Michael Balcomb
January 6, 2017
Dear Family,
Dr. Kim and I and a small group of brothers have just returned from a memorable New Year's celebration with True Mother at the Hyojeong Cheonweon in Korea, and I wanted to share some highlights with you. Attached to this letter are some photos of the occasion, and also a summary of True Mother's New Year's message which was delivered on January 3.
First of all, I am happy to report that the success of True Mother's most recent visit to Washington DC and New York continues to make waves in Korea and Japan. It's probably true to say that we rather exceeded everyone's expectations – to their happy surprise -- and so of course there is a lot of expectation for what 2017 might bring in the United States and around the world, as we continue to develop and expand the IAPP (Parliamentarians for Peace) project.
In her New Year's address, which I urge all of you to read and to watch, True Mother put a lot of emphasis on the goal of national restoration, and she asked us the same two questions:
- Are you confident to bring about a national restoration by 2020, just three short years from now?
- What does restoration actually look like in concrete terms?
She charged us to think deeply about these questions and to return next month with some definitive proposals that we have worked on together, building off the national goals that we announced last September.
After all the big public meetings were over, we had a smaller gathering with True Mother for just the 9 American leaders and some 25 Japanese. There she emphasized several points
- Her great concern for the environment and for the earth itself, which is suffering. "We have to return it to its pristine state," she said, "and I am enlisting the help of scientists and professors once again through the Science Conferences. So many scientific discoveries have caused great harm to the world, but science, properly directed by True Parents, can solve these problems too." That is one pillar of her vision of restoration.
2. Harnessing internet technology to spread the news about True Parents.
It is absolutely vital that we succeed in finding the way to reach millions and tens of millions of people in a short time frame. At one point True Mother referred to the example of the rise of Amazon, which recently surpassed Walmart in retail sales despite – or perhaps because of – having almost no physical presence. She urged us to think of how the reach of the Divine Principle and True Parents' teaching could be spread so rapidly through the internet, rather than just thinking in terms of more churches and more members (though that is important too!)
True Mother had some specific direction and encouragement for the Japanese and the American churches both, promising to visit our countries when we start to fulfill the goals that we already pledged. The Japanese church promised to hold revival meetings with 10,000 people or more, and to rebuild and increase the church foundation. Mother was inspired by this and turning to our American group said "don't let Japan leave you behind!"
Mother also reminded us that, even with a new president and new senators and congressmen and women taking office, America can only succeed when it comes back to God, through the teachings and marriage blessing of True Parents.
The following morning, we met True Mother again for a breakfast with just a handful of people. It was a happy gathering. We shared a few reflections about True Mother's speech the day before, we sang songs together, including "Generation of Righteousness" which has become our USA battle song, and Dr. Kim asked True Mother to sign some commemorative photos for the upcoming IPEC workshop to honor the Japanese sisters, who pioneered the Kodiak providence.
After that Mother invited us to tour the grounds of Chung Pyung and the nearby village of Seorak Myun so that she could share some of her vision for creating a model of the Kingdom. It was my distinct pleasure to ride in True Mother's car together with Dr. Kim and a couple of the Japanese leaders.
Mother sat in the front and pointed out the places where different projects are being completed, sharing a little bit about her vision. There's already a lot, but soon a hotel, a museum, a performing arts venue and a shopping center will be added, as well as some beautiful lakeside facilities and new cafes and coffee shops. I think it's going to be great.
Once again I was so impressed by True Mother's confidence and can-do spirit. She urged us to involve her in all projects, and never forget True Father's vision and passion to save this world. "Let us finish the job together," she said, "national restoration is just a stepping stone on the way to restoring the world and liberating our Heavenly Parent."
With that in mind, I'd like to invite and request all our churches and communities to think carefully about our concrete goals for 2017, the "Wake Up" year of the Rooster. Of course, our focus will remain on the Blessing and membership growth. We will continue to establish new churches and new facilities around the nation. But, what will we do locally? We need to hear about your hopes, dreams and plans as well!
Next week we will hold our first monthly meeting of the New Year in New York City, and throughout January we will meet with local and district communities to fine-tune our strategy and goals for 2017.
Thank you everyone! Thank you God and True Parents!
Michael Balcomb