This is the moment when Africa will be revealed to the world as Heavenly Africa

Hak Ja Han
January 18, 2018
Africa Summit 2018: Opening Plenary, True Parents' Keynote Address
Abdou Diouf International Conference Center (CICAD), Dakar, Senegal


Respected President Macky Sall, presidents of national assemblies, distinguished guests from all across Africa, religious figures, traditional chiefs, members of IAPP:

Today we have gathered here to open a new chapter in history. You have gathered here at this historic and eternal moment when Africa will be revealed to the world as heavenly Africa, which attends God at its center. You know the pyramids that rise towering over the desert near the Nile River where the ancient civilization arose. Even with the technological skills we have today we cannot verify how 4,500 years ago [the Egyptians] were able to bring such big stones through the desert to create this stone structure. Why did they build such a structure?


Through the ceaseless use of their original minds, human beings instinctively want to return to God. More than they did their earthly life, they pursued the future and new life through rebirth and resurrection. This also becomes proof that humankind today is not taking the normal path. God created all things in heaven and on earth and then created the man and woman who would become humankind's first ancestor. God gave them a period of growth so that through that time they would come to fulfill their responsibilities. In summary, they should have grown looking toward God, aligned with God like a sunflower toward the sun. They should have developed in this way until they could become humankind's first ancestors and receive the blessing. However, during this period they were unable to do this. That is the cause of fallen humankind today. Yet God is an omniscient and omnipotent being. The beginning and the end must be the same. Therefore, God had no choice but to begin the bitter history of the providence of restoration through indemnity. How difficult and rough must that path have been that it took the long period of four thousand years to choose and then raise the Israelites until they had a national foundation for Heaven to send Jesus, God's only son! Yet what happened? The Israelites could not become the foundation for Jesus Christ. Jesus had no choice but to go the way of the cross. At the crucifixion, a thief was on Jesus' left and another was on his right. The thief on the left taunted Jesus. Seeing this, the thief on the right said, We have been condemned justly; we are getting what we deserve for what we have done, but this man has done nothing wrong.


Jesus said, today you will be with me in Paradise. Paradise! Jesus prophesied he would return. He said he would return to hold the marriage banquet of the Lamb. Why did Jesus go to Paradise? Paradise is not heaven. It is like a waiting room for going into heaven. This was why Jesus had to return. He had to return to meet God's only daughter and be in the position of True Parents. Fallen humankind cannot be directly in God's presence on their own. I am saying they must be resurrected and reborn through the True Parents. The two thousand year history of Christianity began with the Pentecost [experience] of the apostles. Rome accepted Christianity in ad 313 and it then crossed into Italy and went across Europe to the island of Britain. Thus, the Atlantic realm civilization began and people in the nations around Britain headed out to the world. They set off in the name of Christ. However, they did not know Jesus' essence. They did not know God properly.


Therefore, in conclusion, they lived their lives not for others but lived lives of taking. I know that the place that suffered most was the African continent. Those who set off in Christianity's name did not educate the nations they colonized. In the end, they put their own benefit first and because of this, in conclusion, the curtain came down on the Atlantic civilization era. Heaven has prepared for the returning Messiah through a different people. That is Korea, the Republic of Korea, in Asia. There, God's only daughter whom God could call "my daughter" was born after six thousand years. With that foundation and with Heaven's protection, in 1960, we became the True Parents.

Yet, Christianity could not create the foundation. Just like two thousand years ago, during the time of Jesus, Christians who have been waiting for two thousand longs years know neither what they must do in the Last Days nor whom they were waiting for. In Genesis, it says, "And there was evening and there was morning -- the first day!" Christians are still in the evening. They have been unable to greet the morning. Those who have been preparing for two thousand years for this moment, can you still not wake up from your sleep?


The result and problem is that they did not know the Gods' nor the Messiah Jesus Christ's essence. Christianity has made many mistakes during these two thousand years. From within the Christian realm many denominations arose and Communism emerged. This was because they did not know the center. However, now, through my revealing the truths of Heaven's providential history, Africa will become heavenly Africa that attends God, a proud nation that can stand in front of the world as a guiding lamp. Today, with the heart of a true parent, as True Mother, I have come to eradicate Africa's past pain and begin a new history for Africa. This was why I chose this nation, Senegal. I have seen that Heaven has prepared and raised righteous people for this particular time. I pray that you can deeply feel that Heaven is with us. That is why, centered on Africa, I am opening a new era, the Pacific Civilization Era, which is a revolution of the culture by the heart of filial love. I pray that together we can go forward toward creating a happy kingdom of heaven on earth where all human beings attend Heavenly Parent as their center. Therefore, I am advocating a Peace Highway, which will travel from the south of Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope, through Africa, Europe, Eurasia, and Asia, connecting all the way to Korea. Through this, humankind will communicate and realize a kingdom of heaven on earth filled with freedom, equality, peace, unification, and happiness, in which there is no need for war and there is neither high nor low. Africa has much to do. I selected Africa as the priority. Today, when we look at the pollution and destruction caused by people's ignorance, we feel there is no hope for humankind's future, which is why I want Africa to return to the healthy state it had been in at the time God created it. Representatives from all nations, do you agree? I pray and ask that you can go forward to the day when we realize the dream of one human family under God working hand in hand together with me and with all nations as brothers and sisters in front of God.
