Hak Ja Han
May 11, 2014
Transcript of Peace TV 2nd Week in May Report HC 4.6-12
Unofficial notes
Presenter is Sisa Hirano
May in Korea has several holidays to emphasize the importance of the family, reminding us to of our hearts as children before Heaven and the parental hearts we need to have for the world.
This is also the month in Korea when all the flowers and leaves come out.
(Song in Korean: Our Heavenly Parents' Love, True Parents' Great and Vast Love - Newly born humanity, a world where people live for one another's sake, the five wide vast oceans, The six endlessly unfolding continents, True Parents deep vast Love)
This week we are again conveying the news of True Parents and of members around the world
True Mother conducted a Special Meeting of Regional Presidents
True Mother conducted a special meeting of Regional Presidents on the 8th of May, held at Cheong Gyeong Gung with True Mother
Regional Presidents including those from Korea and Japan reported on the activities in their regions during the second year of Cheon Il Guk and presented their future plans.
After listening to all their reports, True Mother reorganized the Family Federation International Headquarters in some regions and said that 'We who have been called must complete Cheon Il Guk.
True Mother:
'When you see My Face, do your hearts feel happy? Satisfied? I also want to be happy when I see your faces.
I have told you to become noble families. Becoming the originator of a noble blood line is only possible while I am still alive."
I have told you to become noble families. becoming the originator of a noble blood line is only possible while i am still alive.
True Mother continues: "This moment is one through which you can reach the position of a forerunner and establish a noble family.
True Parents have no in-laws. All seven billion people are our children. Do you understand?"
The Commentator continues: As it was Parents' Day here in Korea, the luncheon that followed allowed participants to express their gratitude to True Parents for dedicating Their Lives for the salvation of humanity.
All those participating expressed their heartfelt commitment to bringing success in their mission areas. (My note: I want to be sure to pray for these Korean leaders... I love them so much for being there to show Mother their dedication and have talents to contribute and lead our 20/20 success after Mother's Heart, Word and Direction...)
Worship Service dedicating the newly renovated Yangpyeong Family Church
Worship Service Dedicating the Newly Renovated Yangpyeong Family Church in Gyeonggi Province
This was to better prepare for success in 20/20 Vision acitivites.
They held a worship service to rededicate the building.
During the May 4th Service, members who had contributed to the renovation of the Church received plaques of appreciation.
Yangpyeong Family Church Pastor Rev. Ahn Gap-dong expressed his thanks to the members who funded the renovation without help from the national headquarters.
Senior Member, Deaconess Kim Ok-gi, who is Kwon Jin Nim's Mother-in-Law offered congratulatory remarks.
Word of encouragement were given that the newly renovated Church would soon Rev. welcome more members came from Hwang Bo-gun Northern District Head, Gyeonggi Province.
Lee Gi-seong, Vice President of our Church in Korea (FFWPU Korea) also expressed his hope that YeongPeong Church would give new life to many through the dedication and passion of its members.
All made the determination to do their utmost for the success of Vision 20/20
Establishment of an Albanian Peace Council in Presheva, Servia
On April 27 Establishment of an Albanian Peace council in Presheva, Serbia (a town with a mainly ethnic population) under the title 'Peace Embassadors that Live for the Sake of Others'
Some 100 members of the society, including local government heads, scholars professors, representatives of specific groups and other leaders participated... The entire event was broadcast live on local TV.
In his keynote address, former President of Albania, H.E. Alfred Moisiu, expressed his appreciation for the Peace Ambassadors activities and his hopes for the Peace Council.
Shin Gi-yeong, The Cheon Il Guk Special Envoy to Albania and Kosovo, proposed that a Balkins Peace Council be established based on the Example of True Parents' Lives and Teachings.
The Event included the appointment of several prominent civil leaders to the position of Peace Ambassador.
Presenter Sisa Hisano:
The global joint service for the Victory of Vision 20/20 will be held this coming Sunday, May 11 at Chung Pyung Peace World Center in Chung Pyung. Peace TV will be providing a live webcast in 12 languages, including Korean, Japanese, English, Spanish and French. We hope this language service will be useful for members who cannot participate in this service directly.
We hope you can become close at heart with True Parents through Peace TV, which wants to help everyone be connected. Everyone watching this presentation, we hope you have a Blessed weekend.
Please send news to us so that your region's good efforts can be known to English and Spanish-speaking members everywhere.