Hak Ja Han
January 3, 2017
True Parents' Special Gathering to Celebrate the Start of the 2017 New Year
Cheon Jeong Gung
One year has ended and a new year has begun, the year of the red rooster.
By the heavenly calendar, 24 days remain, but this is the year of the red rooster. They say the rooster is a bird that lets us know when the time has come to wake up.
In light of that, what is the very first thing we, FFWPU, must find so we can realize Heaven's providence, Heavenly Parent's dream, True Parents' dream, humanity's dream? What you must think about today is that only three years remain until our vision's goal in 2020.
Then for the New Year, as we greet the year of the red rooster, in which the rooster tells us to wake up, what are our responsibilities for national restoration?
You must inform all the people of this nation that they are the chosen people that Heaven has prepared. They are the people of Korea, the Republic of Korea, and the people among whom the True Parents were born.
Through this long period, God had waited for the True Parents, who could realize his dream.
In that difficult environment, True Parents were born on earth. Christianity, which Heaven had prepared to expand the providence, did not cooperate, leaving no choice but to start again from the very bottom. We have experienced many of those desperate moments over the last 50 years.
However, God had originally planned when he sent the returning lord to send him with a national foundation. Through that nation, all the world's nations would participate in Heavenly Parent's providence. Do you have any idea how much effort it took to create that environment?
In our goal to create the environment for the returning lord, the True Parents, our most urgent priority is national restoration. One of us has gone to spirit world, and while I am still here, we absolutely must create that environment.
We live in an era in which we can connect through the internet in a second, but what have you been doing? Heaven has given you a way in which one person can reach 10 people or a hundred people. Heaven gave you all of those methods. Why are you not using them? Do not lose this chance. Do you understand? That is why I have thought about many things.
From those of you here today, not many participated in the Korean War. If you think in terms of "enemy lines," and that you must regain the most important high ground to be victorious, what is the high ground you are facing with right now? It is the high ground of national restoration. In order to regain the high ground, all institutes must cooperate. That is why we need to strengthen the headquarters' organization. Early members, Ambassadors for Peace, national messiahs—their blessed families must unite with the Korean headquarters for the establishment of Cheon Il Guk, especially for the grand goal of national restoration.
As elders of the Cheon Eui Won (Cheon Il Guk Assembly) you must unite with the Korean headquarters and fully advance together. In order to regain the high ground, you must all become one. Do not think you are older so you know more. The more important goal is to unite. There is only one goal towards the higher ground. Have you made the determination for full advancement? If you have, then this year of the red rooster will be full of hope. Until now, we have been unable to fulfill our responsibilities and offer this to Father.
We must absolutely achieve this. If we advance with determination to do that, we can accomplish it. While I am on earth, I must take my rightful place for your sake and for the sake of your descendants. It is not possible for you to gauge all of the providence on your own. I have to be involved. That is why I am the True Parent. The True Parents know Heaven's providence. You must live in direct vertical alignment with the True Parents. I am a True Parent; there is no successor without True Parents' seal and blessing. There is no successor in the providence.
Therefore, I am planning many things. There is an educational institute centered on the Sun Moon Foundation for cultivating future leaders. However, there will also be the Sunhak Global Foundation, which will globally tie Korea, the United States and Asia together under one system. Sun Moon will also go in that. Do you understand? I am developing this kind of organization.
I spoke about national restoration, but it does not end with just national restoration. We must also achieve global restoration. The principle is that the nations that unite with True Parents' teachings will flourish and the nations that cannot unite will fail. That is why at the beginning of last year we proposed the IAPP, and throughout the year finished its establishment. In America, I proclaimed I was the True Parent in a place with the same significance as the Roman Senate during the Roman Age.
I said let us go forward united with the True Parents. In the midst of confusion, in front of humankind I said clearly that I am the True Parent and will reveal the truth. You must be grateful to me. The more restored nations there are the quicker Heaven's providence can come about.
Through UPF's Ambassadors for Peace foundation, now we will clearly say that we are attending the True Parents. For them to become the people, the nation, that receives True Parents' will, we must inform them. You have to do that to sink roots in all of the nations and regions where we established IAPP, so that they may restore nations that surrounding them. You must educate them in that way. Heaven has given us the opportunity for this to happen.
In this way, Heaven has prepared a global foundation. Until your last breath, you must do your utmost with the determination that you will absolutely realize, national and global restoration in attendance to True Parents. Do you understand? Will you do that?
We will do our best in order for this nation, this people, to receive Heaven's blessing in 2020.
I pray that you all absolutely become the people that will embrace the world as God's homeland. I pledge this! I pledge this! I pledge this!