Hak Ja Han
May 8, 2016
To Thai Tribal Messiahs
Cheon Jeong Gung
All of you know the Divine Principle. You probably understand the meaning of the word “indemnity” as used in the Principle. A person has to pay indemnity in order to correct a wrong. In the history of the Family Federation in Thailand, Thai authorities persecuted Dr. Lek Thaveetermsakul. How long was the prison term of the eight Thai leaders? Twenty-one months, and the trial lasted twenty-one years. They truly paid a huge amount of indemnity. Therefore, Satan could no longer hinder God’s work in relation to the Principle.
God created heaven and earth in the beginning and had a dream of the future through humankind. God desired Adam and Eve to grow and receive the blessing under his realm of protection. God’s vision was for them to become the true parents and true ancestors of all human beings, but they failed to fulfill their responsibilities. The Fall saddened God. However, because God has the blueprint of the ideal creation, he could not simply discard everything. Thus, the providence of salvation commenced. Regardless of how omniscient and omnipotent the Almighty is, from you, conditions for Satan to accuse must not arise.
The loss of Jesus
Because God’s intention through the Creation was for human beings to perfect themselves and achieve oneness with him, an individual among fallen people who can shoulder his or her own portion of responsibility and attain perfection must arise. Within the historical providence of salvation, God selected a group of people within the fallen world and called them the chosen people. Then, as he cultivated them and waited for them to establish a national foundation, he told them he would send to them the Messiah.
Just as he had promised, God sent Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Even though the Messiah possessed great capabilities, in order for him to establish a nation, a central figure and a people were required. That is why God raised the Israelites to receive his only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Then Judaism…the high priest, Zechariah’s family, Mary (who gave birth to the only begotten son) and the Jews had to act as a fence for Jesus and become one with Jesus. Because they could not achieve that unity, Jesus had no place, no foundation to stand on.
Consequently, Jesus had no choice but to take the way of the cross. As he died, he promised he would return to hold the marriage supper of the Lamb. Fallen people desire to meet True Parents. Since Jesus died on the cross two thousand years ago, the position of the only Son remained, but the only begotten daughter had not emerged. God could not enter the nation of Israel, could not use it again; the Israelites had failed to fulfill their responsibilities, so God’s doing that would have created grounds for Satan’s accusation.
A new chosen people
Mr. Ronnachit Phutthala, who is a Thai government official and ambassador for peace, with his wife receiving a gift from True Mother
In light of that, Heaven had to pick another nation of people to establish a foundation for his only begotten daughter. Simply put, the two thousand years of Christian history through the Korean people, the Republic of Korea, has been to prepare for the only begotten daughter, for the sake of the Returning Lord. The only begotten daughter is True Mother, born in 1943. Can you follow what I’m saying? The only begotten daughter had to be born on the Christian foundation because providential history unfolded in that direction.
Dae-mo nim was a person who was born in a family in which three generations consisted of an only-child, and she had fulfilled the central role in a religious group that offered immense devotion in order to prepare for the returning Lord. You have to be aware of this. Two thousand years ago, Mary did not fulfill her responsibilities in the presence of Jesus, but Dae-mo nim fulfilled her role in the presence of the only begotten daughter to have been born in six thousand years.
She protected and educated well the only begotten daughter and offered devotion for me to take part in the marriage supper of the Lamb, for the True Parents. She also led an exemplary life of serving True Parents in front of blessed families and other church members. Even after she went to the spirit world, she was able to carry out her role in lieu of True Parents. Hence, she was named Dae-mo [Great Mother]. She is an indispensable person to all fallen people. From that viewpoint, all of you are fortunate. In Jesus’ time, two thousand years ago, no similar environment existed. No fence protected all of you, but if you look at the history of Chung Pyung, Dae-mo nim displayed absolute faith, love and obedience in the position of being one heart, one body, one mindset and one in harmony with True Parents. Though she was in the spirit world, she prepared for True Father’s ascension in the real world, which nobody had ever imagined or thought of doing. It was not something that just anybody could accomplish. That is why she is the one today responsible for preserving the dignity of those carrying out church activities in the world.
Approaching God
Robert Kittel, True Parents’ special emissary to Asia
Yes. Heavenly Parent is the parent of all human beings. True Parents are the ones who make it possible for us to come into God’s presence. Without them, none of you is able to approach God. Due to True Parents, we can stand before Almighty God, the Creator, as his children.
Particularly in the Orient, filial piety toward parents (concepts such as loving and respecting one’s parents) is taught [pointedly]. Parents love and take care of their children, and they fervently hope their children will surpass them. In many countries today, however, people are unaware of the philosophy of filial piety. Therefore, only those in the Family Federation act as responsible children in relation to Heavenly Parent, the Absolute Being. That is, by fulfilling one’s filial duty.
Think communally
Receiving the blessing is not for your benefit alone; the desire of Heavenly Parent is to be able to embrace the 7.3 billion people of the world as his children. In that case, those of you that received the blessing earlier have to guide the rest of the world to participate in the blessing. In plain language, the more happiness is shared the more it will spread. The more blessings you give to others, the more happiness you will receive in return.
Governor Ronnachit (who spoke to you earlier) I am proud of you. One’s original mind yearns to be expressed. I would like to congratulate him for being able to take the path toward the position of a true, filial son and a true loyal subject.
It can be lonely by oneself. If all brothers and sisters go together, happiness will multiply. All the people of today’s world will feel that they should not think only of their own well-being and prosperity or that of their own countries. Only when those in their neighboring countries are all happy at the same time will those in their countries be happy. All the world’s countries are brethren in the presence of Heavenly Father, the Creator, and True Parents.
True Parents’ mission
At right, the regional president, Rev. Chong-sik Yong, listens as Thai national leader, Kamol Thananopavarn speaks
When the environment to welcome the returning Lord was ready, God utilized democracy rather than monarchy. Hence, it is not that the United States was doing well. Rather, the U.S. committed many mistakes. In providential history, however, Christianity laid the foundation that could receive the only begotten daughter and the returning Lord. For the sake of religious reformation, God led the Puritans to establish America. Religious freedom was proclaimed. Even in the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic authority was powerful, but this later broke up into various denominations. Many regulations existed. To awaken the original mind within all human beings, God had to cause people to search for the parents. As Roman Catholicism was too bureaucratic and its leaders had little foresight, it just flowed away like an incantation one is trying to memorize.
Heaven could not simply sit still and do nothing. Therefore, Heavenly Parent permitted the God-centered Puritan movement on the new continent. Before the bicentennial anniversary of the founding of America, God bestowed his blessings in a place where he could embrace the entire world. The blessings were not solely for America itself, though. Since Americans did not look up to God or knew nothing about his purpose for the Creation, True Parents officially went to the United States in 1972 to awaken that nation. We went there as doctors to solve the problem of family breakups. The decadent culture in society was destroying the United States. We had come as firefighters to extinguish the blaze. Since then, True Parents kicked off providential history, which reformed and awakened the U.S. In his almost forty years there, True Father developed the history of the providence. Since the providential history of the United States embraces the entire world, Father was trying to embrace the world through awakening the U.S., having left Korea and Asia behind.
However, because True Parents have forged all the paths for humankind to move forward on, True Parents have fulfilled their responsibilities. The door to receiving the blessing has now opened in Asia. You need to understand this.
Work toward personal renewal
You are blessed people. Be grateful in front of Heaven. When you were not yet aware, unspeakable pain arose in providential history. However, due to hard work, the door has opened for the world. You need to understand that the place in the spiritual world and the substantial world where one can best experience and feel grace and blessings is Chung Pyung. Do you understand?
All of you are sad at heart. You need to come often if you miss True Parents. Only then can the level of your hearts develop. For instance, if a student pays close attention to his or her teachers in elementary school, middle school and high school and even in college, and grows up normally, he or she will eventually be somebody great, with all types of knowledge. By supplying you with the essential spiritual and physical nutrients, this place can help shape you into that type of person. In this way, you lay your foundation here.
Dae-mo nim’s spirit world efforts
This is possible due to the substantial providential history of Dae-mo nim, centered on True Parents. Two thousand years ago, Jesus lost his four-position foundation due to Mary’s failure. Nevertheless, that fourposition foundation came back alive, owing to the foundation of the only begotten daughter to have been born in six thousand years. I fulfilled my responsibility. So who am I? Satan cannot invade.
When Dae-mo nim passed on to the spirit world, the first thing she started doing was subjugating Lucifer, the archangel. Natural subjugation… You probably have not heard that Dae-mo nim subjugated Satan with true love. She awakened the heart of the archangel, who had assisted in the providence of creation together with God in the beginning. Overcome by unfortunate greed and thus causing the Fall, Lucifer became the ringleader who brought human beings into the satanic realm.
She educated and persuaded him in his original, unfallen archangelic position. She showed him love and talked him into coming back to his natural self with his original mind. I know this as a fact. Do you understand?
This was not done by rule of thumb. You have to understand and explain with the law of the Principle. There will not be other True Parents’ ideologies. They are the highest. When many nations know of and attend True Parents, the world will naturally have peace. Human beings are striving for freedom and a world of peace; the answer is True Parents. Do you understand? Thus, fulfill your responsibilities in your nation. Then expand to neighboring nations. In that way, happiness will spread. By fulfilling your portion of the responsibility, Thailand will be the central nation in Asia. Doesn’t it sound tempting? Go right ahead and do it.