Seoul World Cup Stadium, November 11, 2017
Beloved global citizens, leaders of various fields, Ambassadors for Peace, members of the Family Federation, ladies and gentlemen:
Today we have provided this event, which can deeply move Heaven at a time when this nation’s fate is at stake. Many religious leaders and members of the clergy, around four hundred, have come here from all continents, and the one hundred-member ACLC Choir came from America. I am truly very thankful for that.
When we look at the world today, we see many problems. Se try to overcome these problems, but we cannot find answers through human effort and strength alone. The future is bleak. Through the First World War and the Second World War, we saw cruel and horrible realities. That was why the UN was founded with the determination that all nations must unite. Seventy-two years have passed since the UN’s establishment. Nonetheless, we have failed to solve many difficult problems throughout the world. We stand in a maze and are unable to unite.
The religions that lead the world today are in the same situation, especially in the sphere of Christian civilization. Christians say that if you believe in God and believe in Jesus you will go to a good place. But we must not stop with faith alone. We must think of how we can attend God, our Creator, in our families, societies, nations and the world.
The original God created all things in heaven and on earth and then created the man and woman who would become humankind’s first ancestors. He gave them the responsibility of going through a growing period. They should have received the Blessing on the foundation of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Yet during this period they developed greed. They thought they could be equal to God. Their self-centered greed caused the world we see today, a world of fallen humankind that has no relationship with God.
The omniscient and omnipotent God is a Being who does not change from the beginning to the end. He cannot ignore the principles of creation, which He established. Thus, God had to begin the bitter providence of restoration through indemnity. Four thousand years ago, God chose the people of Israel. How difficult must it have been. It took four thousand years for the providence to arrive at the stage in which an individual could be restored all the way to the national level, and for God finally to send Jesus Christ, the one whom He could finally call “My Son”!
Yet what happened? Jesus was God’s Son, who was born after the long period of four thousand years. Was there truly no choice but for him to live a brief life and be sent to the cross? That was not God’s Will.
Humankind cannot enter God’s presence directly, because human beings must indemnify the mistakes they have made. The True Parents help us fulfill that indemnity. The purpose of Jesus’ coming was for him to become the True Parent, the victorious human ancestor.
When Jesus died on the cross, he said he would return. He said he would return to hold the Marriage Banquet of the Lamb. The Marriage Banquet of the Lamb. Heaven’s providence did not go through the Israelites again after they had failed to fulfill their responsibilities. Heaven chose a new people who could give birth to the only daughter of God. I want you to know that the chosen people is the Han race, the people of the Korean peninsula, of the Republic of Korea.
God prepared this people so He could send the only daughter of God through them. As the chosen people, they worshiped Heaven, were advanced in astronomy, loved nature, and hated war. Through this people and on the Christian foundation, just as two thousand years ago, when God called Jesus ”My Son,” after six thousand years the only daughter whom God could call “My Daughter” was born. Isn’t this something to be joyful about and thankful for?
According to the Principle of Creation, Heaven had to protect the only daughter of God during her growing period. I was born in 1943 and Korea was liberated in 1945. Near the place I was born, centered on Pyongyang, there were many spiritual groups that believed the Lord would return in Pyongyang. However, with Korea’s liberation, the nation divided into north and south based on the confrontation between democratic and communist thought.
The north, under a united regime, was planning to invade the south. God would not have been able to fulfill His will if I stayed in that place, so Heaven had me move to the south. In 1950, the Korean War broke out. South Korea was not prepared to confront North Korea. Then like a miracle, Heaven mobilized the UN and laid the framework in this land for the True Parents to manifest.
In 1960, True Parents, for whom Heaven and fallen humankind so dearly wished, came into being, but the Christian foundation did not support them. Nonetheless, the providence still progressed. True Parents began the global providence through America (a representative democratic nation) to save the world’s 7.4 billion people. God prepared America as a democratic nation so its people could receive the returning Lord. I am saying that they received Heaven’s blessings. Yet they do not know why Heaven blessed them.
America had become a powerful nation, but during times of confusion and difficulties, communism threatened that nation. [True Father] put everything else aside, moved to America, and for forty years lived there to lead the global providence. At that time missionaries from America, Europe and Japan were dispatched all over the world. They laid roots in places all over the world. They are educating people in those nations, in all they ways necessary for this age.
I wish to say this to all of you today: the leading figures and nations Heaven blesses must fulfill their responsibilities. Happiness grows the more we share it. You need to take responsibility for the blessings you receive. They are not yours only; you can share them with your neighbors, other people, and the world.
Fallen humankind cannot go directly into God’s presence. The Blessing we receive through True Parents brings us into a state of rebirth and resurrection. Righteous leaders and members of the clergy have accepted the mandate and are putting the true family movement into practice in their churches around the world. Our people’s desire for peaceful unification, and humankind’s wish for a united world, cannot go on eternally based upon human effort and thinking alone. Only when God’s providence unfolds, centered on True Parents and under the circumstances of each of us attending God in our family and nation, can Heaven’s blessings be eternal. Thus, I would like to speak about the truth of history from the viewpoint of Heaven’s providence, and this nation’s mission.
I have said this: The numerous leading religious figures and believers in the world, especially those who call themselves Christians, must prepare to greet a new day. Are you prepared to meet the returning Lord who, two thousand years ago, said he would return as he died, that is, on the cross? Just as it says in Genesis, “there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.” (Genesis 1:5) Why did Genesis not express evening and morning as the first and second day, but used the word, the first day?
Today, Christianity—all religions—must have a destination. What is that destination? There is only one conclusion. Beloved global citizens, beloved righteous people of this nation, we can no longer remain in the night. We must prepare to greet a new morning. Do you know what that new morning is? It is the marriage Blessing through True Parents. It is the true family movement.
The world that all humankind wishes for today is a united world centered on God, which begins from a true family. At this moment, you, especially Christians who believe in God and believe in Jesus, must not stop at faith alone, but must truly attend God in your families and establish an ideal world through which we can return glory and honor to God. This is the kingdom of heaven on earth that is Heaven’s desire and our hope.
I will say this to the Korean people today: We have received Heaven’s Blessing. We must live lives by which we can receive and share that Blessing. What must we do for the global providence?
Two thousand years ago, after Jesus went the way of the cross, Christianity began through the resurrection of Christ and the advent of the Holy Spirit. On that foundation, 313 years later, Rome recognized Christianity and the church expanded to the west. Centered on the Italian peninsula, Christianity spread through the European continent and arrived on the British Isles, where its culture bloomed. The era of the Atlantic civilization began.
But they did not know Jesus’ essence. Britain began to think of its own benefit only and retreated into selfish individualism. Therefore, providence attempted to unite all nations through the democracy of the United States, but this too has failed.
Heavenly Parents’ dream, and what humankind wishes for dearly, begins from the True Parents. The True Parents! You must be reborn through the True Parents to become a child of God. I have said that the era of the Pacific realm civilization is constituted by the revolution of the culture based upon the heart of filial love.
I pray that we who now know Heaven’s providence through True Parents’ ideology can stand in God’s presence as citizens of Cheon Il Guk. Let us fulfill our duty as filial sons, filial daughters, and loyal patriots, so that not only we but all humankind can receive the Blessing, resolve the past, unite in the present, and open the way to the future.