True Parents ended the providential history of restoration through indemnity

Hak Ja Han
January 7, 2016
Cheon Jeong Gung

Before I speak, let’s hear the happy birthday song. Singers: Sing praises, sing worship / True Parents’ holy birthday / Hallelujah, hallelujah / Heavenly Parent is happy! / He responds to us / heaven and earth and all things / all people around the world / People of five colors, praise and bow with happiness! /

How is it? After hearing reports from each organization -- the Korean headquarters, the Japanese headquarters, UPF, the Women’s Federation, Il Hwa, and YongPyong Resort -- and hearing the intent of each of you to advance without stopping with hope toward 2020, I feel happy.


Through the Bible, we know that the Israelites overcame many difficulties. Their hope was to go to the land of Canaan that heaven had blessed. In order to manifest this dream, they endured harsh adversity with single-minded devotion. You know this, right? In the end, they entered Canaan led by Joshua and Caleb. Yet did they set down roots in Canaan? In the end, they could not establish a center. Yet heaven still gave another chance to the Israelites by sending God’s only begotten son, Jesus Christ. However, they did not fulfil their responsibility, did they? What do the Israelites look like to us today? This is not just a fact in history. It is a problem, and we have to think about it seriously.

True Parents have ended the providential history of restoration through indemnity and begun the new era of Cheon Il Guk, but have we settled? Our path is to securely restore the nations and God’s sovereignty. If we do not take responsibility within this age, the history of indemnity that the Israelites had to go through on behalf of the world will happen to us. This would mean that we could no longer receive forgiveness.

True Parents have personally nurtured and educated you. We prepared everything so that you can be responsible as blessed families and as leaders. You are different from the Israelites of the past.


This means that you are in the center of providential history. You are in such a glorious position, an honored position that is impossible to express. Yet, with that, responsibility follows.

The [Korean] national leader and the president of FFWPU Japan said this already, but True Parents are the True Parents of 7.3 billion people. The 7.3 billion people need to become True Parents’ children and True Parents’ citizens. God’s wish, our Heavenly Parents’ wish, and True Parents’ wish is one human family. In order to achieve this, your resolve and attitude must be clear. Earlier two companies explained the growth process of their organizations, but it is the same for the rest of you too.

Every single day you must develop your status, your achievements and results. Nowadays, in reality, the world is going through a hard time due to global warming issues. One very famous scholar said that the fate, the future of this earth is only fifty years. If we keep going in this state -- we have already lost a year, so within forty-nine years -- this means there is no hope for the earth. There is no solution to these issues. True Parents are the only way to solve it. Racial problems, religious problems, border problems, who will solve them? Will the UN solve them? They have worked hard up until now, but they cannot. Everyone sings, peace, peace, peace, but on one else knows the way. They do not know how. There is no hope besides us.

It’s a bit late, but True Parents’ birthday needs to be known to the whole world quickly. That is the hope of humanity. So I wrote a song. Sing praises, sing worship / True Parents’ holy birthday / Hallelujah, hallelujah / Heavenly Parent is happy! / He responds to us / heaven and earth and all things / all people around the world / People of five colors, praise and bow with happiness! / I sent this to America to be made, and David Eaton -- he is a famous member -- made it like this. How is it, do you like it? [Yes] In Korea and Japan, they composed a song with these lyrics. That is not at all that bad either. The genre is for choirs, I mean, like an opera, and it is cheerful. Thus, I plan to use it well. Therefore, “Happy Birthday to You,” the secular birthday song will be changed to sing praise, sing glory. Let us try harder toward the day when all people give thanks and live with hope as they look forward to celebrating True Parents’ birthday. -- at Cheon Jeong Gung.