True Mother Travels to Central Japan for Speaking Tour

October 22, 2013
Translator: by Lymhwa Kim


True Mother made a stop at Port Messe, Nagoya in Central Japan on October 18th, as part of the continuation of “The Rally for the 55th Anniversary of the Arrival of Missionaries in Japan.”

A warm applause of 7,000 people, including blessed families, peace ambassadors, influential locals, and several members of the House of Representatives welcomed True Mother at the rally. At the start of the event the participants waved the flags for the Family Federation for Word Peace and Unification (FFWPU) and the Unification Church symbol.


During the speech, True Mother said, “Whenever I come to Nagoya, I always feel right at home.” She then explained Japan’s providential mission as a mother nation. She talked about the elder members in Japan in the early days, mentioning some of the elders by name, such as Michiko Matsumoto, Haruko Gannari, Nobuko Hayasi, etc. It was their absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience that made the foundation of current Japan Unification Church, she explained. “We should give them a big applause with a thankful heart,” True Mother said. She explained the sorrow and suffering of the Heavenly Parent during the 6,000 years of providential history of restoration to save the fallen humankind in world history. She emphasized that God’s blessing for Great Britain and the United States had come back to Japan. This is the reason why Heavenly Parent gave the important mission to the parent nations [of Korea and Japan] of preparing the world to meet the Messiah and to encounter the profound love of the Heavenly Parent.


True Mother also asked the Japanese people, especially their leaders, to expand their horizons so that their eyes can fully see the world. She observed that the people who can make that happen are the blessed families, church members, and the second- and third generation. She called upon the 600,000 blessed families in Japan to take on a role in the front lines of international society.


She concluded her speech by asking members to become filial, devoted sons and daughters who can liberate Heavenly Parent and make Heavenly Parent and mankind happy through witnessing. Which means bringing new life and opening the way to becoming eternally rich.

After True Mother’s talk, the event concluded with three cheers of Eok Mansei led by Mr. Kunihiko Yasii, the leader of district seven.