Hak Ja Han
June 14, 2014
Note: The following information is the translation of the news posted on FFWPU Korea web site. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Parent's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of our missionary activities in Europe this year, True Mother visited Europe for 17 days, including 12 famous mountains in Switzerland, which True Parents had blessed as the place to establish the 2nd Cheon Jeong Gung. It was her Jeong Seong period, when she had completed reading the Champumogyeong (참부모경), for the sake of preparing the True Father's Seonghwa (Aug. 12, 2014) and the victory of Vision 2020. The following are some of True Mother's words at Hoon Dok Hae and the celebration for her returning to Korea with victory.
"I had visited the famous mountains of the Alps in Europe. Five nations are connected centering on the Alps, where I could see the relics that show the efforts of pilgrims crossing over mountains for their missionary activities."
"True Father once held the Conference of the Mongolian Spotted People in Switzerland. During my pilgrimage in Europe at this time, there was a place where I could see the history of Jeong Seong offered by the Mongolians. What do you think they had asked for before Heaven?"
"While offering special Jeong Seong this time, I shared lots of conversation with True Father. What I promised Father was that I, who had initiated the project of making Champumogyeong (참부모경), would successfully conclude it when I come back to Korea. I made such a promise with Father."
"It is True Parents that Heavenly Parents and humankind hoped for. It was not that True Parents suddenly showed up in history. You should know the history behind them. You should know the providential history behind True Parents and also need to understand them theologically."
"Champumogyeong (참부모경) is absolute and perfect before humankind. You should study and understand it before you go to the spirit world. Among the three scriptures of Cheon Il Guk, Champumogyeong (참부모경) is the most important one. This is the origin. How can I conclude this scripture? By investing more time, I will make this a perfect jewel. Do you understand?"
"We need to have Korea stand high in the world as the fatherland of Heavenly Parents, the nation of True Parents who are the origin of all humankind. It cannot be accomplished by some political or economic powers. We need to make Korea the fatherland and the root of heart where people want to come to visit and live. That's why I am systematically planning to make a tourism project in Korea. Not by rule of thumb but by a longterm plan for the future, I will unfold the tourism project in Korea. We ourselves need to do this too so that people in the world come to beautiful Korea, attend True Parents who are the root of heart, and receive education."
The three scriptures of Cheon Il Guk as explained by Dr. Michael Balcomb
Cheon Seong Gyeong (천성경/天聖經)
A selection of excerpts from True Father's speeches, meticulously compared to the original published sermons from which they are drawn, and organized thematically into thirteen topics (books) with the fourteenth a set of Father's prayers arranged according to the first thirteen book titles. A very welcome feature compared to the first edition is the inclusion of new materials from the years 2001-2012, right up to and including True Father's last words on earth.
Pyonghwa Gyeong (평화경/ 平和經)
A collection of about 180 complete speeches delivered in public settings throughout True Father's life. These include the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) World Peace tours of the last decade, and go all the way back to speeches to the Professors World Peace Academy, the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS) conferences of the 1970s and more speeches delivered in Korea in the 1960s.
Champumogyeong (참부모경/참父母經)
Father's words about specific projects and providences, as well as autobiographical accounts of key incidents in his life.