Hak Ja Han
February 21, 2018
7 am Pledge Service at Cheon Jeong Gung (1.6 on the Heavenly Calendar)
We are living in a new age. You must properly know God. When you do so, you will be able to attend God in your family, your nation, and the world. When God created heaven and earth, God created the world in his form, in his image. God created plus and minus in the mineral kingdom, stamen and pistil in the plant kingdom, male and female in the animal kingdom, and finally, God created a man and a woman that would become the first ancestors of humankind. The Bible refers to them as Adam and Eve. Unlike the world of all created things, God gave humans a growth period during which they could fulfill their responsibilities.
God created the heavens and the Earth. When we think of God, we think of someone in a high place, a dignified being who would not deign to lower his head to look down at the fallen human race. That is how God has been depicted. Yet the Bible says, "God is love." When we face all created things, the lovelier something is, the more beautiful and ecstatic we feel. When we look at it, we experience a heart of feeling united through joy.
When we look at the world of all things, and look at the human world, we must realize God, the Creator, was not only the masculine subject, but that living things could be born because there was a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother. You must know this clearly. Yet until now, religious people have only looked at one side. The completion of religion, the completion of humankind cannot come to be through one side. If you do not welcome the mother of the universe, True Mother, the only daughter of God, no salvation can come for humankind. We must take the path of knowing God's essence clearly and becoming one with God. Then the problems arising from race, religion, etc. -- these problems will no longer be problems.
We must unite with the victorious True Parents who are the substantial embodiment of Heavenly Parent. When you are reborn through the True Parents, you can appear in Heavenly Parent's presence. Each of you has your own responsibilities. You must first fulfill your responsibilities as heavenly tribal messiahs. I am telling you who live during this amazing providential age that you cannot keep this as yours alone. All 7.5 billion people of the world must know of Heavenly Parent's existence and know what Heavenly Parent's dream is. Therefore, through believing in, attending and following the victorious True Parents, you qualify as a true child who can stand in God's presence. At a time when you receive Heaven's blessings, should all humankind go to the spirit world without knowing, hearing about or living that kind of life or not?
Now what is there for you to fear? The path for religions, governments, and all entities to unite is through welcoming the mother of the universe, True Parents, the only daughter of God. All living things that live on earth wish to take that path.
For a long time, fallen humankind has been destroying this beautiful world. Therefore, as the mother of the universe, as the True Parents, I cannot ignore our descendants' future. It is my responsibility and yours to make right every wrong. We have welcomed the new year, 2018, the year of the golden dog, centered on the resolutions you have made. We must be victorious at an even higher level.