should understand this. This is why we have decided on such motto. This is the thought that will bring unification centering on subjective love. This is Unification Thought centering on the subject. Then, what is the meaning of the character, "tong," in "tong-il" (unification)? It is the tong character that means commanding. Being in the position of command is to serve someone. Does it mean to guide? It means to guide. So how difficult would guiding be? If you can lead people so that in the end they can arrive at some comfortable position, then they will try to serve you. Because at that moment there will only be comfort and there is no room for complaint, people will ask, "On whose account are we in such good situation? It is because of the teacher." Therefore, even if you tell them not to, they will serve you well. Likewise, until the day of glory when all people can serve you, you cannot escape the path of tribulations because you have to always bear that burden of responsibility.

3. The Minister as One Who Guides

1) Minister as Guide

When we head toward the pinnacle of a mountain and climb toward it, there can only be one highest point. Because the are many different roads leading to it, so the distance traveled differs according to the direction that one takes, there is only one most straight path. Centering on that one path, many roads are connected in the 360-degree directions around it. Initially it is 360 degrees, but as you approach the pinnacle, the closer you are to it, all will come together for sure. They will all be connected. This will later become four, and then will become two and at the very end, it will be linked into one point. This is how we can conquer the summit.

From this point of view, didn't history walk the course similar to climbing the mountain in this way? Although there were countless divided peoples who were walking the course of history in attempt to find the straightest path, among them there must have been those who are climbing up the opposite direction and going all sorts of directions. There must be some who are resting at the middle because they are exhausted, and there must be those who are coming down. There must also be those who find that the downward path is more difficult to walk and so tries to find another easier way, there must have been all kinds of people . . . The history of mankind is intertwined in such complex manner.

When we took at the whole mountain, if there is someone who knows the one path that leads to the summit, then in respect to conquering the summit, he will become the guide. This is the guide that every one hopes for. This is absolutely true. This is true for the past, present and future. Until the summit is conquered, if there is someone who knows the way, then he will always be recognized as the guide. He will be recognized as the guide. This is what I think. (81-179)

Why do we need the guide? This is so that I myself can climb to the summit quickly. This is how it is done. Then, what do we have to do to complete the will of God? The conclusion made is that there is no other way but for "I" to become one with the guide. If you are walking on two different roads, then can you say, "You, how can you go that way? This is the road that we should take. This is the way that I want to go and you are wrong." You have to become absolutely one. You have to become absolutely one. You have to become one day and night. You should not have any objections. This is the absolute prerequisite.

You cannot say, "But you are young while I am old, and I see that you are like a kindergartner or an elementary school student while I am a grandfather. Moreover, when we look at all the external knowledge, intellect and experience, you should be in the position to receive my instructions, yet how can such a young person like you be a guide?" When you realize that he is the guide, it does not matter whether your nose or ears become twisted, or lose one eye or a leg. Do you understand? [Yes]

There is no rule saying that the guide must be handsome. You cannot assume that the ambassador of a nation who represents a nation is always a handsome man. Woman can also go as ambassadors, right? Even if a young lady goes, she is still an ambassador. It is the same thing. Underestimating and distrusting the ambassador who got the mission is being unfaithful and disrespectful to the nation.

A guide should always . . . He should not change from one day to the next. Even if he is asked at night, the reply should be "Yes," and even if he is asked, "can you guide us to climb any mountain?" the answer should be "Yes." Even if the question is, "Are you confident that you can find the road even at night?" The answer should be "Yes," and even if he is woken up from steep and asked, "You are the guide?" the answer should be "Yes"; whenever the thought comes to dwell on this and he is asked, the answer should always be yes. There should be no objection to this. What are we talking about here? It means that it will not change even during the four seasons, spring, summer, winter and fall. It is the path that will not change. It will not sway from one to the other. There is no need for the word, "well, perhaps." (81-183)

I have said that the path of the Principle is following the footsteps. The path of restoration is seeking and finding the way, but can you find the way? You cannot find it, right? Since you cannot find the way, you need a guide. When you cross the thirty-eighth parallel, because you cannot cross it the first time, you need a guide. When the guide tells you to lie flat, you have to lie flat. If you stand still when you are told to lie flat, you will be killed. (Laughter) When you are told to lie down you should lie down, when you are told to stand up you should stand up, when you are told to crawl you should crawl, and when you are told to push with your belly, then that is what you should do. Otherwise, you will perish. This is exactly how it is.

For this reason, since you do not know the way, I am walking at the front guiding you. As we are walking, as soon as I give the signal to lie flat, you should lie flat. That is all you have to do. Are you going to do that or not? [We will] Therefore, you are to leave your family behind and come forward. At that moment, when someone says, "Shoot all together," if you try to take your husbands and children with you, then you will all be massacred. At such moments, you are supposed to divide up and run away. Do you understand? [Yes] Accordingly, you are going to part with your husbands and everyone else. Only then, we can at least save the seeds. Isn't that how it is? (58-80)

2) The Position of an Owner Who is Feeding His Cow

Among you, there must be some that have the experience of feeding a cow. It is such a drudgery to take the cow out for a feed during the monsoon season or when the weather is bad. When I was also taking a cow for a feed in the past, I even had to beat on it. Some of you must be laughing because you have similar experiences. I was not the only one who had to do this. My parents told me to take the cow out for a feed and come back by certain time, but what can I do when there isn't much grass on the flat plain? At such times, I decided, "I don't care; on the hill in the back there is a flower garden that father likes very much, so I am going to take it there and feed it." Then, I take it to that nearby mountain. However, the cow is unwilling to climb up further but is starting to eat the grass half way. When it did that, I beat it with a stick. Even then, I do not feel pity for it. Have you ever felt this? What would the cow do after you take it to the designated place in such difficult way, crossing rivers and climbing mountains, and let it go once you get there? Would it not start to feed on grass because you told it not to eat? At that moment, its tongue, lips, ears, and eyes express gratitude and hurriedly start to munch on it.

I am guiding you while restraining you because I know such a place, yet you do not understand that. You do not even know that such a place exists. If you know this clearly, then you yourself will want me to constrain you. Do you understand?

When I tell you to go out witnessing, all of you run away, complaining, "Everyone else is going on vacation, but what, witnessing? How embarrassing is that."

This is because you do not understand. If you refuse to walk the path that can liberate the people and the world, then those who understand should beat you and drive you. Ladies and gentlemen, is driving you the righteous thing to do or is leaving you alone the more righteous thing to do? You delicate ladies, answer me, which is the more righteous one. [Driving is the righteous path] (32-255)

3) What I Observed During My Flight South

During the Korean War, when I was fleeing south, I saw this type of things many times. A mother is fleeing with a five years old son on her back, yet because he does not understand that they are fleeing from a war, he is happy that they are going some place. However, after a while, because the mother feels too tired, she puts the child down and has him walk. Then, the child will complain, "Mother, I don't want to walk. I will not go unless you carry me on your back. Carry me on your back, carry me." (Laughter)

At this moment, what should the parent who loves the child do? She should carry him on her back. This is love. However, if she was to carry him on the back, then they will both die. Then what should she do? She has to make him walk. If he refuses, she has to threaten him, and even if she has to slap him, they have to move on. In this way, they have to go until they arrive at some safe place.

What would you do if you were the parent? Would you abandon the child or kill him? Or, would you take him along by force? What is the best way? Are you going to abandon him? Are you going to kill him? If you don't like any of the options, then what are you going to do? No matter what, you have to drag him. Even if you have to slice his ears or make a hole in his nose, you have to drag him.

This is true love. If you can bring him to safety after all this, then the child will eventually thank you seeing how his friends did not survive. If there is some girl who complains that she cannot marry because slicing her ears defaced her appearance, then she should die by being struck with lightening. As she looks at her ears, she should remind herself more, "My mother's love was great. The love of mother is fearful," and consider as the mark with which she can continue to respect her parents for a thousand and ten thousand years.

Don't you say, "Teacher is driving us into tribulations as soon as we are finished with our meals?" It is true. I do not have any compassion toward you. When I am making you work, I do not have any compassion. However, when we are living together, I have a lot of compassion.

When I am making you work, I have to drag you out even if I have to mercilessly put a hole through your nose. If you say that you cannot go on because it is too tiring, then I have to drive you even by kicking you and beating you with a stick. This is a legitimate way. Can you understand what I am saying? Grandfather over there, elder Lee Bong Un, do you understand? [Yes, I understand] Even a hundred years old man, I will drive him by beating him. Even if I am being disrespectful toward the grandmother with whom I have lived together for several decades, I have to make her go forward. This is the task that we must accomplish.

Why do we have to do this? This is to enter the realm in which we can receive the highest love of God. This is in order to climb over the standard that no other religious figure has been able to cross so far, and by making devotion that no other group has done yet and by taking the form of a nation that no other nation has done. This is to have monopoly over the love of God, which He could not give toward any group, nation, or world no matter how much he desired. For this reason, this is a legitimate way of education, and legitimate strategy. Do you have any objections about that? If you perish after doing so, then you should take revenge. I have not perished even if I have been living like that up to now. (32-256)

4) We Have to Make Them Go

When you look at the teacher, from what position do you see him? You have to find a leader who says, "let you become the chosen people," and make you go forward even if that required beating you and drive you with a sword. If Moses used a sword to drive the Israelites, then even if one hundred of them are killed, all of the six hundred of them will not have been doomed.

No matter what kind of ideological crisis we face, there is no problem. That which blocks our path must be abandoned. You must desire that the leader lead you like that. If you do not go, then you will perish. So, even if by doing it this way, we have to fulfill our mission of restoring Canaan on the world level. This mission still sits on the shoulders of the Unification Church members. There has to be a leader who will make people go forward by beating them if they do not want to go. All you have to do is move forward. Only by doing so, you can become the historical victors, the standard-bearers of the time, and the pioneers of the future. (12-60)

A leader should want his followers to be fed and clothed well, however, if they are facing a crisis, they must send them out even if that means sending them to the path of misery. How frustrated must Moses have been for him to leave his people and pray for forty days? Moses knew that they were about to pass through violent storms.

Even today, I was heartbroken as I saw the members walk over. The more you feel that way, the more you should have the determination to drive them out and fulfill the ideals of the universe as soon as possible. (13-73)

Would it better to have a leader who smiles, dances and plays with you every time you meet him, or would it be better to have someone who will drive you to work harder? Which type of person is better? [One who drives us] Is that really so? [Yes] This is how it is.

This is the fate of the Unification Church. You cannot do anything about your fate. It's a fate that we have no control over. We must first fulfill it and then say something about it. We must first carry it out, and then talk. We must fulfill our responsibility before we sleep, eat, and rest. Is this a good way of guiding you? [It is a good way] Then, do you do it because you have no other choice or because you are happy to do it? [Because we are happy to do it] (97-19)

Some people say that we are self-righteous. However, absolutism and self-righteousness are linked together. For this reason, without passing through the process of highest self-righteousness, one can never have the true standard. The only question, however, is whether or not this self-righteousness can maintain eternal quality and safeguard the truth. Self-righteousness by itself is not good. Do you understand? (21-154)

4. Minister as an Exemplary Figure

1) A Minister Must Set the Example

What is the basis of an exemplary life? You have to become someone who is needed in shedding light to our history and pioneering this era, and someone who participates in the process of laying the foundation for the future. On this foundation of reality, you should bear the burden and advance forward. In this way, you need to make some accomplishment during the ten years, which can be left behind as your own possession and asset. You must understand this very clearly. (21-232)

You have the responsibility to simultaneously preach the word and raise people. You must love them. You have to nurture life in them.

The question is how to teach God correctly. You have to do the second creation, in other words, you have to create the children of God. You have to show the lifestyle of God and its standard, the parental heart.

In showing the lifestyle of God, you have to concretely show an example in your life. When you stand on the pulpit after that, you should only speak about the word of God. In order to do this, you have to be a resonant body of God. (37-281)

What does God center himself on when he advances forward? You should exert yourself completely centering on your mission and faith. Which road is God walking? It there is a path that He is walking, centering on that road, even if you are walking another road, you as the child should be concerned about the path that your father and mother are walking. Even if you are living in another place, your daily life should be spent with one heart, and isn't living with the heart that has achieved oneness with God an example to be shown before the members? When considering these questions, you cannot become traitors before the members. Not just traitor in name, you must not become a traitor in reality. (60-26)

2) A Minister is One Who Shows a Standard

Rather than doing your church activities for material pursuits, you must carry on the activities centering on the faith.

Regional leaders cannot promote progress unless they can show an example in their life of faith and lay the foundation to raise the members.

A leader is not someone who can give commands, but someone who can show the example and lay the foundation on their behalf. In other words, this is the type of person that Abel should be. Only then, you can become the representative of God and someone who can give on His behalf. This is the reason that we say that the position of Abel is where one can give on behalf of God. Is someone in the Abel position supposed to receive or give? [Give] What is the position that is supposed to receive? It is Cain. You are sure about that, right? [Yes] Then, if a leader is indebted to his members, would the group or organization develop? Would God bless it? Would God be with it? [No] Why? Why not? It is because that is not the principle. Because that is not the principle. So, Abel is protecting the Principle and walking the Principle path forever. There, Satan cannot invade. (76-337)

3) You Must Show People God and True Parents

We must even resurrect the declining communism. What is resurrection? It takes place when parents come and liberate them. Who liberates Abel? Who prevents Abel from being killed by Cain and liberates him? It is none other than God and parents. You must understand that. Who can dare to intervene when the older brother is trying to kill the younger? The archangel and older brother have become one and they are trying to kill the younger brother. The only one who can save him is True Parents and God. This is the obvious conclusion derived based on the Principle perspective. So, who is to save him?

Therefore, everyone will be liberated as long as they come to understand God and True Parents clearly. They will live again. So, you have to show them God and True Parents. As long as you can become the living proof who can show God and True Parents, all will be liberated. Do you understand? Accordingly, when one grabs on to such person, they will also be holding on to God and True Parents. They will immediately be attracted to that person because their original mind understands it. (131-52)


Section 2 - Subject and Object, Cain and Abel [Part 1]

1. Subject and Object

1) The Ideology of the Unification Church

What is the ideology of subject in the Unification Church today? It is ideology of subject centering on love, but what is the content of love? God. Then? [True Parents] It is True Parents. When the world becomes one nation, all people will hold up the ideology of true parents in place of their own parents. True Parents will go to the spirit world. In their absence, people must become one with the parents and family members on the earth. This love must never be shattered. Great disasters will take place when there is a crack in it. What happens to everything when this is cracked? You will be kicked out of the world of the Universal force.

When you depart the sphere of inclusive power of love, then you will be shattered into pieces. You will not be able to live or be welcomed anywhere. That is how it is in the society too, right? You will become an unfaithful son. When we consider that, we can see that in Western society everything is just the opposite. Because God wants to put all under the subordination of the East, He is doing that.

That cannot be done centering on the Christian culture, and the reason that it becomes like that in the last days is because since all must be put under the subordination of the East, it is to become the subject of the East. Everything is like this. Do you understand what this means? What is our ideology of the subject? [Love] What is love? God stands in the middle and in the midst of that True Parents exist, and in the middle of that your own parents dwell, and in the middle of that there are the ideal husband and wife, and in the middle of that there are ideal children. This is where the ideal family begins.

Centering on that family, that family having become the nucleus, it can be developed and expanded to become the world. The family remains as the axis. That family will not be rejected anywhere it goes inside the world environment included within the true love of God. It will be protected. If one does not meet the qualification there, one will be chased out. The universe will oppose. So, if there is no parent, then sadness will engulf you. When a wife dies, her husband will feel sorrow. The universal force will not protect them. Why do you feel grief when your child dies? It shows that you lack this.

Because you lack one section from the way that you can perfect love, because you lack the factor that can fit you in with the sphere of perfection of the ideal love, according to the amount of your inadequacy, you will be chased out by the universal fortune. That kind of person will walk along the periphery. According to the law of "Yin-Gua," if you have inherited sin and wrongdoing of your ancestors, then you will have to go outside taking them with you. Since this movement behaves much like the breathing activities of the lung, if there is anything wrong, then you will be pushed out to the outside. Do you understand?

What is the ideology of subject in our Unification Church? [Love] Love. You all understand its content, right? [Yes] Wherever you go, when you stand on a place, it will be expanded outwards to the world from there.

Our life philosophy in the Unification Church is, centering on love under the dominion of such ideology of subject, from the position of applying to the whole one decisive content of a family to lead our lives. From this perspective, what was the purpose of your lives so far? Were you struggling for money? People fight because of financial problems and then because of knowledge.

From this point of view, the concept of love that we are preaching in the Unification Church today, can be connected with the family, society, and world that have ideal content, and it began from the mentality of the ideals of creation that God desires. If that cannot only disembark but also continue till the end, because it will be expanded, it will return. It has been concentrated. It will be intensely concentrated, then be spread out, and this is how it develops on.

When you possess such mentality and lead your life, trying to make such a connection to your living environment, the will of God will be fulfilled within your living environment and progress on. Because I know this fact, I am giving you such words. Are you going to try to live this kind of life? [Yes] (164-95)

Today, don't we teach the ideology of the subject in the Unification Church? What is the ideology of the subject? The ideology of the subject has the purpose of being responsible for the whole, giving to the whole, and pioneering the path of the whole. This is the Principle perspective. Do you understand? Do you want to become the subject or the object? Which one do you want to become? If you are in a county, then you are to become the leader there. Isn't this true? [Yes] You are ones who are responsible, right?

Then, centering on the regions in the four directions, how many times have you walked around at dawn, in tears, and climbing the mountain in the village. How much did you pray for the protection of the people in the village in tears? This is where the problem is. When you shed tears, your ancestors in spirit world, saints and sages, and then God will shed tears with you. When this can take place, the road that you walk will be full of testimonies and proofs of God's work. If you cannot have a major impact in a village, county, or a city even after exerting yourself in such devoted manner for three years, I can only consider you as a false one. (81-315)

2) The Vertical Subject

Who is the vertical subject? There is none other than God who is the vertical subject. The original homeland of your conscience is God. Only after forming a family on the basis of God centering on the conscience of individuals, and then forming a tribe, people, nation, world and universe centering on God, you can be one with the vertical standard which will allow God to freely come down and go up. This vertical standard must also have give and take, right? It must revolve up and down. After making circles, a sphere will be formed.

When you go to a school, who is the vertical representative of the school? The vertical representative is the teacher who comes into the classroom. During that time, students must absolutely obey the words of the teacher. Those who gossip or complain on the side are destructive.

Now that you understand what is said on this signboard, go ahead and analyze it. What kind of qualifications am I able to meet? Can I sway and move back and forth as the family head that has brought the vertical and horizontal principles into one, or as the head of the clan or people, or as a representative of the world? God as the center of the universe will not freely move around. Even a thousand years ago or ten thousand years ago, he did not sway. He is unchanging. (148-25)

You have to have control over your conscience centering on your own individual conscience. What is the meaning of the character "tong" in Tongil (unification)? [It means to command and lead] It means to unify, in simple terms. How is unification brought about? [By leading and commanding] By leading and commanding . . . The meaning of leading is commanding from the absolute vertical position. Without the vertical standard, how can you bring unification? You are all members of Unification Church, right? Those who are members raise your hand. I am saying this because among you here there are those who are not members, at least in my eyes. Only senseless and ignorant old people casually raise their hands, without even being able to distinguish their left hand from the right.

You have to lead. What does it mean to lead? Although the four seasons change, you must uphold the unchanging vertical standard so that what you have led in spring, winter, fall, summer will not change. You cannot say, "Since spring has come, I am bored with the vertical position; how wonderful is the horizontal position. I do not like the vertical position. I will move to the horizontal position." A leader cannot behave in this way. (148-22)

3) The Responsibility of the Subject

A subject has to have a strong power of life. Otherwise, one cannot become a subject. Moreover, a subject must contain love. Without possessing love one cannot become a subject. It means that one cannot lead objects. It is the same. Unless one becomes true and truthful, one cannot become the center. Without love, one cannot become the center. Furthermore, a leader must be able to make progress and lead for eternity. Therefore, he must be true. One cannot become a leader without being connected to the true life and true love. Does this sound right?

So we come to the conclusion that although it is not easy to clarify all this at once, we must exist for the sake of others because we are trying to walk the straight path. When you live for the sake of others, when you are trying to live for the plus, then you can follow after the position of the minus or rise up to the position of the plus. Up to here, there are numerous ways of being connected to it. (133-31)

In order to become a subject, you must love. Do you understand? You must become crazy about loving. A man should not just love a woman, but by first loving the nation, standing in the position that the nation guarantees love the woman. That man is to love the woman in the position guaranteed by the world. You must understand that this is the position that we are in.

Then, you should repent. I do not exist to receive love. Members of the Unification Church are not a group whose purpose is to receive love. Its purpose it to give love. Do you understand? Since it is a group formed for the sake of giving love, because people in the world like to receive love, we will be welcomed wherever we go. Is this true? Because people in the world are a group that wants to receive love and we are a group that is trying to give love, it is natural that we will be welcome. People who stand out among them will give love. They will follow wherever we go. (59-58)

When we look at you today, the question is whether or not you have become people who possess the subjectivity and take responsibility on behalf of the dispensation. Ladies and gentlemen have you become such people? In order to possess such character, you must become revived. Otherwise, you cannot become victors. All of you will face accusation. (17-51)

As leaders you must posses independent subjectivity, and as the minister of God you must become the subject of faith. There must be progress because we are mobilizing God for our activities. I have been helping Korea, I have been helping Korea even after going to America, but . . . I have been living like that with that kind of conviction up to now. I am like that even now. (68-112)

No matter where I go, even if I go to a factory, I must become the head of the factory. How great is such conviction. Being confident that I can deal with everything is a great conviction. How great a thought is that? I know that this and that is no good, and when I meet with the president and say how his factory is, he will ask, "How did you know that?" I would then say, "How do I know? I know because I have done it before." The Washington Times won the first place in the newspaper Olympic games. At that time, in the position of the leader I have coached everything, giving orders on what to change. When you can understand this Principle and apply in your life, then you will find it surprising that doing so will grant you a world of tremendous powers in this free environment. You cannot become the weaker being.

When you consider that, I am telling you, "Do not just sit in the church but go and meet with the leaders in the region and meet with the Christian leaders," because I want you to become my second self. But without doing that, you just sit and do no work, but still consider yourself as the leader and the subject when you don't even act like a subject to others; you will perish. If you are in the subjective position, but without fulfilling your responsibility as the subject, if you still claim to be the subject then you will be ruined. There is no progress because there is no subject. For this reason, the Principle requires that leaders must put more effort than the members when they are doing their mission, Otherwise, it is a swindle. You will become thieves. You will become swindlers. (131-223)

I have traveled often all over the Korean peninsula. As soon as I arrived in America, taking forty days, I roamed all over the 48 states, saying, "Run run. My footsteps must reach there. You mountains, streams, grasses, and trees, you have been longing for me, haven't you? I am here now." Then, I visited every valley and prayed in the highest possible place . . . This is what you must do. When I open the doors and go out in some place, I feel the field greeting me and the thought emerges, "All right! I should go once. I will go. I will go even to the mountains." All things also wait for the masters. Isn't that so? If there is a dog, how much would it have waited for the owner to come out, waiting for the night to pass in the cold winter or hot summer. Even if the dog fell asleep, when the owner opens the door and comes out, it will rise up and rush toward him waving his tails. You should see in the morning. You should see if that is true or not. See how happy its expressions are . . . Do you know such things?

It is the same. As you travel over the mountains and fields you should have the attitude, "I should go and visit that valley. If there is a village in the valley where the smoke is coming from, then I should go and visit the village once. I should go there sometimes." When you go with that kind of mindset, then the ancestors in the spirit world will make the people in the household to start clean up because the VIP of heaven is coming to visit. This will take place. Do you understand? [Yes] They will see the whole thing in their dream and unconsciously say, "Is there someone there? It seems like someone is coming here."

The public sentiments are directly connected with the heart of the heaven. In the original world of the heart, there is no need for a bridge. There is no need for a messenger. You will sense somehow that someone is coming. What you think will turn out to be true. You will come to sense: "Although I am not clear who it is, but someone is coming to visit our house." If I have such an attitude then this will take place. Everyday, unconsciously you will look far beyond the mountains far away, watch the winding road and the road that disappears around the valley and wait for someone; do you think such thing will happen? Just as parents wait for the children, parents who are waiting for the child to come will also love the land where the child is. It is the same.

So, what is the responsibility of the owner? What is the responsibility of the subject? When you are hungry, they you should ask whether or not there are people in the village who are starving. If there are, then you should be prepared to save your lunch and give it to the children in that household. If you have that kind of mindset, then there is no way that you will starve. Even if you are trying to skip meals, someone will repeatedly bring food to you. This is the principle of the universe. This universe is seeking after one center. (81-297)

4) The Position of the Leader in Regards to the Principle Perspective on Life

A leader, a subject, must be responsible for the whole. He must be responsible for the whole and play the role of the guide who can lead people to good places. When he can pave the way, and lay a strong foundation so that the followers can ride on the highway, the more he does that the greater subject he is. It is very simple. It is a simple logic. Do you understand what I am saying?

When you go home and see your wife sleeping, you should be thinking, "Because I have not fulfilled my responsibility today she is behaving this way." Have you ever thought, "She is not waiting for me because I have not fulfilled my responsibility?" Suppose that she did not even make lunch and is just taking a nap. You have to think like that. You have to think like that in all personal relationships.

When a person that you are dealing with for the first time has made a mistake, then you should think about what you have given him and how much you have invested in him. Only by doing so, even if mistakes are made, you can find the universal laws of forgiveness. As the subject, you have to first greet him with a delightful heart before you expect him to do so, and if you expect him to greet you with a bright face when you yourself are not, then you are just a thief. What is a thief? A thief is taking things from someone else's field and eating it without working for it. This is the beginning of evil.

From this Principle perspective on life, did you understand clearly what it means to be in the position of a leader? Do you understand? [Yes] Those who do, please raise your hand. Please put it down. (81-305)

What kind of person is the leader, the subject? He is one who takes responsibility for the whole. After you go into a village, you should be thinking, "I came to this village as the leader. I came as a member of the Special Forces sent by God to build the kingdom of heaven and materialize heaven. What did I do as a member of the Special Forces? What did I give to the village after coming here? Did I become the subject? Did I become the object?" If you failed to become a subject but became an object, then you should be grateful that you have not been blown off by the wind and not struck by the lightening and lie dead.

You should have the attitude, "This village is better than my own village and because it is just like the homeland of hope that I have always wanted, I want to go out and meet with the people in the village. If I meet them in the morning, then I do not part with them in the evening, and if they come to visit me at my house in the evening I just want to give something more to them. I want to talk to them even through the night, and hope that they would not leave." This is how your heart should be. Why is that so? It is because you are brothers who were separated thousands of years ago. Although parents have passed away, because you are brothers who came together after thou, sands of years, tens of years, and hundreds of years, as soon as your hearts can be connected in a straight line, everything else will also be linked together.

As a leader you should never tell someone who is coming to visit you to not come. I only stay for several days, but to be honest, when people come to the headquarters and wait for me, it is a bit annoying. This time, I could not get any sleep from Japan, and last night I was so caught up in what I was doing that I did not know whether I was walking around or sitting down. Because of the jet leg, the time is just the opposite from here. When it is time to fall asleep here, it is time to wake up there; when it is time to wake up here, it is time to fall asleep there. I try to open my eyes, but they keep on closing by themselves. This is because I have not slept for several days. But I never thought that I should sleep anymore because of this. I wish that the night would pass by quickly. I am preoccupied with the concern, "How can I make them be connected to the heart of God during this time?" This is what is needed.

Therefore, when a leader fails to fulfill his responsibility, he will receive the gravest punishment in the world. It is more fearful than being locked up in the prison and having chains placed on your hands and feet. How can you stand on the pulpit without fulfilling your responsibility, and how can you talk to the people in the village without fulfilling your responsibility? You should be moved by the heart that does not know what else to do but cry in tears. This is the place that the original relationship will begin. (81-312)

5) The Mission of a Central Figure

What should the subject do? The subject has the responsibility to protect. Moreover, he has to determine the position and direction of the environment. After making the determination, he must protect and be responsible for it. (1978.3.19)

Who is the central figure? He has the responsibility to provide protection and the ability to do it. Suppose that an ugly man was standing in front of a pretty woman, then when he is facing a crisis, is he going to hide inside the armpit of the pretty woman? Think about it. Even a tall and pretty woman, would she hide inside the armpit of the ugly man if she is facing some dangerous situation? Which is the case, you ladies? No matter how tall and beautiful the woman might be, she will hide behind the man. She wants to be protected by him. This is a natural expression and reasonable behavior. The central figure must take responsibility and provide protection.

Moreover, the central figure must the lead the movement. He has to guide the way. Isn't this true? Only someone who knows the way can guide it; how can someone who does not lead the way? Isn't this so? A lady has a doctorate degree while a man only graduated from the elementary school. However, when they are climbing a mountain, does the doctor lady walk in the front or does the man with elementary education lead the way? In general, if there are ten men, then all ten will ignore the lady and try to lead the way at the front. Isn't this how it is? The central figure has the responsibility to lead. Toward what? Toward the good place.

Who is the central figure of the Unification Church? [True Parents] Don't say True Parents, but say teacher. It is the same logic. This teacher takes responsibility for everything in the Unification Church, whether it is good or bad. Among the members of the Unification Church there are many that are older than I am and better than me. Although I am not that unworthy. Only by doing so, I won't doze off. It is easier to doze off when there are many people. From this perspective, you should tell someone both good bad things right away? If someone does not seek the consultation of others just because he is the leader, he is a false one. Since the center of the four limbs and all organs is the head, everything must be passed through the head. That which does not pass through has already lost its life. It has no value in its existence. Therefore, a central figure must 1. Take responsibility, 2. Know how to provide protection, and then 3. Know how to lead. (173-346)

The center is supposed to be responsible for the whole. The center must know how to give everything. The center must take responsibility and know how to protect. (134-317)

Viewing centering on man and woman, husband and wife are the same. They are the same when they like each other. However, although they are equal on the horizontal standard, on the vertical standard, who sets the standard for an even balance? It is not the woman, but the man. It is man. For this reason, man stands on the right side and the woman stands on the left.

The subject must protect the object. He has the responsibility to protect. Then what does he have to do? He has to lead. He must point out the direction, which will lead to the right way. So should the wife listen to the words of husbands or not? [They should listen] If the husband behaves like a dog, aware only about the horizontal standard, and believes in himself more than God and thinks that he is absolute, then you do not have to obey him. However, if he listens to his conscience, is concerned about the family, society, and nation, then the wife must try to be in harmony with him. She has to follow her husband. (148-17)

6) The Creation of the Realm of Object Centering on the Subject

Look. There were people who had joined the Unification Church who said, "I graduated from a certain college and coming from the intellectual class, I am intelligent and wise; therefore I do not wish to suffer like Rev. Moon." But who is the more intelligent, knowledgeable and wise? Seeing the result now, all of them fell down and became those fallen leaves, but Rev. Moon, who they thought would fall down, became the branch at the top that bore fruits. Although they fell down, Rev. Moon became someone that the world admires.

How did this come about? It is because I know that there exists the subject-object relationship in the environment, and because I go through the changing process of development that can benefit the subject and object. Because I have this philosophical perspective on life and perspective on the way that the universe operates, although I may seem to be declining, but actually I am making progress. I can only progress. Unless my theory is wrong, I will surely advance.

Therefore, the original mind knows. God is the powerful plus. For this reason, if Rev. Moon is destined to become the medium through whom one can seek God, then one's conscience will naturally be drawn to him and think of him. It will approach it continuously. The body moves toward me continuously. This is the action that will take place. (131-222)

No one will oppose religious leaders like me for going to a bar. In order to take care of all the people there, you must first deal with the subject there. Moreover, since what the subject needs is the object, in order to lure them out, you have to excel the best person there in doing something; this is the way to lure them out naturally. Viewing from the perspective of, shall we say, the philosophical perspective of social science, how did the Unification Church develop so far? You have to understand it has been making progress by applying this type of principle.

Since God links the relationship between subject and object through the history of re-creation, when you stand as a man to represent God, then you have to recreate. You must recreate centering on these principles. Then, what do you have to do? You have to recreate a realm of reciprocity. As you meet someone, if you pour all your heart and effort to create the realm of object in the environment that accords with your own field, then you can stand on the theoretical foundation of eternal existence.

Then, in the process of doing that, what do you center on? You are not to center on Rev. Moon. You are to do it from the position of subject centering on the heart of God during the creation, the standard of heart that seeks to complete the ideals of love and purpose of love. When this can be done, you can naturally obtain the power that would enable the hearts of subjects with original nature to be absorbed into the realm of the subject's heart of faith, despite the fall. This is how they will be connected. Do you understand? In order to make the realm of object in that environment, you have to pour all of your main effort and energy twenty four hours a day, just as how God was carrying on the creation process.

In this way, you are to make the realm of reciprocity on the individual level and then on the family level. This is the original way. The environment on the family level I am talking about, it is not the family inside the realm of the fall during the historical era of the world, but the family that was to be created centering on God. If you stand as the subject on the standard position centering on the family, this will allow the formation of the realm of reciprocity and environment on the foundation of family centered on God, and create the domain of tribes. (135-177)

The way to safeguard the battlefront of unification is not surpassing oneself and making it possible for God to help. In other words, it is not having the force of heaven put into oneself, but it is creating the conditions for the force to be put into the object on one's own account. You must understand that this is how the protection of the environment that you are in is secured. For this reason, you have to believe that you are always one with God. You should think that when you go out witnessing, you should go with God. When you speak you should speak together with God. When you are eating meals or sleeping, or whatever you do, you must have the mindset that you are living intimately with God. This type of person -- if one lives such life -- then when you meet a sad person, you will automatically become sad. You can feel what God is feeling. This is having the actual experience of God. You have to enter this realm of experience.

So, when you go to certain town or village, you can immediately sense what the village is like. When you go to a high place in the village to pray and sing, people from the village will come up, those who share your cause. The fundamental Principle is that whenever there is perfect plus, the perfect minus will emerge.

When you do business, sell flowers, or whatever you do, even witnessing, if you do it with prayer and a devotional heart, then it will be revealed to you. You will be shown what kind of person you will meet. When you set out witnessing, you will want to mysteriously go to a place that you have not even thought about before. If you go there, you will meet someone whom God loves. You cannot deny the existence of God when you are having this kind of experience. (69-288)


Section 2 - Subject and Object, Cain and Abel [Part 2]

2. Cain and Abel

1) Cain and Abel in the History of the Dispensation

You may think that when Cain and Abel both made an offering, God's position of receiving the offering of Abel was different from His position of rejecting the offering of Cain, but this is not true. If there were even a trace of willingness in Cain to go through Abel, who represented God, then God would have surely accepted the offering. Although there may have been a difference in regards to when, God tried to deal with them fairly. (3-205)

If Cain did not really care about the offering that he made to God, then it would not have mattered to him so much whether or not God received the offering of Abel. However, what made him furious and resentful was the thought that his devotion was less than that of Abel. Cain must have thought that the devotion with which he prepared the offering was at least equal to, if not better than that of Abel. Don't you think this is how it was? It is human nature to want one's own to be received first, even if the offering had the same content and was made from the same position.

Cain cannot complain if Abel's offering deserved to be accepted. If they can be compared, how can he raise a complaint? However, won't he complain if the offering was not accepted, even if they were offered from the equal positions? Therefore, you have to be better when you are exerting yourself. You have to offer it after preparing the devotional heart that is better than the offering.

When you look at it centering on Abel, Abel made the offering with the same degree of devotion as Cain. However, because Abel was on the side of God from the beginning point God accepted it. For this reason, Abel should have been grateful and humble even if God accepted his offering. Then would Cain have tried to kill him? Nevertheless, since God only received his offering, Abel must have expressed great joy to the extent that aroused intense feeling of jealousy in Cain. It would have been good if he just kept the feeling of happiness to himself and not expressed it, but he boasted to his older brother. Don't you also want to boast about some happy events in your life? Don't you want to brag about it? Similarly, Abel must have boasted to his brother. In the process, he must have gone overboard and said, "God did not receive older brother's offering and just accepted mine. Therefore, I am better than my older brother." Thus, Cain's face must have grown red, and he must have felt intense anger. It is reasonable to have this kind of thought.

Abel should not have bragged that he felt happy because he received the blessing from God. Instead, when he received the blessing, he should have realized his shortcomings and said, "Older brother, I am sorry." If he did that, would Cain have beaten him to death? He probably would not have killed him. This is the mistake of Abel. (34-51)

Do you like Abel or do you like Cain? [Abel] I like neither Cain nor Abel. Why? Abel made the offering together with his older brother Cain, so even when God accepted only his offering and rejected his older brother's, he should have been nice to his older brother. He should have been more considerate toward his brother. What do you think God would have done if at that moment Abel wept and make a havoc protesting, "Father, why did you only receive my offering?" and then go to his older brother and say, "I dislike God who only accepted my offering." God would have had to love Cain for sure.

Cain and Abel probably made the same preparation to make the offering to God. Cain prepared grains and Abel prepared lamb for one year, and with greatly devout attitude they offered them. It is good that they both put in great effort. However, without considering the question of who put in more effort, and just looking at the question of receiving or rejecting the offering, God accepted the offering of Abel because He had to.

However, since God accepted only his offering, Abel thought that this was because he was better and God only liked him. Thus, he must have bragged to his older brother, "Older brother, see, my offering was accepted." This must be what he did. Otherwise, why should Cain, who did not do anything, grow red in his face? Do you think this took place even when Abel did not do anything? For sure, Abel went before Cain to mock him, "What are you. My offering was received." Abel must never be arrogant. He must be humble. For this reason, he deserved to be beaten to death. There was no choice but to be beaten to death.

Unification Church members have to become Abels, right? [Yes] Then have you become Abels yet? Perhaps you are in the process of becoming one, but you are repeating the mistakes of Abel who was beaten to death. If you act arrogantly and say, "What is a Christian minister? How did the Fall take place? What? It was committed by eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? You ministers cannot solve these questions without us, right?" If you do that, then Unification Church will face difficulties. Did you do this or not? I told you not to do so, but you have been doing it anyway outside. (34-272)

After the offering was made, Cain hated and beat Abel to death when he found out that God only received the offering of Abel, but you have to understand that even from when they were making preparations for the offering, Cain held grudges against Abel. It is not the case that he beat Abel because he was suddenly overwhelmed with hatred when God did not receive his offering, but rather, even before that took place, Cain felt the hatred that wanted to kill Abel.

What do you, who have inherited this fallen lineage, have to do to climb over the hill of universal sorrow? Now, you are not to build the attar that will set the condition of unfaithfulness and conflict before God, but build the victorious altar of Able that can return glory and happiness to heavenly father.

For this reason, your life today must not be limited to yourself. It is a life to be led on behalf of the whole. The times that you lie down before God and the lifestyle that is centered on the principle, your life must not be limited to these moments and lifestyle. This is where it is determined whether one stands in the position of Abel or Cain. In other words, you stand at the incredible historical crossroads where you might easily become either Cain or Abel.

Knowing this, you should be able to distinguish, centering on the church, who is the Cain figure and who is the Abel figure. If there are two people, one of them is certainly Abel and the other is Cain. If there are three people, then two people might be Cain or Abel, but what you must understand is that there is always the most central Abel and Cain, and you should be able to distinguish them clearly.

Moreover, Cain and Abel must never be separated. One side is the right hand and the other side is the left hand. Accordingly, you must have a faithful heart to understand that God is your God as well as the other's God. God not only loves you but also loves the other. Then, you must always seek and serve the Abel type figure and try your best to avoid the position of Cain. You must clearly understand that unless you can become such person, one-day God will surely judge you.

When we look at the Unification Church today, there is also Cain and Abel. So, God reveals His words through Abel and wishes that every one will become one with the Abel. However, there is one person that prevents this unity with the Abel, and this is Satan. For this reason, in order for you to lead the right life of faith, you have to be able to discuss everything with someone who is more Abel-like than you are and become one with him. (3-206)

The fact that we, the Unification Church, are raising the issue of Cain and Abel shows that the era of Jesus has passed. Moreover, when we talk about Cain and Abel who can stand in front of the parents, we are talking about the restored Adam's family, in other words, the position of brothers that is not invaded by Satan. Do you understand what I am saying?

I told you that in order to stand in the position of Abel you must find Abel. Then, what did God do to find Cain? God carried on the dispensation on the national level by putting Jesus in the Abel position in order to find the Cain figure through Jesus. For this reason, there is a Cain type nation, Cain type religious denomination, Cain type tribe, Cain type family, and Cain type individual. (34-54)

2) What You Need to Become Abel

Abel has to take on the most important mission in the course of restoration. The reason that the position of Abel has been created was because of the fall. If there was no fall, then there was no need for the creation of the Abel figure for the dispensation.

Establishing Abel cannot be done with Abel alone. Before Abel comes into being, there must be a Cain. The first prerequisite for Abel is Cain. Abel cannot become Abel without Cain. Moreover, in order for Abel to be chosen as the true Abel figure, he needs a preparation period. In other words, he needs a period during which whether or not he can stand on the side of God is decided. In our Unification Church we call this time the period to establish the foundation of faith, but this is the period during which offering is made.

The meaning of making an offering is mending and linking through the heart of faith the separation between God and man, and it also means building a relationship externally. For this reason, without achieving this, one cannot become an offering. We know that a sacrifice always exists for the sake of one who makes the offering and the one who offers it. We know that this process of sacrifice has been extended through the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Completed Testament. (56-74)

In order to become Abel, one needs Cain. Abel cannot become Abel alone. Cain is absolutely needed. However, among Cain figures, there are those on God's side and those on Satan's side. For Jesus, John the Baptist was the Cain on God's side. Restoration was possible because John the Baptist was made the Cain figure on God's side. Isn't this true? [Yes] Cain on the satanic side will bite and hit. This is the fundamental Principle and the original nature of Satan.

In order for you to become Abel, you must first become one with God and then have Cain. Then who is Cain? Who is your Cain? In order for Cain to rise to the position of Cain, he has to start from the position of servant of servant, then rise to the positions of servant, adopted son, and then son. The son here will not receive accusations. Only by passing through this position can he rise to the position of Cain who can stand before God. However, Cain alone cannot rise to such a position. Someone must raise him up. Then who is to raise him up? The one who raises him up does the mission of messiah. Then on whose behalf is he raised up? He is to be raised in place of father. In other words, he is to be raised in place of God's heart. For this reason, you can raise Cain only when you have a parental heart.

In order to become Abel, you must look for Cain. You cannot become Abel before finding Cain. Accordingly, standing in the position representing God, you have to pass through the position of servant of servant and the position of adopted son to rise to the position of son. By doing so, you have to set the condition of having subjugated Cain centering on Abel. Only then you can complete your responsibility as the son who can stand before God, and from there when you stand on the position that Cain cooperates, then you can move toward the position of parent. Do you understand what I am saying?

Therefore, the purposes of your witnessing activities are first to create a Cain figure, and then to establish the Abel position. So, you who witness from the Abel position stand as the representative of God. Moreover, centering on God and on behalf of Jesus, you are restoring what the ancestors did not fulfill in the period when the position of servant was being restored. By doing so, you are to progress on, from the era of Adam to the eras of Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Only after arriving at the period of Jesus will Cain and Abel will be determined. Before the era of Jesus, all stand in the position of adopted sons. (34-53)

Now, the rule to decide the Abel figure . . . In determining the Abel figure, who has the first responsibility? [Heavenly father] Then? [Good spirits] After that? [Angels] Next? [Satan] You heard this for the first time?

Why is this so? When Satan accuses, saying, "He has no qualifications to become Abel," then it cannot be done. Satan is very clear about what conditions a man has to set to become Abel. When Satan argues, "He should be like this and like that, but he has not set such conditions," what can God say? Can He assert, "You Satan! I say I am going to do it; who are you to object?" [He cannot] When the prosecuting attorney makes the accusation before the judge, "This person committed such and such crimes," can the judge say, "You! I am making the decision; who are you to raise your voice?" Can he do that? [No] It is the same thing. God is the judge and Satan is the prosecuting attorney who makes the accusations. It is the same. Then, who plays the role of the defense lawyer? It is the good ancestors and angels. It is the good ancestors and angels who have been restored like us that play this role.

However, can you make the decision? Can you insist, "God! Ancestors! Angels! Satan! Since I have chosen myself as Abel, you should recognize me." Can you do this yourself? [No] You can stand on the side of Abel. You must clearly understand that you can stand on the Abel side but you cannot become the Abel figure on the side of Abel. You have to be clear about this. Do you understand what I am talking about? [Yes]

In order to be chosen as Abel, you have to be called upon by God. It must be that chosen when God decrees, "You, so and so, you have to fulfill this mission," then you say, "Yes." If God calls upon you like that, then your good ancestors who stand on the side of God will be happy or not? [They will be happy] (89-121)

What does Abel have to do? First he has to become one with God, and second he has to love the archangel. He must win the archangel's recognition. The archangel must acknowledge, saying, "You are truly the son of God, and therefore the heir apparent." At this moment, the person in the position of archangel is Cain, and one in the position of Adam is Abel. You have to understand this clearly.

Are you Abel or Cain? [Abel] Have you become Abel? You cannot become Abel unless you receive the love of God, yet are you receiving the love of God? Do you think that you are? Have you ever said to your hands as you look at them, "This hand is receiving the love of God. How beautiful it is." Have ever felt, "God loves every part of my body." Have you ever felt, "Inside my blood and flesh, God's blood and flesh exists, and in my love, the life element of God operates." You have to be able to feel this kind of feeling. However, all of you are not like that. Do you understand?

What do you have to do first? You must understand this clearly. First, you must receive the love of God; second, you must love the archangel. You must be able to do both of these things.

False parents came into being because man fell. For this reason, they are to be divided between Cain and Abel to carry on the work of restoration. In other words, restoration is done with Abel as the representative of Adam and Cain as the representative of the archangel.

Then what do you have to do to become Abel? First, I have said that you must become one in heart with God. When you become one in heart and are pleasing to God, then God cannot but love you. Moreover, because you become God's child when your heart becomes one with His, He will give you specific commands in your life, "You should live like this and do like that." Then would you follow the directions? [We must follow] You must follow the orders to fulfill God's purpose. By doing so, your unity of heart will be manifested as external oneness. You have to understand these principles clearly. (34-85)

Where is the position of Cain and Abel decided. This is the crucial problem. Cain and Abel will not be decided in some good and comfortable position.

Why do we need Cain and Abel? Think about it. They are needed for the sake of the restoration through indemnity. Isn't this so? Then, what do we have to do to undertake the restoration through indemnity? We have to become a sacrifice. (34-91)

Where does God decide upon the Abel figure? He makes the choice at the place where Satan cannot accuse. Then, what is the position where Satan will not accuse? It is the position where unity with God is achieved, yet this position is not a position of joy, but the most sorrowful and difficult position. In other words, in the position where one is willing to die, in the most miserable position, there you can become one with God. (34-51)

For the Principle perspective, what is Abel? He is the center. God has to enter the middle of the center. However, have you become Abel? [We have not] Why have you not? In order to become Abel, one must obey. One must obey God and become one with Him. In order to become one with God, must you do everything that God tells you to do? [We must] You cannot be an Abel unless you can do all that God tells you to do. Even if you did ninety-nine percent of them, if you fail to do the last one, you cannot become the Abel figure. (34-46)

When I ask you, "Have you become individual Abel?" -- in order for you to become Abel, you need three Cain figures. Then, when I ask, "Who is your Cain?" you should be able to say, "My Cain is so and so." Then, this kind of individual can indemnify horizontally the vertical history centering on that Cain. For this reason, in regards to this vertical standard, if that kind of individual stands on the central position, then through that one person, horizontal indemnity can be carried out; however, if you cannot become that kind of individual, then you must pass through three eras, three stages.

For this reason, the ones you can present as shields before heaven as "so and so" when you are asked for your Cain, are what we in the Unification Church call the spiritual children. Three spiritual children are not enough. With three sons, you must lay the foundation of a family. When you have formed a family, you can enter the kingdom of heaven. (56-98)

Now, when we talk about Cain and Abel in the Unification Church, is it correct to say, "I am Abel because I joined first?" [Not correct] This would instead cause him to become Satan. He might easily become Cain. Those who joined the Unification Church first are those who might easily become the vanguard of satanic side.

Then, the only one with the qualification to become Abel is one who has the victorious foundation of having become Abel. In the Unification Church, those who are born first are Cain, and those who came out later are Abel. Accordingly, if one who joined first can command angels like God and become like Adam who did not fall, then he can always be Abel; however, those who assert their position and fail to show example in regards to the will of God, will all become Cain. This is the way things are tied together in Unification Church, but even if you look at the world after dividing it centering on the Unification Church, you will find that because this world came out first, it is Cain. This is how we see it. In other words, we can be the Abel side.

Now, when you look at the external world, you will find that there is also Cain and Abel here. Among evil people, there are those who are more evil, and those who are less evil; there are Cain and Abel. Even in the external world, democratic world and the communist world are fighting, and in the internal world, the Unification Church is fighting with the Christian Churches . . . This kind of phenomena will take place. Christianity is older brother and we are younger brother. Christianity who came first is the older brother, so it is in the Cain position; we are younger brothers, and for this reason they must submit to the younger brother. If they don't, then they will be cut off. (76-329)

3) Who is Abel and who is Cain

Among the members of Unification Church today, there are those crazy ones who say, "I am Abel because I joined earlier and those who joined later are Cain; so you should serve me!" There are many such crazy people. What kind of person is Abel? Abel is one who lives according to the will of God. One who is more public is Abel. You have to understand this. Who is Cain? He stands on the side of Satan. Who is Satan? Satan starts off from selfish thoughts. Abel begins from thinking not about himself but about God. You should understand this.

Even if you joined earlier, one who is satisfying one's own greed is Cain. One who thinks about oneself first is Cain. This kind of person must be chased out. This is the Principle that I use when I am dealing with people.

No matter how long one has been in the church, if one is living selfishly, I completely ignore him or her. I cannot do anything about it now, but when the time comes, I will tell him to pack up and leave. You are not Abel just because you joined earlier. Do you understand? One who pursues personal agendas more is Cain and one who thinks more about the public matters and heaven than about oneself is Abel. You have to understand this clearly. (58-68)

In deciding upon the brotherly order among the members of the Unification Church, one who joined first stands in the Abel but is at the same time also Cain, and one who joined later is in the position of Cain but is also Abel simultaneously. (24-348)

Centering on the Cain-Abel problem . . . You might say, "I am the regional leader, area leader or district leader sent by the headquarters, so you should listen to me." But, this is not how it is. This is God's side and that is Satan's side, so would Satan's side listen to you? He won't. To make him listen to you, you must put in three times more effort. When you put in three times more effort, then a third of that will return. Why is this? Since the number of completion arrived at after passing through the formation and growth stage belongs to God, so in order to save Cain in the course of restoration today, we are to put in three time the effort to take one. This is how it is. However, ignorant of this Principle, you just order people and do not know how to receive orders. This attitude is wrong.

This is not how the principles of Cain and Abel are. Abel is supposed to shed blood and tears . . . The difference is that he is shedding tears to open the way through which Cain can survive. This is where the precious thing, the foundation of victory is. You are the same. How much did all of you fulfill the responsibility of Abel for the sake of the members? Sacrificing for the sake of that one life . . . You must reflect and answer to yourself the question, "How much you have exerted yourself to raise the life of one person considering it as the ultimate goal of your life?" (70-149)

Among the members of the Unification Church, ones who assert themselves are all Cain. Wasn't Cain born first? Abel was not one who was born first. Because one who was born first is Cain, those who think of themselves highly just because they joined early and scorn those who joined later are people who have inherited the lineage of the Cain tribe. These types of people have to receive training all over again in the spirit world. There is no other way. You just wait and see.

I will not use the service of those who assert themselves just because they joined earlier. If I were to use them, then we will surely be ruined. This type of person stands on the side of Satan.

For this reason, you are to respect people until the end; you are to love and revere people until the end. Those who sleep until late in the morning, despite my waking them up at dawn, will all be chased out. You have to understand that there exist such principles. Do you understand?

Among the members of the Unification Church, what kind of person is Cain? Those who raise their heads high and order others around are Cain. Then who is Abel? Those who are trying to complete their responsibility are Able. Do you understand? [Yes] Despite the fact that those who joined first are originally Cain, they try to act like Abel. This is like falling into a trap set by oneself. For that kind of person, no matter what he does and how hard he tries, unless he does things according to the principle, I will not use him. (49-214)

What kind of being is Abel and what kind of being is Cain? According to our Divine Principle, the being called Cain is one who tries to put the burden of his problem and concerns on the shoulders of others. While Abel is one who is trying to reach out and take care of problems of others even if he himself is also facing difficulties. That is the difference. (62-189)

What kind of person is Abel? He is one who receives God's love first, then sets on doing the mission to the degree that equals the love, and then makes contributions to the dispensation as much as the love he received. Because Abel received the love of God, he must even sacrifice himself in order to walk the way of dispensation. He has no other alternative but to move forward because he has the duty to establish the reciprocal foundation to receive love that is equal to the foundation of dispensation, even if he has to offer up his life. This world is not a world of correspondence but a world of conflict. The fact that we still hope to destroy the world of conflict and build a world of correspondence shows that the world is not the world that we have now. The new era is going to dawn upon us. (51-82)

What kind of person is Abel? He is one who is liked in any environment. Who likes him then? God must first like him and then the environment must like him. When reflecting with this perspective, we can understand that Abel did not fulfill his responsibility to the full extent in Adam's family.

Suppose that two people hold intense animosity toward each other, as if toward an enemy, and no longer able to hold it in, they get into a fight. Among the two, what kind of person will prevail at the end? Here, revenge is not an ironclad rule. If on the other side of revenge there is a condition, a room for forgiveness, then there can be no excuse for undertaking revenge. Everything will be absorbed when it comes before something that is better. Here, which one is the subject and which one is the object? That which is better is subject and that which is worse is the object.

Then, what kind of person is one who is trying to become a good person? He is one who has established the absolute standard before God, the absolute being. Within that absolute standard, the world, nation, and people as well as all the institutions and ideologies of the society will be included. This is how it should be. You must create the absolute environment in which this can take place. You have to become someone who has the capacity to give and extend oneself, regardless of what society and system you are in. (34-233)

Up until now, you have failed to understand the tactics of God and Satan. The road of Abel is being hit first and then taking it away. At first, it seems that Satan is winning because he is striking first, but in the end, he has to return everything adding unto it all that is good in him. Do you understand what I am saying? For the evil side, even if it conquers others, it will not be triumphant; instead, even the goodness within the evil will be seized. In other words, the way God works is much like how God strikes rice cake and then hands it over, but then when He takes it back, there is powdered beans added on top of the rice cake. For a short period evil flourishes and stands in the position to strike goodness, but that does not mean that heaven will decline.

Then you have to understand how to distinguish Cain and Abel. Even among the Unification Church members, if there are two people, then among the two there is Cain and Abel. To define which one is Cain and which one is Abel, the one who is struck is Abel and one who strikes is Cain. Even if you call out rudely to someone who has brought no harm to you, you become a Cain. Let's take an example and say that there are two sons before parents, and the age difference between the two is quite substantial. However, even if for consultation or in any other aspect the older brother can act on behalf of the parents, if the older brother hits the younger, that is without any fault, then the parents will stand on the side of the younger son. People do not understand that this is the criterion for judging good and evil that applies to today's society. The one who is harming others always becomes the Cain figure.

Among the Unification members, if you mock one who is working hard and exhibiting great devotion for the sake of the church, "Why does he act so special?" then you become Cain. You must understand this. This is how Cain and Abel set themselves apart from each other. One who is being criticized and being harmed without having committed any sin is always Abel, while one who criticizes and strikes others always becomes Cain.

This is how it is even when saying just one word. Even when you are speaking, one who speaks words that are beneficial is Abel, and one who speak words that harm others is Cain. In other words, when you benefit someone you are not striking him, but when you are doing something for someone for your own sake, it is the same as harming the other person. For this reason, the public position is the place whose purpose is to benefit others, and the private position is the place where one lives for the sake one's own benefit. In this way, centering on public and private, Cain and Abel as well as good and evil are differentiated. You have to understand this. (56-85)

One who is more public-minded is Abel. Among the members of the Unification Church, there are those who believe that they are Abel because they joined first, but even if they joined early, if they cannot be public-minded, then they are Cain. They are Cain for sure. Cain was born first, but because he could not be more public than Abel could, he had to follow Abel. There might be those among the members of Unification Church who insist just because they joined early, "Because I joined early, I am Abel." However, what are those who cannot be more public-minded than those who joined later? [Cain] They are Cain. If they claim to be Abel, then they are thieves. The Abel figure is one who stands in more public position. (31-165)

Within the Unification Church, you are all linked up together as Cain and Abel. According to the principle, we have to restore the individual, family, tribe and people, but if you try to make horizontal relationships, then you will come into conflict with one another. Even while you are like that, you have to silently cast your head down and live for the sake of others.

Therefore, there are many people who seem to be apathetic to each other. However, you have to understand that one who sacrifices for the sake of the whole is the Abel. Do you understand. No matter how early you joined, that is all of no use. Because the vertical history is composed in the three stages of formation, growth, and completion, the horizontal history also is composed of the three stages, formation, growth, and completion. The time period can be shortened or extended. You have to understand this. (49-217)

You will naturally come to admire me because I have offered my life to sacrifice more for the sake of the public cause than for my own benefit and invested the materials and quantity. This is the principle. This is the heavenly fortune.

When you go back this time, I hope that you can become someone whose memory will dwell in the hearts of many people. This is the only way that you can become Abel. Do you understand? The will of Abel will not be realized in the rebellious position, but when one sincerely bows the head down and lives for the sake of others. This is how one is connected to the foundation for the perfection of Abel.

The restoration of the worldwide kingdom of heaven cannot come into being unless the foundation for the perfection of Abel on the individual level, family level, tribe or people level, national and world level can be linked up. We who understand this must apply this Principle centering on each day regardless of night and day, and for the sake of the development of this fundamental principle, we have to be on the run without rest. We can say that this type of person is a man of God. Do you understand? (64-81)


Section 2 - Subject and Object, Cain and Abel [Part 3]

2. Cain and Abel

4) Cain and Abel Relationships Among Members

There are Cain and Abel among the members of the Unification Church, and those who joined first are Cain, so it is they who stand in the important position. So, who is the person that joined the church first? The one who joined the earliest is I. Is there anyone who joined it before me? Therefore, I am Cain. Even if you ask God about it, he will agree. However, I do not force you into serving me, telling you, "You serve me, all of you, come here." I leave you to decide to do it if you want to and not do it if you do not. The only thing is that I teach you correctly. You have to know that the summer wind that blows before the autumn wind is scarier.

When we look at the members of the Unification Church and ask the question who the Abel is, horizontally those who joined earlier are Abel while vertically those who joined recently are Abel. In the vertical and horizontal relationships, the horizontal must be attentive to the vertical and not the other way around. This is how it will become.

When we look at God and man, man must be more attentive toward God than God is attentive toward man. The history of dispensation, that is supposed to value this tradition, is the formula course. The reason that I am putting the thirty-six couples through the course of suffering is because I do not want them to be accused for violating this law. I left all the Unification Church members alone but sent all the blessed couples out to walk the path of suffering. I did it so that they can fulfill their responsibility as Abel. They are to complete their responsibility as Abel centering on the Unification Church.

By doing so, they are to prepare all four directions. You are not to live according to your own wishes but according to my words, and follow that path that I am walking on. I am not telling you to do otherwise. You are to inherit the tradition of the Unification Church. You are supposed to do as I do. I have abandoned my family and parents to walk this path. This is what you must also do. Do you understand? You must be obedient while walking this path.

What is the secret to becoming the Abel figure? It is safeguarding the tradition. One who does not rebel even when one is facing death is to become Abel. You have to understand this. Jesus is said to be the young lamb, right? Therefore, even if you are poked, you must not rebel. (49-214)

Are you leaders Cain or Abel? You are Cain before me. All of you agree and say, "I want Teacher to be my older brother," right? In order for me to be the Teacher, I have to care for and love you more than I love myself. This is the principle. This is true wherever you are. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes] Looking at it horizontally, you are to stand in the front. Do you understand? Horizontally, you are to surpass the satanic world. You are to stand in the position where you have the condition of having being born first. However, looking at it vertically, you are Abel who stands below me. You stand in the position of having been born later. So, I have to be absolutely one with God. Having achieved the oneness, Cain and Abel must become one.

This is the Principle. It is vertical and Principle. Since God exists first He is the oldest and I am the younger son. Moreover, in the Unification Church, I am the oldest son and all who joined the church are younger sons. This is to say that the vertical standard has the Principle form while the horizontal standard becomes the possession of Satan. It will be the opposite. You have to understand this clearly. The vertical standard has the Principle shape. Do you understand?

Vertically, I stand in the position of the oldest son while you stand in the position of younger sons. Horizontally, you stand in the position of the older sons while I stand in the position of younger son. Therefore, in order to restore you, I must serve. This is the principle. It will become the opposite. So, you can come in here only when you complete your responsibility horizontally. Only when you become completely one with me vertically and horizontally, you can enter the position of Abel.

So, vertically you are in the position of older brother and horizontally you are in the position of the younger brother. The members will be in the position of the older son, because they are on the side of Satan. If you do not carry this out faithfully, then all will become twisted. Do you understand?

In other words, like the relationship between you and me, even in the relationship between you and the members, vertically you stand in the position of older brother while the members are in the position of younger brother; for this reason, they can be governed automatically. You can have dominion over them, but in the outside world when you deal with them horizontally you cannot govern them. You stand in the position of Abet while members stand in the position of Cain. It will become the opposite. For this reason, in order to restore them, the leader must go through the course of indemnity of Abel on their behalf. Otherwise, the restoration will not be accomplished.

What that means is that, those members who pledge to maintain absolute faith can be governed as you see fit because they are within you, but those who joined recently must go through the course of restoration through indemnity. From the vertical position, you can treat them as younger brothers from the position of the older brother, but this is not the case when you are in the horizontal position. If you do not lead them through the process of restoration through indemnity when they fail to become one, they do not have any other way to return. It is the same.

For this reason, as soon as one joins the church, all that one has, all the belongings including the body and mind must be offered to the Abel, and say, "I offer even my love to you." This is the only way to become one. Is that easy to do? You cannot become the son before you become completely one with God and me. You cannot stand in the position of the son. Before you become completely one, there is no Abel position. There is no place for you to stand.

So, after you stand on firm ground you have to raise people in the four directions. This is where the twelve tribes come from. Because there are twelve months, twelve tribes must be formed. They must completely submit and become one horizontally in give and take with each other. Just as there are twelve months on the earth to make up a year, even in the spirit world, there are twelve such doors. This is where the twelve tribes originate. If you cannot match the twelve directions in number, then you must create the four-position foundation in four directions. This is not the degrees that indicate the three-dimensionality of the four directions, but represent the twelve directions and twelve months. You have to prepare on all four directions by perfecting the four-position foundation.

By doing so, Jesus secured three disciples centering on him to form the four directions. Centering on this, he raised twelve disciples. This is the reason why in the Unification Church, you are told to witness to three people for the blessing. Without this, you won't have the foundation of the number four and therefore you cannot possess the right to indemnity conditions. Do you understand what this means? You do not even understand this. You are trying to do restoration through indemnity and work of restoration and so forth. If you don't understand this, all your attempts are in vain. Your lives of faith all stand in the position of Satan. (116-266)

5) The Mission of Abel

We have learned about Cain and Abel problems in the Principle. Abel is supposed to separate himself from Satan or from Cain. After that, entering the realm of God's love, by experiencing the sorrow of God and the older brother, we are supposed to make the determination to sacrifice our lives in their place, and save the older brother even if that means putting our lives on the line and offering our life. However, during this process, Cain murdered Abel.

The members of the Unification Church understand the Divine Principle. So the members stand in the position of Abel. For this reason, you must first be able to fight against Satan, and separate yourself from the satanic world. This means that you have to enter the realm of God's love. However this is not all. From that moment, you have to be willing to sacrifice yourself in order to resolve the sorrowful heart of God and the brothers and sisters who are chained to the satanic world. You must try to save them from the satanic world by offering your life and sacrifice as the ransom. The dispensation of restoration will move forward from the moment Abel sacrifices himself. This is the formula that you must remember. This must become one unit of the dispensation of God. (52-52)

What does Abel have to do now? Since Abel cannot go without Cain, he must look for Cain. In a family, who is the most representative Cain figure? As long as you can subjugate this Cain figure then all the rest will also submit to you. Should you conquer the most evil of all Cains or overcome the least evil Cain? [The most evil Cain] Ha ha ha. Why? Why? This is because the more evil one is, the more objects one governs. Would it be easy to conquer him? [Difficult] (76-333)

Who must Abel love? [Cain] Abel must love Cain. He must subjugate him naturally with love. He must stand in the position of loving them with blood and tears. He must give love that is the loftiest. Other wise Cain will not relinquish, and thus restoration cannot be carried out. We must do this for the sake of the Christian church, the Korean nation, and North Korea. This is the reason that I am praying for North Korea right now. (34-283)

Before you love Abel, you must love the archangel, and after loving Cain should you love Abel. This is the Principle. The archangel became Satan, and the older brother is Satan. Therefore, Abel must love Satan. You must love God also. This is important. This is what everything depends on. It is here.

Without love, Satan will not leave. The Christianity of today does not even dream about how to separate Satan and the satanic world. Why would Christianity perish when it preaches, "By faith, with the help of the cross we will receive salvation?" Satan must be separated and Cain must be made to submit. The question is how Abel will take care of these two problems.

What is Abel's responsibility? It is to bring Satan down to his knees. Unless Satan surrenders, he cannot be separated. Satan must be conquered and Cain must be brought to submission. You must understand the Principle that with love the older brother must be demoted to the position of the younger brother, so that the younger can become the older brother. If there was no fall, the foundation for the individual perfection, family perfection, the tribal perfection, people perfection, national perfection, world perfection and the universal perfection as well as the realm of God's love would have been established centering on Adam and Even, all at once. There can be no Satan or fall there.

Due to the fall there is a barrier within the individual, family and in everything else. In this way, Adam and Eve became enemies. There can only be destruction when things are centered on Satan. If God's Will cannot penetrate in here, then all will be destroyed. All will be divided. For this reason, there have been conflicts on the individual level, among brothers, on the tribal level, people, national and world levels, down to hell, and in all of the spirit world up to right under the assistants of God.

Who has to bring resolution to all this? Abel must do that. In other words, because Adam fell, Abel must resolve all of that from the position of Adam. However, because all the four billion people of the world, who have multiplied from an individual, cannot be brought to a conclusion at once, centering on the level we are launching a movement in which restoration through indemnity must connect all the levels of individual, family, tribe. Right now.

Satan and Cain are on the first level. You have to understand this. Satan is the father and this is the son. Then when do they surrender? They will be separated at the position where even if they die offering their lives to us centering on the content of God's love, they will continue to praise God. What do you have to do to make this come true? Abel must enter the satanic world. He must leave his homeland to enter the Satanic world, and only when he can conquer Satan after entering the satanic world, he can rise to the original position. He has to go out. He has to leave home. (129-216)

Abel must stand in the position where he can die for Cain and offer his life. Otherwise, Cain will not submit before Cain. He can return only when he is willing to die for Cain. Do you understand?

For this reason, Jesus taught that those who try to die will live and those who try to live will die. These words apply both to Abel and Cain. In order for Abel to save Cain, he must not have a second thought about giving up his life. Otherwise, can Cain be restored? No, there is no other way. Moreover, in order for Cain to follow Abel, he must be ready to die. Otherwise can he follow him? No. The two are the same. From this point of view, one who tries to die will live and one who tries to live will die. (34-99)

What does Abel have to do? He has to restore three generations. First, Cain must be restored. Then, parents must be restored. Then what mission lies ahead of him? God must be liberated. These are the three great missions. Do you understand? In other words, without liberating the satanic world, parents cannot appear. After that, if parents are not liberated, God cannot be liberated. It is Abel's mission to be responsible for the three realms of liberation. (58-68)

Abel is in the position of son and Cain is in the position of an adopted son. Therefore, Cain must absolutely obey Abel. However, Cain betrayed Abel. Abel must find Cain again. In other words, just as how after his death on the cross, Jesus had to resurrect and look for his disciples, Abel was killed by Cain, but he must look for him. He must go and look for the descendants of Cain who betrayed. Ones who represented such positions were Ham and Shem of Noah's time. (24-331)

6) The Mission of the Minister who is Abel

From now on, we have to restore them through indemnity. Restoration through indemnity is the only way. Who walks the path of indemnity? Abel is supposed to walk it. Then between the church leader and a new member who is Abel? [Church leader] Now, can Cain walk the road of indemnity? Answer me. Is there such a thing? There isn't.

The path of indemnity is supposed to be walked by Abel. Leaders of Unification Church do not understand this. They forgot it all. You have to understand this. All of you who are the representatives of different nations must also know this.

Who walks the path of indemnity? Cain is not the one. It is Abel. In shedding tears, he must cry first, and even going hungry, he must experience hunger first, he must be cursed first, and he must be beaten first. This is the way that he can walk the path of indemnity. When someone joins, then you have to listen to everything they have to say from their past life, and from the parental position you have to give counsel, shedding tears and praying for him; this is what you have to do.

When someone close to you is leaving, you cannot rest with your heart at peace. So you accompany him or her to his or her house, and when the morning breaks, you are so concerned that you wait for him or her in front of the house to meet him or her. You must be able to do this. In the end, you have to become someone that likes people more than anyone else. You have to be one who loves Cain the most, there the path of indemnity. Only by doing so, will that person follow your path in the right way. They will follow the path of indemnity. For this reason, you are to walk the path of indemnity.

Now, who is supposed to bring the unity? [Leader] It is in Cain's nature to bite off, rip up and repeatedly interfere. Therefore, you have to pray shedding tears before God, and pray staying up through the nights. You have to be the sick patient of the sick patients, and the concerned one of concerned ones, and in this way you have to understand that the path of indemnity is reporting to heaven about the sorrowful story. You have to feel like you are going to faint after being surrounded by some mysterious things. Your heart can never be at peace. (88-263)

Who is supposed to pay indemnity for Cain. Abel? Is Cain supposed to do that or is Abel supposed to do that? Abel is supposed to do it. A priest is not supposed to sit idly and do nothing constructive. With a heart of devotion, only after he exerts himself to the utmost and invests all of his effort, does he deserve to be in that position. This is the Principle. This is the process of recreation. You should try this out. (75-167)

Some of you, today, say as soon as you arrive at some place, "Since Teacher authorized me to be a regional leader or a district leader, I am Abel." This person has not become Abel. He was sent to do the mission of Abel. However, without even doing the mission of Abel, he is saying, "Serve me, obey my orders." When parents order children to do things, if they just sit idly and give the orders then those parents are stepparents. Do you understand? They are stepparents. Real parents will accompany the children and work together. They will teach while they work. Isn't this true? It is, right? [Yes] This is a true parent. (75-168)

Up to now, you have wrong idea on the Unification Church's concept of love between Cain and Abel. You think that leaders are unconditionally Abel, but this is not the case. Abel is supposed to save Cain. After that, only by becoming one, they can go before mother. Even if you have not become one with the leader, if you have attained unity among yourselves, the leader will come and join you there. This is the meaning of the saying that whenever there are two, three people praying God will be with them. More than praying alone, if two or three people gather together to pray, then . . . Do you have friends for whom you can carve out your flesh and give your blood? Do you have such comrades?

From today, you have to throw away thoughts centered on the leader that you had up to now and take up the ideology that always centers on the members. Why is this so? If there is a head of the family, then in order to create heaven in the family, the head must enforce the perspective, not for his own sake, but for the sake of the family members. Otherwise, heaven cannot be built in the family. It is the same. Until now, we must change what has been centered on me in the Unification Church until now to something that is centered on all of you, so that the effort can be focused on linking up the congregation of love horizontally. It won't do if we are trying to do only vertically.

Accordingly, you must love True Parents in the same way that you love God, and love all of the humanity just as you love True Parents. You are to become one with all peoples in the world. You have to digest the environment that you do not like, in which you can smell a bad odor from the feet, mouth, and body of the people next to you. You have to wash their feet. If they do not have clothes to wear, then you should give them your clothes to wear. (Applause) (115-56)

If you cannot experience heavenly love on earth, you cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven. Have you sincerely loved a Cain-type person? In order to go to the Kingdom of Heaven, your love should surpass the parental love and conjugal love of the satanic world. Parents have even died for the sake of their child in the fatten world; still, our love must surpass the parental love of the fallen world.

You cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven alone. One man and one woman should be united. In order to go through this process, one person of the couple should surely become one with Cain. A proper environment is needed. Before receiving parents or spouse, you are to set up a standard of unity between brothers and sisters. This is Unification thinking.

When Satan recognizes the condition that I loved Cain as much as I loved Abel, then he will go away. When rearing the babies of your trinity partners, you should be two or three times more devoted to them than your own babies. If the trinity cannot make oneness, how can we create world unity? Three nations should be one. You have to love the world more than you love the Lord. Father received persecution from three nations, three ages and three sovereignties. The trinity is one brother. Therefore, when the three families become one, they can hold ceremonies instead of Father. If you neglect the trinity and just focus on your family's well being, you will perish. You shouldn't represent Father just in His name; rather you should represent Father in His responsibility and heart.

By Cain killing Abel, history went the wrong way, so all humankind became Satan's children -- the children of a servant. Human beings were supposed to be princes and princesses, but they became the children of the servant. How much was God stifled? Jesus, the Messiah, in place of the original Adam, came as a luminary, one with God and God's love in spirit and body. Therefore, all men and women in the satanic realm can be attracted to the Lord, treasuring the day of His coming. That's why history is the history of indemnity. No other explanation is necessary.


Section 3 - Essential Elements of Guidance Given to Members [Part 1]

1. Living for the Sake of Others

1) True Father and Altruism

When I went to Korea for the rallies, Korean people were saying all sorts of things about me, such as how there was no one greater in the five-thousand-year history of Korea than Rev. Moon. This is probably also true in America. (Applause) This is also probably true in the free world. It is possible that they are saying, "Just looking at how Rev. Moon is doing that kind of work in that world where he has been persecuted so much, it seems that there has never been anyone like him before. He will become a living saint." It is possible that they may say, "That is probably how a living saint is." For this reason, for people all over the world, the word, Second Advent, has become a part of their vocabulary." (Applause)

What kind of ideology did I possess when I rose to this position from the lowest places? What made me become like this? It is the altruistic love, there is only this one thing. Wherever I passed by I did not even leave a trace of debt. I let other people become indebted to me. If there were some nation and people, then I shed tears for their sake and supplicated for their blessing. You have to know clearly that we have no choice but to walk that path because we are trying to walk the path of life from the position of having completely conquered the Satanic realm.

When I ask, "My leg, when did you do things for the sake of your village, nation and world? My eye, nose and mouth, when did you do like that? My hand, when have you done that?" they will answer, "Whenever you give an order, we will follow." This is how my eyes, my spirit is. Even if death is approaching me, I am determined not to be indebted even to the word, "death." No matter what, I am going to have people become indebted to me. (131-36)

You know how Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, right? You also cannot rally them together unless you set such tradition. This is what I have been doing so far. When I heard that the children of enemies were starving, I gave everything that I had except for underwear and blankets. Then, I have lived with just one set of underwear and one blanket for one week. In the end, I sold the blanket for them.

Why did I do such things? This is not because I am foolish. In order to go the path of restoration, one must firmly set the absolute condition of having loved the enemy. There aren't that many people in the world that can do this. However, since I have sold all my assets for the sake of the children of my enemy and even sold the last blanket when I only had the blanket and underwear left, I did as much I could. I had to do such things because I had to put into practice the command in the Bible to love one's enemy. (23-320)

2) A Church Leader's Purpose of Existence is for the Sake of the Members

Just because you believe in Jesus, you should not immediately call out, "Jesus!" You have to first lay down a bridge in the middle. In our horizontal life, when we go to a church to lay this bridge, that church surely has a leader. The church leader is not someone who is trying to serve his own ends. You have to understand that if there is such leader, he is not qualified to become a leader. Because the leader has the responsibility to lay the bridge in the middle, he has to care for the members who come to him.

Because the church leader exists for the sake of the members, he is responsible for the member's spiritual problems and the questions on their life centering on the will of God. The leader is supposed to guide the members centering on the field that he is responsible for. Then, when the leader is in a high position in the eyes of God, as long as the members become one with him, then they can also rise to high positions. As long as that leader prays for you and pray on your behalf that your sins be forgiven, then because of the prayer, you can participate in the position that he stands. This is the reason that people want to receive the prayers of those who greatly inspire them. In this way, you are to lay down the bridge and pursue on. (32-165)

You value the vertical relationship with God but often ignore the relationships with people. When we look at the content of the Principle that should be lectured on, we can see that it is surely a precious gospel and truth. Therefore, without the unity of the vertical content about God and the horizontal relationship between Cain and Abel, there can not be any restoration. You have to understand that this is where all the contents that symbolize the truth are contained and all the meanings that symbolize the cross are also contained.

For this reason, everyone must always think about God no matter if he or she is happy or sad. Before the vertical standard, one must think about God both when they are happy and when they are experiencing difficulties. Why is this? This is so that the whole can unite with God. Therefore, in the external environment there must a foundation for the members to mourn together with you when you are feeling sorrowful. Moreover, there must also be a foundation for you to share your happiness with members.

Accordingly, as much as you care for God, you must care for people. You have to understand the meaning behind the words of Jesus, "When you do something for someone very small and insignificant, then this is the same as doing something for me." He said this even though the disciples did not carry it out for him directly. (34-229)

Because you are currently engaged in the Cain-Abel conflict on the horizontal plane, you should love and care for the members. You have to care for them with the same heart as God. (76-337)

When you consider the leader, he is not someone who is always happy. He is a miserable person. Why is he miserable? It is because he always feels a sense of being in debt. He should always feel that he is indebted and be determined to care for the members well. They have to be this way.

When you look at some miserable person, it is your duty to be concerned about his or her life and talk to him or her staying up all night. When the spiritual leader sees that someone is facing death, it is his responsibility to prevent the person from walking the path of death by sacrificing himself. Isn't this true? He has to be in that position.

Therefore, what does this mean? What matters is how much you lived for the sake of the members. Isn't this true? The question is how much you have cared for them. They are not some strangers. They are your extensions. They will become your branches. Do you understand? They will become your branches. In order for the branches to grow well, you have to protect them well. Accordingly, when you witness to someone, we call him or her spiritual children, right? What is that? They are your branches. Yet, how much effort and devotion did you put in to provide them with nutrition? In order to do this, you have to become a stem or roots. If you are the root, then the more there are branches and stems the more you need to ceaselessly provide more nutrition than they need from the earth, and this condition of abundance is a prerequisite for the development. This is the only way that they will grow. If there is a limitation, if you cannot provide the top with the nutrition that it needs, then the top will wither and die. Isn't this so? This is how it will be. (70-147)

How many tears have you shed for the sake of the nation, members and brothers, how much did you practice true love? This is the problem. Inasmuch as we, the Unification Church, are seeking the history of heart centering on this type of question, our standard cannot be lower than the heart of Jesus of the historical times. Centering on God's heart, we must be higher. (60-145)

One who lives for the sake of others does not become indebted to others. If he lives such an altruistic life, then without fail, three generations of his descendants will prosper. When you open the door at the dawn as the cock crows, there will be people standing there waiting for you. Without sleeping, even at night, they will come climbing over the walls. Isn't this how it should be? After they come, you are to talk about the public vision of God, about the people and this world.

When you are talking centering on the perspective of God's love and the ideal world of God, then you do not even know that the night is about to pass by. You will feel as if departing is the great sorrow of the thousand years, and not being aware of the fact that the time is passing by. This type of time is connected and on that basis the foundation has been established. Do you understand what I am saying?

Until now, you were trying to be served, saying, "I am the leader, so obey me." Isn't this how it has been? You have been focusing your efforts on being served but from now on, you should concentrate on serving people. Do you understand? [Yes] You are not to be indebted. You should try that. You should let others become indebted in you. You are to let people become indebted in you when you go to the villages. The simplest thing to do is having the children in the village become indebted to you. Next, you are to have the old people become indebted in you. (68-115)

A great leader should take part in the sorrow of the people and guide those who are facing difficulties. If you are to guide those who are experiencing tribulations, then you must also put yourself in the position of difficulties. Then, in order for you to guide someone who is going through suffering, then you have to be in a position that surpasses the position of suffering, and in order to guide someone who faces death. Then you have to be in a position that surpasses death.

When you encounter a new event, something that you cannot do, then what are you supposed to do? You should become excited and interested in it with the attitude, "How exciting. There will begin a record on one page of my life." If you do well then you will climb over it, but if you fail, then you will have to retreat. (65-309)

3) When You Try to Live for Your Own Sake, the Universe Will Accuse You

As you ask a couple walking on such places as Broadway, "where are you going?" If they answer that they are going to the nation because they want to, then applaud on their behalf. If they say that they are going toward the nation, then applaud for them. However, if they are going, after having abandoned the nation, then scorn them. The universe will applaud for those who go toward a big place as a big couple. Heaven, earth, and all of the air, the whole world is going to applaud.

The universe will accuse you of everything if you are going for your own sake, not pursuing greater cause but going only for your own sake. Why is this? Because the universe is created centering on love and the principles of love, it dances to that rhythm, not to the rhythm of the individual. This is the power that the universe has. You understand this well, right? [Yes] (131-124)

Although parental love is great, if it is meant mainly for the parents to be served, then children do not need the love of parents. Although the love of children is great, but if the children tell their parents to live for their sake, then even parents do not want that love. Love that induces you to love others and others to love you . . . If you gave ten, then the amount that returns in always eleven. This is how altruistic love is.

If the partner loved me and lived for my sake with something small, then I would want to give back more than that. This will continuously multiply. After some time passes with the multiplication, if this goes on for the rest of one's life, then this will cross over the nation, world, the eternal world, kingdom of heaven and then finally climb over the heavenly world.

As long as one wants others to live for one's sake, he will be reduced. After one and two times, love that used to be ten will reduce down to eight. When you live only for your own sake, your heart will be rolled up and turned over. Where does love come from? It comes from the partner, but only along the path of altruism would pure and ideal love travel back and forth. Amen! Say this together. [Amen] (119-326)

4) The Result of Altruism

You have to be more altruistic. What is being more altruistic? One who is more altruistic will become the leader. Among ten people, the one who becomes the center is the one who loves and lives for the sake of the ten people. All of the ten people will come seeking for him. Isn't this true? Is it or is it not true? People think that altruism is not good. You have to understand that one who cares for others becomes the center and leader.

You have to know that such person becomes the master and the center. The one who becomes the president is one who cares most for the nation. Isn't this true? One who can inherit the company is one who cares more for and sacrifices more for the company. This is the universal principle. People thought that living for others was a bad thing, but it is to become the center and leader, and it is to inherit everything. For this reason, you are told to live for the sake of others. It is not a bad thing. You will not lose out by doing so. (132-276)

Originally, men were born for the sake of others. They were born in order to sacrifice for the sake of others. What will happen when you sacrifice for the sake of others? Not only would the tradition of love be established, but also you will become the center of love. What would you become? For certain, you will become the center of love.

In a school, this is like how one who works for the sake of the whole class becomes the class president. Even equipped with the same qualifications, one who is more altruistic will become the class president. In the Korean nation, one who loves Korea more than others, one who has lived for the sake of Korea more than others, and one who is living for the sake of Korea more than others will naturally become the center of the people. Isn't this how it is? This cannot be denied.

What are you going to do once you become the center? You are to climb up to the top. The central figure is supposed to climb to the top. When you are at the top you can guide and control the masses. You will become one who dominates. This is the fundamental principle of the universe. You have to understand this clearly. (57-26)

Why do people like higher things? They like high places because they can link up with a variety of things up there. Why do they not like the low places? It is because they will become simplified. They will be far away from the various relationships. One who is most precious among all men is one who is trying to connect himself to the high ideals, perspectives and things. We can find here the concept that such a person is a precious person. (129-308)

So, why is living for the sake of others a good thing? It is because you can become the center. The central figure must know how to take responsibility. He has to take responsibility. One who is responsible for and has influence over everything is the center. Isn't this true or not? How about America? Does someone who lives selfishly become the center or does someone who lives for the whole become the center? From this perspective, we can see that one who tries to live for the sake of the whole becomes the center of that particular field. He is to become the center. You cannot become the center if you are not willing to live for others. (129-309)

What kind of position is the position of God and parents? It is becoming concerned about people first. They are to think about others first. God thinks about you before you do. Parents think about you before you do. This is why parents are great. This is why they stand in the subject position. When two of you live together, you must have the attitude, "I should do things that he is supposed to do." This is the type of person that God is. That person is the center. One who lives for the sake of others is to become the center.

Now, although I am getting opposition in America, because I have lived for the sake of America, American people cannot but respect me. They have no choice but to respect me. This type of person will become the master. When you sacrifice for the world, then you will become the owner of the world. Do you understand what this means? [Yes] One who tries to stand in the position of God and parents will surely become the central figure. What is there after that? Ones who will become the owner of the Unification Church is the one who loves the members like God, parents, and me. That type of person will surely become the master. When this cannot be achieved, everything will be turned upside down. It will turn upside down. The members will put up the opposition.

It is very simple. Do you understand? The way to win over someone, the way to bring someone down to submission is not to try to win in a conflict, but care for him first from the position of God and parents. By doing so, you will win. If you care for him for three years, then he will become obedient to you. This is what the heart will lead them to do. They will open all the doors in their house including their main room and welcome you, "You can come into our house any time." You have to understand that this type of fundamental action of the universe is moving the original heart. Do you understand? (103-139)

2. Giving

1) A Leader is One Who Gives First

What kind of person is a leader? He is one who is supposed to give. He is not supposed to receive. In giving, he should not give the same things all the time. He must give new things. Isn't giving sermons difficult? The Principle lectures can be given according to how it's laid out, but giving sermon is difficult. The reason is that the same things cannot be given again. Isn't this so? You cannot give the same things. Just as parents must be selective in giving children a variety of good things to eat, the same things must not be given again.

When you have nothing to give, you should receive it from God. You are to provide the members with the things that you have received from God. Isn't this true? Consulting God about it and . . . Eventually, you are to represent God. Even as you pray, your own prayer will move you. When you pray in that realm then all will be captivated by God, and you will come to feel strongly that God is the motive power and the origin of life; When people experience this, they will realize that they need God absolutely. In order to tie these things together to fascinate the audience, prayer is absolutely needed.

Those great historical figures, those who are recorded in history as great are not great scholars. Great people are those who are starving for the heart of faith. When you enter the realm where you become completely engulfed in joy as your heart of faith is filled up, the audience will be captivated by that.

You should be giving, but in order to give, you need to be supplied; where do you get supplied? You can be rejuvenated at the headquarters by listening to my sermon, but when you are far away and alone, you have to build a supply road through which you can receive from God. In order to do that, you have to nurture your capabilities. When you set out to go somewhere, you are not traveling alone. You must receive a revelation. You must go while serving God, True Parents, father, and mother with the belief that the world is going to be judged by you. You should think that events that you are facing will have a major impact on the dispensation of God, and wherever you go, you should act as the shield of judgment. If you visit three times and make a substantial contribution in that place, this will become the occasion for you to enter the realm in which you can naturally sense that God goes when you go and He comes when you come. When this is achieved, wherever you are, there will be progress. (46-299)

2) Attitude to Have When You are Giving

You have to give with parental heart. You must not give centering on your own ambitions and wishes. Because father has been doing it like that, you must also do like that. Since these words came through tears, you have to give them through tears. You have to implant truth in this earth where there is no truth. (11-268)

Here the central doctrine of the Unification Church emerges. When you give, what kind of heart should you give with? You are not to give with the heart of a friend. Moreover, you are not to give with the attitude that an owner has when he gives things to the servant. You must possess the parental heart when you give. You have to have the parental heart and be in the body of a servant, to shed tears for humanity, sweat for the earth, and blood for heaven. What this means is that you have to have the sorrowful heart because after giving, you cannot give any more. This is how God is.

The heart of parents is lowering their heads in shame even after having given something, being sorry because even if they want to give something better they cannot do so; this is the affection of parents. Which parents would say after giving something to their children, "Now I have given enough?" Heart of parents is such that they will say, "I will give more later because even though I want to give more now, this is all I have." For this reason, even if the child is a thief, parents love that child. Isn't this so? [Yes] (39-196)

When you give, how should you give? You should not give the leftovers. Do you understand? If you give what is left over from you meal, then even after eating it, people will feel disgusted and spit. When you are giving rice cakes, for example, if you take long time to select one out of the five, picking one up and then putting it down and then picking another, then it is worse than not giving at all. This is how it is. It is worse than not giving at all. When you give to others, if there are five, then you should have no hesitation in picking up half of them and hand them over. Then, people will thank you, yet if you are so hesitant and picky, then people will judge you even after they become indebted to you. This is how it is. For this reason, how are to give? You are to give together with God. (60-170)

What does giving together with God mean? It is possessing the heart of parents. Possessing the heart of parents and being in the body of a servant . . . Why do you need to have the body of a servant? Because you are trying to save servants, you have to become more like a servant than a servant. Aren't the people in the world the children of servants? Since God is trying to save these servants, since God is trying to love servants, imagine how difficult it must be. Do you think that it is easy? (60-171)

Those who try to give ten and take back a hundred will decline. This type of person cannot enter the world centered on heart. Heavenly world is world of giving. Material things do not constitute problems.

Giving is the way to accumulate merits. When you give, you have to add material things to your heart. No one can take the things that you give with the heart of God.

In the Old Testament, God gave from the position of servant, and in the New Testament, He gave from the position of the brothers. Now is the time to give from the position of parents. Since we have received things, which God gave us from the parental position, we must also give from the parental position with the heart of parents. When you become such a person, then God cannot leave you.

When you give, because you have to first get rid of the enemy, conflict cannot be avoided. We have to understand the heart of God who is trying to give. We have to understand the heart of God who has been fighting for six thousand years in order to give.

A happy person is one who gives when he wants to give, and receives when he wants to receive. The unfortunate person is one who cannot give even if he wants to and cannot receive even when he wants to. From this perspective, God is a sad and unfortunate person. (11-235)

When you love people, no matter what the investment you have just made is, you should not think about it. You should not regret. You should not remember what you have invested! I want to give more . . . Therefore, when you have something good to eat, if you are eating it hiding out somewhere alone, then you are a leader who is to going to die immediately. If you have something to eat, then you should not eat it but save it, and wishing to give it to someone even if you cannot eat it yourself, and thinking about members because you cannot eat it; this is the type of person that you should become. You have to become leaders who have nurtured this type of parental heart. (970-166)

When a mother feeds her children on her breast, do they think, "I am feeding them because I want to take back many times more from them in the future?" They are uneasy because they cannot give any more. What lasts for eternity is the heart of parents which sheds tears after giving something to the child because they cannot give something better. After doing so, although they want to give more but they cannot because they simple don't have any more, they will be moved to tears by this uneasy heart; this type of parent will surely educate their children to be filial. The process of restoration is the place where this heart is. Restoration becomes impossible when one leaves this course. (46-173)

3) The Principle of Give and Take

What has concerned up to now ever since I came to America is not having my own house. Even now, I am still leading a lifestyle in a way that I would not become indebted to you. Because I have brought this to pass, America also can make a progress. I do not focus on my own development. This is how the Principle is. The Divine Principle is like that. For this reason, together with God, I must always be giving to the members all over America. I have to give spiritually, materially, intellectually, and in every other way.

Is a good person someone who gives ten and then takes back twelve, or gives ten and only takes back eight? [One who gives ten and takes back eight.] What happens if you do not receive at all? He will become like God. Like God. Where is God? God first dwells in such place. (76-337)

You must first give completely, give three and then take only one back. Do you understand? This is the fundamental principle. Give three times and receive once; I am telling you to receive only a third.

Despite this, there are many that try to give only one and demand three in return. Do you think there are many of this type of people? If one does this, one is Satan. God's dispensation of restoration tries to claim a third, in other words, carry on the work of the three generations to claim back a third. It tries to sacrifice three to take back one. It is trying to give three eras to claim one era. With much effort and devotion . . . This is how it will be. This is the fundamental principle.

Since this is the way that God takes claim over things, we are supposed to give three and take back one. Even the one that is taken back must not remain in your possession. You must return it to God.

This tradition . . . If you receive one, then you must return it to me. Moreover, I must return it to God. This how it should be returned. Only when this becomes the tradition, only when it goes around like this and made into that progress will take place. (66-301)

We must love God. Only after loving God and receiving the love of God can you love man and receive the love of man. You must understand this. Do you understand? Centering on me . . . I am not trying to receive love. I am not boasting about it. This is how the laws of the Principle are. Only after understanding how to love parents, only after receiving the love of parents can you love children and receive the love of children. It operates by the same principle.

Knowing this problem, you must always think about these two types of principles. When you love men as much as you have loved God, then just as God has loved you, people will love you. For this reason, Jesus said in the Bible that if one testifies to him before men, then he will testify to one before God. It is the same principle. The same principle. You are supposed to love man, just as you love God. (70-165)


Section 3 - Essential Elements of Guidance Given to Members [Part 2]

3. Love

1) Love That Can Bring Harmony to Everything

What is the one thing that God desires the most? What is the most central thing in God's opinion? Of course there must be considerations for things that connect everything in high and low positions, but among them, what is the thing that can fundamentally link everything together intimately? What is the thing that likes both the high and the low? What is it that the east, west, south, north as well as the center and the four directions like, and what is the thing that can bring harmony and unity centering on God's ideals and good and lofty thoughts?

This is neither God himself, the environment created by God, nor the thought of God. This cannot be realized only by thinking. Then what is needed? What is the thing that can link up the high and the low? What God needs is love. This is how it will be.

Only by centering on love, front, back, left, right, up, down or east, west, south, north, at the center can be harmonized and be connected; it can never be done without love. Love has the inner potential to link with the whole. It is needed in the east as well as in the west, and no matter how far to the end one travels, love is needed. Attempting to go to the end is in order to seek after higher love and when one returns back to the inside from the extremities, it is also to pursue more powerful love. You have to either seek after great love or powerful love. You have to have some internal content such as this.

When one goes far away, one seeks after something great, and when one returns to the center, one seeks for something powerful. Even if something is powerful, it is powerful in a flat manner, in sharp pointed manner, or in a round manner? With these considerations, when one returns to the inside, then one needs a powerful love that can draw a circular line.

Therefore, we can decide upon such concept of great and powerful love. If you like love, then you are to seek big and great love. It won't do if you just have love with great amplitude. Powerful love -- how powerful must it be? It should be love that can harmonize everything and can freely connect everything fundamentally; if God was to think about it, this is probably what he would have thought of. (164-69)

Have you ever made tofu before? Do you know how tofu is made? If you take the bean powder and before you put it in the cloth wrap, if you place it in salt water, then doesn't it coagulate? It will coagulate. Similarly, love will congeal everything. For this reason, a woman becomes a true woman by giving birth to a baby. She needs to experience the heart of a mother. (165-103)

2) The Universe Also Likes Love

Because Satan also wants to receive love, you have to have the mind-set that is prepared to love even Satan. If you possess this magnanimity as you proceed forward, Satan will also surely praise you, saying that you are a greater warrior than his own troops. Because Jesus possessed this type of heart, even when he was dying on the cross, he was able to pray for the sake of the enemy. Accordingly, he gave a lot before he passed away. (26-50)

The universe welcomes only those who have absolute attitude toward love. Do you understand? Those who think, "Rev. Moon is wrong," please raise your hand. For this reason, it is said in works of literature and poetry, "Love is something eternal, love is something powerful, love is full of surprises, love is something that is higher and bigger than anything else." Even if you threw everything away, all will be all right. Look. Even if we say that love is the only absolute unity, something that absolutely does not change, and is absolute for eternity, this cannot be said about life. One cannot say, "life is eternal, life is unchanging."

Are the most important phrases of praise found in the works of literature or poetry about life or about love? Which one is it? [About love] Is it about knowledge, power, or money? [No] Why is this so? Why is it this way, why? No one understood this. This is what people did not understand. They did not understand this simple thing. It is very simple. (132-79)

It is not only true in the case of man, but also for dogs, they like it when their owners love. Waving their tail like this . . . Is this true or false? If men love a garden, then birds will gather in it and sing. This is why love is so wonderful. Have you ever thought about what God's hobby might be? Works of literature? The only thing that God is interested in is love. Ladies and gentlemen, what is your object of interest? [Love] Whom did you take after? [God] For this reason, you are said to be the children of God centering on love. For the hope and happiness that we have just talked about, can there be hope without love? Is there happiness without love? Even if there is no hope and happiness, if you bring love along and place it there, then hope will automatically be attracted to it. Happiness will automatically be drawn to it.

Our ladies here, are you going to marry seeking after love or hope? What are you going to seek when you marry? [Love] Do you like love? [Yes) I do not like love! Even if you say that it is not true because you like it too much. Just as when you eagerly eat food, when you are too happy and too excited, as you swallow food it gets caught in your throat. It will get stuck. Do you really like love? [Yes] Look. Parents who love their children would want to embrace the hand of their child in their bosom no matter how dirty and ugly it is. They will not say, "Yuck! This hand is really dirty. Go to the bathroom and wash it with soap." Love is the only thing that can make hell transform into heaven. Accordingly, as long as you possess love, you can turn hell into heaven. (90-312)

3) In Order to Pursue the Path of Love, You Must Sacrifice Yourself and Serve Others

In order to pursue this path of love, you must sacrifice yourself and serve others. Do you feel good? [Yes] Without service and sacrifice, one who came with the content of love that amounts to ten cannot be connected to the path of hundred and thousand. If your ancestors are not good, then you cannot even take back love that amounts to ten.

However, even for one who brought love that is worth only ten, if there was a way for him to have a chance at claiming love that is worth a hundred, thousand, or ten thousand, then wouldn't he want to give that a try? [Yes] Because Rev. Moon of the Unification Church understood this, even though I have gone through unspeakable tribulations and have been subject to condemnations as well as suffering, pain, and torture that almost took my life in prison. I have been persevering up to now. Moreover, for this reason, I am trying to love people and sacrifice for their sake more than anyone else.

When you love people, even when you feel that you have given enough, if there is someone whose love and sacrifice is greater than yours is, then you will want to sacrifice and love more. People are greedy, right? Only when one becomes such person, can God pour out his love into that person. (44-203)

What do you have to do now as church leaders? [Servant of servant . . .] Although being a servant of servant is correct, it must be done with love. It won't do if victory is not brought by possessing love. Do you understand? [Yes] What kind of love? It is not Satan's love but God's love. It is self-sacrificing love. Where does such love emerge? It emerges from giving yourself completely to others. Giving completely is none other than the three great loves. The three great loves are loves that can be given completely and received completely. Isn't this love of God?

When you give completely, you can receive completely. What would you do if Satan runs away after receiving that love? Before absolute objective love, absolute subjective love will appear. Therefore, there is no need to worry. There is no need to be happy just because you are recognized by someone or to worry just because you are not recognized and understood. The problem is not being able to emerge with the complete love. This is the cause for concern. (48-34)

Spiritual leaders must know how to surpass time to deal with the people that are connected to them. Eventually, they must be able to completely offer their sleep time for the sake of others. Their mealtime must also be sacrificed for the sake of others. Their daily life must also be offered up for the sake of the others. Their life must become the sacrifice for the others. If one can become a leader who understand and fulfills one's own portion of responsibility from this position, then one can make progress. (72-313)

4) You Must be Certain About Love as you Lead Your Life

How much did your hands and feet work for the sake of loving the Unification Church? Although hands and feet worked hard and frequently to feed you and eyes have done much for the same cause, how much did they do things in order to love the members of the Unification Church? How much did you shed tears and toil for the sake of Unification Church? When you lay your exhausted body down to take a rest, to love, why did you do this? If you did it for your own sake then it is a shame and if you did it to love the world, then it is a glory. Each block or brick piled up to build the tower of heaven was laid down through this sleep after an exhausting day. Let us love. Let us love the nation after going beyond the church. This is what we are doing. (59-58)

If you love the members who have just joined, then you can set the condition of indemnity quickly. The reason that the church is not able to make progress is because this is not being done. This is the reason why God said to love each other and live in harmony. (18-40)

The pinnacle of love is the love of God. How can you become the child of God unless you can dwell within the love of God and consider other people just like your own children, brothers and sisters, and consider the other children as members of your own family? In order to become a child of God . . . If you become a child in a one-sided manner, then you cannot become the child of God. It is not enough to be someone like the saints of the past. Unless you can stand up as an eternal and absolute man through the past, present and future, then you cannot become the son of God. For this reason, we are to love the aspects that the past saints have not loved. This is how I think. (55-97)

You have to be crazy about love when you lead your life. You must live in intoxication. If the degree of intoxication goes beyond a certain level, then you will become crazy about it. What is there to a crazy person? There is nothing special to a madman. The order is reversed. He calls father a mother and calls mother a father. If this is said with love, however, people will not object, "Why do you call your father a mother and your mother a father?" All will be accepted. Because love is one, then this kind of theory can be established. For this reason, man should live in intoxication.

Rev. Moon also lives in intoxication. You do not realize how tasty and exciting receiving condemnation is like. People in the outside world do not understand this. Because people in the outside world do not understand how tasty it is to be cursed at, they try to avoid it. However, I know its true taste. (148-323)

4. Devotion and Prayer

You are leaders of "The Way," but how devout have you been toward it? You must become very devoted. The results in witnessing corresponds to the amount of devotion and not to one's knowledge or capabilities. Have you not all had this kind of experiences in the sixties? Doesn't one who has exerted himself in devotion do better than one who has a college education and brags about his knowledge? The question is how sympathetic God is toward you.

What is the thing that the regional leaders must accomplish with united heart and mind? Is it eating? It is not. They have to have the sense of mission toward the issue of how to resurrect people's lives in this world of sin and transfer them to the kingdom of heaven. You should try to carry out to the utmost with a strong sense of mission. See if there is any thing that you cannot accomplish.

Before a perfect subject, a perfect object will emerge. Therefore, a subject must pray for the sake of the object. In regards to prayer, if the object gets up early at dawn, then you must get up before him or her to pray for him or her. People will sense it when you pray and exert yourself for their sake.

Leaders must exert themselves while maintaining their position. If you are leaders, then when you pray in the morning, you must at least keep at least twenty people in your prayers. In this way, you must at least keep seventy people in your prayers. You are to eat and live together with the members.

The most serious times for men are when they are eating and sleeping. The reason is that when you eat to satisfy hunger or sleep to relieve exhaustion, all of your concentration zooms into it. On the contrary, when you get up, because your concentration is at the lowest and most relaxed state, you are not so serious. Therefore, during a day's course of life the times for eating three meals and sleeping are the most serious times. You should pray for the sake of the dispensation in this serious position. The prayer you offer in such times is several times better than prayer offered during normal times.

You must always think about the members with the mind-set that you are eating meals and sleeping together with the members. When you do so, you will be able to sense what so and so is going through. When you become that sensitive, then a far away person seems to be close and a close person may seem far away. You will be able to tell right away. How can people who are supposed to guide the spirituality and faith of people do their job without even such basic capabilities? The question is how much you have exerted yourself for the sake of one's life.

You have to understand that the reason that Jesus said, "What good would it be if a man gains the whole universe but loses his life?" (Matthew 16:26) is because he considered one person's life more precious than universe, and such was the anchor of his heart. When you reach the state of Jesus who forgot all about the world and fought one on one for the sake of one life, then you can finally build a connection to a member.

What have you accomplished centering on the will of God with the parental heart? Among the people that you have been close to, you must not take lightly those who have comforted you when you were experiencing difficulties. For the rest of your life, you must always think of that person and pray for him. For this reason, God is always the subject. If you build such a relationship, then those who have such a relationship with you will seek you out even if you have not told them to do so. This is the reason that you are being asked to pray.

How can a leader sleep while members are praying in devotion? Doing so would be becoming indebted. You cannot make progress if you do so. Because devotion cannot be made at once, you must one by one decide upon those whom you know and pray for them. You are to pray for people one by one.

The reason that Jesus failed is because he did not have the time to pray for one person at a time when he was taking the twelve disciples around. There was not even one person whom he taught in great depth the internal content that would make the deep impressions in that per. son's heart.

Until you complete your portion of responsibility, you must never give up, no matter what people around you say to you. If you have decided upon something and have started to pray for it, then no matter what happens, you must completely satisfy the amount that you have set down in prayer. Even if the person that you have decided upon has left the church, you have to go look for him to fulfill your responsibility to the full. In other words, you are not to be indebted to any one.

5. Abundant Experience

1) You Need Training and Experience

A man's character is limited. The question is how many people could be in harmony with a man's character. How many people can relate to that character? For this reason, I must match them up. If they do not match, then they have to be made to match. You have to understand that because such a task can only be done based on experience, unless you go through such experience, then you cannot become a true leader. If you become a leader after having gone through that, then based on those experiences you can become a competent leader who will leave behind a new eternal tradition that will be praised by God and be respected by all the people of the group that you are guiding.

For this reason, you must make such preparations. You must realize that you have to willingly receive any kind of external or internal training. Do not dislike them. Do not think that you cannot do them. (72-328)

It is not so easy to become someone else's teacher. It is not easy to become the teacher of the Unification Church. It is extremely difficult. It is the same feeling as wearing the prisoner's costume and walking toward the execution chamber; he is someone who is really heading there. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes] You probably don't understand because you have never been to a prison. I live in luxurious mansion, but I do not need it. I can just as well live in a hut. I have the training to live in a hut. I trained myself to become the best laborer if I were to take my clothes off and work in a construction site. If there is someone that God loves there, then I have trained my heart to grab on to him and completely having dominion over the environment, become a friend whom he can cry with. (85-43)

2) You Must Guide With Wisdom

A wise leader should embrace twice after hitting once. Moreover, you have to let people feel, "He did it for our sake;" otherwise, they will scorn you and oppose you and in the end, Satan will invade. If you do not take care of the situation well, then the disciple will become your enemy. If he becomes an enemy and tries to take revenge, and if he cannot go to the side of God, then the leader must take responsibility for the behavior of that person centering on that mind-set. (54-207)

If there is something bad, you are not supposed to get rid of it right away. Even if there is something bad, centering on that, you have to find some condition that will improve it. Even if the good aspects are less than the bad aspects, you have to have the flexibility and capacity to center on the smaller portion to preserve it and get rid of the bad portion. If a person was cut off on account of his mistake made a year ago, then he would have died completely. But if he is preserved without being cut off for one, two, or three years while the bad aspects of him are being resolved based on the belief that they are mere extras, then after one, two, or three years there might be a way for him to live. (72-313)

3) Bear the Cross for the Sake of the Members

A leader is a pitiful person. He is a miserable person. Even if he is living happily with his wife in their bedroom, when someone knocks on his door he has to allow the guest to come into the bedroom. Eventually, what it means is that he has to love members more than his own wife. If your wife has something nice, then you have to sell even that to give everything to the members, and if his children have something nice then he has to use all that for the sake of the members. This has to become the way of life for the leader.

If a leader lives such life, then what would happen to the family? Such life will most likely make his family miserable. If such mission is inherited and continued for the rest of the life, then success would be attained but if it is stopped after several years, then all will be in vain. Therefore, wherever the leader goes, it is his responsibility to bear the cross.

When you eat, as you pick up the spoon you should not be saying, "Oh I am so hungry." You have to think about the members. You have to think about members even as you wear clothes, and no matter what you do you have to think like that. Time that you take a rest is also being on the cross. You must repent for the times that you took naps because you are exhausted and cry out, "I feel good" as you get up. When you live such a life style, the spirit world and God will completely work with you. You will come to realize this is true through your experiences in your life of faith.

In regards to your body, you have to reflect on how much your hand has lived for the sake of the members, how much your eyes have lived for the sake of members, and yearned to see them in the public position. Reflect on how much you have wished to listen to their voice and how much you have comforted them. All must be done not for your own sake but for public purpose.

"How to become a leader," is the topic of today's sermon, yet can you bear that kind of cross in order to become leaders? [Yes] In order to do so, this kind of training is necessary. Before becoming a leader of a thousand people, can you pass such training as one leader? You must ask yourself. We must undertake the training based on the question of whether or not each one of us can become a leader who can be completely trusted as a friend or a teacher.

In order for you to become a leader, in order to be in charge of a church, you need to have the training to act as a leader on behalf of one absolute person. In order to become a leader over one person, one must take responsibility for both good and bad aspects of that person. You should not be thinking that you will be responsible only for the good things and not for the bad things. You have to first be responsible for the bad thing and say, "You be responsible for the good things." What separates you from that person is not something good but something bad. The conclusion that we arrive at is that unless one becomes a leader who can be responsible for the bad things, there is no other way but to be separated.

In order to digest bad things and supplement with good things, an individual cross must be born. When you become a leader in the future, you must think about this. You must answer yourself, whether or not you can become a complete leader as an individual leader. You must be able to answer "Yes." Next, when you ask yourself if you can become a leader of the family, as long as you can answer "Yes," you will have no problem in serving as a leader of a church.

When you make the determination to take responsibility for the sake of one family and lead them to the church, you must bear the cross of that family. If you are willing to bear the cross that none of the members of the family could bear and take care of the problem, then until that cross is brought to some resolution, that family will be in the position to obediently receive your guidance. This is the type of training that is needed.

Next, if this is done centering on one church, then you will have no problem serving as both the head of a household and the church leader. You can take care of a church. Looking at the issue centering on the church, you are to become someone who will say, "I will be responsible for all the difficulties of the church. I will take your responsibility in your place." When the church is experiencing difficulty, if you take responsibility for all the things that the members are responsible for, then until the leader completes the responsibility of the cross that he bears the members must receive the guidance of the leader.

This is also true for the leader of a nation. To us who have set ourselves on the restoration of the world for the coming days, the answer to the question, whether or not we can manage this responsibility is quite simple. If in making plans for America now, if I live for the sake of America and have faith in it more than God does, then what do you think would happen? We can conclude that God cannot judge this nation. In order to bring judgment, He must first give me something greater first. In other words, as long as I love, believe in, and live for the sake of America, God can only judge it after bringing something greater; otherwise, he cannot take it away or strike it. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes] (72-313)

6. Serve Members Like Kings

In order to become a master, in order to become the master of ten people, then you must be able to serve the ten people. Otherwise, it cannot be done. You can never govern them. Accordingly, when each of you go back to your church you should become one with the members and become the two wheels, in other words, between you and the members, one should become the right wheel and the other should become the left wheel to proceed forward smoothly. If you are moving forward and pick up speed after having achieved such a state, then no matter what large house you crash into you won't even be scratched, and even if you crash into a big rock, you will be able to shatter that rock into pieces. For this reason, if you become one and move forward, you will certainly make a progress. (50-345)

You must treat those who come to visit you as kings, you must serve them as kings, and you must attend them like kings. Teaching them in this way, you should deal with them in such a way that they will wonder, "Our teacher is treating me who is nothing as if I am a king and serving like a king, so how can I serve he who is really like a king?" You must set such tradition. You must understand that this is where the qualifications as a son of God will be granted. (89-290)

Serving people like king is also a form of indemnity. Everything is the law of indemnity. No matter how evil that person is, if you serve him like a king, even if he does not receive your devotional heart, God will take it in. If that person leaves the Unification Church no longer believing in it, then you will inherit all the blessings that his good ancestors have accumulated. This is a fearsome tactic. This is the way to seize the blessings of the whole, of ten thousand people. It is harvesting them. It is reaping them. It's the same thing. What do you do about America opposing Rev. Moon? The same Principle will apply. Do you understand what this means? [Yes]

This is the path that the priest must walk. You cannot be so confident and proud without fulfilling your portion of responsibility. You cannot go astray. You cannot judge anyone in your heart. You yourself are the sinner, you are the priest who failed to complete your responsibility; so how can you judge others? Do you understand? [Yes]

When you go back now, you should serve all the members in this way. You are to serve members in this way. Now, can you sleep in the house that the king was served in? You must exert yourself to the utmost. When this can be done, from now on, a new tradition will be established in America. This is how I see it. Do you understand now? [Yes] Do you understand what the priest must do? [Yes] You must carve your own flesh and draw your own blood. You must take your blood and flesh out and offer them. Then, you must add your heart onto it to offer them together. Until now, you have only been wage-workers. Being wage-workers was good. You have been following me because I have been taking responsibility. However, you have to understand that now is a different time. Do you understand? [Yes] (89-293)


Section 4: Restoration Through Indemnity and the Formula Course [Part 1]

1. Historical Course of Restoration Through Indemnity

1) Historical Course of Restoration Through Indemnity

You understand that history indemnifies the vertical history horizontally. It proceeds along the Old Testament, New Testament, and the Completed Testament. The Old Testament is offering things as sacrifices, the New Testament is offering the body as the sacrifice, in other words offering the substantial body as the sacrifice, and the Complete Testament is the time to offer mind as the sacrifice.

Why does it proceed forward in this way? It moves according to the law of creation of the universe. Because man fell, because fallen things are worth less than even a lump of dirt, water is put on it and oil is poured into it to remold it and carry on the re-creation process. In order to create one man the creation is made, and after that the body is made, and finally God's heart was blown into it. This is the way that man has become a synthetic being. He has become the synthetic being of the universe. Just as the Principle says, man is a microcosm. This is the meaning behind what you have learned as the substantial Sungsang form and substantial Hyungsang form of God.

So, what must we do in order to restore through indemnity? First, the creation must be restored. Because after the fall, the creation and God's things, have become Satan's belongings. In order for them to be considered as God's things, they must be remolded and created again. They must be recreated, but what must they be made out of?

What I am talking about are ideals and conceptions. Because they were created centering on the Principle in order to materialize the Word, this is what is to be done. Therefore, the Old Testament is the time one is to believe based on the Word, and what comes next is the time when the Word is to be put into practice, and the next stage after that is the era of living centering on the Word. We are to enter the time of living the truth. In order to build the kingdom, all this must become one. The era of faith, of practice, and of life; this is the course that the progress takes. What is this? Because one man has fallen . . . Originally, Adam and Eve were to at once . . . (Speaks while writing on the board) The realm of materials, then the realm of body, and the realm of mind. After that is the realm of spirit. In the Unification Church, we consider them as precious as our lives.

Since when all these are achieved creation will take place, the material will become one with the body, the body will become one with the mind and the mind will become one with the spirit. (Speaks while writing on the board) These are the domains of Formation (Body), Growth (Mind), and Completion (Spirit). It is the same. This is the unfolding of that. However, while it is unfolding during the seven-thousand-years of history, it has been divided into three stages and made progress.

In the Old Testament, to be returned to God, as a condition of indemnity blood had to be shed. Blood had to be shed no matter what. Why? It is because Satan's blood was inherited. This is because Satan's blood must be taken out. For this reason, the sacrifice had to shed blood.

The Old Testament is the time of sacrifice centering on the animal, and next the New Testament is the time of sacrifice of the body centering on Jesus, in other words the time of sacrifice of the son. This was because people did not believe. Next is the Completed Testament, and this is the time of sacrifice of the mind. Therefore, you are to experience great pain in your heart after joining the Unification Church. This is how the restoration has been proceeding forward. (74-318)

Making sacrifice with the material things is the way to pay indemnity for the Old Testament. Sacrificing with the physical body is the way to pay indemnity for the New Testament. Attending the will of God with heart of faith and tears is the way to restore the Completed Testament.

(1) The Old Testament is the era when the Foundation of Faith is restored through indemnity and during this time, all things are restored through the symbolic offering.

(2) The New Testament is the era of restoring through indemnity of the Foundation of Substance and through the substantial offering man's physical body is restored.

(3) The Completed Testament is the era of restoring the Foundation of Heart and in this period man's mind is restored through the sacrifice of the heart.

So, what is this? When this is restored though indemnity, when the world comes to an end, then what would happen? In the Last Days, all these are not supposed to be indemnified in separate positions. This will be manifested horizontally according to the era. This (speaking while writing on the board) is Old Testament, right? This is the time of all things. This is time of material. We have to rise to the position where we ourselves can be claimed, to be re-created before God. All must be unified at once before God. It is the realm of man's possession. Next is our bodies. Then is the mind. All this at once . . . Man always failed because these were separated. Because we rose to this occasion based on failures, in this era all must be unified at once to bring victory? Who was defeated? The failure was not before God but before Satan. Because humanity was defeated by Satan, it is the same as God being defeated.

Then, on account of man's victory, who will reap the victory? God will claim the victory. For this reason, it is not God who brings the victory. It is man. Man is the one who will bring it about. Yet how is it done? It must be made to be one with the Principle. (74-320)

2) The Eight Stage Course of Restoration Through Indemnity

Until now, the six thousand years of history has progressed along the line starting from the level of individual, to the level of family, of tribe, of people, of nation, and of the world. In the Unification Church, we are to go through the eight stages of the restoration of individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, universe and the restoration of God's love.

When you pray, you pray centering on these eight stages, right? Heavenly father, after completing the individual restoration and the family restoration . . . The completion of individual restoration takes place at the heart of the family. The completion of the family happens at the heart of the tribe. The completion of restoration of the tribe is at the center of the people. The completion of the restoration of the people is found at the center of the nation. The completion of the nation occurs at the center of the world. The completion of the restoration of the world is in the middle of the universe, and the completion of the restoration of the universe takes place at the heart of God's love. Everything is trying to become one on the universal level centering on the love of God.

Therefore, the Unification Church is proclaiming the ideology of the universe centering on the perspective of history based on the heart. Some people might say, "We are busy making a living for today even, yet what is all this fuss about the ideology of the universe? We don't know if we will live or die today, so what is the point of this eternal and abundant idealism? These are crazy people." It's true that we are crazy. (61-75)

Then, how great is this stage? How many stages are there? You must pass the individual stage. Moreover, passing the individual stage alone is not enough. Is the test something that can be passed in comfort, while sleeping, resting and eating all you want? Is this so? You must pass the test. Why do you have to pass it? By doing so, one stage . . . Night and day will be swapped. It will be different. You can go from the era of the night to the era of the day. You can go from the springtime to the summer time. This is how it is. You can make progress.

Just as there is a test whenever one tries to bring something to conclusion, in our course of restoration, the eight stages are left for us to pass through. The course of indemnity on the individual level, of the family level, of the tribal level, of the people level, of the national level, of the world level, of the universal level, and then what is next? There are eight stages including the stage of God. If you look at the actual course, there are seven stages. Up to that, this is the fate that fallen man must walk through. This cannot be left abandoned forever.

If you as an individual made a contact with that, then in whatever way that you can, you must connect it to the family level. In order to connect this, you have to love this more. Having loved this, you must stage a concentrated attack in order to be one with it. You must not put your own opinion first. The question is how to adjust and focus right onto this. (125-250)

What is the Principle of the Unification Church trying to do today? This is the only path, yet just because this is the Principle path, one cannot just enter it. It has been made to be the path whose fate is to pass through the eight stages. Do you understand! There are eight stages from individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, universe, and until God. The number eight is the number of beginning all over again. After that, the number of beginning again will not emerge again. Do you understand? [Yes] (135-304)

When you possess the love of God, there is no need for you to commit sin. You will have no need for sin or greed. In love, everything exists. Do you understand what this means? [Yes] What we must do is fulfill our portion of responsibility. You must understand clearly that only what you do in these can be said to constitute the restoration through indemnity based on your portion of responsibility.

In the course of indemnity, there are eight stages, indemnity on the level of the individual, of the family, of the tribe, of the people, of the nation, of the world, of the universe, and then of God. There are seven actual stages. What did I just talk about? What are the eight stages? [Perfection of the individual, perfection of the family, then perfection of the tribe . . . The eight stages must be passed through.] What is involved in going through them? What is the reason that one must go through them? You should be able to answer if you heard me speak. [If you enter the position of God, then God can become the governor of every, thing . . .] It is very simple. I am talking about restoration through indemnity. What have you been doing so far? You have been dozing off, right? Putting you through such embarrassing situations is the only way to make you become alert and listen. Why are we to go through the eight stages? Didn't I just teach you? Why are we supposed to go through the eight stages? It is for the sake of the restoration through indemnity. Do you understand? [Yes] You are to pass through the eight stages in order to achieve the restoration through indemnity.

When did you pass through these eight stages? [We have not yet] You might be thinking, "Those eight stages were created by Rev. Moon. I do not need indemnity." If the existence of man's portion of responsibility is true, then this kind of course came into existence because of man's portion of responsibility. If the fall did not take place, then at once, in 21 years all would have been achieved automatically; but because there is this wall that blocks us, it must be taken care of step by step. They cannot be gotten rid of all at once. This is because Satan is tied to it. Accordingly, we have no choice but to deal with it one step at a time. (Speaking while writing on the board) Satan came into being because of the fall and this is also the reason that the indemnity condition came to exist. Because the indemnity condition lies within man's portion of responsibility, it is an inescapable course, an unavoidable course.

So did you know the individual course of indemnity or not? You are to go through the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, universe, and God. You are to return. In returning, how are you to do that? When you rise up, in order to stretch up and climb up to the eight stages what do you have to do? You cannot climb up. In order to claim the vertical column, you must first move to the side and gain individual victory, and to do this you have to go up on the side centering on your mind to fight with and then win over Cain. This is the only way to climb up. Why? This is because Satan is attached to you. You have to understand this. Do you understand what this means? [Yes]

If there was no fall, individual, family, tribe, people, nation and even the world would be centered on you as an individual, and family, tribe, and everything else will be the one center, and even God will also lie in one axis. However, because of the fall, the whole axis has been twisted. Because people's angles have become crooked, due to the fall, the axis has become twisted. Accordingly, along this twisted axis, Satan controls you.

For this reason, you have to go along this crooked axis to straighten it and by linking it up, climb up it. This cannot be connected up here. In the restoration of the tribe, after having laid the victorious foundation centering on the family, one must go out to the domain of the tribe and centering on the place where the tribe is putting up the opposition, it must be made to submit naturally. Having done so, one is supposed to come this way, taking a turn here and climbing up there. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes]

If there was no fall, at once, in twenty generations humanity could have climb up all the way, but since that is not the case it has taken two thousand years. It has taken two thousand years from Abraham to Jesus and the two thousand years after Jesus. You must understand this. You cannot simply go up directly. How nice would it be if we can climb up directly. If there was no fall, we could have climbed up at once. Individual perfection will become family perfection, and family perfection will become perfection of the tribe . . . At that time there was no tribe. It was supposed to expand naturally. However, after the fall, everything from the individual, to family, tribe, people, nation, and world are points of accusations. The Satanic kingdom had been established. The universe had become the sovereignty of Satan. How do we restore this world? Centering on the individual, it must be implanted here. Separately, going in the opposite direction, it must be dragged on. We must escape. This is why in such religions as Buddhism, one leaves one's home. One is not permitted to love one's father and mother as well as one's older sister and brother. The words in the Bible, "Those who cannot love me more than their father and mother cannot become my disciple," is a paradoxical theory, but this must be accepted as the reasonable theory that will lead one to the heavenly path. Do you understand? [Yes]

For this reason, having understood the laws of indemnity in this world and universe, I have been adjusting the focus of love on the levels starting from the individual and expanding to the family level love, tribe level love, people level love, and national level love. Every time this was being undertaken, Satan tried his best to destroy it. Therefore, religions must walk the path of persecution. Tears and blood must be shed. One must not climb to the top. One must remain in the shadows. This is a safe zone. Because Satan is arrogant, he does not like dark places. Accordingly, the most miserable place is the safest place.

Starting from the servant of servant; this is also eight stages, right? Starting from the servant of servant, to the servant, and then what is next? From adopted son, to the illegitimate son, to the child of direct lineage, and then from mother, father, to God; all together they are eight stages. It is the same. Eight stages remain. You must understand this clearly. Before becoming a leader of the Unification Church, one must first become the servant of that nation. Otherwise, there is no path for liberation. Having become the servant of servant, one must be treated as the adopted son. One must be treated as the illegitimate child.

How much mistreatment has the Unification Church suffered so far? This is how we are to climb up. When we climb up to this stage, there is always indemnity to be paid. Then, have you or have you not walked the path of indemnity? Did you or did you not walk the path of indemnity on the individual level? You don't understand, right? Have you fought with Satan and through God's fair judgment claimed the victory? Have you or have you not? If you have not, then your families cannot walk the course of indemnity. How can you travel the course of indemnity on the tribal level when you have not even done so on the family level? There is no way. How can you go the course of indemnity on the people level when you have not even done so for the tribal level? How can you walk the course of indemnity on the national level when you have not even done so on the people level? How can you walk the course of indemnity on the world level when you have not gone the course for the national level, and how can you walk the course of indemnity on the universal level when you have not done so on the world level? You must understand this clearly.

The law of indemnity that the Unification Church teaches is the truth, yet in practicing this truth, the crucial issue is when have you fought with Satan centering on God in the triangular position and having defeated Satan serve God on that foundation. I am not talking about fighting. Satan must submit naturally.

You must understand that what lies incomplete before you is the duty of loving God more than anyone of your ancestors in history, and being loyal to God more ardently than the combination of the loyalties of the people in history toward Satan. You must understand this clearly, that you must pay the indemnity.

The restoration through indemnity; why do we need indemnity? Without paying indemnity, there is no way to subjugate Satan. If the original focus of God's love is fixed on an individual, can there be Satan there or not? Looking at it with the Principle perspective, would there be Satan there? (1988.10.3)

There were numerous paths of tribulations in history, but the eight stages of the path of suffering that I have walked cannot be found in the Satanic world in history or in God's history. You must understand that the path of indemnity has been such, that I could not shed tears just because of the difficulties I was facing, telling God, "God I cannot endure this any longer." Someone heading toward heaven must not walk the path while shedding tears and wiping them. Unless the situation in which he was shedding tears does not become the foundation on which he can move toward happiness, then it is the universal Principle that the basis of the kingdom of heaven cannot remain on the earth.

For this reason, everyone must walk: the suffering path of the king of servant of servants, the suffering paths of the king of servants, of the king of adopted sons, the suffering path of the king of illegitimate sons, then of the king of sons, king of mothers, and then the suffering path of the king of fathers. You must not shed tears because of your own tribulations on the path, but grabbing on to the humanity, you must cry for the sake of the liberation of the humanity. This must be liberated. You must repent for the sake of the humanity.

Before God, for God, I am one that God cannot afford to lose more than anyone else in the world, but even then, my attitude is, "I cannot abandon these adopted children and miserable slave children. I must save them even if it means that I have to switch places with them." Every time this happens, as God asks Satan, "Should I listen to his plea or not?" then Satan cannot but say, "You should listen to his plea." He will add, "Even in such a miserable position he loves God and humanity, and this is the realm that I cannot reach, therefore, since there is no universal Principle that will allow one to oppose such person, there is no basis for opposition. The path that he is walking on is the domain of liberation."

When I was setting up Holy Grounds in forty nations, as I was traveling through wealthy countries, pitiful countries, and that servant like nation, when I came across miserable people in my heart I comforted them with confidence, telling them in my mind, "I who has been through worse places than the situation that you are heading toward came here and prayed. My prayer will become your shield through which you can gain life, and the path that will lead you to the road of life will be shown to you from this earth to the kingdom in heaven." This is the path of restoration. This position should have had a glorious beginning, but it began with the path of suffering and agony.

Although such a story lies behind me, who would have believed me forty years ago; people believe me now only because I have already accomplished all this. If I said those words, then wouldn't people have treated me as a maniac? They will say, "That lunatic, he has gone mad. What? He says that he is going to move heaven and earth, having impact in this world, and turning this evil world upside down to make it a good world?" So how ridiculous was it? I have been walking this path for forty years. If those of you gathered here have evaded the path of suffering then you are nothing more than thieves.

The seven-year course is designed to shrink it and pay indemnity. This is also made up of seven stages. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, there are seven stages. Within seven-years. This is home church.

Israel's people must walk the path that Jacob went, and the Israel nation must walk the path that Moses went, Christianity must walk the path that Jesus walked, and you must walk the path that I have gone through. Isn't this the principle? [Yes] You must go here and receive persecution. You should receive persecution. You are to receive persecution. I stand in the parental position, yet I have put my children in the place of suffering. The question is how to decide in my life a time period in which all suffering can be blocked and on the world stage where you will be welcome and you can pay the indemnity. This is home church. After Danbury, the period of persecution has passed by.

What is applicable here is the era of individual, the era of family, of tribe, of people, of nation, of world, of universe, and the era of heaven; these are also in eight stages. (Speaking while writing on the board) They are eight stages. Similarly, this is also the case with the course of restoration. Like the course of suffering, the course of restoration is also like this. From the individual to the family, to tribe . . . So, you need a nation, right? You need a family, right? It is the same thing. It is the same stage. Adding it all . . . So, centering on home church . . . (161-195)

3) The Seven Year Course

God has been toiling for seven thousand years, while Christianity has been toiling for two thousand years, so next, we as individuals must walk the course of seventy years. How can you get married when you are supposed to offer service for seventy years? In the Unification Church, it is seven years. For God it was seven thousand, for Christianity seven hundred years, for those who believe in Christianity it is seventy years, and for members of Unification Church it is seven years. The number is decreasing gradually. After serving for seventy years what can people do once they get to heaven? They are already so old. If they go at that time, even if they get married, it is of no use. Can they bear children? Therefore, because it is seven years for us in the Unification Church, we can build the kingdom of heaven on earth. (96-119)

When you look at formation, growth and perfection each as taking seven years, it becomes 21 years. Therefore, in order to establish a standard of perfection you need a period of seven years. Thus when someone comes into the Unification Church, he inevitably has to go through a seven-year course. We must, through this seven-year course, inherit True Parents' heart and at the same time establish a condition to restore everything that was lost. Adam and Eve lost all things as a result of the fall; their substance was tainted because of Satan, and they were robbed of heart. All this has to be restored through indemnity. That is, we need to bind together completely the problem of all things, the problem of substance, and the problem of heart, centering on God, and in this way pass through the perfection stage.

After receiving the Blessing, we must restore all things, restore substance, and restore heart, in a period of seven years. When we took at this horizontally, all things are the Formation Stage, substance is the Growth Stage, and heart is the Perfection Stage. This is the content that indemnifies horizontally the entire historical, vertical providence. The standard of all things corresponds to the Old Testament Age, the standard of substance corresponds to the New Testament Age, and the standard of heart corresponds to the Completed Testament Age. These three have to become completely one. In the Old Testament Age indemnity was paid centering on all things; the New Testament age indemnified substance through God's only begotten son. By that becoming the victorious result, a heartistic standard was to appear.

By parents' making mistakes, a standard of hardship was imposed upon humankind. But because Father has completed his responsibility in the position of parent, you who are standing in the position of children can surpass all the standards of persecution and accusation. This is the purpose of the seven-year course.

Everyone, no matter whom, has to go this seven-year course. Proud and distinguished people or ugly and unfortunate people, no matter who they are, have to go this course. Anyone of fallen descent has to go this course no matter who he or she is, or else they will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

God has toiled for seven thousand years, and I am to persevere for seventy years. For you, seven years is sufficient. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes] God has gone through several thousand and ten thousand times more than I, and I have toiled several thousand, several hundred times harder than you. In this way the indemnity was paid; do you think I have gone through such course of suffering? [Yes] (80-112)

We are not to die along with Jesus to cross over the hill of Golgotha, but live and climb over it. In this way, we are to pay indemnity horizontally for the vertical history. The six thousand years of history corresponds to this seven-year course. The six thousand years are supposed to be indemnified in seven years. The seven thousand years, the six thousand years plus a thousand years, are to be indemnified in seven years. Because this is the formula, every fallen man must go through this seven-year course. After fulfilling this time period, everything will go smooth for you. This is the reason why revival groups who experience the Holy Spirit must pack up and leave after seven years because it will completely be emptied out. This seven-year period is the time that is needed to horizontally indemnify the vertical history. (21-211)

Ladies and gentlemen, what is the seven-year course? It is the path to restore all the stages beginning from the position of servant of servants, all the way up to the position of the direct heir. Therefore, during this seven-year course, you must go into the position of servant in order to love Cain. For this reason, we are to go out to the villages and other such places to do witnessing. We are trying to love people centering on the Principle from the perspective of the heart. We are not trying to do this as son and daughter of someone's lineage but as people who have found the common focal point with the heart of God that can be linked to heavenly compassion. Moreover, we are trying to find a point of union for our lifestyle and hope. Centering on God, we are trying to bring unity to our heart, actions, and hope. (34-60)

What is the seven-year course? What is to be done? Through the fall, man has also caused all things to fall. This has brought about the realm of sorrow for all things. Two realms of sorrow, one of the human world and the other of the world of all things, have come into existence.

In the created natural world, centering on man, all the environmental factors will be formulated. In other words, due to the fall of man, all things are thrown into the realm of sorrow, and centering on the fallen descendants, humanity dwells in the realm of sorrow.

For this reason, the creation must first be liberated. Since in the process of creation all things were created first and then man was created, in the process of recreation, the same course will be undertaken. The course of indemnity for the course of restoration, in other words, the course of re-indemnification, must be walked. The realm of sorrow for all things must be liberated. Didn't God create man on the foundation of the realm of all things? God created man through all things. There was no fall back then. There was no realm of sorrow. (172-49)

We are to find all the conditions for the creation and offer them to God. This is the three-and-a-half-year period. During the seven years, since through the number seven God has created the universe, three and half years are set aside for claiming the creation back. During the three and half years, you must exert yourself to the utmost, pouring out your heart and body to the fullest.

This is the seven-year course, and with three and half years as a unit, it must be divided into two stages. Spending three and a half years and then another three and a half years, centering on sons and daughters and joining efforts with them, you must restore what has fallen on the level of the family to enter the kingdom of heaven on the family level. You have to understand that the three and half years is the period of bearing the cross for the sake of the family.

However, one thing that you have to understand is that originally this is supposed to take fourteen years. Seven years here and climbing up to here takes seven years, all together it is fourteen years. Moreover, with seven years here it takes 21 years, but we are to complete the whole course in seven years. (Speaks while writing on the black board) Do you understand what this means? It is the 21-year course of the Unification Church. Who is to bear this burden? I am the one who has to do it. It is I. Do you understand what I am saying? (133-160)

4) You Must go Through the Formula Course

The development of science always relies upon formulas, and by applying the formulas, development comes according to the result brought. Today, the modern civilization stands on that foundation. Similarly, we must reflect on the question whether or not people also have some ideals to which we can apply some fundamental formula and rule. Eventually, a person of mature character has to be a figure of formula that can freely be linked to the past, present and future. (87-11)

Ladies and gentlemen, can there be two different formulas or definitions to concepts in mathematics or physics? Are there two or one? The modern civilization is a scientific civilization, and this scientific development is the same as the development of the formula. The modern civilization of today was built all based on the fundamental formulas that have been manifested in actual accomplishments. Do you understand what this means? This did not come into being in random or in some haphazard way. All have made progress through the course that embodies formulas. For this reason, traditions are to be respected, and if there is a good fundamental formula and rule in the past, then it should be maintained, and living on top of it, moreover, formulas that are more advanced and precious . . . This is the way that the civilized world has been making progress. (97-119)

As church leaders, what you have to understand, as you go out witnessing to the churches in the regions, is that whenever you witness to a person, you must apply that formula. You must go through that formula. (47-293)

In solving a math formula, it is the same for an old person, or a king, or for that matter, it is the same for anyone else. This is the principle. For fallen people to find their way to the Kingdom of Heaven there is no way they can avoid these fundamental rules of the Unification Church, for a director of the Elder Park or for anyone else. They are insane people. Elder Park misused the Divine Principle that he learned from me; as much as two thirds of it. They are traitors. He had become the disciple of the grandmother that I had sent to Seoul to do witnessing, and then he betrayed . . . Their fate will be miserable. (127-65)


Section 4: Restoration Through Indemnity and the Formula Course [Part 2]

2. Portion of Responsibility and Indemnity

1) Indemnity and Restoration

Members of the Unification Church today do not like the path of indemnity. What this means is that they do not like restoration. There is no such a thing as, "I like restoration but do not like indemnity." So, which comes first? Does restoration come first or does indemnity come first? [Indemnity] Why do you now say that indemnity comes first? However, which is the one that you like? Let's frankly talk about the thing that you like. [Restoration] You like restoration but do not like indemnity. What is this when we look at it from God's side? It is the opposite. Which side are you on? Are you on the side of God or on the side of Satan? [On God's side] You have to be clear about this. You have to understand this clearly. You like restoration. However, the side of God cannot like restoration. Only after having paid the indemnity, restoration occurs.

So, which is the side that likes restoration? It is the side of Satan. And which is the side that dislikes indemnity? [Satan's side] Satan's side. Also, which is the side that likes indemnity? [God's side] You understand now. This Unification Church is also on that side. You didn't know that, right? You understood this now.

Then, you must deeply reflect upon yourself and repent. Are you on God's side or Satan's side? You know this well. You should ask yourself. O is on the side of God and X is on the side of Satan. Which one is on God's side? [O] There is only one person who answered and the rest remained silent . . . You must understand this. Until now, you have been following the will of God, but now that you have understood that one who likes restoration is Satan and one who likes indemnity is God, which path would you take? [The path of indemnity] (16-127)

How did the fall come about? The fall came about because of lack of faith. Disbelief was the primary cause. Then, it was because of the assertion of one's own self. The assertion of the ego, it was centered on oneself. The fall occurred at the place where oneself was being asserted. Next, the realm of love centering on oneself was demanded. These are the three causes of the fall. Disbelief, then? Assertion of oneself, centering on oneself. Next is desiring the realm of love centering on oneself. This was the basis for Satan. This is what the fallen Archangel has become.

Then, in order to restore this through indemnity, in order to negate it, what must be done? The opposite must be carried out. Absolute faith. This is why absolute faith came into the scene. Because disbelief led the ancestor of mankind to the fall, we must step on it and climb over it. We must go up beyond the line where our ancestors fell. We have to practice absolute faith. What is absolute faith? It is going forward until we die, even after we die, and even while we are dying. You do not understand absolute faith, right? The limit of absolute faith is . . . When we compare this with ourselves who have a substantial living body, it means that we are to go forward even while we are in the process of dying. It means that even when we are dying we must walk this path. We are trying to go this way even when we are dying. When I die, I will not fall to the side but fall in the front, heading forward. In this sense, if you deny your faith, you are choosing the road of death.

What is the second? It is denial of oneself. You must deny this eye one hundred percent. It is the denial of the self. My eyes that want to see, my mouth that wants to eat! Until thirty years of age, I never had even one day that I was not feeling hungry. Even though I am aware of it, I have chosen the path of death.

What is the third? Absolute love. This is the absolute love. Only after digesting the enemy . . . Taking revenge is not forgiving. The enemy himself must voluntarily hand over his nation, all of his authority, and the birthright as the eldest son. You must receive them from him. (126-35)

If people understand the true meaning of the word indemnity, then they will all live it the most. Without indemnity there can be no blessing.

Indemnity is the unlimited nugget of gold in the Unification Church. It is a shocking word, which can put the life on the line, sacrifice everything, and overcome all the difficulties. (1978.2.26)

The history of restoration is not supposed to be carried out after giving an explanation for it. One is supposed to cope with it only after completing it and winning a victory. If the explanation could have been given beforehand, then there is no need for the sixty-six books in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Why would we need sixty-six books?

It's no big deal. Even ten pages are too much. Everything can be recorded in three pages. (62-126)

2) Portion of Responsibility

What would have happened if man did not have his portion of responsibility? Why was man given his portion of responsibility? You lecturers don't even know that? Why was the human portion of responsibility set? [In order to realize Father's will on the earth] It originally concerns the purpose of creation. Originally, why was man given a portion of responsibility? In order to have man participate in the great creative undertaking. What is next? [In order to have dominion over all things.] Then? [In order to qualify him as the master of creation by making him a co-creator] Next? [For the absoluteness and the completeness and perfection of the truth] It is these three contents.

You must participate in God's great creative undertaking. Even if there was no fall initially, such responsibility still exists. The human portion of responsibility was not established by the fall, but even without the fall man still has this responsibility. Even if one is equipped with God's 95% ideal form necessary to reach perfection, one must still complete the remaining 5% of his own responsibility. God cannot bring about the perfection of man alone, man has the responsibility to make a contribution in perfecting himself. This would be true even if there were no fall.

Moreover, there is the absoluteness of the Principle. Principle does not know forgiveness. It must be obeyed. You must go the Principle way even after you are dead. It must be adhered to forever. If God can do as he pleased, then there is no need for the path of suffering that He has been walking during the course of dispensation of restoration. Because it has been set up in this way, because there is a limit in the way that the responsibility has been apportioned, God is unable to escape this fact and thus has been going through the course of countless tribulations in order to restore man. Responsibility does not lie only in God. Man shares the responsibility. This is true even if there were no fall. Isn't this so?

Looking at it from this perspective, what has fallen man become today? The human portion of responsibility is not the only thing that fallen man is accountable for. All of the 97% of the creation has been infringed upon. This is the reason that re-creation must be brought about, yet what is re-creation? It is not something that can cross over the limit of the portion of responsibility. The entire course of creation has been devastated. So how difficult is it. Therefore, without fulfilling what accounts for the 95% of the responsibility, man has no way to eternally complete his portion of responsibility. It must be re-created. The dispensation of restoration is a work of re-creation, but why is recreation absolutely necessary? It is because of the human portion of responsibility. Even just to fulfill the human portion of responsibility and proceed toward the position, the re-creation process must be passed through. In order to pass through the process of re-creation, the indemnity must be paid. The condition of indemnity must be set. The path of suffering must be walked.

Until now, God has been dealing with the human world in the position that surpasses the domain of the human portion of responsibility. However, all those who fell below this must somehow bridge the gap and climb up. All of humanity falls under this category. All in the world, history, all that went to the spirit world in the past, all of humanity in the present world, and all of the descendants who are to come cannot escape this fate. This is the dreadful realm of the fall.

So, in the recreation process how must it be done? The process of conflict must be passed through. With whom? With Satan. What is all this? In other words, who dominates over the domain that is necessary for the creative process? It is Satan. Satan dominates over 95% of the domain, and after 95% God dominates over it. This is how it should be seen. (115-66)

In the portion of responsibility, there is the domain of individual portion of responsibility, the domain of family level portion of responsibility, of the tribal level, of the people level, of the national level portion of responsibility, the domain of the world level portion of responsibility, the domain of the universal portion of responsibility, and the domain of the heaven and earth level portion of responsibility. Why? Isn't it a fallen world? Because it is fallen world, there is no door. The door will not come into being without the domain of love centering on the portion of responsibility. The individual will oppose it, and family, tribe will also oppose this. (162-92)

What will be accomplished after the completion of the human portion of responsibility? What this means is that with the completion of the human portion of responsibility, man enters the realm of God's direct dominion. (Speaks while writing on the board) You have to understand this. This is how the Principle is, right? [Yes]

Once you enter the realm of direct dominion, what does God center on to have the direct dominion? Centering on money? Centering on one's outstanding talents? Centering on what would He govern? [Love] That's correct. It is love. At that moment, Adam and Eve will receive God's blessing and enter the realm of God's love. You have to understand that the time when Adam and Even can go into the realm of love, and after having become one in that realm of love, practice and manifest the love of God in the horizontal world, is the foundation of the kingdom of heaven on earth. (124-306)

Satan cannot appear any more when centering on the love of God; the complete love of God can be manifested. This is the completion of the portion of responsibility. If the portion of responsibility was completed, at the realm of indirect dominion and the realm of direct dominion, the connection of love can be linked up. There the vertical love and horizontal love are connected together. (173-286)

You have to understand that the Unification Church's discovery of the human portion of responsibility today is a universal discovery. The invention of the nuclear bomb or Einstein's discovery of the theory of relativity cannot even compare with it. The question is why righteous people in history have been sacrificed? Only after their time has passed by do they become famous. There is no way that even historians or philosophers can solve these kinds of problems. (124-303)

All the contradictions and all the sorrowful and unfortunate events in history, all of this was caused by man's ignorance of his portion of responsibility in history. You have to understand this fact. You have to understand how important the portion of responsibility is. You have been interpreting the meaning of the portion of responsibility in the way you see fit. You have been thinking, "The portion of responsibility is a concept that the Principle teaches, so it has nothing to do with us. We can live our life in the world in any way that we like."

Seeing from this perspective, you have to understand how great Rev. Moon's discovery of the word: "portion of responsibility," is. Have you understood how important the portion of responsibility is? How seriously have you tried to understand it? Around this issue of the portion of responsibility, the whole universe revolves. God cannot be liberated, the universe also cannot be liberated, and the door to hell cannot be opened freely, and all the unrighteous and contradictory things plague society because this wall of portion of responsibility could not be crossed over. (124-94)

Do you now understand what portion of responsibility is? [Yes] How many times a day have you thought about portion of responsibility? You are to memorize the words, "portion of responsibility," whenever you are having a meal, picking up a spoon, washing dishes, going to the bathroom, or even as you are walking. Adam and Eve met their doom because they did not think about their portion of responsibility. You will also perish if you do not fulfill your portion of responsibility. In order to become a victorious person through restoration, you must take to heart and think about the portion of responsibility twenty-four hours a day. (124-103)

3) Internal Indemnity Condition and External Indemnity Condition

When we look at the issue of laying down the foundation for the dispensation of restoration centering on the Unification Church, we find that the foundation is laid through the course of indemnity, and not without any such effort.

Then with what do we set the condition of indemnity? Moreover, what are we supposed to do once the indemnity condition is set? This is not so clear. We have the concept of indemnity, but what are we setting the indemnity condition for? The purpose is not so manifest. What is the purpose of paying indemnity? This is not how it should be. You have to understand clearly what the purpose of indemnity is.

In the course of restoration, the restoration of individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, universe, and then including the restoration of the love of God, these eight stages must be passed through, all at once. If Adam and Eve did not fall, then this would have been completed at once, but because they fell to the position of servant of servant, in the historical era, they cannot climb back up at once.

For this reason, the course of pioneering and connecting these stages absolutely requires indemnity conditions. By setting indemnity conditions, what happens is that Satan is separated. Indemnity conditions are necessary only because of Satan, but without Satan there is no need for the condition of indemnity. Do you understand this? [Yes]

Up to now, who has been moving and shaking this history? Satan has been. For this reason, Satan must be separated. Without getting rid of Satan, God cannot enter. It is not God's territory. Because it is Satan's territory, within the domain of the fall, without setting indemnity conditions to separate Satan, without setting the indemnity condition needed to chase him out, the expansion of God's territory cannot take place and the foundation for God's activity cannot be built. Therefore, Satan must be separated and chased out.

Then, what was the main cause that allowed Satan to come in? First is because of the fall of Adam and second is because of Cain's murder of Abel. Because of these two conditions, Satan has come to completely secure the vertical and horizontal dominion. Even in the spirit world, Satan has the dominion over it. You have to understand this clearly.

In order to set the condition of indemnity, there has to be a being that can represent Adam and a being that can represent Abel. What is this trying to indemnify? What is trying to be indemnified through the representative of Adam is to restore through indemnity the vertical foundation of Adam's fall. Having secured the position to restore the position of Adam in this way, then Cain and Abel must be restored through indemnity. Because Cain had conquered Abel, Abel must now conquer Cain. However, because Adam himself does not have sons and daughters, he himself has to accomplish this in their place. He must accomplish both of these two missions. (161-207)

In separating Satan vertically and horizontally, there are internal and external conditions of indemnity, The external condition of indemnity is the Cain-Abel condition of indemnity, and the internal condition of indemnity is the Adam condition of indemnity, centering on the portion of responsibility. By doing so, when Satan's environment of affection and emotion can be completely overcome and gotten rid of. Centering on all the environment of Satan's dominion, where persecution was received, then, the beginning will dawn upon the side of God. This is the fundamental principle. (161-207)

Then, the question is why Adam fell. The fall of Adam is the severance of the relationship with God and His love due to the failure of not having completed the portion of responsibility. The portion of responsibility has not been connected, and next, the love of God was not connected. Due to the fall, the portion of responsibility was lost and the domain of God's love was lost.

Then, how do you separate Satan? Look. You have to become the representative figure of Adam who can set the indemnity condition. I am not talking about the fallen Adam. Moreover, it has become love in the Satanic domain because the fallen Adam had lost love; therefore, one must be in the position representing Adam who has the love in God's domain, and after fighting with Satan separate him. Standing in the position of having completed the portion of responsibility, God's domain of love must be conquered.

However, the situation has become such that based on the failure to complete the portion of responsibility, and centering on the foundation of God's love inside the Satanic domain, Satan has conquered the whole world. Accordingly, being in the position of Adam who, according to the original standard, has completed his portion of responsibility centering on God, by fighting with Satan. Centering on love, in the realm of dominion according to the result of the Principle and the realm of direct dominion, by setting the condition of having loved from God's side more than those who face Satan's side, and more than when dealing with the love that is on both sides of God and Satan, one can bring about the separation. You have to understand that this is where the indemnity condition is set.

However, because Satan has dominion over his environment, he is employing all kinds of methods and tactics. He will try to cut this off. Nevertheless, as long as you can overcome the environment, and no matter what kind of situation you face, as long as you can claim back the portion of responsibility that Adam lost in God's place, then success will certainly be achieved. It will be eternal. Moreover, unless you can set the standard of loving God that no one can discredit, the indemnity will not be completed. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes]

For this reason, you must absolutely fulfill the portion of responsibility in the position of Adam. No matter what kind of temptations or other trials you face, you must not waver in your determination to reach the goal. By securing the authority as the child of God, no matter how much love in the Satanic domain or any other power of love and emotion that dominates the whole environment tempt you, and no matter what kind of force opposes you, you must be unchanging in loving God. It is absolute. If you persevere the persecution in this way once and twice, it cannot come more than three times. By doing it like this all must go over the hill.

After receiving opposition, it always divides into two. There will come about an occasion when the whole world on the Abel side can be absorbed, yet only when such an environment can be brought to victory, can Satan be separated from that environment by setting the indemnity condition. If Satan is not separated, then it remains Satan's world.

What does the indemnity condition separate? It is completing the portion of responsibility and next it is loving God. No matter how much Satan persecutes and attacks, when you can get rid of it and not be influenced by it. After striking repeatedly for some time, as the time that he must retreat approaches, he must retreat. This is how Satan is to be separated. Without bringing resolution to this, there is no way to indemnify Cain and Abel. (1611-205)

What is the vertical indemnity condition? With what do you set it? It is the two conditions of completion of the portion of responsibility and the completion of the restoration of the absolute love toward God. Because there is such a standard, even Jesus had once said, "Those who do not love me more than their own mother, children, wife or any other person do not have the qualifications." This Principle is where such words come from. In this way the whole Bible can be interpreted. Isn't this true? Similarly, do you love me to the same degree? [Yes] Do you understand clearly?

You have been leading a casual and relaxed lifestyle, right? Although I have spoken about indemnity conditions, although I have explained on the pulpit how these are not mere words and nothing more, you have been suffering up to now because you do not understand how all of this is applied. It is only because I am here; otherwise, all of you would have divided up and scattered away. Do you understand you Korean gang? [Yes]

What is the internal indemnity condition? [The completion of the portion of responsibility and the love of God . . . What are we trying to do after that? Let the Satanic world persecute us and see what will unfold. Let them hit us. I will conquer you. With what? With the power of love, with the creative capability of God . . . Then God will be with us. Here, God will be present. Try and see if God will be present or not. I am someone who has been fighting on, never forgetting this point no matter if I am in a prison or am receiving the worst kinds of torture. Isn't it true that only then it will be separated?

In the manner of the internal eight stages and the external eight stages, the internal indemnity conditions and the external indemnity conditions are to be set, as progress is being made. You have to understand this clearly. Have you understood this clearly? [Yes]

How are you to set the external conditions? Is it better to send Abel alone or is it better to also send someone in the position of parents, representing all of the family members and have the two people pioneer together? [Let the two join forces and . . .] Who should go first? Should Abel go first or should the leader go first? [The leader] The leader is supposed to go first. For this reason, I, who am the leader has come to America first. Who has pioneered the Unification Church? Who has done it? I have done it with the aid of the principle. This is how it has progressed along. (161-213)

4) The Portion of Responsibility and Indemnity

You have to understand that because the human portion of responsibility was not completed, the sorrowful and resentful phase of restoration through indemnity has come to existence, the phase of resentment and sorrow. During the time of the course of restoration through indemnity, God or the headquarters must not support you, but you must do it by yourself. It must be done alone. When assistance is given, indemnity will not be achieved. It will not be. Why? Due to the existence of such a thing as the human portion of responsibility, according to this Principle, indemnity cannot be paid when help is given. If it can be helped, then at the time of man's fall, God would have intervened and prevent it. He could not do it because of the portion of responsibility; because there was the human portion of responsibility. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes]

No matter how great Rev. Moon is and no matter how much God loves, in the course of fulfilling the human portion of responsibility, to when walking the course of indemnity, God cannot help. I myself must win over Satan and move forward. Because it was the ideal authority given to Adam that he win over Satan and the satanic world, I have to exceed that ideal authority. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes] (124-304)

Between the portion of responsibility and indemnity, one is on the right side and the other is on the left side, and one is like the right leg and the other is like the left leg, yet all this has been forgotten. One is like the left leg and the other is like the right leg, yet all the members do not even understand portion of responsibility and indemnity. So how can you advance forward? How are you to move ahead? You cannot go forward in this state. You have to understand that the advancement is impossible unless the portion of responsibility and restoration through indemnity are connected together. Have you thought about such things? You don't like indemnity, right? You ladies do not like indemnity, right? You dislike God, dispensation, and the whole lot, right? [No]

From now on, even if you forget eating, even if you forget to sleep, even if you forget to think about the person that you love, you must never forget this; you have to be clear on this point. This is how serious it is. God also has to go through this, Rev. Moon also must go through this, all the members of the Unification Church must go through this, and the whole world must go through this. It will not do otherwise.

You want to pass through them all for free, right? How can you become a professor or a doctor without doing anything? You have to go through the course to attain the doctorate degree to become a doctor; how can you do so without paying the dues? If you do not pass through the course, then the degree is fake. You understand now, right? [Yes] (124-105)


Section 4: Restoration Through Indemnity and the Formula Course [Part 3]

3. The Formula Course of Unification Church Members

True Father has emphasized the formula course in Belvedere. Therefore, I am now going to talk about what kind of relationship exists between your Blessing and the formula course.

1) Education

How is your past church life related to the formula course? According to the principle, someone who has just joined the church must follow the official course of workshop in the order of two days, seven days, twenty-one days, and forty days, totaling 70 days in all. We are trying to implement this workshop formula course in America.

2) The Second Stage is the Restoration of All Things

Three and half years are needed as the basic period to restore the all things. This course is related to the restoration of the external form, in other words the restoration of our physical body. God created the environment first. Moreover, the period of activity while in the fundraising team on the vertical side gives us the qualifications to recreate our physical bodies. During this period, you need to work hard physically.

Looking at it from the dispensation of God, restoration does not only signify the restoration on the individual level. The course of the restoration of the all things corresponds to the restoration of the Old Testament era. Without the restoration of the historical events, there cannot be a complete restoration of ourselves. The active and sacrificial effort made during the three and half years in a fundraising team is a way to offer the all things in order to be linked with the Old Testament era.

This period is the time when that type of indemnity condition is presented. Therefore, our toil and efforts automatically become connected with the central dispensation of God.

All of you have the experience of having done fundraising. However, within a short conditional time period, or for certain purposes earning money inside the department that you are in, cannot compare with the activities of the fundraising team. The intention and purpose behind fundraising is not at the level of the department or nation, but they are to be connected to the purpose of God's main dispensation, whose purpose is concerned with the whole.

As you know, a fundraising team normally works diligently from early in the morning until late at night. This course sets the indemnity condition to recreate the physical body and gives us the qualifications to indemnify the Old Testament.

3) The Second Stage is the Restoration of Man

In the formula course, the restoration of humanity can be divided into two periods. The first three and half year period is the time for the restoration of humanity and finding three spiritual children.

As everybody knows, originally man reaches perfection after passing through the growth period. However, since fallen man fell at the Completion Stage of the Growth Stage, they must be restored to that stage. All people are to reach the completion of the Growth Stage once more. So, when we talk about the three and half year course, it refers to the time before receiving the Blessing. We call this "the path of restoration." In the early days of the church only those members who have completed all the conditions of the formula course can receive the Blessing.

The second period of witnessing is another three and a half years after the Blessing, and through this the perfection is achieved. We call this period after the Blessing, "the path of the Principle."

I will elaborate on the important differences concerning this in detail. Before receiving the Blessing, we have to walk the seven years of the formula course. Ordinarily, everybody needs at least three years of life of faith and three spiritual children. However, in recent years True Father has also given the Blessing to those who have worked in the church for only two or three years.

According to the principles, 14 years are required to be able to receive the Blessing by paying indemnity for these conditions, but it has been reduced down to 7 years. Father wants to give Blessing earlier and permit us to complete the course after the Blessing. The most important thing that we have to understand is that we have been greatly blessed and benefited. In this historical moment, we are not worthy of receiving such great benefits. Accordingly, we have to take to heart the understanding that for the sake of the formula course, we in reality need a seven-year period.

4) The Path of the Principle

Originally, for Adam and Eve to perfect each stage of growth, they are each given a portion of responsibility. In one stage of the Growth Period, the portion of responsibility required for that stage -- in other words, in the Three Stages of Growth, one must complete the portion of responsibility required for all three stages. There is no exception for this. Everybody possesses the same conditions and can grow only by completing the responsibility.

If after the fall, God demanded that fallen man to fulfill the same amount of responsibility, then there would be no hope that we can restore ourselves to the original position before the fall. In exchange for the lost opportunity to complete the portion of responsibility, we must set the conditions of indemnity.

In the path to restoration by God's grace, just like a high jump, we can make a great leap. This is what we mean when we say that we are inheriting the Merits of the Age.

There are three eras: the era before Abraham, the era from Abraham to Jesus, and the era from Jesus to today. People received benefit simply by living in an era. The reason is that it was the time when the dispensational history made progress through the conditions of indemnity.

5) The Merit of the Age of True Parents

We need the seven-year period of the indemnity condition for the sake of our restoration. Three and a half years for fundraising activities and three and a half years for witnessing. Moreover, for the restoration of humanity, we need seven years, three and a half years before Blessing and three and a half years after Blessing. Father granted the permission at Belvedere that a husband and wife can complete the seven year period together. Accordingly, all Blessed Couples have the duty to complete the three and half years.

Please do not misunderstand. Your course after the Blessing is no longer the path of restoration through indemnity. Then what is it? Your course after the Blessing is the "Path of the Principle."

The meaning of the "Path of the Principle" after the Blessing is that rather than making leaps toward your perfection, you are to make advances toward it step by step. If you have not fulfilled the minimum required indemnity condition after your Blessing, then you must continue to set the indemnity condition.

Already many members have been walking their incorrect path and at times they have a superficial and faulted understanding of the direction that Father is heading towards.

If you have failed to set the indemnity condition that is required by the formula course, then you have to understand that you have not gotten rid of the debt yet. However, at the present moment when we are following Father, who has successfully completed the 21-year course, the merit of the age is enormous. Father has performed the mind-boggling ten thousand couple Blessing ceremony, and he did not strictly require three spiritual children, three and a half years of fundraising, or the three years of life of faith. The reason is that he wanted to share with you the merit of his victory. However, most of you owe this debt to him.

6) The Position of Father

Father talks as if all the members have already become qualified candidates for the Blessing who have already completed the formula course and have no debt left. Father talks from this perspective but members who have not reached this level do not understand. From what I hear, most of you have not completed your responsibility and at times you have been busy doing other kinds of witnessing. Also, I know that you can decide upon easier tasks. Those who complain say, "the policies of the church headquarters has a huge variety; they are not in line with the Principle, because the policies are always changing." Father can never change. The Principle can also never change. The only thing that constitutes a problem is the fact that we have not been able to reach the standard that God wants.

7) The Tradition of the Blessed Couple

In the sermon last Sunday evening, Father talked about the three and a half years minimum period of indemnity condition through which the husband and wife can fulfill the seven year course in total. Fulfilling this period is a tradition for the Blessed Couples.

I remember this to be an event before Father came to America in 1971. At that time, Father gave the direction that all the Blessed Couples of Korea establish a new tradition. Whether you have four or five children, or regardless of the fact that you have just received the Blessing, all these do not pose any problems. Wives were completely separated from their husbands and children to walk the path of pioneer for the sake of the nation. This is the three and a half years of sacrificial duty, and this has become the tradition among the Blessed Couples. After that, Blessed Couples have been split apart and in different places most of them focused on witnessing and toiled on for three and a half years.

8) The Blessing of the Environment

According to the Principle, Blessed Couples should have already been liberated of all the courses of indemnity. After that, they are supposed to enjoy the Principle life style. However, in reality, Blessed Couples could not receive the Blessing of the living environment. Looking at it from God's point of view, still Abel's sacrifice is required for the sake of the nation and the world.

With that much sacrifice and service, the efforts of the Blessed Couples can bring amazing results. This is completely different from the effort made during the period when the condition was being set. The reason is that our purpose and interest is the restoration of the world. For this reason, the blessed wives must walk through the three and half years of sacrificial course from 1971.

9) Working with the Old and New Testament

Why do we need the course that is related to the restoration of humanity after the Blessing? The three and a half years of witnessing activities before the Blessing are connected to the restoration of our own spiritual self or mind. In other words, it signifies not the resurrection of the physical body, but of the spirit. Historically, this is indemnifying the New Testament. In the Old Testament, all things were offered to God for restoration, and in the New Testament the internal restoration was undertaken mainly through faith.

The restoration before the Blessing is the restoration of each person's external aspect or environment. After restoring the internal aspects of man and the New Testament, the time will come when one can connect with all eras. This is just like how a child is not a parent yet.

According to the principles of the creation, man was supposed to grow up in the natural environment of God and as they become a perfect son and daughter, take the position of the parent. However, since we fell at the Completion Level of the Growth Stage, we must first restore the position of children. (At present, although we are in the bosom of God, it is not yet the stage of perfection.)

By receiving the Blessing, we stand in the position of perfect child, and having done so we stand in the position of parents. For us there are two types of duties toward restoration.

After receiving the Blessing, through our relationship with the True Parents we have to recreate the heart of parents to be linked to the Completed Testament. Sacrificial lifestyle nowadays is the same as life of attendance. Through our act of attendance, we are to restore our heart.

Now, we have to understand the two types of categories, one before the Blessing and the other after the Blessing. The former signifies the restoration up to a certain degree and the later signifies the perfection.

Our Blessing is not given so that we can simply lead a normal marriage life, and it is not just for the sake of the external family. The most important point is salvation. Just as Father said, one who spends more than three years after the matching will soon start the family life. This is considered to be the completion of the minimum condition of indemnity. In reality, your central leaders must examine each of your individual records in church life. The reason is that there one can find all kinds of situations.

As the formula course becomes shorter and as the dispensation of restoration gradually expands, difficulties will decrease. In the future, the three and a half years of sacrificial period of duty will also gradually become shorter.

4. Fundraising and Witnessing

1) What is Fundraising and Witnessing

Because Adam violated the creation that God created and trampled upon man and love, I must respect the creation and act properly before man and the love of God.

This path is not the road toward business, and this path is not the road of witnessing, but it is the fateful path of indemnity. It must be traveled no matter what. I know all these things. You say this and that, but I understand how difficult it is. I even know how you are doing. No, when I tell you, "Concerning this issue, you should do this," then you should be able to say, "I have taken care of it like this." You should be able to even grab on to me and insist on your way. Then what would I do? Even God cannot do anything about it. What can He do when you grab onto Him with love? (94-271)

It would be terrible if you cannot accept and digest its true meaning and act upon it with a joyful heart, despite the invaluable training that I am providing you. How wonderful is the saying, "Doing the financial activities will make it possible to love the creation closely and witnessing is done to love men." Fundraising is designed to help you form good habits. If you can become like that while possessing love, when you go to the spirit world, you will enter it with the same habits. The ladder will be automatically be laid down. It is the same. Everything is for the purpose of climbing up. (Speaks while pointing to what he wrote on the board.)

When you do that, then you will surely become the incarnation of love in the spirit world. When you could not become the ideal perfected being in respect to love, through such a course of training, you have to eventually return and become a man who possess the divine qualities of God. For this reason, I begin from such divine qualities of love of God, and going through this course, to go from the earth to the spiritual world, I will return to the divine qualities of love. This is to say that I will become the son of God. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes] This is where you must go. Don't you think about this? (118-117)

What is fundraising? It is the public evidence that one has loved material things. What is witnessing? It is the public proof that one has loved man. Only after having done them does one needs a bride or a husband. Who needs a husband or wife if they cannot even love the creation? Who wants them? Who? What kind of bride will come forward to accept such a man as a husband? They will not come. If there is such woman, then the husband will also not come to her.

What is love? You have to lead a frugal life style, saving material things. You must first love material things and then love man. While living the life in a society in which people come into conflict with one another, there can be fights and complaints at times, and if one is at disadvantage, one may conjure something up and so forth. You have to train yourself to endure through such a lifestyle telling yourself, "I will endure because I love." (111-178)

2) The Two Things that must be Restored Through Indemnity

When we walk the course of restoration, why do we emphasize fundraising and witnessing? Viewing from the perspective of the dispensation, because man wrecked all that God had created, I have to recreate them. In re-creating them, since God had exerted Himself when I exert myself, that condition is being restored. Can this be done while you are playing around? [No] When God was creating this universe, He did not do it while He was playing or dancing around. He poured out everything that He had. The path of restoration is recreating it in the same way that God had created it.

Viewing it historically, this (fundraising) is the means to go through the Old Testament. You have to understand this. In the Old Testament era, the material offering was made. In restoring it through indemnity, the material offering must be made, and through this, victory must be won. Did you do this or not? [We did]

We must bring it to perfection. Only after passing it, we can enter the New Testament era and begin witnessing. We can deal with the people. Do you understand? Only after passing the course of building the financial foundation that the church presents before you, can you go out witnessing. What is witnessing? It is creating man. It is going out to recreate man. Can one just casually do witnessing?

You have to reflect on this point. You must be thinking, "How difficult was it to restore the financial problems; I cannot let go of it because I have put so much effort in it." You have to understand it. This is how you should have done it. You must have the thought, "Because for its sake I have put in all the treasures and everything that I had and shed my sweat and tears, it is the most precious thing."

You must complete the restoration through indemnity in the world. What is the most precious thing once you go to the spirit world? It is not money, nor children, and it is not nation. The most important thing is the restoration through indemnity. If you suffer affliction while doing this, then you will come to realize that this is the most precious thing. You cannot go to the kingdom of heaven without passing through it. You will not have any relationship with God and me.

Therefore, you must cross over the restoration through indemnity, the financial foundation, and the Old Testament. After that, after passing that, where should you go? Then, you must go out witnessing. You have to witness to twelve people. What are you to do after that? You have to restore through indemnity the failure of Jesus to find twelve disciples in three years.

When Jesus died, all the disciple ran away, right? You have to raise disciples who will not run away when you die, who are better than the disciples of Jesus. You have to understand this. When you think about how difficult it is to raise one person, you will understand how difficult it was for God to raise one Adam and one Eve. Everything that you have must be poured out. Unless you exert yourself to the extent that your bone marrow melts, nothing will remain. Do you understand? [Yes]

By walking the three-year course, you have to witness to more than twelve people. Then, you will not die. You will become a part of the group that will not die but survive. This is how you can pass over the New Testament. The reason that the New Testament came into being was the death of Jesus. He died because he lost all of the twelve disciples. In order to cross over the New Testament era, you have to find people who can be better than the twelve disciples and become the representative of the messiah who can love God and humanity. (96-115)

3) The Course that you must go Through Before you Turn Thirty

What? You do not like fundraising? Why do we need training through fundraising? In order for you to carry on activities, you need funds. No one will just hand over money to you. You have to understand it. You have to make it with your own hands. I have laid the worldwide foundation of today with my own hands. I have done it with my own hands. No one did it for me.

Financial problems will accompany you for the rest of you life. This is Satan. It follows you around always. You have to drag it. Financial problems are dragging you instead. No matter where I am chased out to, whether it is an island or any other place, I can live. Even if all of you die off, I will live on. I know all about what kind of mushrooms can be eaten and what plants can be used as medicine and what are poisonous. Moreover, as long as I have a needle and a string, I can make a fishing pole to catch fish. I can survive wherever I am. I have the wisdom to be independent whenever I want. My philosophy is to give this formula training in the Unification Church before people turn thirty.

After receiving financial training, you must undergo training of love for seven years. You have to train yourself by receiving persecution from people. Even those whom I meet for the first time, when I judge them in this and that way, it always turns out to be right. How did I attain such abilities? I have researched while receiving persecution from people and dealing with many people. You need this. When people ask, "You, Moonie, can you be responsible for solving the economic problem?" You should be able to answer, "Yes." As people ask, "You Moonie, in conducting your life in this world, can you handle people diplomatically?" You should be able to answer, "Yes."

Next, you should possess the ability to overcome all the trials related to the spirit world and ward off the attack of the spirit world. However, born as a man, how can I live my life being indebted to other people? Being indebted financially, being indebted because of lack of capability . . . You should die instead. Where can you not go? Why can't you go? (117-24)

For this reason, unless you do witnessing . . . Witnessing is loving the children of other people more than one's own children and people. You must love people just as if they are your brothers, just as if they are your children, you must love them more than anyone in the satanic world. Therefore, while Abel wins the victory centering on the standard of Cain and Abel, simultaneously he can take Cain along when entering the kingdom of heaven. By doing so, the blessing is received. Because Cain and Abel fought and failed to become one, the whole family of Adam was devastated, right? When they become one, the blessing is materialized. Isn't this the principle? It is the principle. (93-283)

4) You Must Shed Tears for the Sake of Fundraising and Witnessing

Shedding tears while doing fundraising and witnessing . . . When a captain of the fundraising team comes to the church and sheds tears, and when the leader of the witnessing activities shed tears, and after that Neil [Neil Salonen, President of UC USA], as the leader, comes to shed tears, and if in this way the three of them embrace each other and shed tears of encouragement, pledging that they will do more for the sake of the dispensation, and bear the cross for the sake of the humanity, then God will join them and cry together with them. There, the kingdom of heaven is completed. Because this is principle, fundraising teams and the church must become one. This is the fundamental principle. This is how I think. (97-224)

Therefore, you must cry while doing witnessing. You must cry. As you do witnessing, how much do you cry? One who weeps will receive the Blessing. Next, putting life on the line, for the sake of the world of heart, just . . . When you see the morning sunshine, you should be thinking, "where is God's love that gives out such fiery light." Even for one who does fundraising or for God, heaven cannot be entered without shedding tears. There the kingdom of heaven is restored. The restoration of man, the restoration of sovereignty, and the restoration of all things, all of these will be accomplished. Do you understand? [Yes]

For this reason, those who are in headquarters should worry about the people who are doing fundraising at times such as raining. When it rains, or is foggy and snow is pouring down, you must be concerned about them. You have to shed tears together. Those who are doing witnessing should also cry. You should be doing this. You must understand that at the place where even God weeps, the kingdom of heaven on earth will be built.

This is where it begins. Can you understand what this means? [Yes] Although you say that you have entered the Unification Church and believe in it, although you have received Blessing and you claim to be some leader of some sort, you have to understand how far off you are. (97-222)

Today, people in the world live and die because of the financial problems. However, we Unification Church members must believe that we are managing God's money, earning God's money, and spending God's money. In the act of loving, it is not selfish love and neither is it love for the sake of the nation. You must love centering on God and humanity. People and the nation do not take precedence. What takes precedence is the world that God can love. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes] Unification Church members are those who are putting into practice in their environment the most difficult undertaking that are like dreams.

Next is witnessing. You have to shed tears, sweat and blood. You have to shed tears, blood, and sweat for the sake of the people, and then for the sake of that family, and then for the sake of the restoration of all things. Financial activities are nothing. Witnessing activities are nothing. There is nothing more difficult than making the family into one and building a heavenly family. When you form a family, there will be times when your hearts are at odds. At those moments, you must endure. You must endure saying, "When I was doing fundraising in the past it was like this, and even when I was doing witnessing, I persevered through it, so how can I be that way when it is my loving husband that I am dealing with." This is education. (94-271)


Section 4: Restoration Through Indemnity and the Formula Course [Part 4]

5. Spiritual Children

1) Two Ends of Children

The members of the Unification Church have two types of children; one is their spiritual children and the other is their own children. Why is this so! Even you church leaders do not understand the reason. I have to give you another lecture. [Because we can love our own children only after finding spiritual children.] What you say makes some sense.

The path of restoration is going there and returning. In order to go and then return, in order to pay indemnity . . . This is the spiritual world, this is the children of the angelic world. The fallen world is the world of sons of angels. They are Satan's sons, and they are the sons of angels who are the traitors of God.

The sons of angels who have betrayed cannot just enter the lineage of Adam and God. For this reason, they must be put in the position of the sons of angels who have not betrayed . . . This position is the same as the position of Adam before the fall. You need three of these sons. You need three archangels, or in the course of history you need three children of Adam's family. Moreover, after that, you have to go through the three stages of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You have to go through the three stages through the angelic world that represents everything and the whole world of creation. Man is the center of all the number threes. In this sense, the three spiritual children symbolize the domain of archangel, which is claimed by God's side that represents the angelic world and the world of creation. For this reason they are angels that God can govern over.

It is the angels who must originally educate Adam and Eve. Rather than God educating them, until they grow to become adults, they are to be raised and educated by angels. Similarly, spiritual children must help their spiritual parents to return to heaven. When due to the assistance of the spiritual children the parents can return to heaven, the spiritual children can go along with them based on the condition of participation. Do you understand? [Yes] In this way the three angels of the angelic world become restored, and the three sons of Adam are restored, and the three sons of Noah are restored, and the condition is set to enter the position which represents the whole that is in three stages.

The meaning of having become completely one is that in the Garden of Eden centering on Adam, who has not fallen, the three angels have become totally one. Based on this unity, they are to move into the domain of God's blessing. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes]

Isn't this how it was originally? Just like, before the fall, the three archangels were supposed to become one before Adam and Eve and long for the day of their marriage, spiritual children must earnestly desire for their spiritual parents to receive the Blessing. Do you understand what this means? [Yes] However, because of the mistake of the archangel, all the angels are in the position of accusation.

After having done this and having received the Blessing, even when the parents give birth to their children and love them, the satanic world cannot demand an indemnity condition and make accusations. This is the principle. Do you understand? [Yes] If there was no fall, the angelic world would have become one centering on Adam and Eve. Because the physical and spiritual world has become totally one, in that place of oneness, as Adam and Eve rise to the position of Blessing, the satanic world would have completely faded away. (127-52)

2) Why Spiritual Children are Needed

Because such principles exist, the fallen world can be saved through spiritual children. The satanic world can be saved. For this reason, new members of the church all need spiritual children. Since you need spiritual children, you must claim them from the satanic world.

Then who is to go and find them? It is someone who can become Adam and Eve that must go and find them. Who lost this? Adam and Eve lost it. Do you understand? [Yes]

Because there is this Principle, which allows one to return to the position of Adam by raising the spiritual children, you have to become one with your spiritual children. After becoming one, because they came from the satanic world, they must obtain God's public recognition. In this way, you can go out to the satanic world to find more spiritual children again until the satanic world is completely restored, and in this manner Satan can be substantially gotten rid of from the earth. For this reason, spiritual children are conditions that need to be fulfilled absolutely. So, without three spiritual children you can neither be Blessed nor start your family life. Is this clear? [Yes]

The first reason we need spiritual children, is for the sake of restoring the position of the fallen archangel. The archangel was supposed to become one with Adam who has not fallen and long for his day of blessing. On that foundation he should receive his own blessing, but because this blessing was not given, in order to set the standard to restore this through indemnity, under the condition of spiritual son, the three must completely become one. Spiritual children must love their spiritual parents more than their own parents. This is how it should be. Without making this kind of heartistic bond you cannot triumph over the satanic world. This is the first.

Second, in order to restore the satanic world, spiritual children are absolutely needed. Although all of you are also spiritual children, you cannot be restored if you do not have spiritual children yourselves. Even if you stand in the position of Adam, it is a fallen position. The question is how are you to be restored? You do not have the foundation needed for restoration. It is not enough to just follow your spiritual parents. You have to surpass the position of spiritual child. Having done that, you have to pass through the position of archangel and the position of Adam, and then after repeating the conditions that Adam and Eve failed to meet, and because you have to bring resolution to that, you yourself must also find three spiritual children.

Here, my position is the position of Adam. You have to absolutely present before God the condition of having attained unity with the three angels, while being in the position of Adam and Eve before the fall. For this reason, you have to be absolute before spiritual parents. Having become completely one in this way, when you can receive love before God and receive blessing, you can also go over this.

Crossing over it, you have to pay indemnity all over again for the lost blessing that Adam and Eve should have received at the position of unity with the three angels. You have to come from the satanic world and by paying indemnity for the original standard that Adam and Eve lost. Cross over it. When you can go over the place that exceeds it in degree, you, as the spiritual parents, can finally be able to receive the Blessing.

Therefore, if you do not have three spiritual children then you can never receive the Blessing, isn't this true? [Yes] Is that for sure? [Yes] Since Adam and Even fell and took down with them their three children, and because the three children are still needed, there were three sons in Noah's family. This is the reason that the family had eight members. This is also the reason that Jesus had three disciples. And when he finds his bride, the family would have grown to eight members. Jesus died because he could not realize the ideal of reciprocity.

So, when he goes to the spirit world and returns, he is to come as a bridegroom. By fulfilling the ideal he forms a family with eight members; unless he manifests it on the earth in this manner, there is no way that he can reclaim the foundation of the original family of Adam and Eve. It is theoretically sound, right? [Yes] For this reason, you absolutely need spiritual sons. (127-54)

3) Spiritual Children and Children of Your Direct Lineage

Having spiritual parents alone is not enough. Spiritual children must also become spiritual parents themselves. Even after you become a member of the Unification Church, your blood still remains in the fallen realm. Isn't this true? [Yes] For this reason, you yourself have to also have dominion over the three angels. In order to do that you have to educate them to become one. Unless you are in the position to love them more than your own parents and brothers, in order to raise them fully, you cannot build the basis for restoration. Do you understand? [We understand]

You, regional leader of An-yang, how is it? [Yes, I understand] Perhaps you have not been asking this question. You did not even ask the question of why spiritual children are so important in Unification Church. So, in Unification Church what is absolutely necessary? [Spiritual children]

If the spiritual children become one and wish, "We wish that Adam and Eve become a couple and have a child. Please let them have a child soon," when the child is inside the womb, they should applaud and make preparation for her. Who is supposed to make all the preparations? They are not supposed to be done by Adam. It is the archangel, the spiritual children that are supposed to do it. When the three wise men came to bow before Jesus at the time of his birth, they did it as the representatives of the spiritual children, representing the historical era. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes]

Similarly, you must also sincerely wish that your spiritual parents could truly become that kind of couple who has received the Blessing inside the realm of God's love and given birth to children. Only after you do this and love the children that your spiritual parents have given birth to, can you really be loved as angels. Do you understand? [Yes]

Your spiritual children must love your own children. The spiritual children, the angels, must serve Adam and Eve as their ancestors of faith. Only after they love your own children can they receive love as spiritual children . . . Isn't the principle of restoration through indemnity annoying? It is in line with the theory. Do you understand? [Yes]

Because this is how things are, when the spiritual parents give birth to their children, those who have become their spiritual children must serve the children just as angels were supposed to serve Adam's children. Only after that, the parents will give the Blessing, "Now I support you to receive the Blessing." They will say, "Because you have loved our children." Then you can become adopted children. The lineage is different. Because you have loved the children of their direct lineage, by standing in the position of having attained oneness with the son, you can finally be pulled into the place of Blessing. You cannot go for free. You must love the children of your spiritual parents from when they are inside the womb, as if you are their twin brother or sister.

Because centering on God's love you have loved the child of your spiritual parents from inside the womb, in the standard of heart, this is the same as your being born from the womb. In regards to the order of birth, you were born first as the first son, and the child blessed inside the womb of Eve was born later. So horizontally, because you, the spiritual son, were born first you are in the Cain position, the older brother position. Nonetheless, Adam's son, who was born as the younger son, is the true son. For this reason, only by serving absolutely, from that place, can Satan's birthright of the oldest son be canceled and the second son of the heavenly realm become the oldest son and the new beginning take place. Then all will be resolved completely, right? [Yes]

Having fully fulfilled the condition of total oneness, you have to help that child become the best oldest son. Then, only after he grows up and asks you, "Since you have loved me from while I was inside the womb, please receive the Blessing together with me," you, the spiritual child, can enter the position of Blessing. This is the fundamental aspect of the principle. Do you understand? [We understand]

Similarly, Adam's son also needs this. He needs archangels who can wait with a longing heart for the blessed parents to have children, and then help them raise them. You have to clearly understand that for the purpose of substantially paying indemnity for the difficult thing, you absolutely need spiritual children.

Do you understand what spiritual children are? [Yes] There are three kinds of meanings. First is the necessity to restore the archangel, second is the restoration of the whole Satanic world, and the third is for the sake of moving up to the position of son where you can be blessed. So, the spiritual children must engraft themselves to the children of the spiritual parents. They must engraft themselves to the children of direct lineage that the spiritual children have given birth to. Do you understand? They are not to engraft themselves to the spiritual mother or the spiritual father. Since they are sons, they must be engrafted to the sons. (127-56)

6. Education and Training

1) The Importance of Education

When we consider the question of whether we possess more factors to relate with evil or more factors to relate with good. The whole body is surrounded with factors that leads us to evil.

To walk the path of evil, there is no need for education. Anybody can walk that path without receiving education. Because history began from evil, anyone can walk through it without receiving education. Is there a need to educate someone on how to travel the path of evil? Because it comes naturally, today we are educating people to center on the ethical and moral standards, making judgments based on the standard of conscience.

What is education centered on? Despite the fact that education was given centering on goodness and conscience, how many people have met the standard of education? Anybody can perform evil deeds without being educated about it. Everyone can receive a perfect score on evil. (36-57)

This is the reason why education is needed. Just as I have educated people at every opportunity that I had, for 24 hours day and night, you should grab on to people and shed tears, skipping lunch and dinner, being intoxicated in the word, and staying up through the nights. Do you understand how I have been living my life here so far? When I don't go out, what do I do here? If one person comes to visit, don't I talk to that one person? Haven't I lived that kind of lifestyle all my life? I have been pouring out my spirit, always.

So, you are to educate. Do you understand? If you succeed in education, you will not perish. Education is indirect preparation. Indirect preparation is for the sake of the direct preparation. If you make indirect preparation, then I will be responsible for transforming it into direct preparation; so you should just focus on making indirect preparations. (149-205)

If there is hard steel, then the blacksmith must repeatedly beat it. He has to beat it at night as well as in the day, but why must he beat on it day and night? This is to set the condition to pass through all of the four seasons. Morning is equivalent to the spring, day to the summer, evening corresponds to autumn, and night corresponds to winter. For this reason, through the four seasons, starting from the child era and passing through the youth era and the adult period, one must finally cross over to the time of old man. The more you beat the metal, and the longer you beat it for the rest of your life, the better it becomes, is this true? [Yes] It is the same thing. You should beat it. You should beat on it with all your strength.

People who do not understand this might say, "Before teacher told us to do it like that and today he is telling us to do it like this; he changes his mind all the time." If you look at how God does things, he often changes the way he does things. Why is this? This is because right now is the time to throw away. If something cannot be used to make a contribution, then he cannot be used for anything else.

Even yesterday, while they were doing construction work on the building, with the head of the factory watching, I went there and heard all about the metals. Considering the question of the strength of the metal, they say that there is thirty times the difference in strength between the times when metal is pulled to expand and when it is pushed in like this to bulge like that. When you look at the surface, it seems that they are the same in strength. When we look at that, we can see how great God is. When you build a high-rise if you build like that, if it is lined up one to one, then it would be disastrous. In that manner, you cannot build a high-rise. Although you think if you put that there, then it can withstand thirty times the original weight, so if you just put on twenty nine times the weight, then it will not crumble. For this reason, you don't put the steel rod side ways, but stand it up straight . . .

When we put them in upright, they cannot be bent. It must be put straight. Otherwise, it has to be round like that. Centering on the whole, the tension on it has to be enough. This is the only way that we can place the foundation stone on it. Isn't this so? When putting the foundation stone on, there is no one who puts it in a rectangular fashion. When we look at the way that forces of mechanics behave, because it goes through a 45 degree angle, and because this kind of force is at work, we should follow this principle. For this reason, in the circular shape, according to this principle, the foundation stone must be secured when the building is being built. Isn't this so? Those things on the side serve no important function. As long as you buttress the pole and make the circular shape, then those on the side will not have any pressure on it. (64-483)

2) The Purpose of Training

Where did the word originate. It came from the heart at the time of the creation, and it passed through the course of restoration. You must never forget this fact. Without being equipped with the word you cannot build the substantial body, and without creating the substantial body you cannot create the heart, so when you listen to the word, you have to listen to it with your body, mind, and heart.

Trainees need to go through an extremely rigorous physical training. More rigorous than was ever given in history. They need to endure through it with word and heart of faith. You have to learn from Adam, Moses, Jesus, and me. You have to see from the position of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and I. If you win victory in the internal fight in which you are trying to bring unity between the word, body, and mind, God has no choice but to acknowledge you publicly. You should be saying everyday, "Please give me the most difficult task." (11- 159)

3) The Course of Training

What is the Unification Church supposed to do from now on? Those who join the church go through the training course. The way that they go through the training course is that first they should go through the two-day workshop, then? [Seven-day workshop] Seven-day workshop, then? [21-day workshop] 21-day workshop, then? [40-day workshop] 40-day workshop. So they need to go through 70-days of training. What does this 70-day training period represent? People who have fallen due to ignorance can restore what was lost through understanding. Moreover, although they have been living their life in their own ways so far, during this time they are to completely cleanse their habitual environment.

Then, what is the two-day workshop? It is time to change their thought and mentality, which have been going the opposite direction, and put it on the right course. To talk about it in terms of a stage in the dispensation of restoration, it corresponds to the Dispensation of Foundation for the Restoration. For this reason, people who have been living up to now in a chaotic world will say that he must go to the two-day workshop. They are to enter the time of ideological shock absorbing. So, the first two-day workshop is the time to make people be awakened to their own situation. After receiving the two-day workshop, one can tell how the conventional mentality is and what the Unification Church mentality is, and one can change the concepts that one has been holding on to, saying, "This is good. Up to now, I have been wrong."

Next, what is the seven-day workshop? The seven-day workshop is entering the era of the Formation Stage. This corresponds to the completed realm of the dispensation of the Old Testament. Through this, by entering the Completion Stage of the Old Testament, what will take place? You have to think that you are going forward to meet the messiah of the New Testament. Do you understand what I am saying? For this reason, receiving the seven-day workshop corresponds to the Old Testament, and it is the time to liberate character on the formation level. This is how I see it.

So after receiving the seven-day workshop, from the transformation of concept, they will move on to the transformation of oneself. The trainee will, by himself, get rid of the old concepts with the attitude, "After hearing the word, I realize that I have to also become a holy body and win over Satan. I have to flee from this satanic world." When he makes the decision by himself, generally after the week's time is passed he will be on the right direction.

Moreover, in the seven-day workshop, during the seven-day course, one must complete the number seven of the Principle course again. This is because man was made after six days. You have to firmly establish your identity as the citizen of God and His kingdom, as one who can recognize God absolutely, and not one who can recognize Satan. If you become the citizen of God, then you have to become God's man and with God's love complete your responsibility.

Next, what is the 21-day workshop? This corresponds to the New Testament era. Through this, you have to become someone who can serve the savior to indemnify the failure to serve Jesus as the savior. In other words, it is perfecting the character of John the Baptist before the substantial messiah. Do you understand what I mean? In other words, what this means is that it is completing the qualification as an adopted son. This 21-day workshop is the crucial moment, and as long as one passes through the 21-day workshop, one can become a member. He will sacrifice himself even if you don't tell him to. For this reason, "workshop, workshop!" You must be obsessed with workshops.

Next, when people receive the 40-day workshop, because it corresponds to the Completed Testament era, it is the time to engraft. Do you understand? Because this is where man meets messiah and becomes one with him, finally he is to be engrafted to the position of son who can carry on the lineage of heaven. In this way, he is to enter a position higher than that of Adam before the fall and inherit the qualifications to become the son of God.

In general, as long as people receive the forty-day workshop, they will say, "Since I am going anyway, I should become a leader and walk the path of the number of the restoration through indemnity. I have to go through the path of Home Church." Leaders must travel this road. After receiving such training . . . Before that, never give them work to do. You can give them a mission, but you should give them the mission of witnessing. In this way, centering on the numbers forty of forty days, centering on the number 4, they have to pass through all the training that will prepare them to fight with Satan.

Having done so and raising the standard of heart higher than anyone in the Satanic world, these trainees must rise to the position where Satan can publicly recognize the standard of heart connected to heaven. All the things that belong to you and your standard of heart must make a connection with heaven. Until now, due to the fall, the situation has become like this, centering on Satan, Satan's possessions, Satan's body, and Satan's heart; yet all this must be indemnified centering on God and gradually linking to God's heart, God's body, and God's belongings. After that all these must be offered to God. These are not yours. Originally, all possessions belong to God and not you. (Compilation of sections, 75-94, 99-267, 107-241, 172-47)


Section 5: Events That Occurred During the Early Days of the Church [Part 1]

1. Events That Happened to True Father

1) An Episode During the Ya-Mok Workshop

I will tell you about an episode that occurred during the Ya-Mock Workshop. In the lake there, there were plants called gae-yoen, and because of their thorns they looked fearsome. Because there is poison on those sharp, bluish-green thorns, even if you are lightly scratched by them you will suffer serious infections. In such an environment, I dragged everyone, both men and women, and did fishing. But as I was dragging them in, I stood at the very front. However, there were people who said, "Oh, no! How can we go in there. I am afraid that we will catch a cold." I told them, "Do as you wish."

I still remember even to this day those who did not follow through. I will not mention any names. If you ask those people whether or not they remember the time at the Ya-Mock, they will say that they wish for another such opportunity. Nevertheless, that time has already passed by us. Even if you go through similar experiences ten or a hundred times in order to pay indemnity for it, they can never be the real thing. There is only one real thing. There is not two. No matter how proud some of them are, if you mention the episode at the Ya-Mock, they will feel ashamed because they have conscience. Man's conscience is truly both good and great. They all know what a shameful thing is. This is the shameful salvation. [36-36]

2) On a Tour in the Countryside

After completing the tour this time around, I lost my voice. This is because everywhere I went, I spoke for three, or over four hours, and I have stayed up many nights talking to the new members.

One time a certain event took place. We were scheduled to arrive in Sam-Chuck at nine in the evening, but because the car broke down midway, we spent that night there and arrived in Sam-Chuck at four-forty in the morning the next day. So, how much must the members gathered there have waited for me? They were all exhausted. We had the gathering early at dawn but because it was the on the coastline of the Eastern Sea and there were intense security activities, I could not speak for a long time. After speaking for about one hour, I went to Chun-Chun through Won-Joo, and then this morning I came here to meet with you.

When such events occur, what kind of thoughts and prayers do you think I have? This year, our young members are out there doing witnessing according to my directions, and they are enduring suffering with the sense of common mission toward it in order to fulfill the will of God. In truth, there were events that were extremely difficult. While being concerned about these things, I have offered the prayer, "I am praying in order to place on my own shoulders all your difficulties, so please understand." Therefore, during my journey I could not sleep even for one night. (11- 179)

3) Comrades in my Prison

Those whom I have met first centering on the causes of the Unification Church, I have raised up under difficult circumstances. I have raised them under the most difficult circumstances. This is what is so precious about it. They were supposed to go through the environment in which, if they obtained a piece of bread or some delicious thing to eat, then saving it and wrapping it, they come and wait in order to give it to me. They have to have the affinity with the position in which they can shed tears and give consolation. These kinds of friends are what one needs.

You should try to put this into practice centering on your minister. If there are one thousand people in the congregation of the church, all you have to do is make three times the effort of the person who is most loyal and attentive to your minister among the congregation. You are to research into this. No matter which prison I was in, I have always had such friends. For this reason, when they came out of the prison, they only said greetings to their wives, mothers and relatives, and without staying in their homes they followed me. They have followed me.

4) A Sick Person met on the Street

You should not have concepts when you witness to people. Even if you are dealing with an unworthy person, by displaying the level of sympathy that cannot be found in this world, you can rise to a high position of heart. There is something that I cannot forget even today, and when I go to the vicinities of the No-Ryang area, the memories come alive. I used to live in Heuk-Sek Dong, and at the boundary of the Sang-Do Dong, there are many pine trees there. A little way off from it there was a Japanese style house where a garden was nicely kept. If you go around it, then there is a rice field, and on the opposite side of that there is a village, and at that place there is a house where I used to go during pioneering witnessing campaigns.

Once there was a sick person lying on the road whom I had never seen before. It was about the end of March. That was the time that I was carrying the tuition for the new semester, which had just begun. As I observed him closely, I realized that he was a pitiful person who did not even have a son. When he told me that he had a daughter in Chun An, I used all of the tuition money to cure his illness and give him traveling expenses. When you look at this, it is clear that his ancestors are not bad people. At that moment, my feet were glued to the ground. I could not turn away from him. (56-39)

2. Events That Happened To Ministers

1) The Experience of Moving from House to House

Recently I have heard from one regional leader that while he was doing his mission he had to move his house seventeen times. Since he has moved seventeen times, when he makes a move again, people just assumed that he is moving his house again. In the process, his clothes became so ragged with holes everywhere that he could not go around with his face raised up. Is this a good thing or not? Even if the situation becomes like that, you must survive. You must survive even if you collapse. When you die, it is the end of everything. Even if you collapse, do not be resentful. As you fall down, you should pray, "God, let me rest in peace." But I do not mean to tell you to die.

It was when Jacob was under such difficult circumstances that the messengers of heaven traveled back and forth; do you think that they came down when his spirit was overflowing with confidence and hope? It was when he was facing death that . . . How miserable was he when he had to put his head on a stone and take a rest because he had no where to go to. If it were you, then you would have probably questioned why you had to put up with all that despite the blessing. You are doing it to become the spirit of the Unification Church. (30-345)

2) Ministers' Hungry Lifestyle

I know that some of the area leaders of the countryside today do not have any food to eat. In my prayers I can see which ones are suffering hunger. However, I do not talk about that. As the time nears, I want to see who are the people that have the proper ideology of the Unification Church. So all of you have to make a new determination. It should not be vague.

The ideology of the Unification Church is the glorious and traditional ideology inherited from heaven. Since the days of antiquity, it is that dispensation which the countless ancestors have inherited centering on heaven while they were paving the path of suffering at the cost of their lives. Even if you look at it centering on the historical times, or even when history passes behind us, its essential characteristics will remain unchanged. It must not change. (43-56)

I know that the churches in the countryside are facing difficulties right now. I also know very well the church leaders, which are starving. They must persevere through the hunger. In order to save the nation, good people have to live the lifestyle of hell. This is the only way that the evil people can come to repent. These kinds of events must take place. This is my philosophy. For this reason, I am still living this type of lifestyle. The Unification Church is proof. Some people might ask that, if we lack money, then why couldn't we bring some from Japan and different nations throughout the world. This is true. However, if we do that, then Korea would be indebted to others. So, from now on, even if you don't have enough money, you should not complain about it any more.

There is a saying that, "A noble man does not warm himself on a chaff-fire even if he freezes to death." When I help others with my debt, because I do not have any of my own money, who would think that I am indebted? I do not have any money, but I still have the freedom to do things the way I want. Then would you go along with me? [Yes] How about you ladies? [Yes] If you are to do it, then to what extent are you going to do it? Are you going to stop at just liking the Korean nation, or are you also going to like the world? [The world] In order to move forward for the sake of the world, you have to have some basic capital. How can you bring success with your own hands without some foundation of capital? At such times, you must be at the frontline. If I was to sell you off, would you let yourself be sold or refuse? Do you have confidence that you will let yourself be sold? [We do] When you are being sold, it should be you who are doing the selling. In other words, this is the public path. (35-148)

3) Surviving on the Lunch Boxes of Students

Look, when we were doing pioneer witnessing in the frontiers of Korea, each day it was difficult to make enough money even to live just that day. When young members go out and walk around, it was not uncommon for some of them to limp like this. Under such circumstances in the pioneering days, our missionaries went to some village to pioneer as leaders. Because they did not have anything to eat and because if they were to work in that village the persecution would be more intense, as people will accuse saying that they came to the village to took for work. So many of them had no other choice but to commute to a place far away for work.

So all the members who were under them . . . A leader is not supposed to draw pay checks from the headquarters, and in that kind of situation, continue doing pioneer witnessing. Even while going through all this, he would rather die than to complain about his situation. The members could not believe how this was possible. When the members found out about the leader's situation six months or a year later, they grabbed onto him and wept.

So, they began a campaign to bring lunch boxes and give it to the church leader. So, how miserable was the heart of the leader who was to eat that lunch box? How much would he be thinking about the student who gave him his own lunch box and went hungry in school? In this atmosphere, they built a strong bond of heart with the determination, "Let us overcome all this, and even if we were to fall dead, fulfill the will of God."

Then, when they went to school . . . Even until just a few days ago, those who used to bring the best lunch boxes before joining the Unification Church did not bring it any more after joining the church. At every lunch hour they were hiding alone in the schoolyard and at times as they were coming back to the classroom, their friends saw them. The reason for such caution was that if their parents were to find out about it, they would be in big trouble. Not once or twice, but because the students have to repeat this every day, their friends who could not believe this went to their parents and protested. They said "Your children used to bring good lunch boxes but these days, after they joined the Unification Church, you don't even prepare lunch boxes for them; how can parents do such things? Do you not consider those who go to the Unification Church as people? Why don't you treat your children properly as your children?" So, the parents asked their children, "They say that you do not eat your lunch in school, but what is going on?" When they were asked, they could not but tell their parents the truth.

When the parents found out what was going on, they put up a vigorous opposition saying, "You bastards! The members of the Unification Church are all vampires who snatch our children's lunch boxes, exploit them, suck their blood and eat their flesh." Such events were not infrequent and were found all over the country. So, when people heard that the members of the Unification Church were coming, they made a lot of fuss saying that people who suck the blood of their children are coming. They mobilized opposition in the village to beat up the members or do all sorts of atrocious things. Especially, the Christians, all over the nation they have intimately partaken in these atrocities, saying that the pack of wolves who snatch away the lambs of God were coming. How do you think I must have felt as the teacher of the Unification Church when I was leading them under such circumstances?

If you were the leader of the Unification Church, wouldn't you be wondering, "What would happen to them in ten years?" In this way, I have earned money with my own hands. When I built a factory, I have worked in the factory for 24 hours at a time, and I gave ideas; everything was done with my own hands . . . Because I had to prepare for the future in this way, I have been laying the economic foundation. (94-231)

4) Pioneering Stage of the Early Days of the Church

When we were pioneering in Korea, there was no place for us to work. So, we frequently went without food. It was very common for us to skip meals. You have to understand that we have done the forty-day witnessing campaign with just grain or rice powder bought and mixed in a cup of water. Even then we did not have enough to eat. We considered it as the training for the forty-day fast.

So, they have to at least do some manual labor, but for a leader in a region to do such menial work would be too embarrassing, so they could not do it in their own region. Therefore, in order to do manual labor, they had to wake up at dawn and walk for at least five hours. Then, after finishing the work they have to come back at night. They have to do this within twenty-four hours. They have to spend five hours going there and another five hours coming back, and they have to do the manual labor in such far away place. When they do that, the daily wage they earned was only five hundred won. For just five hundred won . . . This would only buy two meals in Korea. Money enough to buy just two meals. Do you understand? This is what they get for working the whole day. What this means is that even if they work everyday they cannot live on it. So, you cannot possibly understand how much your predecessors have suffered even if it is explained to you in words. You cannot understand. No matter how many times I tell you, you cannot understand.

For example, they had to do their mission for the sake of the dispensation, and they had to go out lecturing, but how could they do this when they are famished? So, they had no choice -- as they pass by a wealthy household they saw that its dog is drinking water, so . . . It is different from the way dogs are fed meat here. In Korea, dogs were fed some water in which rice had been washed. So, grabbing onto its ears they told it, "You have a wealthy owner, so even if I take this away from you, you will not die," and having chased away the dog, they drank the rice water. You have to know that this is what they have done. Do you know these kinds of things? You don't understand but I know these things very well. I have witnessed it all and . . . You must understand that I am someone who has seen and experienced numerous situations that people cannot bear to even look at or speak about because their heart is overwhelmed with sorrow to do so.

Every time I went through such an experience, I have made the determination within myself to build the economic foundation . . . I have to have financial power in the near future . . . In order to lay that foundation, I have poured so much of myself to work in the factory. I have worked with the diligence that no one else can match. You only have to suffer to a limited extent, enough only to rise to the national standard. But because I, the leader, have to be responsible for the future, I knew that I had to make economic preparation for you who would lay the foundation from now on. So I have been making the utmost effort night and day. (89-278)

5) The Lecture of One Young Minister

There are many anecdotes in the Unification Church. This was when our one area leader has visited a village as a VOC lecturer (Victory Over Communism). All the important people of the town gathered, from the chief of police to the county headman, all the public servants gathered. However, contrary to their expectation to receive a teacher responsible for the lecture, they saw one young man with a short hair cut walking toward them.

At first, they thought that he was a helper of the lecturer, so they asked, "Where did you come from? Where is the teacher who is going to lecture?" So, the young lecturer hesitated and did not know what to do. When they asked him where is Mr. So-and-so who is being sent by the Unification Church to give lecture that day, he answered that he was that person. Then, those who did not know that this young man was the lecturer made a lot of noise. They could not stand it because the lecturer was this young man who was about the age of their children.

However, since they had made the official invitation, they had to let him proceed to the stage. So, the young man lectured for about two-and-a-half-hours. They were all flabbergasted. All of the area leaders who served as the VOC lecturers were all young men in their twenties, right? These people were able to make friends with the county headsmen and chiefs of police, so they have become quite successful after joining the Unification Church, isn't this so? Has there been anyone who has come to their ruin because have lived according to my words? (19-218)

6) Women Who Went Out Pioneering

You, the members of the Unification Church of today, have lived a different lifestyle. It is fundamentally different. We have been living for the sake of others and a greater cause. You have gone out to the countryside to pioneer, and up to now you have been doing things that other could not do. At first people mocked us. At the very beginning they were mocking you. At first people cursed us, saying "These bastards have come to ruin the village," but this did not put an end to our activities.

People thought that we were just gathering the students together, but next, from women to men, all the intelligent people of the village joined us, and in this way the number just kept on growing. When this took place, people began to develop a different opinion about the whole situation. They were in awe, and they reflected on themselves. They were thinking, "When I was young I was like this and that, but when I look at them again now, they are truly great." We are great. They would come to repent and regret their past attitude with the attitude, "Just a few months ago, I was trying to chase away these great people." The greater the depth and amount of their repentance, the deeper their respect would become. It would be transformed into respect, and it would make them much more compliant. You have to understand this.

Our women who have only had an elementary school education went to the countryside to build churches, and alone they have persevered, suffering for one, two, three, and four years. The fact that they have been doing things which others were not capable of cannot be forgotten no matter how much the whole village puts up opposition. Eventually, they will come to realize that the women are better than they themselves are. People in the village realize that, while they themselves have been complaining about their life even when they were living together with their spouses and children, our members have been digesting all the tribulations and enduring for one, two, and three years, despite the fact that they were alone and were living a lonely life style out there facing the opposition of the whole village. You cannot find such people in the world. So this is what they were moved by. When this happens, everyone from older grandfather and grandmother all the way down to the women, men, and teenagers of the village would come to admire them. We have been leaving behind these kind of impressive achievements. (172-91)


Section 5: Events That Occurred During the Early Days of the Church [Part 2]

3. In the Early Days of the Church

1) Meeting Beloved Members in Witnessing Areas

We must usher in the new era of springtime when we members can long for each other as members. In the past, because those of you who went out witnessing felt lonely, even just to meet one lonesome member, didn't you travel on the road for fifty Li? That was the time when we were walking on the individual level, but now is the time to head toward the national level. At such times, only when you have the yearning heart to go visit the members around you as many as ten times and not just once, can we properly take up the name as the members of the Unification Church.

This has to be the case centering on one county or borough. Moreover, it is not enough for your own state to do well. In order for the whole state to prosper, you have to do things that will serve as examples before the whole state. In becoming an example, it must not be done for the sake of yourself. You have to be an example according to the will of the family and the parents. While carrying this out, you have to increasingly become a shining example as a filial son. (60-29)

When members meet here they are so happy, and centering on the leader here they meet with each other and stay up all night . . . This is how it was in the past. In the past in our headquarters church in Chung Pa Dong, it was very common for people to stay up until two, three, or four in the morning. This is how we trained ourselves. So when I went some place, everyone, including women, old men, grandmothers, men, young ladies, and young men, all cried because they missed me so much. They wanted to see me. Just like the sun, it was just like how the buds of pine tree, cabbages, cucumbers, and certain flowers turn their faces toward the sun. In respect to how they face the sun, they are all the same. (126-196)

Why have we abandoned our brothers? Why did we abandon our brothers? We have abandoned all that up to now and met with each other, because brotherly relationships that would enable us to become even closer will be bestowed upon us centering on God, and because higher content and a higher standard of values will be given to us centering on God. Since we have met in order to seek after more valuable things, shouldn't the affection we have for each other be stronger than the love between physical brothers?

This is how it used to be in the past. There were instances when members witnessing in their assigned region were placed in different regions. They were leaving each other after coming together for a visit, because they miss each other so much. One would see the other off walking in the distance, and then they would both head back because the other one in return wanted to see him off. In this way they spent the whole night traveling back and forth. This is what also takes place between brothers. There were times when, concerned about the difficult path of life that the younger brother was walking on, if there was anything to eat, wrapping it and saving it for his younger brother, he would travel fifty Li at once to just bring it to him.

However, is this how it is among the members of the Unification Church today? Is it or is it not? Without building the bond of love among yourselves that is stronger than the relationship of love between physical brothers, you cannot enter heaven. You have to have strong brotherly affection with brothers who are not your real physical brothers, and serve them more than your own parents who are not your real parents. That is what a member of the Unification Church is like. In the Unification Church we talk about the True Parents and true brothers, right? Because we have been pursuing a true family centering on True Parents, true couple, and true brothers and sisters, people who are not brothers must come together to develop a relationship of love that is stronger than that of real brothers, and serve parents who are not one's real parents more than one's own parents. This is the path that members of the Unification Church who are brought together must walk.

Look at the world. When you look at the relationship of people formed centering on the blood relationships, how countless are the examples of parents sacrificing for the sake of the children. Similarly, I question myself, "Have I, the teacher of the Unification Church, been walking the path wherein I can accomplish such a mission?" If the answer is negative, I must retreat. (49-229)

2) Members Who Traveled Miles to Participate in a Meeting

I have returned after five days traveling all over the southern half of the Korean peninsula. After passing through Dae-Chun, Chun-Ju, Kwang-Ju, Ma-San and then going through Dae-Gu to go to Sam-Chuk, and next, passing through Jac-Chun and Chun-Chun, I have returned home.

What I felt during my tour, this time around, was that now is the time we must engage ourselves in the fight. When I look at how our young men and women in the countryside have incredible determination, I am convinced that the fight in this period will bring great victory. However, what made me painful was how our members traveled on foot for hundreds of Li to the places that I was supposed to visit. People in the outside world don't come because they don't have the desire to do so, even though they can afford to come in a car. Yet our young men and women walk hundreds of Li to come. When I went to Kwang-ju, there were people there who said that they had walked day and night for two, three days from Mok-Po or Mu-An to come there. When I saw this phenomena, I was reassured that the will and the purpose that our church is trying to accomplish will surely come to pass.

Those who ignore their own individual difficulties to overcome any kind of tribulations and have an impact for the sake of one purpose and one era are not those who have lots of experiences in the society. Moreover, they are not people who are preoccupied with their own individual situations, and not those who have a certain individual mentality or knowledge. When I saw how a young man around twenty years of age made a firm determination to put his life at stake for the sake of the dispensation, I was so deeply moved. There are many members who are like this. In general, they have more intrepid spirit than the young men at headquarters here. In comparison to the members in the vicinity of Seoul and Kyung-Gi province centered around the headquarters, and in comparison to those of you gathered here, they have such an intrepid spirit, in respect to their earnest heart toward God and loyalty toward the dispensation, that you cannot match them. I felt that if you do not fulfill your responsibility, then they will step over you and complete that responsibility. (11-179)

3) Climbing a Mountain While Carrying her Baby on her Back

Since the path that we are walking departed from death, we must continue on at the risk of our lives and be prepared to face death. Let us go! Everyone is the same when it comes to bearing the difficulties and exhaustion that people experience. Let us go! Our standard of ideology is different. Even when harsh winds blow and the stream of death flows toward us, we should continue on. Even when the weather is hostile and the wind blows hard, we should proceed on. Compare today with the time in the past when we were climbing the mountain Baek-Oon-Dae. In the past, there were four people who climbed the mountain Baek-Oon-Dae with their babies carried on their backs. How many people would do such a thing right now? (12-13)

4) Members Who Have Shed an Ocean of Tears

When you hear the truth for the first time after joining the Unification Church, you will shed an ocean of tears. At the extreme, you will even forget about eating your meals. You will dread going back home, which will feel as if you are dying, but on the other hand, you will be overjoyed to come to the church. Have you felt these feelings? You will reap what you have sowed. If you sow beans, you will reap beans, and if you sow red beans then you will reap red beans. (35-67)

5) Losing Members Who Pledged to Follow the Way Until Death

Until now, there have been many members who fell away from their life of faith. There were such a huge variety of people that one can even say that the ten thousand types of men in total have at some point in time gathered before me. There are many people whose memory cannot be erased from my mind. At times, when I reflect on the times between the days in Pyung Yang and now, I find that the type of people that I once dealt with in the past can be found here today, too. Countless types of people have passed by. Among the people who used to follow me and then fell away were many whose determinations were many tens of times stronger than yours.

So, when you tell me today, "I will follow you until I die," how much should I believe your words? [You should believe us one hundred percent] This is what is so painful. If I have trusted you one hundred percent, then when you turn away, I have to bear the cross one hundred percent. Because it means that I was able to introduce God only to that limited extent, so I, who has made the introduction, will be embarrassed. Isn't this also how it is in the world? Accordingly, I face a great dilemma of how much I should believe.

Among those who used to follow me in the past there were these types of people. There was a person who pledged that even to the top of the Baek-Doo Mountain he would attend me. He would attend until the stone ground became a field and planting potatoes there, he would serve me for even a thousand years never forgetting the resentment of heaven, and even if the whole world were to change he would remain unchanged. Do you understand what this means? There was a person who pledged that he would make a field out of the stone ground to plant potatoes there, and even if he has to live there for a thousand years bearing the resentful heart of heaven, he would live for the sake of the will of heaven and serve me. However, when the winds blew he did not even last two years, and abandoning me he ran away in an attempt to save his own skin.

All of you have heard about the story of Peter, right? He made the pledge, "Even if everyone abandons you, I will not leave you (Matthew's 26:33)," but before the cock crowed it was Peter who betrayed three times. (26-140)

6) American Members Who Have Shown the Example of Obedience

Now, if the Unification Church members of Korea eat barley rice, then Unification Church members of America will also want to eat barley rice. Even the place they sleep, they do not even care for beds. If they are told that the Korean members sleep on the wooden floor, then they will abandon their beds to sleep on the cement floor. What was interesting was that when I toured around all of the 48 states, I found that this is what the young people in America were doing. There is one member who graduated from a graduate school in California and speaks 11 languages fluently. I told him to be a driver. Next, even to the leaders of the church, I told them to provide service as drivers, and giving them many chores to do, I made them really suffer. Then, I told them to reserve a place for me at the first class hotel. I told them, "Get a place in a nice hotel. Since I have come to America for your sake, this is what you should do." So, they made reservations at first class hotels wherever I went.

Meanwhile, I told those who were following me, "As for you, sleep on the ground." I wanted to see how many days they would last . . . Similarly, I frequently make people go through difficult trials. Wherever I go, I always make them do this. Having done so, towards the end as much as possible I tell them, "You should also reserve a room at a good hotel." However, by that time, they would not do that even if I told them to do so. When I asked why they are like that, they replied that in the past when they woke up they had to look up to me, but if they were to sleep on the bed also, when they wake up they would have to look down on me. It's because they are taller. They said that they couldn't do it because they cannot look down on me. I thought to myself, "Now they understand . . ."

When I saw that I thought, "Ideology is such a powerful thing. I will not be resentful because I do not have any money. I will not complain that the world is difficult to live in."; when I think about how in this foreign land such people can emerge even without meeting me, I realized how much effort God has been putting in. (48-117)

7) I Think of Him Every Time Someone Mentions "Kim Il-Sung"

There is something that I still remember. There was one man in his forties who received the Blessing. One early morning he knocked on my doors. So when I opened the door he came in. When I asked him why he came, he said that there was something that he wanted to talk to me about. When I said what it was about, he replied that it was something very serious. I told him to say it, so he said, "I will come back with the head of Kim II-Sung, so please give me permission to go." (Laughter) When I asked him how he was going to accomplish it, he said that he did not know how he was going to do until the time comes, but at any rate, he wanted to be sent on that mission. This is what I feel good about.

What he is saying is that as for the question of how it has to be done, he must wait until it happens. The problem is setting out for the mission first, and the question of how to do it will be known only after one gets there. So, I told him, "Good." Even now, I sometimes think of him. When I think about North Korea and Kim Il,Sung these days, the vision of his face suddenly emerges before me. Recently, when I asked him, "Do you still want to go?" he answered, "Yes." This is very good. When the time that such a thing becomes feasible, I will be able to give a top secret directive, "Go and try to do it." He should wait and not pass away until that time. So, when someone mentions "Kim Il Sung," I think about that man.

If there was someone among the members of the Unification Church who can tell me, "Teacher, I want to wrestle with God or believe Him to the extent that God will say that I should not believe Him and run away, so please introduce me to God," then every time I think about God in my heart, that person's face will also emerge in my mind. I cannot but think of him. If there is someone who can believe so intensely that God will be shocked and run away, then when the name "God" is mentioned, that person will always be a problem.

You should reflect on the question, "What are the things that I cannot believe in? What is the first, second, and third . . ." Why do this? In order to take care of the satanic world it is not enough to just be equipped with things that the satanic world can believe in. What do you have to do in order to turn it upside down? Should you turn it from the bottom or from the top? What you can turn from the top has no value even if you can turn it upside down. (44-344)

8) Pioneering Times in Chung Pyung

Isn't it the case that even I, teacher Moon of the Unification Church, feel ashamed to face the members? Just recently this was the case. I spoke for thirteen hours on Sunday from morning till noon and evening time, and then I went to Chung Pyung. Despite that it was raining heavily, members were still digging the ground. Because they had to complete their responsibility by a certain deadline, they had to get on with the work. When I arrived there I was so tired, but because I could not rest, lying down on the blankets, I stretched my legs out, and leaning against a stack of blankets in the tent I took a deep rest. Then, I woke up to my own sound of snoring. When I looked out after waking up, I saw members were still digging the ground with hoes and pushing the carts around. When I saw that, I shed tears.

What would have happened if God came to visit here? What would I do if God, with whom I have been having ultimate communications throughout the course of my life, came for a visit? Because I have this type of mentality, even if they themselves are tired, when they see me, they wish that I would take some rest.

What kind of warrants is issued frequently? There are many people who try to leave during these times with the excuse that they have to go to some military training and so forth, but how many people are trying to come? Who will come when they have completed their obligations? If someone does not return, then he is not someone who is working with a sincere heart.

Yesterday, one young man who was born in Ye-Soo received a telegram from his father, the first in two or three years. So when I heard him say as he read the telegraph while working, "Satan has appeared." I wondered "If Satan appeared then what are you going to do and how are you going to get rid of him?" Then, since I could not send him empty handed on the first visit home, so I gave him two thousand won and told him to make the trip. I wanted to see, "So he said that Satan appeared, but let's see if he is going to disappear completely or not." However, he came back yesterday. So I thought, "Wow, this guy has set the right condition. He has lived up to the standard that I want and set the condition that we can be proud of before God when the construction of the building is complete. It was a good thing that he came back."

Everyone is trying to leave because it is difficult to be here, so the one who has come back again is the real member of the Unification Church. That kind of person, those who came back after paying a visit have the inner content to be much more prosperous than those who went and did not come back or those who have continued to toil by staying behind the whole time. Why is this so? This is because not every one went through the test yet. Because you have not been in the position of having received a direction, and you have not had the experience of carrying it out in action, and because you have not yet faced the dilemma of having to make a decision this or that way, so who can be trusted? We have to trust ones who have left and then returned. So I think that when I go back today, I should buy something for that person. Should I not buy something for him? If I buy something just for that person, other people should not complain, "Why does he buy just for him?" (46-53)

9) Members Who Loved the Church Very Much

Every member of the Unification Church has the experience of being very fond of the church at some time after he or she joined. They would experience the feelings, "I do not know why, but I have this enormous desire to go to the church. I can't resist this desire to go to the church." At times, there were many people who climbed over the walls of the church because the doors were shut. Their craving desire was to spend a night in the corner of the church. When someone chased them away, they lamented as they went out, and after the gate was shut they climbed over the gate to come in, determined to stay at the cost of their lives. If someone were to beat them to death because they thought that they were thieves, then no doubt, they would have headed straight toward heaven. We had such times in the past.

Moreover, when they ate meals in the church, they didn't know why, but they felt that the meals were very delicious. Though they are the same as any other ordinary meal and are not enchanted by some ghosts, they were exceptionally delicious. Even soggy and aged kimchi or kak-du-gi (kimchi made out of radish cut in cubes) tasted special. Why does the meal that one eats in the church taste so good? This is the same as how people say that the meals made by parents who have poured their heart into them taste delicious. Because in that place there is an overflowing feeling of yearning and the reciprocal existence can be substantialized, even bad things seem to be good. Moreover, because this becomes linked to oneself and it emerges with the respective value, things will appear to be good and even things that taste bad will become something delicious.

This is all a part of the function of the nerves. Isn't this true? We come to taste something that taste good through the function of our nerves. However, the nervous function of heaven is supernatural. Because it is in the position to combine the whole and govern it, there is nothing bad there. You have to be intoxicated by the grace. The whole world seems like a palace. Even if you are inside a sewer, you will feel as if you are inside a palace. Even when you see maggots playing around, they will appear to be some world class dancers dancing. This is how things will really appear to you.

Although this cannot be felt by the senses and emotions of men of today, but because man has the subjectivity of the supernatural senses and emotions, this is how one can feel. So, all that one sees will appear to be objects of delight. Accordingly, we can arrive at the conclusion that there is nothing bad in the spirit world. (36-118)

Don't you want to go to the church again and again when you don't even understand why you feel this way? [Yes] Even if your parents tell you not to go, as soon as you finish your meals you somehow want to go there. Even when you go to school, you cannot concentrate and you feel anxious. If you do not go to the church after your classes are over, it feels as if you have lost something. Have you felt such feelings? [Yes]

Who told you to come here, so that you flock to this place like uninvited guests and we feed you, serve you coke, and provide you a place to rest? Are you guests or owners? If the owners do not treat the guests well, then would the household be blessed or cursed? [Be cursed] Accordingly, I am serving you such fresh meals. I leave my doors open wide and treat you well. Next, what do I treat you with? I treat you with the word. I hope that after meeting me you can learn the best lessons while you are laughing, feeling delighted, and being cursed at. If you see something that you like even as you are being condemned, don't you feel closest to it? If you like it even when you are being cursed at then there is nothing that is better than that. When I consider various things, it is better for me to speak the word like this than to take a rest and eat a meal. Because you like it this much even when I do not feed you, I do not feel any grief. (26-193)

4. Names Of Which We Can Be Proud

1) Rev. Won Pil Kim

I restored three women (Seung-Do Chi, Sae-Yeon Ok, and Dal-Ok Chung) and one man (Won Pil Kim). Without this foundation, the dispensation of restoration could not be fulfilled. (19-273)

Ladies and gentlemen, all of you know the head of the financial department, right? When I first met the head of the financial department, Won Pil Kim was a nineteen years old young man with disheveled hair. After that, four years had passed, so he became 23, yet what was there that he could do? So I had him do all sorts of things such as being a waiter in a restaurant. I ate the meals that he used to bring me, and I had the experience of eating nu-rung-ji for lunch. But this does not mean that I did it to get something to eat. Similarly, I had all kinds of experiences. They were extreme, impressionable, and interesting. (26-68)

When I was living a life of a refugee in Pusan, when Won Pil was painting pictures, it was I who made the preparations, like making the frame and the lines. I made many comments that had big influences over them. As long as he just paints a nose on the face, I painted the clothes and the like. I did it without sleeping at night. Starting at twelve at night, in one night we would paint up to 40 pictures. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes]

In order to paint all that, you have to hold on to the string and draw a line. When he brought forty paintings, I drew the lines, so we painted according to the lines. I drew lines in all of them. How much was one painting? It was three dollars, three dollars per one painting. Going to the residence of the American soldiers . . . What present did they have to give to their wives when they returned home? Because they knew that the best present was giving the portrait of their wives, so we have taken advantage of that idea. Nowadays, it would probably cost thirty, forty, or about three hundred dollars apiece. What I mean is that if it was here in America.

Accordingly, what this meant was that every night one person had to paint at least twenty paintings on the average. So, do you think that this was possible? Therefore, I had no choice but to do it all by myself. I have done it without sleeping at night. So when Won Pil came back from the company late in the evening, I would go out half way to greet him there and come back together. This is the time that I was writing the first draft of the Divine Principle.

For this reason, when we were fleeing from the war, he abandoned his mother and family to come with me. Even when I told him to stay there, he followed me. You have to understand that because of this kind of strong bond of heart, many members in Korea are shedding tears as they think of me because I have not gone back for a long time. There are sons, grandsons, and old men, and all of them shed tears . . . Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes]

You bear this kind of responsibility. When I move around at night, if I have something to eat, then I try to save it to share it with others, and no matter what, I try to bring harmony and resolve conflicts, and if there is some difficult tasks then I try to pioneer it. This is why people like me. This is the reason that they follow me, even when they are receiving persecution, even when everyone in the village and surroundings are making fuss about it, and even when the national government is trying to chase us out. This was the atmosphere that we used to have in the past. When someone joined, then people will come to visit every day to see the new member, because they missed him. (96-143)

All of you here know Mr. Kim, right? You, Won Pil Kim? When we were taking refuge from the war and you were working, as you left for work I walked out with you, and when you came back I went out to meet you on the road, but I cannot do this for my own children. At that time we painted portraits of American soldiers, and we got three dollars per painting. We painted up to 35, 40 pictures a night. In order to do that, I had to make all the preparations. I did it staying up all night. I was more industrious; I worked harder than you. (Laughter) Except for the face, I did everything from the hair to the clothes. The money that we earned in this fashion, I used to finance witnessing activities, and this is the way that I have pioneered everything. (97-222)

2) Rev. Hyo-Won Eu

When I first met president Hyo-Won Eu I was very serious. I was being driven and chased out from Pusan to Taegu, and as the third stage I came to Seoul; having settled down there and meeting him, it was restoration. Going to the very end of Pusan, at Yeong-Do . . . Isn't Yeong-Do at the very end? Yeong-Do is like the manure. This is what I think. I was the only person in the universe who was serious. This is the reason that God worked. President Eu was a thickheaded person. Although he passed away . . . His spirit of chivalry was very strong, yet he only understood one side to things. This is were he sat and was melted completely. (47-316)

You saw it, right? In the past, I often cursed at President Eu in public. For him, that was the source of his pride. Even when I cursed at him, he took it very well. Some of you might say, "If teacher scolds me, the leader, so harshly then how can I properly play my role as the leader; it is embarrassing and degrading." However, how can you think about your own respectability when my own dignity and honor are not being respected properly. In this present situation, when all we have is worn out bundles, how can we concern ourselves with such things as dignity? There will soon come a time when I will care more about my dignity. (51-285)

In the past, whenever our president of the church at the headquarters appeared in public places, I used to scold and condemn him as if he was a dog or a pig. Shouting, "You." So, although he was closest to me, but when he wanted to come into my room, he stood outside the door and hesitated. Then, with the determination, "I will just endure the condemnation again," he came in. Only by doing so this . . . If I am lofty then this is also lofty, and this is what has to happen. (Speaks while writing on the blackboard) This should be there. It will become a realm where such things can be digested, the realm of digestion. There will open a way that will allow one to digest it.

For this reason fearsome teachers are the good teachers. Do you understand? One who can withstand all the curses and whatever harsh words, remaining obedient and digesting them all, can enter the same position. By being in the same place, he will become the direct disciple of that person. This is the fundamental principle. Isn't this so? Is this true? [Yes] (125-82)

The point concerning President Eu, that I used to think very seriously about, was whether or not he brought with him the content that was acceptable when he left. When he was following me, he went through a lot of suffering for my sake. Among them, he was deeply concerned about me when I was in the prison. Therefore, when I think about President Eu, I reflect on how he was this and that kind of man. When I was lying in the prison, I was pulled by the love that made me want to see him, and even a piece of note that I sent him, he was able to receive it as something as valuable as life. This was the extent of his internal connection and support. I remember that he was this kind of president. (33-83)

When you compare life and death, which is the stronger? Is life stronger than death or is death stronger than life? In the satanic world, death is more powerful than life. Accordingly, after one gains the understanding about the dispensation, one should not be reluctant to die in the position where he must face death.

When President Eu passed away, I asked him, "Ever since you met me, the teacher, you have been following me until now, but how are you going to end it?" When I asked that, before he passed away he left the words that he will never change for eternity. This is how it should be. In the satanic world, one day you must die. You cannot resurrect without dying first. Without passing through one era you cannot usher in the next. Do you understand? (34-47)

There must be someone who can obtain his salvation by making the proclamation that he has been as loyal as President Eu had been. (102-63)

In the Korean society of the near future, the Unification Church will become a big issue. You just wait and see. There will increasingly be more people who will do research about me. Then, along with my name, history will probably be written about me. Do you think there will be a biography of me or not? [There will be] Even if the history of Japan and America were to disappear from the scene in the future, the history about Rev. Moon of the Unification Church will remain. It will definitely live on. Here it is written about the teacher Moon. You did the right thing. (27-258)

The talk that I want to give today in particular is the importance of abiding by the tradition. In the Unification Church the accomplishments of President Eu are enormous. So, I have been very concerned about Jin-Seung. I have talked about it with Mother, I should be a leader who rewards one for his accomplishments. For this reason, at the time of (the blessing of) Ye-Jin and In-Jin, I thought about President Eu. President Eu must understand this very well.

What is the vice of Unification Church today? All you leaders must not forget about the contributions of President Eu toward our religious foundation. Rather than letting the memory fade away as time goes by, you should remember the day and . . . Until the day that I tell you to stop, you should set a date aside to hold a memorial service, on the national level, to pay respects to him and draw lessons from him.

He could not live to work in the era of the national level. Although he could not reach the era of world level, from the time that the church was found to the time that we could reach the nation -- 13 years in total -- during that time, it is without a doubt that he made the greatest contribution. Considering from this position, I recognize his contribution in leaving behind the traditional central ideology. Moreover, although he was crippled, I drove him to lecture more than 18 hours every day for three years and eight months. Why? Through him, I was trying to set the tradition of teaching the Divine Principle and have it manifested in life before heaven and earth. I did it so that even if all the lecturers throughout the world were to continue doing their mission every day for more than three years, even if they lecture for more than twelve hours, there would be no one who can complain that he is exhausted. In order to leave this tradition behind before heaven and earth, I pushed him to do it despite his handicapped body.

He had so little to eat and he was undernourished, so if he became exhausted while giving a lecture he would lie down . . At times, he would tell me that he could not lecture in the afternoon because he was sick. I remember how I had to then push him and raise him. I reprimanded him, "How can you behave like this? You have to put your life on the line to spread the Divine Principle. As long as you are alive, if there is no one to lecture to, you should then talk to the empty space in the air." Hearing it, although he was lying down gazing with his tired eyes, he would still say, "Teacher's words are right," and get up immediately. I still can see in my mind clearly how it was so difficult for him to get up because of the fixtures set on his crippled leg. I understand it very well. Accordingly, if I were to think about the time after death anyway, this is the perspective that I should take for my reflection. (130-322)

3) Rev. Young Whi Kim

The reason that I put Young Whi Kim in the central position at this time is because he is the representative of the three couples within the 36 blessed couples. He is the representative of the three sons. Among the three sons, Young Whi Kim is the third one. He is in the position to open the door to the era when the three eras will come. For this reason, he has to safeguard the key well until we go to heaven to build the kingdom of heaven there in the future.

However, he is 60 years old, isn't this so? Since he should not ruin things on account of his old age, he has to make the preparations for the transfer. What does this mean? He is supposed to conduct a new kind of education. Do you understand? He has to set a new tradition. It will not be acceptable to just continue on the way that he has been doing things so far. He has to stand in the frontline to promote justice. Having a keen sense of judgment toward things, he must put an end to the environment that pursues after the traces that Satan likes, and he has to make the environment of heaven wherein God can dwell in peace and joy wherever He goes. Do you understand what this means?

So, Young Whi Kim is like that right now. He has to possess the heart of love and love everything. He could not love God as much as I have, he could not love the nation as much as I have, and he could not love the church as much I have. Therefore, he has to inherit the tradition centering on me. (149-173)

The president here is the person who stands in my place. He will lead you until the end regardless of whether or not he fulfills his responsibility to the full extent. Until we complete this huge task of paying indemnity on the level of the people, I am going to have the president lead the way and fight on. He might have some shortcomings in his character, but even if he does, he himself will not be responsible for it; it is I who will bear the responsibility. Who put him in that position? I did. So, it is also I who will take the responsibility. If someone were to bear the burden of defeat, it is I who will, not he. (24-141)

What is Young Whi Kim supposed to do now? Because he has been named the president of the Unification Church and the Victory Over Communism origination, he has realized the meaning of his name. Young Whi Kim. He stands in the position of glory. It is the position where he can command heaven and earth, how wonderful would it be if Dae Hwa Chung (Mrs. Y. H. Kim) was not a fake Dae Hwa but a real Dae Hwa? That name brings harmony. So the president absolutely needs her, Dae Hua Chung! This is true. The rumor has it these days that he is only concerned about taking care of his wife, is this true? Young Whi Kim! The rumor has it that you have become a worshiper of your wife. You, I am asking you a question. [I have not gone that far.] (Laughter) Although you have not reached that stage yet but you are on your way . . . You have already passed the 70% line. Fine, fine. (148-252)

All of you have joined the Unification Church when you were young, and now you have passed middle-age, and have already grown old. Young Whi Kim, you are going to turn sixty soon, right? [I am already 61] You are already sixty one? It seems like just yesterday when you were walking around with the badge of a captain on you, yet time has passed by that quickly? If you are 61, then you have become an old man. You entered at the time of youth, and passing through the time of middle age, you have arrived at the time of old man. (172-89)