May 20, 2014
Newsis, etc.] Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon Appoints Eight Special Emissaries…Holds Family Federation “World Federation Service for the Victory of Vision 2020.”
On May 11th, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (Korean President Kyung-Seuk Ryu) celebrated 60 years since its founding with the “World Federation Service for the Victory of Vision 2020” at the Cheong Shim Peace World Center in Gapyeong, Gyeonggi-Do. Eight Special Emissaries were also appointed at this event.
Chang Shik Yang (North and South America), Hideo Oyamada (Greater China Region and Northeast Region), Kwang Gi Sa (Western Europe), Lan Young Moon (Eastern Europe), Kathy Rigney (Africa), Robert Kittel (in charge of education in Asia) and Chung Sik Yong (also the Asian Continental Director) were all appointed as Special Emissaries in charge of their respective continents.
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon awarded each Special Emissary with written appointments, rings and medals symbolizing their status as emissaries.
Dr. Han also appointed Sun Jin Moon as the Director-General of FFWPU International HQ and Man Ho Kim as the Secretary General. In addition, she awarded Special Emissaries Kathy Rigney and Robert Kittel with lifetime achievement awards for their contributions to front line mission work, commemorating 40 years of overseas mission work since 1975.
Furthermore, she also appointed four new continental directors: Sang Suek Kim (Central America), Dong Ho Cho (West Africa) and Bakary Camara (East Africa). She also appointed Jong In Park as the national director of Lebanon and the Middle Eastern region.
Dr. Han expanded the existing continental structure of the global church to include three more regions, centering on language and culture. Three new continental regions—Central America (22 nations centering upon Mexico), the Greater China Region (centering upon China) and West Africa (after being divided between East and West)—were added to the existing ten regions (Korea, Japan, North America, Asia, Europe, South America, Oceania, the Middle East, the Northeast region and Africa), increasing the number of continental regions in the mission system to thirteen.
Dr. Han expressed her determination for “Vision 2020” to move forward focusing on the 43 strategic providential nations, continuing mission activities in 193 nations and expanding throughout the world.
The day’s events were attended by Dr. Han, Sun Jin Moon and her husband Insup Park, Universal Ballet Director Julia Moon, the Special Emissaries, continental directors, directors of providential institutions, business leaders, elder public officials and about 22,000 members from around the world. The service was shown throughout the world via live Internet satellite broadcasting.
[Yonhap News] Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Fifth Daughter is Appointed as Director of the Family Federation World Mission Headquarters.
On the 13th, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (otherwise known as the Unification Church/Family Federation) Chairwoman Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon appointed Sun Jin Moon as the Director of World Mission Headquarters.
Sun Jin Moon is Rev. Sun Myung Moon (1920-2012) and Dr. Han’s fifth daughter.
Chang Shik Yang (North and South America), Hideo Oyamada (Greater China Region and Northeast Region), Kwang Gi Sa (Western Europe), Lan Young Moon (Eastern Europe), Kathy Rigney (Africa), Robert Kittel (in charge of education in Asia) and Chung Sik Yong (also the Asian Continental Director) were also all appointed as Special Emissaries in charge of their respective continents.
The Family Federation celebrated their 60th Anniversary on May 1st at Gapyeong, Gyeonggi-do, and held the “World Federation Service for the Victory of Vision 2020” on May 11th.
[Segye Ilbo]
Family Federation Chairwoman Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon: “Sewol Ferry Disaster of Tragedy and Indescribable Pain”
Appeal at the 60-Year Anniversary “World Federation Service” to “Love Our Neighbors as Ourselves.”
On May 11th, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (Korean President Kyung-Seuk Ryu) celebrated 60 years since its founding with the “World Federation Service for the Victory of Vision 2020” at the Cheong Shim Peace World Center in Gapyeong, Gyeonggi-Do. The day’s events were attended by Dr. Han, continental directors, directors of providential institutions, business leaders, elder public officials and about 22,000 members from around the world. The service was shown throughout the world via live internet satellite broadcasting.
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon appeals for “all of mankind to actualize the true love of God.”
On this day, Dr. Han expressed her sorrow regarding the Sewol Ferry disaster, describing it as “a tragedy of indescribable pain.” She also appealed for all of mankind to “realize true love in resemblance to our Creator, the Heavenly Parent, and to treat our neighbors as we treat ourselves.”
“The world is currently riding a boat with no first mate, captain or compass,” pointed out Dr. Han. “The time has come for all of the blessed children and soldiers of Unification from around the world to strive and serve more than ever to establish a world of peace for mankind.”
On this day, commemorating 40 years of overseas mission work since 1975, Dr. Han awarded Special Emissaries Kathy Rigney and Robert Kittel with special lifetime achievement awards for their contributions to front line mission work. She also awarded each Special Emissary with rings and medals. These royal gifts were crafted from Dr. Han’s most treasured jewelry.
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification members from around the world gather at the “World Federation Service” held on the 11th at the Cheong Shim Peace World Center in Gapyeong, Gyeonggi-Do, and promise to strive to bring peace for all of mankind.
“The medals represent victory and glory, and the rings represent a promise,” said President Kyung-Seuk Ryu in regards to the gifts. “They carry the sincere wishes of Dr. Han for the salvation of mankind,” he explained.
The participants of the event, under the banner of service and sacrifice, determined that they would work even more fervently to carry out mission work in 193 countries around the world, centering upon the 43 strategic providential nations of “Vision 2020.”
In other news, the Family Federation awarded four families of ministers who had served for 40 years with special certificates of merit and incentive funds of one hundred million won per family, at the 60thAnniversary Commemorative Ceremony held on May 1st at the Cheon Jeong Goong Museum Chapel. Awards were also given to those districts and churches that had brought the best witnessing Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon appeals for “all of mankind to actualize the true love of God.” results in 2013. The families of Yong-Ha Kim and Jeong-In Jo, Pan-Gu Kim and Soon-Hwi Park, Jae- Cheol Ryu and Soon-Shik Yoo and Yoon-Hyeong Lee and Ok-Hyeon Park all received special achievement awards. The Headquarters district (grand prize), Kwangju (2nd place), Cheonnam (3rd place) and 22 other districts and Cheong Shim churches all received awards for their results in witnessing.
“It is almost like a miracle to be able to receive the three Cheon Il Guk Holy Scriptures and the Cheon Il Guk Constitution,” said Dr. Han at the event. “I would like to ask you to always keep in mind the preciousness of the mission bestowed upon you, and to live a life that bears the fruit of the providence of heaven.”