True Parents walked this difficult path because they knew Heavens Will

Hak Ja Han
August 30, 2015
Third Anniversary of True Father's Seonghwa
Transcription: Sammi Vanderstok


God sent Jesus and wanted to complete the history of restoration -- heaven worked so hard but it ended in disappointment and pain -- this is why Jesus said "I will come again."

The mission of Christians was to prepare for the messiah but they did not clearly understand God's providence -- we see that Communism was created from the failure of Christianity and how painful the reality is from heaven's view. However, the history of the providence continues to march forward.

This nation (Korea) faced its crisis for 70 years since Korea became independent -- however Heaven selected this nation and this people so that the messiah and the only son and daughter were born to this nation.

However, in the world, for the people who are in the position of leaders, it is difficult for them to go down to the lowest level -- but if you look at if you look at True Parents life course they came on the foundation of Christianity but they were not welcomed and they had to start as the servant of servants. Nevertheless, they walked this difficult path because they knew Heavens Will and determined to realize the dream of God and resolved to accomplish this mission.

When you look at the world in 1970, after World War II -- the USA was the representative of democracy -- however, even in the US there were great challenges. The currency says "In God we Trust" -- this was the nation to follow and serve God yet it was facing the crisis of communism, moral problems and family breakdown. However, no one could solve this problem. True Father left Korea behind and said "I came as a doctor to treat America." In America and all its leaders, True Father awakened their spirit so that they respected True Father. But they could not look to the future and these leaders, they blocked the path of True Father moving forward. But True Father forgave them, raised the USA, and the threat of communism was overcome.

Not only did True Father do this in the USA but also in all of South America -- three times South America was also communized and he saved them too. However, the world does not recognize that one person did all this -- it was only possible because he was the True Father, the True Parent. *Mother cries* This is not all -- on several occasions True Parents' invested themselves and worried about the fate of the world -- they prepared so much for this earth. For 2,000 years, Christianity was prepared and if Christianity had helped, the providence wouldn't have been so painful.

However, through ICUS (International Conference for the Unity of Sciences) -- the way to world peace through by building an international highway was created and in 2006 True Father began to move the nations and US cities and visited 128 nations and lectured. All around the world (Africa, Chile, Europe) -- True Father talked about the Bering Strait tunnel and a bridge across the Japanese islands that would help make the world one through this highway. This is the vision Rev. Moon gave us.

This is the historic path walked by True Father and now at today's third Seunghwa, 120 nations participated in the Peace Road and was ended successfully. In history, today when we look at the strong nations, they all think they are the center, they look after their national interests first. However, through the True Parent's we can all together become one. 100 years ago in India, there was a poet who praised Korea and predicted it would be the shining light of the world. Today, with the Korean economy -- is this the shining light of the world? That is not it. The light is the teachings of True Parent's and that is what can stand before Asia and all the world.

If that is the case, all of you are gathered here today -- what would you like to tell True Father? We should say "True Father -- from now on, please do not worry. We will absolutely complete our responsibility. Until now, God was lonely -- please go comfort God and liberate him, this is my hope and desire."

This is our responsibility that we can show before the world -- the light of the culture of heart -- please march forward to do your best.
