Hak Ja Han and Sun Jin Moon at the 60th Anniversary of FFWPU Japan

Julian Gray
July 1, 2018
Saitama Super Arena, Saitama, Japan


60th Anniversary of FFWPU Japan: 20,000-person Rally for a Hopeful March Forward of FFWPU for a Heavenly Japan in 2018

This afternoon's event, held with some 20,000 members and guests in attendance, at the Saitama Super Arena, exemplified the commitment and heart of our Japanese members. They produced a series of beautiful entertainment pieces in dance and song, plus video of True Parents' life and work with a focus on the history of our movement in Japan. There was testimony from the younger generation, words of congratulation, and a final pledge of re-determination. This brief report focuses on Sun Jin Nim's speech to introduce True Mother and an overview of Mother's speech.

FFWPU for a Heavenly Japan President Tokuno Eiji's Greetings

Rev. Tokumo warmly welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming. He mentioned that it was 60 years ago this summer that Father asked Choi Bong-choon (Sang Ik Choi) to go to Japan as a missionary and how he began his mission by smuggling himself into Japan on a boat. Miraculously, in less than two years, he established HSA-UWC Japan in Tokyo (October 1959). Rev. Tokuno said, "We have received unconditional love from True Parents, and their words. They have protected and blessed the Unification Movement here for 60 years."

Rev. Tokuno then alluded to some of the major happenings around the world in recent weeks and months, including the June 12 USA-North Korea Summit in Singapore ("The world is watching to see if this will lead to peace."), refugee immigrants; the transfer of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; climate change; and the fact that in Japan 55 percent of homicide is committed with in the family. He also mentioned Japan's low marriage rate and low birth rate. "The Unification Movement was born to give hope in relation to these issues."

Rev. Tokuno then mentioned the Holy Wedding of Father and Mother in 1960: "The wedding of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han Moon was the actual beginning of our movement."

He spoke for some minutes more, in particular to introduce Mother's work around the world, including events Mother had presided over in Africa (Senegal), in Vienna, in Busan, and in Gyeong-gi Province in Korea.

Sun Jin Moon's Introduction of True Mother

Beloved leaders from throughout Japan.

Brothers and sisters from the Family Federation for a Heavenly Japan.

Ladies and Gentlemen.

It is a great honor to stand before you today, on the 60th Anniversary of the Mission to Japan.

My heart is always moved whenever I come to this blessed land, for I know the enormous sacrifices that you have made for the sake of this nation, and for the sake of the world. Over the past 60 years, Japan has been at the forefront of Heaven's providence. You have shed your blood, sweat and your tears to attend and support our True Parents and realize HP dream of one peaceful loving family under GOD.


Please accept my words of appreciation and love. Kamsamnida. Arigato gozaimas. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

We are gathered here today to honor the past, but also to make renewed determination to forge a bright future for our children and for generations to come. This is the mission of the Family Federation for a Heavenly Japan. AJU!

True Parents have always had the deepest love and respect for the people of Japan, recognizing that Japan and the Japanese people have an historical, providential role to play at this time in history. They have always seen Japan as a mother nation to the world, a parent who lives for the sake of all of God's children and who works to restore all that was lost in the past.

Our keynote speaker today is none other than Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, our beloved True mother. Together with my late father, my mother has been an unwavering champion of peace. In my heart of hearts, I recognize her as the most courageous female role model of our time, she is a liberator of humanity and creation, and the embodiment of purity, goodness, and absolute true love.

For 52 years she stood side by side with my father, as a devoted, pure, loving wife, giving birth to 14 strong-willed and passionate children. Since the time of our True Father's passing, she has led our worldwide movement forward with wisdom, grace, and clarity, surpassing all expectations. She has ignited the torch of hope and peace for all 7.5 billion people of the world to see.

She has always lived for a public purpose, working all across the globe, founding charities, schools, scholarship programs, and educational organizations that raise our youth to be peace-loving global citizens.

From the time of her birth, she has been guided and protected by heaven. She has offered everything in her lifetime to God, giving everything she has to fulfill His dream of peace. Even in her golden years, a time when most retire, she valiantly carries this torch of hope across the globe so that we can all come to achieve True Love and True Peace.

She is my hero. She is my guru. She is our salvation. She is the light of Hyojeong, True Love, and liberation for all.

As my mother delivers her message today, I sincerely hope you will give her your full and complete attention. She is calling upon all of us to rise up as the champions of peace, to become manifestations of Heavenly Parent's love and truth so that, together, we can usher in a new world order of lasting peace and prosperity for the whole human family and creation.

Please join me now in giving a warm and thunderous welcome to Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, my beloved mother, and our beloved True Mother.

True Mother's Speech

Please note: The following content is from notes and may not be accurately expressed. Although it gives a good overview of what Mother said, parts crucial to the integrity of her message may have been omitted. Please do not rely on this for quotations or official use in presentations or publications.

Respected guests from at home and abroad and leaders from all areas of society. I am so pleased to meet you today to honor the Japan movement's 60th anniversary. In terms of a human life, the 60th birthday is not the end but a new starting point.

Today, when we look at problems in the world we can conclude that we have reached the limit of what can be done by human power alone. When I was approaching Japan in the airplane, I saw the beautiful sky over Tokyo. Today Tokyo, which in the 1970s was known as a very polluted city, is known as the capital city with the least amount of pollution. This is possible because of your hard work. When we look at the problems around the world caused by human ignorance – such as pollution – we can see that the future of humanity and the earth cannot be guaranteed.


We can see that all of humanity should unite, but we need a focal point for that unity. Today I would like to share with you how we can realize the world of peace that all humanity yearns for.

There is only one answer: human beings are not the center. God is the center, the true Owner of the universe. When we live in relation to our Creator and His principles, a world of peace is possible. God created the heavens and the earth and all the universe in keeping with His external aspect. Finally, He created a man and a woman. He gave them a period during which they were to grow; in that period, the man and woman were responsible to grow and realize their potential. Yet the first ancestors became selfcentered, and that is why people in the world today are not in a relationship with God.

God thus had to begin the painful providence of restoration of humanity, through indemnity.

Thus, God raised the people of Israel, until the foundation for a nation could be established. How long this dispensation took! To this fallen world, God sent Jesus to be our savior. Yet four thousand biblical years elapsed before that could be done. Even Mary, who gave birth to Jesus, and the leaders of the time, did not truly understand the essence of Jesus, and so he had no choice but walk the path of the cross. Indemnity was paid throughout history for this.

Had the people united with Jesus and stood with him, he would have used the foundation of the Roman Empire to build the kingdom within his lifetime. How very sad and regrettable was the crucifixion of Jesus!

The center of Christian civilization has moved across the world, through the Atlantic civilization – the sun never set on the British empire, so vast it was. But rather than practice Jesus' teachings of true love, they sought their own interests, and this civilization became one of oppression.

God does not use for a second time a people who have failed their responsibility. The 2000-year history of Christianity sought to find the daughter of God who could become the heavenly Bride. In 1943, in Korea, the begotten daughter was born.

In 1945, Korea was divided North and South. At that time, I was still in North Korea, my homeland. Many Christian groups believed that the Messiah would return to Pyongyang, so in my household, my mother and grandmother did not originally think of fleeing south. But since my uncle had enlisted in the South Korean military, we eventually decided to go south. I needed to grow up in a safe environment, so Heaven worked so that I could come to South Korea.

Two years after I came south, the Korean War erupted. Young soldiers from 16 nations came to protect this nation. And thus I too was protected. I knew when the time had come, and in 1960 Father and I became the True Parents. Fallen humanity cannot return to God through belief alone. Fallen lineage must be changed, and only the True Parents can do this. Therefore, FFWPU upholds the ideal of the Blessing. We work to multiply blessed families

The Blessing is wonderful, because the more you share it the greater it becomes. So I am asking you to become heavenly tribal messiahs. By becoming tribal messiahs, blessed families can work for the sake of the nation and the world. We can realize the peace for which humanity years, One Family under God. Today's title would be: "The Point of Settlement of Heaven's Providence, and What We Should Do at this Juncture."

Even if one person or nation excels, a world of lasting peace cannot be actualized. It is when we join together that we can succeed. As long as solutions are human-centered, true unity will remain just a hope. When people put aside personal interests then all is possible. If people do not place God at the center, we cannot find a true solution.

During the 60th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War [2010], we sent the Little Angels to thank the nations that had sent their soldiers to help South Korea. This is the principle that we have to repay the grace we have received. Let us unite, recognize our past mistakes and join hands for a bright future!

From a human perspective, some things are impossible to forgive. But True Parents blessed Japan to be the Mother nation to live for the sake of the world. What are the characteristics of a mother? A mother gives and sacrifices wholeheartedly for the sake of the children. And the culture of heart our 2nd generation children are conveying worldwide is permitting great successes.

FFWPU should place the family first. Let us be the hope of the future by taking care of our second and third generations and realizing Cheon Il Guk as brave warriors of Cheon Il Guk. Our 2nd and 3rd generations are doing this right now. This is our hope!

At this time the earth is ailing and appalling things are happening because of human ignorance. Thus we cannot sit idly and be satisfied with the present. In light of this, we have worked to heal this earth, and we have brought together scientists, including Nobel laureates, to find lasting solutions, in order to restore the world to its pristine, original state.

From long ago the world could have been united through the International Peace Highway, which True Parents initiated. I want to move this project forward and realize it in substance. I wish to connect Korea and Japan through the Korea-Japan Undersea Tunnel. I want this road to connect to North and South Korea, to Eurasia, and beyond.

This nation is heavenly Japan, and when it attends God the nations of the world will revere Japan as Mother nation. Righteous people need to recognize the mistakes of the past, and together with FFWPU, UPF, WFWP, YSP, all should all unite together and march forward. I hope that today is such a blessed day!
