Stella Maris Arzuaga book Mujeres y Algo Mas praises Dr. Hak Ja Han

Hak Ja Han
August 2014


Prominent Women, a book published in Argentina introducing women who have greatly contributed to world peace and the development of South America, includes a part on True Mother. The author, Stella Maris Arzuaga, is an Argentinian poet and writer from Arrecifes in Buenos Aires. She graduated from a college of education and served as the head teacher of Santa Teresita Nino Jesus School. She is a member of "History of the Clergy" of San Nicolás in Buenos Aires. She has devoted herself for the past thirty years to the study of the history of her native land. While involved in social educational projects, she published That Street and Its People, and The History of Arrecifes Municipal Assembly.

With the purpose of instilling courage and confidence in all women, she compiled a book that introduces the achievements of forty-five woman leaders that contributed to world peace and the development of South America. In this book, True Mother appears in a three-page article along with her photograph. The author introduced her as a person who teaches the logic of love. Here are some quotations from the book: "With her husband, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Dr. Hak Ja Han contributed in elevating and emphasizing the stature and role of women worldwide."

"In particular, as the chairwoman of the Women's Federation for World Peace, she carried out various support and educational programs for elevating women's stature and establishing true families based on true motherly love. She also carried out campaigns for reconciliation and resolution of international conflicts."

"Rather than the logic of power advocated by men, Dr. Han taught the logic of love. In 1993, she was the first Korean woman to address a meeting of United States senators and congressional representatives on Capitol Hill; months later, she was also the first Korean woman to give an address in the United Nations. She has received international honors and awards for her contribution to world peace."