Andrew Compton and Lydia Compton
February 18, 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters
This is a brief report on the recent trip to Korea (February 10 – 18) for Foundation Day and the International Leaders Meeting.
Thank you to the NY District for sending me. I was especially grateful that, (thanks to an unexpected gift), my wife was also able to accompany me.
First, here is my wife's report:
Imagine 8 days in a foreign country, Korea, surrounded by many people (mostly men) speaking many different languages coming from 99 nations, all leaders of their country or district or region, and all with a story to tell … Well, we listened to 21 of them and we listened to True Mother three times, Young Whi Kim, Dae Mo Nim, Yeon Ah Nim, and an assortment of other international leaders including Bishop [Ki Hoon] Kim, Dr. [Chang Shik] Yang, and our new International Vice President Thomas Hwang. We also did ansoo at a Chung Pyung workshop, played Yute, toured the museum of True Father's Life, visited his burial site, slept on the floor in 4 different locations, ate three meals a day (food from a foreign land – Korea), sang Holy Songs, did Hoon Dok Hae, prayed, did True Father's exercises, rode in buses, walked and even shopped a little. In our spare-time… when we were getting ready for bed… we talked.
The experience was intense, powerful, overwhelming, tremendous, and educational. It was hard, but it was wonderful! We didn't have any beds to sleep on, had to take turns for the sink, and woke up at 4:30 am each day. Still, we were somehow happy.
Do you remember or have you ever had such an experience? Our spirits were uplifted and our minds cleared. It was a most precious, unforgettable way to celebrate the Second Foundation Day of Cheon Il Guk!
I would wish it on you, on anyone who would like to be filled to the brim with God's love. I had no idea what the leader's meetings my husband went to every year would be like. I was not prepared. I didn't feel ready or equipped to be there, but I fit right in. Maybe it was my imagination, but I felt like it was all prepared for me. A crash course in the Unification movement in eight days (including the two days spent on the airplane coming and going). I am so grateful to my husband who said "yes" when I asked and who made the right calls to make it happen. To Rev. [David] Rendell and Dr. Mike Balcomb who cleared it, to Fumiko Balcomb who suggested it and to our Heavenly Parent who did it all.
Thank you so much for listening. I hope this answers your questions about what Rev. Compton does when he leaves us every year for the FFWPU World National Leaders Assembly in Korea. And I hope you will be able to go yourself one day.
God Bless You, Thank you very much – Lydia Compton
That was my wife – now my turn:
I am not going to give this report based on chronological order. I am sorry, but my notes are a bit unclear about the correct time line.
In summary – it was a very positive experience – to meet with and share with brothers and sisters from 99 different countries, each of them deeply committed to our True Parents. The highlight was being able to see and be with True Mother. Her spirit is strong and clear and absolutely determined to move forward in the work of establishing Cheon Il Guk.
Wednesday, February 12, we went to the Palace where we participated in the Opening Ceremony for Foundation Day. There was a beautiful offering table, we said pledge, there was Hoon Dok Hae, and True Mother spoke – a very short message that focused on the motto and the importance of us becoming True Owners. Here is what she said according to our notes:
Please don't forget the motto that I gave you. Please keep it in your mind always and practice it. When the creator created Adam and Eve, in the course of their growth they could converse with God. You need to act and pray to be with me always. You can be the owner yourself.
The Blessing Ceremony:
That was extra special because we were able to take close up photos of our brides and grooms. The most profound part of it was when, for the prayer, they played a previous prayer by True Father. It was quite powerful to hear his voice – giving the Blessing prayer.
The entertainment for the Blessing was taken from the musical "Filial Piety." It was pretty amazing – and very professional. I hope you were able to see it on line.
After the Blessing there was a banquet lunch at the main Cheonpeong Hall – which also included entertainment. In our opinion the American 2nd gen brother Matthew Hill, who sang tenor, was the most amazing. He really made True Mother smile.
Day 2 (Thursday February 13)
We came to the Palace early morning. The program began with prayer followed by the installation of the Supreme Council by True Mother. (In the new Cheon Il Guk Constitution, the Supreme Council is the highest ruling body, consisting of 13 persons). On the council, from USA, are Dr. Tom Walsh and Farley Jones.
True Mother presented the constitution to each of the Continental Directors.
True Mother then sat facing the stage and together with us received reports. They included:
The past and the just concluded Foundation Day. It was noted that from this point forward there will be two main seasons for our movement – one centered on Foundation Day and the other centered on True Father's Seonghwa. By the solar calendar those would be in February and August.
Other Reports: on the Media coverage, UPF, WFWP, and the program that is providing scholarships for the education of our youth (the Won Mo Peace Foundation).
Additional reports were given by continental directors –
Philippines Interfaith Blessing Ceremony – with 13,000 participants. Took place with government support
Taiwan – pro family rally of 300,000 we helped to organize
Indonesia – beginning to open up to our movement
India – 400 members. They built their first church
Brazil, 3,000 members – church is growing. Focusing on education with Divine Principle
Europe – success with youth UPF activities
Next – True Mother spoke. Here are some high lights:
True Mother challenged us – that, because we are lacking in our commitment, the proper environment has not been prepared. (These are just unofficial notes.)
The True owner has come, but we have been lacking in our commitment. FFWPU members have received great fortune – but how much have we acted as true sons and daughters of True Parents. There are still 7 billion people who do not yet know about the Blessing…. Timing in the providence is important. We have to act according to the time. If we fail we will feel ashamed. Our utmost best is not enough. The whole world should celebrate True Parents birthday. The world celebrates Jesus birthday – even though they are not sure of the date. But we do know True Parents birthday. From next year True Parents birthday should be celebrated in each nation as a national festival. If we think how True Father loved humanity on this earth until the final moment when he put his life on the line – with that reality, you should not just sit and use your brain. You have to get up and act. Spirit world will help you. That is my blessing to you.
Some other key events:
We visited True Father's grave site (located at the Palace) – where we offered prayers and flowers.
We heard more reports, according to my notes – Seven sessions, with reports covering many topics; Church growth, 2nd gen education, UP Academy, Public asset management, WFWP, Sun Moon University, and more)
The new International Vice-president, Rev. [Thomas] Hwang, spoke. One of his key points: is the need for us to expand horizontally to create the environment, the culture of heart, where our Heavenly Parent can happily dwell with us and our children can safely grow.
The following day, Rev. Young Hwi Kim spoke to us for Hoon Dok Hae. He spoke about overcoming our fallen nature and becoming ideal husband and wife. Happy children come from a happy couple.
We heard more complete reports from the Philippines and from Brazil.
In Brazil they have developed strong Home Groups. Also they are focused on 1-on-1 Divine Principle study witnessing – with good success. The number of Home Groups (their style of small groups) is equal to the number of mid-level leadership. As they raise up new leaders – they are able to start new Home Groups. Each group conducts Hoon Dok Hae, and in each group they make goals for the week – how to put Father's words into practice. They focus on helping people solve their problems (personal problems, family problems, etc.)
In the Philippines – despite the hardship and suffering of recent natural disasters, they have kept making conditions and working towards their goal to bless 30,000 couples. In January they had the blessing with 13,000 people.
True Mother commented on the reports from Brazil and Philippines. (These are not her actual words, just my notes)
We have to let people know that at the center is True Parents. Why do we need True Parents? Because of the fall of Adam and Eve. It took 6,000 years before the words True Parents could appear. You had many opportunities to experience True Parents' heart. But now we must bring result. Through True Parents – how many Blessed Families are there on the earth? If each Blessed family could fulfill their portion of responsibility we would have a much greater foundation. True Mother wants to be able to say – because of you True Parents are liberated, you have set them free.
More Reports:
UPF by Dr Walsh
20-20 Providence report
Korea, Japan, and USA all gave reports
In particular – the tide is changing in Japan. Where a few years ago (2009) – there were over 50 negative articles and one positive, in 2013 there were 18 negative and 35 positive. One factor was True Mother's five city tour. And they have gained 6,000 new members.
From America – Dr. Balcomb introduced our young leadership – who are very impressive. Also, as the elder brother nation, America offered materials that can benefit the work of members throughout the world – in outreach, in the care of Blessed Families.
In addition to all the reports:
True Mother invited us all to play a Yute Game. That was filled with excitement and lots of yelling. (My team took third place, Lydia's team took second)
We attended the 2-day Chung Pyung Workshop. During that time, Dae Mo Nim addressed all the leaders in a special meeting.
On the final day breakout sessions were held in three areas (we could each choose one); Family Issues, Pioneering new churches, and the new Cheon Il Guk Constitution. Lydia attended the Family session and I attended the Constitution session – which was very hopeful (I have a lot to share about the new constitution, but not in this report)
Finally – Lydia and I were able to meet with our 2020 partner nations' leaders (Solomon Islands and Italy for upstate, and Israel and Nepal for Metro NY)
In conclusion – there is a lot that has been left out of this report. The main themes were Church growth and Youth Education. Let's all work together in the coming year of Cheon Il Guk – to raise up our youth, to grow our church, and to make our True Parents really really happy.
Thank you and God bless you, Andrew Compton