After Heavenly Parent created humankind – our original mind was broken

Hak Ja Han
March 31, 2014
Unofficial notes: Andrew Compton


After Heavenly Parent created humankind – our original mind was broken. But Heavenly Parent could not abandon Adam and Eve. Even though it took a long time, through the 4 great religions, Heavenly Parent worked to prepare for the Messiah.

The Jewish people were prepared to receive the Messiah, but crucified Jesus. Since that time they have had to go through the greatest indemnity.

Heavenly Parent cannot use those who failed in the central position of the providence.

Now, even though humanity believes in Jesus Christ, they cannot go to Heaven. They are waiting and hoping for Jesus to return on the clouds.

Pilgrims came to America for freedom of religion. They came with sincere hearts – building first the church, then school, and only then their own homes. Now after 200 years of American history what has happened?

True Parents blessed the USA. They gave a lot financially. They made it the Central Nation for God's providence. But people did not understand True Parents. They could not see the big picture. They stopped in the middle of the course.

In the 1970s USA was the central nation, but there arose lots of problems – broken families, people became self-centered. America started as a country that was to prepare for the Messiah, but it could not fulfill its responsibility.

True Parents could not wait any longer – (for America to do its part). Therefore True Father came to the USA as a firefighter. He toured the 50 states. In the beginning he was well received. But look at what happened, look at what the USA did to Father (Danbury).

The USA has a great debt to True Parents. When will you pay that debt?

2020 will be True Parents diamond wedding anniversary year. Will you offer them a diamond? Or how about -- will you offer them the USA, or the World?

Because of True Parents we could become Blessed Central Families and citizens of Cheon Il Guk. There are 7 billion people in the world, but only we know this secret.

Think about the 12 disciples of Jesus and how we look back at them now. How about you, Blessed couples? What will you leave behind? We are to become the ancestors of the world family.

"I" stand here with True Parents. That is really important. Without True Parents you have no position to stand in.


Now you can see me and talk with me, but when you go to the spirit world – without fulfilling your responsibility, your conscience is going to tell you …

The spirit world is eternal. If you are wise, what should you decide? True Parents blessed you. Now, after 30 or 40 years you should be proud of what you did.

Heavenly Parent raised us to be tribal messiahs. Every day you recite the Family Pledge, but are you really practicing it? We must produce the result. Only through that can we enter as children of the True Parents.

Like the candles on the offering table, the 50 states of the USA must find the flame of truth and light-up all the 50 states.

Are you grateful for True Mother? Am I your hope? I want to talk about you (give good reports) to our Heavenly Parent.

There are 300 million Americans. If they can come – then the whole world can come. Everyting is connected to America.

You should always have True Parents in your heart.

(Sun Jin Nim led us in a toast – it was a toast of gratitude and love. Then she said toasts just need one word – Seongly, meaning victory)