Hak Ja Han
March 3, 2015
Transcription by Airenae Culvy
Under True Parents' Blessing from the era before Heaven into the Era After The Coming of Heaven. The civilizations of the east and west are coming together.
(fusion of culture) (entering a new era)
Humankind is emerged from the wilderness and we are gradually building a better world. We find ourselves caught up in a great transition period in God's dispensation when God's Kingdom is taking root for the realization of world peace.
(2015 Turning Point)
(Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day)
It is as if the entire world is being purified by the winter's snow. Heaven and earth and all of humankind yearn for a world of peace, God's kingdom, which we call Cheon Il Guk.
On this day we proclaim that God's Providence to restore the world back to Him is concluding. TRUE MOTHER/TRUE PARENTS: "Today, on this, the thirteenth day of the first month of 2013, I proclaim the founding year of Cheon Il Guk!"
(Cheon Hwang Bo, Cheon Hwang Bong, Dedication of the Holy Scriptures)
After six thousand years, the Cheon Hwang Bo and Cheon Hwang Bong and the Scriptural Works of the new Cheon Seong Gyeong and Pyeong Hwa Gyeong are offered to Heaven.
Foundation Day is the origin, the beginning of Cheon Il Guk (Foundation Day for God's Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk) Through the grace of the Blessing, all humankind can now be registered as citizens of the heavenly kingdom.
(Cheon Il Guk Constitution)
"I hereby promulgate the Cheon Il Guk Constitution and present the twelve members of the Supreme Council in front of our Heavenly Parent and all of the cosmos."
(Proclamation of the beginning of the era governed by the Constitution)
The first Anniversary of The Foundation Day, the Constitution, rooted in the Family Pledge and God's Word, is announced, thus establishing the basis of Cheon Il Guk and signaling the beginning of a nation governed by Heavenly law.
The offices of the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council and the five organs of the Cheon Il Guk government, which is known as 'Cheon Jeong Won' are installed in the Cheon Jeong Peace Palace.
The Foundation Day celebration features a Blessing ceremony, service projects, international conferences, academic seminars and cultural events are also held to commemorate the day.
In all more than 20 events covering various fields of human endeavor, through which we express our appreciation to True Parents and celebrate the spirit of peace with all humankind.
"Let us establish a model family, on that is settled, by becoming one with God and by bringing oneness in relationships with people who are above and below, to the left and right, and to the front and rear, within the realm of unity with God.
When such families are formed, they expand into tribes, peoples, nations and a world under God."
Using this formula as our way forward, we can complete the ideal of Cheon Il Guk in heaven and on earth.
(The Moon Movement) (True Father's Devotion and Investment) (Advancement of the Providence) (The Realm of Cosmic Victory) (Inheriting Tribal Messiahship) (Mandate from Heaven, Tribal Messiahship)
On the crossroads of life and death through each twist and turn in the Providence of Restoration, True Parents advance the Providence with a single purpose based on God's Will and Their Devotion, but also allowed all tribal messiahs to inherit the realm of Their Victory in Heaven and on earth.
TRUE FATHER'S final instructions, True Mother has upheld and is carrying out Father's last wishes.
Tribal Messiahship is our Heavenly calling. Blessed families, called by Heaven are working toward the fulfillment of God's Providence, dedicating themselves to the path of God's Will.
(Dr. Lek Thaveetermasul Tribal Messiah, 430 families)
People are establishing Family Churches, holding small group meetings in their homes, and guiding their neighbors and relatives to the Blessing.
True Parents' initiatives in all spheres of activity throughout the world have been aimed toward the building of a world of peace and the salvation of humankind. This has been the source of inspiration for the work of our Blessed families.
(Third Year of Cheon Il Guk)
(Turning Point, Completion of Cheon Il Guk) (Training Capable People Worldwide) We have now entered the third year since embarking on this journey for the final settlement of the Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk.
(Dedicating True Parents' History Archives) (2014 World CARP Assembly) Unificationists are investing time and prayer and action for the establishment of God's Kingdom on earth. (Promoting the construction of Cheonji SunHak Won Memorial Museum) (2015 SunHak Peace Prize) Today Cheonbumo Gyeong will be offered to Heaven. It is a compilation of the record of True Parents' Blood, Sweat and Tears to liberate God and save humankind, completion of the compilation of all of the Three Holy Scripture of Cheon Il Guk.
(Completion of the Compilation of the Three Scriptural Works)
As heavenly tribal messiahs, let us uphold the model course of True Parents love and hasten to bring the nation of Cheon Il Guk to completion.
This Textbook of True Parents' Words and Life will be published in five languages: Korean, Japanese, English, Spanish and French. Through this, the spirit of peace and love can spread to the ends of the earth.
"These Words are our root. These are our living Words. They are one. With our descendants you should live and breathe these Words in your daily life."
As we carry out the tribal messiah activities, let us once again reflect upon our mission that has yet to be fulfilled.
God's dream is the establishment of a world where true love reigns over all families. That is the foundation that tribal messiahs are laying.
Couples from Thailand and the Philippines each brought 430 other couples to know God. They were invited to Korea to celebrate their accomplishment, This grace is now spreading beyond Asia to the rest of the world.
(Asia Summit)
The reason the Asian Summit Conference was held in the Philippines was to look for practical ways to implement peace under the theme of 'A New Paradigm for Peace'
(Asian Summit Philippines -- Toward peace, security and human development in the Asia Pacific Region')
Accompanying this was an Interfaith Peace Blessing Festival in which 144,000 people participated. This event has had the effect of inspiring others with a sense of what is possible.
Meanwhile, in Nepal, an Interfaith Blessing Festival drew 70,000, raising the flag of world peace high in that Himalayan nation.
"The Blessing is a blossoming of our faith. The Blessing is like a precious seed planted in the vibrant earth, binding a husband wife together in eternal true love. May you live a Blessed life as a Blessed couple with joyful Blessed children."
This year marks the 50th Anniversary of True Father/True Parents' visit to Japan in 1965, the first stop of True Parents' First World Tour.
Members of the Family Federation for World Peace in JAPAN are living in accordance with God's Word as they fulfill their responsibility as the mother nation. The activities of our members are increasing like a wave that gathers strength and sweeps the entire world.
In BRAZIL, members hold home group meetings in carrying out their mission as heavenly tribal messiahs.
In KOREA, one family successfully witnessed to 430 couples. We hope that more families will follow suit in the homeland of our faith.
Members are carrying out heavenly tribal messiah activities in all parts of the world. With God at their side, members are doing activities in order to convey the truth. Though they may not speak the local language, the Holy Spirit is with them in conveying their message. Miracles have occurred in their cities.
Members throughout the world are working with passion, devotion and altruistic love in caring for their neighbors in their work to bring 430 couples back to the complete love of God.
(World Peace)
Peace initiatives are being carried out in all walks of life with the participation of Ambassadors of Peace and former heads of state.
Near the Syrian border, efforts are underway to bring relief to those afflicted by terroristic occurrences and civil war. Still other initiatives continue to promote peace in the Middle East.
(10th Anniversary Interfaith Celebration...
"Jerusalem Declaration" MIDDLE EAST Peace Initiative) (Road Map to Inter-Korean Peace and Northeast Asia 2014) (The Korea Times -- Seoul wants Asia's UN Office in the DMZ -- International conference due to discuss feasibility)
INTERNATIONAL Seminars are hosted in Korea and in neighboring countries by the Family Federation and Segye Times has for many years supported the creation of a peace park and the installation of a fifth headquarters of the United Nations in the demilitarized zone to facilitate the creation of lasting peace in KOREA.
True Mother will be presenting the SunHak Peace Prize in August of this year to an individual or organization that has made a special contribution to world peace.
"You are the ones who are to lead your beloved families, your tribes and your nations. This is why you must now reveal the truth. You are the pioneers of Cheon Il Guk who need to move forward constantly in order to welcome that day."
True Father, You are like the vast blue sky. True Mother, You are like the deep blue sea. We are all working together with True Parents as our root and we want to be like green leaves put forth on a sturdy tree, we shall become Blessed Central Families that are connected to God
(Working for a world of peace)
2015, the turning point for seeing God's citizens, kingdom and sovereignty. Let us all light the beacon of the heavenly tribal messiah. Return glory to God and establish the foundation for Cheon Il Guk on earth!
It was a very moving video... Very soon we are going to welcome True Parents... True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind will enter... big round of applause... TRUE PARENTS are entering the stage.... big, big, bigger round of applause...
This time, next, we are going to offer a bow to True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, the King of kings (and Queen of queens) True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, keumbe... toro
Next is the offering of flowers, being done representing all the Blessed families around the world by Egay Kyeong and Kyong Bok Dei Blessed couple. These Blessed couples are the first Korean couple that has completed 430 Blessed couples witnessing result... the first to make that victory...
Next, it is time for the presentation of the final Holy Scripture. Please give a big, big round of applause... to True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind... Thank you very much
Next are the Words. Let's sit down and we are going to watch a video presentation of the Words.
The title is 'THE ONE WORLD OF PEACE, CHEON IL GUK ' video message for the 2nd Anniversary of Foundation Day. It is True Mother's Words.
TRUE MOTHER/ TRUE PARENTS SPEAKS: (video presentation)
Even though human beings had sought goodness according to the actions of their consciences all throughout humankind's long history, today we face an indescribably complicated era afflicted with racial problems, religious problems, ideological problems, territorial problems, boundary lines, defense lines and others.
We cannot just sit quietly. We know that God is working hard and not resting in order to conduct the providence.
This problem arose because man deviated from the main track, and the indemnity providence was necessary to enable human being to return to the original track through their own efforts. However, this was a difficult problem for human beings to solve alone.
Through the history of all religions, especially Christianity, the messianic idea came to us as our ultimate expectation. But Jesus, who came two thousand years ago as the begotten son, should have met the begotten daughter, and they should have become True Parents.
The Roman Empire was already prepared to be the realm of kings. It was already prepared to enable Jesus message to be spread throughout the world. But two thousand years of suffering have passed since then. Jesus promised that he would return; and, he promised to hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. That means he wanted to become the True Parent that gives new life and resurrects fallen human beings as God's children.
At the Second Coming, God sent the Lord Whom He had prepared. True Parents have come to the earth as the returning Messiah, and have completed and perfected the providential history of restoration through indemnity!
You all know the spirit world exists. The spirit world is our ultimate destination. We cannot live in our physical bodies for much more than a hundred years. If we are to go there, we must rid ourselves of everything that is wrong and which is of this world. We must shape our mind, our body, our family, tribe and nation so that we can be welcomed in the eternal world.
However nice a place you may reach, if you are alone, you will feel lonely.
As you will lead your beloved families, tribes, and nations, you must now reveal the truth.
The world is still full of problems left unresolved. People of the world live in a state of insecurity not knowing what could happen to them the next day.
The beautiful natural world is being destroyed through the fault and wrongful actions of human beings.
Our mission is important. We must take the lead in guiding others onto the path heading toward a world of peace. Let us (be able to) say that your citizens are not alone in revering Heaven, loving people and loving the country and that the surrounding countries do the same thing. If all countries had such a heart, would they be greedy? If all nations cooperated in the heart of loving heaven, loving the people and loving their nation beginning with Asia, peace would certainly spread from Asia out to the world.
The Unification Movement is a movement through which the Blessed families and Peace Ambassadors can cooperate with each other closely to develop the true family and sexual morality movements, defending the young people of the world from family breakdown or involvement in crime.
Many countries have their own path, their own dreams. I am sure that those in leadership positions, the heads of state and those in charge, people leading nations, would want their people to live well, wouldn't they? However, at this point, it is impossible to pursue one's national interests alone and promote happiness, freedom and peace.
There are many national boundaries and many indescribable barriers such as racial and religious conflicts. Yet we know about these. When we serve our Heavenly Parent, the Creator, we know what path the seven billion people on earth should follow.
True Parents are the ones who have taught the way we should follow. All countries can become one as sibling nations through True Parents. If the 194 countries move together with one heart and vision, all the problems that human beings are agonizing over can be resolved.
In particular, we are facing many dangers as a result of environmental problems. The disorderliness of humanity is destroying creation. The natural environment, which is a source of joy to us, is being destroyed.
Even though our leaders are greatly concerned about this environmental problem---because they worry about everything in the future---it is quite unfortunate that they have not been able to do anything about it.
We must communicate. We must be able to talk to one another. In order to do so, however, we must have one center, we must have one goal. Then we will certainly be able to realize the one world that True Parents, our Heavenly Parent and humanity have desired.
The unified world of heaven and earth, the subject of Heaven Parents and of our deep yearning will materialize before us without fail if this movement of practicing true love as taught by True Parents expands from this nation all throughout the entire world.
I ask that you do your best wherever you may be. The 430-couple heavenly tribal messiah mission will be surprisingly easy. That mission is the one that enables you to give people hope and become their proud Cheon Il Guk ancestors who introduced the True Parents to them, the orphans who were once lost and wandering, having lost their parents.
You can become pioneers, the good children and loyal subjects of Heaven.
That is why I ask you again sincerely, to not only relieve the angst of Heavenly Parent, True Parents, and Jesus Christ, but also to live on earth as victors, truly good children and loyal subjects who can be remembered by True Parents in the spirit world, the world that is eternal.
Thank you very much for this beautiful video...
Now, let us welcome True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind to the podium.
So, everyone, please stand up and let's welcome True Parents with a big round of applause, give bigger, louder cheers and applause... Please sit down.
Most beloved, distinguished guests, and all the Blessed families around the world and members who are here, we are, this new year, this Cheon Il Guk Third Year, as we waited for this day, even like Heaven has given us beautiful snow, and like this beautiful white snow, let's be beautiful. It is showing us that we should live a life without any stains.
So, most beloved Blessed families, you, as we welcome this third year of Cheon Il Guk in this year of the blue ram, what kind of determination did you make?
So, compared to last year, this new mind, our lifestyle itself, our lifestyle itself must develop and prosper, right? (applause)
This day, I asked myself in front of Heaven, I express my gratitude and congratulate and also return glory and love and it is a day that I feel everything.
After the Seong Hwa of True Father, this Three Great Scriptures, I have tried my best to offer (this Three Great Scriptures) in front of Heaven, and this final Scripture, (the Cheon Byong Gyeong?), today these Three Great Scriptures are able to be offered (applause)
Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know how much gratitude you have as you welcome this beautiful day, but Heaven has waited for six thousand years of human history of Heaven's works in the human history of the providence of restoration of history, this providence of indemnity.
In one word, it was devastating, in one word.
It was completely difficult as building this Center and looking at the path of walking the straight path, Heavenly Parent Who has waited for that straight path to come. Because of the failure of the central figures until today, Heaven had to wait, had to wait again. This was the position that Heaven had to stand in.
However, 1960, on this day, it was a beautiful morning. It was a day with a beautiful sun in the morning, the rising sun, True Parents... for the first time in human history; and, that never will happen again. We are in the midst of that. It is an unprecedented Event that will never happen again in the future.
(The Day in 1960) It was the day that True Parents began.
So, as Heaven has progressed this path of restoration after the fall of humankind, we are looking at the fallen ignorance of humankind and building through many, many religions over the past decades. There was a limit to actually make this happen.
The roots of the Fall...without knowing the roots of the Fall, it was impossible to solve this problem, this great, great problem... It was a very difficult, difficult situation. Israel people were selected, and the Providence of indemnity was to be achieved by Heavenly Parent, and so He sent the only begotten Son. However, this begotten Son could not shine bright with light. For that to happen, the Heavenly Parent God's Heart was so.... was ripped apart in many pieces. This was the pain that He had.
However, this 4,000 years, after 4,000 years of growing this people, the final Son, the Position of the Son to be sent here on this earth, that Position was still there; it remained (to be fulfilled) with (Jesus') promise that he will come back again. And that was 2,000 years of the Christian history. So, if that was the case, then, the Messiah will come again. But then, would he come on a cloud? (Said incredulously) Is that okay?
In this 20th Century, as this 20th Century passes, ignorant people believed and waited for the Lord to come down through a cloud, with a physical body, leading this Providence of restoration. It was impossible to imagine such a Messiah. That is the (trend of the teaching of Christianity) For 50 years, the history of the Unification Church, during that time (there was such struggle)...
Pause... So, today I said it is a beautiful, joyful day; and, I don't want to say negative words. I don't want to say anything like that; so, we, we have to proclaim the truth. We have to testify to the truth, right now!
When you look at the environment that we have today... Who is the owner of this world today? People say they cannot find that owner. Is it the communist world? Is it the democratic world? Is it the wealthiest nation that will be the center of this world? No. The true owner must appear and emerge. Who is that true owner? It is the one who can accomplish and complete this heavenly providence. That person has to accomplish it. So, that person is the True Parents! You know this? (applause and cheers)
So, when you look at Romans, there is a saying; but, when human beings, when they look and read this Biblical quote, they cannot see the heavenly heart. So, this owner will come and visit; and, without engrafting, then it cannot happen. Engrafting is not easy. To be engrafted into the true olive tree, there needs to be responsibility.
The roots... Once the roots are deeply implanted, it doesn't matter what kind of situation arises, you can overcome it. What does this mean, ladies and gentlemen? You by and through True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, you have received the Blessing, right? Then, if that is the case, then as Blessed families, what should we do? So, are you going to finish that Blessing as only your Blessing of your family? (Today, how have I lived?) But it doesn't mean that you have accomplished, that you have lived as True Parents in this lifetime, okay? (As you need to still do) The Blessed families must fulfill their responsibility.
This is not a Blessing just for you or your family. It cannot end like this. It has to be spread to your neighbors, to your tribes, to your nation. And to that nation, you have to testify that the True Parents, the true owners, you have to testify that They are the true owners. (applause and cheers)
That path is the path that you have to do with Words (Their Word and your own words). You have to proclaim and give the teachings of True Parents. You have to practice the true love and become such heavenly tribal messiahs.
Please fulfill your responsibility; and, through this religion and through this race, and through the boundaries, and all the destroying factors, and all the people, the people who are dying... Are you able to just look at them and pass by? No. We have to teach them the right way and to bring them as the children of True Parents. This is the only path. This is the only thing that we wish for, what God wishes, what everybody wishes; and, that is the path for us to connect to God.
So, please let this in your hearts and please do your best. I ask of you and I sincerely ask of your from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you to the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind for the beautiful Words of Cheon Il Guk... Let's hear a big, big round of applause for True Parents... and great, great cheers... and now once again thank you for True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind who bestowed the beautiful Words to us we offer glory... So, please sit down ladies and gentlemen
So, now, this time we are going to have a congratulatory song to celebrate this 2nd Anniversary of the Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day
(oh shyo neh)
big round of applause once again...
This is Part 2. We are going to begin the Cosmic Blessing Ceremony (no translation of this part, while they changed translators) From now on, having The True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, we will carry on with the Cosmic Blessing Ceremony First of all, we will have the entrance of bridesmaids. All of the brides and grooms and all of the guests please stand for the entrance of bridesmaids.
We will have twelve couples, 21 couples of bridesmaids. The 21 couples have first been Blessed by the cosmic Parents and they have already realized an ideal family.
Now will be the entrance of The Officiator. In 2015 the Cosmic Blessing Ceremony by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, the entrance of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Please give a big round of applause Halleluiah, Halleluiah... Please give another big round of applause for the entrance of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind...
May all the guests be seated. Only the people who are guests may sit. Blessed couples, please stay standing.
This is the Holy Water Ceremony. May the 12 couples who were chosen in advance come up to the stage The beautiful couples are now going onstage. The Officiator will pray with the holy water and give the Blessing. This holy water has a special meaning of terminating all the past life and starting a new life of restoration.
May the couples onstage thank the True Parents and please leave. You may now descend the stage. Please give another big round of applause to our beautiful couples descending the stage.
From now on it is the time of the affirmation of vows by the True Parents. When asked a question by the True Parents, please respond with a big 'Yes."
True Mother asks:
"Do you promise, as virtuous men and women, who will complete the original ideal of our Heavenly Parents' Creation to become eternal husband and wife, to inherit and pass on the tradition established by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and to establish ideal families of Cheon Il Guk? "Yes."
The historical affirmation of vows has ended.
Next is the benediction. Please hold onto the arms of your husband. May all the brides hold onto the arms of the grooms.
The Benediction: (True Father/True Parents' Voice reading the Benediction)
"Heavenly Father Who is the Great Lord of the Cosmos, We give sincere thanks that You have permitted us this day to hold this Ceremony as Heaven has especially permitted us this day to perform acts of goodness in the midst of such a wonderful environment. We beseech that you will grant your Blessings on these brides and grooms who stand here in holiness with the justification of having become Your children as the Parent of Heaven, the men and women representing 6.5 billion people of the world, and we now attend Heaven in this splendid environment with hearts of joy and jubilation.
We give sincere thanks Father, that You have allowed the grace of being able to inherit the lineage of the holy Blessing, whereby we are born again in accordance with the relationship of flesh and blood with the True Parents in the 194 Abel-type countries and 193 Cain-type countries, centering on the 6.5 billion people of the world.
We are truly grateful that You have permitted us to have this day to commemorate this solemn occasion in the presence of all nations, all creation and the entire embodiment of the fruits presented by the King of all kings and all nations and the numerous kings in this history have become one with God in the Name of True Parents.
After the time of Creation, our Heavenly Father, You dreamed of the model Parent of all people and waited for the day of the Blessing; but, You could not Bless Adam and Eve and instead You lost them, and since then You have had to endure for tens of thousands of years until this present tens of thousands of couples have been called here after undergoing suffering and difficulty to inherit the realm of heart under Your lineage. But, Father, please welcome these brides and grooms into your Heart with open arms.
In the presence of Your Heart which has yearned for Adam and Eve to reach their 20's have come tens of thousands of children to be Blessed after thousands of years have passed. So, please embrace them with a wide Heart and deep and noble affection. Please allow their children to be Blessed in the spirit world. Aaajuuu
Please give a big round of applause to our Heavenly Parents for giving such a precious benediction.
(continued soon)