The Second Generation are the precious existences who are the first outcome of Heaven

Hak Ja Han
February 8, 2014
Cheon Il Guk Matching
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 01.09)


Note: The following information is the translation of the news posted on FFWPU Korea web site. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Parent's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

2nd gen from 10 different nations gathered before the matching.

True Mother said to the participants: "The Second Generation are the precious existences who are the first outcome of Heaven in the 6,000 years of providential history," and asked them as the Blessed families "to be able to embrace people around you by creating a suitable environment, and become a model family to the young people in the society so that they come to offer bow before True Parents."

Then True Mother called on the elder participants to come forward and shared talked with them. Then she explained the procedure for the matching: a groom candidate goes to a bride candidate whom he would like to be matched with and put out his hand before her. When she responds to him holding his hand with hers, that means the matching is confirmed. The matching of new couples of the Second Generation proceeded in the great love of Heaven that day. Those who confirmed the matching will join "Cheon Il Guk Matching Workshop" in order to participate in the Blessing Ceremony 2014 that will be held on Feb. 12.


The following are the comments of some of the participants who were matched that day:

"When I arrived at the Cheon Jeong Gung, I was so moved. Indescribable earnest feeling spurted and I wanted to offer a bow of gratitude before Heavenly Parent and True Parents. Especially as an International Blessed couple, transcending cultures and races centering on true love, I would like to live in full accordance with God's words." (L. Dimitrious)


"I am so grateful that I could come from Togo, Africa to Korea in order to receive the Cheon Il Guk matching. When I came to the Cheon Jeong Gung, I had an overflowing feeling, and when I saw True Mother whom I had longed to meet so much, I became speechless. When I went around to see female candidates, I found most of them were Korean and Japanese, and amazingly, one Japanese candidate put out her hand before me and I held her hand back since I felt something indescribable with her." (A. Miguel from Togo, Africa)


"As a 2nd gen I always tried to feel True Parents' heart and attend Heavenly Parent in my heart. At the moment when I arrived at the Cheon Jeong Gung, I was so moved, I had feeling like I was in a dream. At the matching, when I felt that my match seemed nervous in front of me, I just wanted to put out my hand involuntarily. When I did that, he held my hand." (S. Suzuki)


"I felt that I was totally in the hand of Heaven when I was determined to come to Korea for the Cheon Il Guk Matching. I am so happy that I received such precious grace from True Parents and I still don't know if this is true or a dream. I would like to direct my life centering on Heaven and fulfill the duty as a filial son. I want to do my best to love my future spouse." (Valdini)


Dear All,

Greeting from Chung Pyung. First of all I would like to share good news of all blessing candidates of 60 couples (total 102 couples) are arriving to here from Canada and USA. Yesterday True Mother matched all 5 candidates from USA of Cheon Il Guk blessing. Many medias write articles of young 2nd gens good matching stories. Thank you for all parents and family members for your great effort. Let all give our support and prayer for the sake of True Parents, all blessing candidates and the first anniversary of the Foundation Day blessing. God bless you and your family.

Dr. Ki Hoon Kim

Continental Chairman

Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Universal Peace Federation