Hak Ja Han
November 15, 2013
Hoon Dok Hae
Translator: Lymhwa Kim
Hak Ja Han - November 15, 2013 - Hoon Dok Hae
The following is a translation of True Mother’s Hoon Dok Hae held on November 15, 2013 at the Cheon Jeong Gung (Heavenly Dwelling Place) in Gapyeong, Korea. This story is an unofficial translation from a transcript posted on iPeaceTV’s web page and should not be considered authoritative or quoted in any publication without prior permission from FFWPU.
The existence of blessed families on Earth is a proclamation in itself that True Parents have come. All of humankind and God wished for the arrival of the True Parents. Only True Parents can defeat the world of Satan’s creation. That’s why we always say we should show absolute obedience to True Parents’ teachings. When we can show that kind of absolute unity, we then need to love our siblings and neighbors with absolute faith and absolute love. When I say love others, I mean testify about True Parents.
I can see that individually, some of you may lack education or lack experience, but you can make up for this by bringing many of God’s children back to God. An unlucky person can share in the luck of a lucky person if the former witnesses hard and brings the latter to God. Likewise, the reason you are able to stand as a blessed family in the Unification Church is because you received True Parents’ luck.
The root of Unification Church and of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU)’s is the church and scripture and at its center is True Parents. From this root, we form and spread out branches to restore the nations and the world. One such branch is business organizations established by the center, the True Parents. These business organizations and Unification Church Headquarters should unite. This goes for the [Tongil] Foundation as well. Father created what businesses he did to support the church.
Why do we witness? To spread the deep love of God who yearns to find His and Her lost children. Don’t be the kind of person who goes against this vision. As a leader, if you commit to following this vision to witness, then humbly do what you pledge to do. The leader stands in the position to raise and encourage his or her followers to tap into their potential and act on it. True Parents are that type of leader.
After True Father’s Seonghwa, I began many initiatives and passed responsibility for them on to you, but how well are these initiatives progressing? If you know that you have insufficiencies then you should devote yourself to learning more and putting forth more effort. We are living in an amazing, blessed era in human history. We were the sinful people who dared to stand near God. Then, because of True Parents, we were able to stand in front of God. So if we receive a responsibility, we need to be faithful to it. If you don’t understand your responsibility well then you need to educate yourself on it so that you can fulfill the providential will. There shouldn’t be failure. Now, there is only room for success. This way of thinking is different from the fallen world’s way of thinking. In this respect, reflect more on yourself and your ability and put forth more effort.
Hak Ja Han - November 15, 2013 - Hoon Dok Hae
In Korea, we have the World Missionary Center. This missionary center is the organization that takes care of public material and assets. It is the organization that supports efforts towards world peace and unification of the world. The World Missionary Center should lead education on standardizing all witnessing materials helpful to missionaries. Continental directors should unite behind this effort. Here is not the place in which one individual can give orders; at the center of this organization is me. This goes for Headquarters and all other organizations.
I opened the floodgates of communication and did not block the road for you to communicate directly with me. As mature sons and daughters in your 40s and 50, how are you different now from when you were a teenager communicating with your parents? Isn’t there something different about how you respond to your parent’s hopes? For example, as blessed families, you probably raised your own children. Did it work when you told your children: “I’m your father or mother so you need to show absolute obedience”? Did they listen? You’ve probably also experienced witnessing to others at some point in your life, whether you had this responsibility given to you or not, and understand at some level the degree of effort witnessing involves. You are now mature enough to understand that I am putting my trust in you hoping you will put all your effort into your responsibilities appreciating the heart with which I gave them.
For those of us who are living in this new historical era, we should not fail. Even though on an individual level some of us may feel we have insufficient ability, we actually have an enormous amount of support behind us. I spoke with you about creating the proper environment, right? We are expanding our environment for our future to include the second and third-generations. How should we live as a person who knows the providence and lives two lives—one in the physical world and one in the spiritual world? We have heard so many precious words but we are ignoring them. Our life on earth is a life that holds precious responsibility. There are seven billion people who don’t know about True Parents and are living thinking this physical life will just pass them by and then be over. I want you to realize how much you and your family are blessed in the eternal spiritual world.
The right time doesn’t come anytime. People say things like fate, good luck and bad luck; life has moments that go up and down and you are living in the era when you can receive the most fortune from Heaven. But if you end up not receiving heavenly fortune for lack of effort on your part and don’t fulfill your obligation, your lack of fortune sits on your head alone.
The organizations that are established in this current era should know what they need to do. I celebrated the 55th anniversary of the arrival of missionaries to Japan. How long has it been since the Korean church was established? It’s not okay to not know. To not know this history is to exist in a pre-mature state. People with fallen nature just want to be comfortable. And when they are comfortable, they want to be more comfortable. That will cause failure.
All the blessed families are siblings centered on True Parents, right? There were 1,500 members including peace ambassadors who were affected by the typhoon in Philippines. Have you thought about your siblings? We need to share love with the mindset of living for the sake of others. I sent one million dollars as a representative of the Korean and Japanese [church]. If we had a successful foundation to help the Philippines recuperate, how good would that have been? Have you thought about that? I want to wrap up all the things that I planned. I feel like there are no children who love the providence more than me. We need to successfully complete the things we planned first for Vision 2020. We don’t have much time until Foundation Day. I think time goes so fast while we make efforts to fulfill our responsibility. I don’t have much energy left to push you and comfort you.
Do you love True Parents? You know that Rev. Young Hwi Kim’s couple went to the United States for a speaking tour, right? I’m getting reports every day that American members are making a new determination. Korea is the homeland for the international headquarters, True Parents and God; yet when are you going to be the homeland that fulfills its responsibility? If you can’t fulfill your responsibility then history will just pass you by. The time will just pass. We need to appreciate every day that God extends one more day to our life. And we should think, “I will bring my neighbor and people to God’s side in some way.” How do you become leaders who realize this? It doesn’t matter whether I talk about it more or not. Right? We need to work with a life or death determination in order to save one more person. We need to show effort even if you lose all sleep. This is why I began the education of those I am dubbing “Top Guns”. The Top Guns should become historical figures. I would be really thankful if Top Guns became the proudest Unificationists within the Unification community and furthermore, became exemplary Unificationists to the world.
Next year we will hold special education for the youth. I wish for you to raise a lot of good new junior recruits.
Hoon Dok Hae - November 15, 2013