Hak Ja Han
February 4, 2017
Twenty-third International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences
Lotte Hotel in Jamshil, Seoul, Korea
The development of modern society gave humankind abundance. However, the problem we must consider is the following: The original owner of the earth is God our Creator. God created all things in the cosmos and then created humankind. He had a dream for the first ancestors of humankind. God gave the first ancestors the responsibility to unite with him during the growth stage. The first ancestors had to absolutely unite with God. However, during the growth stage Adam and Eve developed self-centered greed. They became greedy for things that were to come later. Due to that, they became the fallen ancestors of humankind who could not unite with God and his purpose of creation. Therefore, human history of today has been heaven's hard work and humankind's effort to correct what went wrong at the beginning.
When God created the cosmos he set up the principle of circulation, so it would last for eternity. However, because of the humankind's mistakes, our beautiful earth is sick. Throughout human history, continual wars have occurred. Those who already have plenty fight to get even more. Heaven gave us religions so that God could reach and raise humankind again, but those religions lost their original purpose and are fighting, unable to unite. It can be said that the nations that created all of these problems -- religious, ideological, and territorial disputes, and the even more severe problem of the violation of human rights -- are large nations, which have the most. When we look at these circumstances, we have to go out and correctly testify about God.
Rebuilding God's family
God's dream was to become humankind's parent. He wanted to embrace humankind as his children. Even the parents of this world hope for the best for their children. They hope their children succeed. How much more would the Creator, God, hope for that? There must have been a reason that God was unable to embrace humankind.
This was because human beings were unable to fulfill their responsibility. That responsibility was for humankind to be in the same position as God. Humankind would have been able to be in the same position as God if they had completed their responsibility. However humankind lost that.
The omnipotent omniscient God cannot change the ideal he held at the time of the Creation. Heaven went through great effort so that someone from among humankind who understands the providence and would go through the course of indemnity would come. As it explains in the Bible, during the long period of four thousand years, through the Israelites, indemnity for all the wrongs of the individual, the family, the tribe and the nation were paid, and finally Heaven was able to send the Savior, the Messiah. The Messiah came to become the True Parent. To become the True Parent, the man had come but a woman was needed also. It had been the responsibility of Jesus' mother, Mary; Zachariah's family, Judaic figures and the Israelites to prepare that environment, but they were unable to fulfill their responsibilities. If at that time, the Israelites had fulfilled their responsibilities, through the Roman Senate the world would have been embraced as one.
People with responsibilities, people who have been blessed, if they are unable to fulfill their responsibilities, indemnity will follow. Due to Satan's accusations, Jesus had to go the way of the cross, saying he would return. He said he would return to hold the marriage supper of the Lamb. What does this mean? This means he would return and absolutely become a True Parent. Fallen humankind cannot directly go before God. The Bible used this metaphor. They compared fallen humankind with the wild olive tree. It was said the wild olive tree was waiting for its owner. The owner is the True Parent. The True Parents will emerge and succeed over all indemnity. True Parents are the ones who will bless humankind and form true families, guiding them to realize the ideal God held at the time of the Creation, God's original plan.
Information scientists need
If you ask why I am speaking about this to you scientists today, it is because you must understand this. You must know heaven's secrets. You must know God. This planet is God's. It belongs to God. Humankind must also belong to God. You have invented many things in a variety of fields so that we can enjoy abundance in the twenty-first century. However, the by-products of these inventions endanger the lives of human beings and endanger the lives of all living things in the cosmos. If there is no future for the planet, there is no future for humankind. This is the direction we are heading. We cannot ignore this and only focus on researching things that are needed right now. Due to the selfish and incorrect thinking of people, creation is suffering and is sick. If we would have followed the direction God established at the Creation -- the principle of circulation -- no pollution would have developed.
In many ways scientific civilization caused much pollution. This is the reason I am reviving ICUS. We have to stop the threats that endanger human life and the survival of the planet. In that sense, I know that you love Heaven more than anyone else does and that you have worked with dedication in your areas of research. I am reviving ICUS because your efforts are greatly needed to create one human family centered on God, the kingdom of heaven on earth, so humankind, all 7.4 billion people, can enjoy healthy lives of freedom, unification and happiness. Thank you.