Prayer and Liberation Ceremony at the Hector Pieterson Museum. South Africa

Hak Ja Han
June 7, 2019
Orlando West, Soweto, South Africa


In front of God, the Creator, there is no color. There is only one color. Because of the Fall, humankind had a long history of indescribable suffering and bitter pain. Yet for God, to save fallen humanity, he led the history of the providence of salvation and established a chosen people. Until God could send his only son to fulfill the purpose of his creation, took four thousand years.

Once again, his dream could not come true as the people who had to take responsibility did not create the right environment. After that, Jesus Christ had to take the path of the cross. How can anyone understand Heavenly Parent's painful situation? As Jesus Christ went to die on the cross, he promised that he would return. He promised that he would return, yet the providence of restoration, which began with the Apostles, took two thousand years.


Nevertheless, Christian countries did not understand Jesus Christ's heart. Even more, they did not understand the heart, the essence, of the Creator God. Jesus Christ said to "love your neighbor as yourself." [Matthew 22:39] But the people who went out as missionaries all over the world, in Jesus Christ's name, did not understand Jesus' essence. They had such selfishness, only thinking about themselves. Instead of thinking of giving love, they actually took love from those nations, but today, in Soweto, in this nation, in the name of Christ, we stand here.

All those people who came in the name of Christ were missionaries. In front of God, humanity is one family; we all are brothers and sisters. How can it be that in history, human beings selfishly discriminated against one another? How will we ever receive forgiveness for murdering that young boy, ending his future? The youth… How will they ever receive forgiveness for doing that, especially in the name of religion?


However, Heaven is with us. As humanity is seeking equality, peace, freedom, we seek historical truth. It is hence a miracle once again that Heaven could bring True Parents to earth. Through sixty years of history on earth, the earth has known this truth.

Our beloved Heavenly Parent, Finally, your painful history will now be healed. All Your past sorrow and pain will be healed in this place. You will bless this land and open a new path of blessing here. Heavenly Parent! Thank you very much!

This blessed youth who sacrificed his life here, had a beautiful dream, Heavenly Parent's dream, humanity's dream of one family under God. And the blood that he shed here, will clean the earth, this nation and usher in a new history centering on Prophet Radebe.

Especially with the responsibility of political leaders and other religious leaders, and centering on Heavenly Parent and True Parents, they will proclaim True Parents. And we will be able to establish and move towards the day of creating a great hopeful future.

Please remember this day, Heavenly Parent! All those who have led lives of suffering, please remember them, resurrect them. May this country, the African continent, be one that can fulfill Heavenly Parent's dream. May this continent become the leading light of the world. Heavenly Parent, please bless this continent.

In the name of our True Parents, we pray. Aju
